michaela-writes · 2 years
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“I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”
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michaela-writes · 5 years
I think another problem with the mindset of kudos/comments on AO3 is part of the “stalking” culture on instagram. If you like a picture that is months old on instagram, its “insta-stalking” because you had to scroll through that person’s profile in order to find those months-old pictures. That is NOT how AO3 works. It’s not cringe or embarrassing to find a fic that was posted in 2012 and like it. It is there to read. 
Same for works on AO3. Sure, maybe some of us have some old works that aren’t up to our current standards of writing. But I, personally, am never going to look at a kudos email and think “ew omg I can’t believe someone found this fic from 2016 why are they liking it”. In fact, I am entirely going to go “nice! people are still reading some of my older works too, I’m glad they enjoyed it”. It’s an archive, it is meant to be a collection of transformative works, old and new, and you are meant to find them. 
In fact, if you find a work that is from five years ago and you really liked it? I bet the author would love a comment even then.
Stories are written to be read. 
Show some appreciation.
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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michaela-writes · 5 years
Good Tropes™
[Orders enough food for several people] and whatever you guys want
‘Sorry I’m late’ ‘You’re right on time’
Two characters having a conversation while on opposite sides of a wall/door
The hero is snooping some place they shouldn’t be and is about to get caught. The baddies enter and the room is completely empty. Bonus points if they then show the hero clinging to the ceiling
Someone turning up in the nick of time to save the heroes in a car/plane/spacecraft/etc and asking ‘need a ride?’
Someone tells a (true) story and it is later revealed they were one of the people in the story
‘Get down!’ *tackles them to the floor*
‘Hi [name]’ *immediately begins escorting them out of the door/hangs up on them* 'bye [name]’
Character walks past a doorway and sees something strange, carries on walking for a few steps, then realises what they just saw and backs up for another look
Someone charges at another character who dodges it by calmly stepping to the side. Bonus points if the charging character carries on through a doorway
A has been delivering a monologue for quite some time and when they are finished B slowly blinks and says some variation of ‘I don’t understand a word you just said’
New character meets the Team for the first time, who are being their usual absurd/intimidating selves, and asks ‘who the hell are you people?’
Everyone has to leave the restaurant/bar/coffee shop and one character frantically tries to finish their food/drink before they go
’[Name], I presume?’
Random character discovers some important new evidence and has to race to find the other characters to tell/warn them in time
Dramatically putting up or taking off their hood
[Badass declaration]. Any questions?
That one character who is always coming up with new slang words and hoping they will catch on
'My friends call me [nickname/shortened name]. You can call me [full name/title]’. Alternatively, 'you may not call me anything’
A and B are together when A’s phone rings and they answer it. After a beat they hold it out for B and say ‘it’s for you’. Bonus points if the caller had no way of knowing A and B would be together. Alternatively, bonus points if B didn’t answer their own phone because they don’t want to speak to the caller, prompting them to phone A instead
B comes to A’s house and knocks on the door. When A answers it, they barge straight in and start talking, leaving A still standing at the door and prompting them to say ‘please. Come in’
Someone tries to shoot the character but misses and hits their hat or something instead, so the character gets angry and is like ‘that was my favourite hat!’
Character wants to know the time so they grab their friend’s wrist to check the watch they are wearing
Character begins speaking about a traumatic event that happened in the past and cuts themselves off to rephrase so they won’t have to say the specifics of the event eg. ‘after he - …after what he did’
After a tragic event, the token evil teammate/morally ambiguous ally starts helping the gang and becomes one of the good guys full time
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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I absolutely adore Winnie the Pooh…:)
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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I got the chance to turn an assignment into a piece for and about my girlfriend!
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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The Book Thief was so good, I feel like I’ll never forget the characters
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michaela-writes · 5 years
Book recommendation help please!
Can anybody recommend books that are similar to The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen? Can be adult or YA (but preferably YA).
Thank you!
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michaela-writes · 5 years
Book recommendation help please!
Can anybody recommend books that are similar to The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen? Can be adult or YA (but preferably YA).
Thank you!
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michaela-writes · 5 years
If you heard of writer's block, get ready for reader's block. You want to read. You have time. You know what to read; how have a pile of books ready to be read. You cannot sit still and focus enough to do so or you can't even open the book.
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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Some thought magic came from the mind, others the soul, or the heart, or the will. But Kell knew it came from the blood.
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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michaela-writes · 5 years
PSA: Change of Username
Old: a-book-junkie
New: michaela-writes
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michaela-writes · 5 years
When you start a series that is already complete and you don’t have to wait for the next book:
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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Kathleen Graber, The Eternal City: Poems
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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michaela-writes · 5 years
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