michaelhuangwtf 2 months
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Final Images:聽The Films of聽Don Hertzfeldt
Ah, L'Amour!, Genre, Lily and Jim, Billy鈥檚 Balloon, Rejected, The Meaning of Life, Everything Will Be OK, I鈥檓 So Proud of You, Wisdom Teeth,聽and聽It鈥檚 Such a Beautiful Day.
Until recently, Don Hertzfeldt鈥檚 short animated films could be mistaken as nothing more than insidiously macabre comedy. 聽But with the completion of his recent trilogy聽It鈥檚 Such a Beautiful Day聽(comprising the shorts聽Everything Will Be OK,聽I Am So Proud of You, and聽It鈥檚 Such a Beautiful Day), it has become clear to me that Hertzfeldt鈥檚 films concern nothing less than the fundamental act of creation. 聽And by creation, I don鈥檛 just mean artistic creation. 聽I mean the wresting of a cosmos out of a primordial state of chaos.
Such ambition began humbly. 聽In聽Ah, L'Amour聽and聽Lily and Jim, Hertzfeldt focused on the creation of heterosexual relationships - dating and its attendant problems. 聽In 1995, he resolved the youthful misogyny of聽Ah, L'Amour聽with angry cynicism, and the boy and the girl get together. 聽Only two years later, he brought pathos to both sides of the gender divide, sketching in聽Lily and Jim聽a relationship which never quite got off the ground. 聽The deadpan pessimism, leavened with the occasional honest insight or cringe-inducing grotesquerie, reminded me of Todd Solondz鈥檚 film聽Happiness.
In 1996's聽Genre, Hertzfeldt turned his attention to artistic creation, tossing off a self-effacing reflexive faux-pretentious student film in the process. 聽Faced with the tired repetition of genre conventions, Hertzfeldt ruthlessly hybridizes existing genres, giving birth to all manner of comic disaster in the process. 聽Relative to the rabbit drawings on his animation stand, Hertzfeldt comes across in the film like some kind of bored dispassionate deity, mutilating and destroying at his whim. 聽He builds a universe, but it in his own insecurity it displeases him, and he destroys it. 聽Four years later, in 2000's聽Rejected, he took up the theme of creative stagnation more explicitly, this time using a fictitious persona to explore what might happen were he forced to create advertisements for his livelihood. 聽This time, as he goes mad, his animated universe takes on a life of its own, and to the existential horror of its inhabitants, begins to fall apart. 聽In the absence of God, the cosmos descends into chaos.
In聽Billy鈥檚 Balloon, a sinister inversion of the benevolence of the French classic聽The Red Balloon, a balloon becomes sentient and begins to torture a hapless lumpy child. 聽(As in his 2010 film聽Wisdom Teeth, the absurd violence is worthy of a Beckett play.) 聽This drags on humorously for a short while until the frame widens to reveal a blank field full of children and similarly malevolent balloons. 聽What we鈥檙e witnessing here is no longer just comedy, but some sort of interaction of new fundamental particles. 聽Protons and electrons have been superseded by battling children and balloons, and from this聽chaoskampf, a new universe may soon arise.
We see a similar surging sea of humanity in the opening minutes of 2005's聽The Meaning of Life. 聽A multitude of stick figures stream by, embroiled in quotidian concerns, a great confederacy of triviality made significant by its sheer mass, living, dying, evolving. 聽By the end, a soundless galaxy swirls past. 聽As in聽The Unanswered Question聽by Charles Ives, the universe continues, despite our failures to resolve its fundamental questions.
In this same universe we meet Bill, the piteous protagonist of Hertzfeldt鈥檚 magnum opus, the聽It鈥檚 Such a Beautiful Day聽trilogy. 聽As Bill goes about his daily routines, the world swirls around him, rushing formlessly and incomprehensibly past, torturing him with all manner of strangeness and, at times, banality. 聽Hertzfeldt frequently splits the frame up into many smaller jostling regions, indicating the extent to which Bill is beset on all sides, facing incoherent cruelty from without while crippled within by a mangled mind which cannot make sense of any of it. 聽The story of his life is simultaneously particular and universal. 聽We identify with Bill immediately, and we fear for him even while Hertzfeldt coaxes dark laughter out of us. 聽But in聽It鈥檚 Such a Beautiful Day, the universe does not spin out of control, nor do its secrets remain forever inaccessible. 聽Rather, in act of aching beauty, Hertzfeldt rescues Bill from the tumult, cradling the audience in the poetic fantasy that perhaps, at the end of the universe, we may yet be able to know what it all means. 聽Even as all the stars go out, our hearts fill with light.
August 1 is Don Hertzfeldt鈥檚 birthday.聽聽Happy birthday, Don. 聽Thank you for your passion and your tireless hand. 聽May the universe never become too small for your vision. 聽And if it does, please take us with you.
Essay by Max Tohline, in collaboration with TheFinalImage.
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michaelhuangwtf 4 months
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Taner猫lle 馃敟
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michaelhuangwtf 4 months
Why are people ok with the iphone portfolio mode look like you're looking grey and purple and covered in eraser paintbrush?????
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michaelhuangwtf 4 months
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michaelhuangwtf 4 months
OUT NOW: my most in depth investigation yet
in this article we see just HOW little a company handling highly sensitive data can care about security and yes it's even worse than you think
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support me on ko-fi if you like my work and want to read (non-hacking) articles early!
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
I hate that I have a project file named this but donald glover's titties by tittying 馃槶
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
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he鈥檚 just like me fr
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
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michaelhuangwtf 5 months
My dad and I once had a disagreement over him using the adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
I said, "That's just not true. Sometimes what doesn't kill you leaves you brittle and injured or traumatized."
He stopped and thought about that for a while. He came back later, and said, "It's like wood glue."
He pointed to my bookshelf, which he helped me salvage a while ago. He said, "Do you remember how I explained that, once we used the wood glue on them, the shelves would actually be stronger than they were before they broke?"
I did.
"But before we used the wood glue, those shelves were broken. They couldn't hold up shit. If you had put books on them, they would have collapsed. And that wood glue had to set awhile. If we put anything on them too early, they would have collapsed just the same as if we'd never fixed them at all. You've got to give these things time to set."
It sounded like a pretty good metaphor to me, but one thing I did pick up on was that whatever broke those shelves, that's not the thing that made them stronger. That just broke them. It was being fixed that made them stronger. It was the glue.
So my dad and I agreed, what doesn't kill you doesn't actually make you stronger, but healing does. And if you feel like healing hasn't made you stronger than you were before, you're probably not done healing. You've got to give these things time to set.
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minor repaint
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If your thought process is like this then maybe you don't have a problem with the doctor being sexy, you have an underlying problem with openly queer man taking up center stage.
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