People who are truly fulfilled in life and have self - belief, self worth and self liove along with a purpose and mission, while living their values daily, know that goals are a just a way of creating more of what they already have on the inside and that no one achievement or failure can take that away. This is the reason why some of the greatest achievers in history keep achieveing usaually when others may have given up or when others retire. It;s because they love what they do each dayy and have an intrinsic sense of fulfillment already. They are not searching for something elses outside of them to feel good, happy or worthy in life.
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Why “Selfish” People Are Happier & More Successful?
Being selfish is wrong, right? It’s what most of us are taught as children. But, what if being selfish is actually one of the ingredients to success?
The path to success and achieving our goals and dreams is often challenging and takes hard work, energy, dedication and focus. It isn’t always easy.
It’s also the reason why many people fail to see their dreams become a reality - they don’t have time, they are too tired, they get sidetracked, or maybe they are simply too busy focusing on meeting other people’s needs or expectations to put the time and energy required into their own dreams.
Yet, everyone was born to thrive. Fulfilling our dreams, living with a sense of purpose and with a mission is fundamental to our experience of what it means to be human. When we thrive, we encourage those around us to thrive too.
Learn to say ‘No’
Lose the guilt
Set boundaries - and stick to them
Keep commitments to yourself
Remind yourself of the bigger picture
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High Achievers know that in order to achieve greater levels of success in their life they must manage their time and energy effectively so they can achieve maximum results without burning out.
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Get clear on what you want, and the inspiration will come naturally. What are three values that are important to you?
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Have you ever noticed that regardless of what you do... you are always either being judge by yourself or judged by others?
When I was younger I was put into “special classes” and judged for being dumb!
Now I study and learn from the best in the world and I get judged for being a smart arse (or I’m judged because some people don’t agree with knowlegde I have)
When I was younger I was judged for being poor as my parents couldn;t affrod to put me in the best clothes and shoes...
Now I have money and I get judged for being a “rich prick” or I’m told that I have it easy, or that I’m just lucky...
When I was younger I was judged for being chubby and unhealthy...
Now I am judged for taking care of my body and the way I look.
When I was younger  I judged myself for putting everyone else first and myself last.
The voices and criticism inside of my head almsot cost me my life....
Then I put myself first and was judged by others for being selfish.
I have come to realise thta trying to avoid judgement your own slef growth and leaves you judging and hating yourself.
The best thing to do is to consistently check in to find if other people’s judgements have validity and work on being a better person from it.
Judgements that aren’t calid are easy to ignore when you have the clarity and self belief within your own life. (Hence why I teach people at our Thrive Time even how to  get clear on their Values, Purpose and Life Mission and build greater clarity and self worth within their own life) At some point most people around you will critically judge you.Just don’t let the critical judgement come from within for too long or else it will rot your self worth and destroy your enthusiasm for life.
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We have released an extra 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘® 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗧 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟬 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗽 𝘆𝗼𝘂:
Finish 2020 off with a Bang
Set yourself up for a massive 2021 and achieve the results that you really want in life.
How do i know Thrive Time is for me?
You have big goals , Bi Dreams or know there’s something greater inside of you to achieve more
You recognise that you’re hitting up against glass ceilings and ready to smash your mental limitations
You're an impementer & action taker who wants to get done and lead a kick as$$ed life.
You’re ready to access to some of the world’s most powerful mindset tools including process of potential (only available at Thrive Time) to stay focused, driven & lessen the internal noise& chaos.
Thrive Time® Live Streaming Globally November 26-29 Secure your seat now at https://2020.thrivetime.com.au/order-form-2
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There’s only two months left of the year! Are you on track with your New Years resolutions, your 2020 goals??? Or have you forgoten about them? The year isn’t over. There is always time to check in, reset and get back on track.
Are you on track or is it time to reset?
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Before inspiring thousands of people to live their life they want, Michael Johnson (The Mojo Master), first had to deal with his own obstacles in life.
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Thrive Time® Live Streaming Globally November 26-29 Secure your seat now https://lnkd.in/geDHYWz
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I’ll be  covering more about “BUSTING BINGING EATING”, over eating and how to keep  your diet on track without “diets” in our upcoming webinar BUSTING BINGING. Shoot me a message for the link Saying (”Link Please “) If you want to find out why so many people have a poor relationship with food and how to break:
- Over eating 
- Binge eating 
- Frequent Dieting
- Trying to control food 
- Overtraining (usually leading to sicknes, injuries, pain)
- Harsh self-judgements and body images issues.
- Body Dysmorphia 
- Body Self Comparisons And more I’ll be tackling the BIG 3 PROBLEMS that most people do when they try to tackle these issues that rarely work or produce lasting results. And what I found was the one of the only ways to get lasting results WITHOUT DESTROYING YOUR BODY OR MENTAL HEALTH. Just shoot me a message saying “LINK PLEASE” for the link.
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Why this weekend will destroy most people goals, yet most will be STUCK  in this big pattern and not even realise it.
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"It's the small, seemingly insignificant daily actions that achieve the greatest results over time"
What's one small action you'll be taking this week to achieve your long-term results?
Let me know in the comments below..
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Busting Binging Superclass & Building a Summer Body That  Lasts All Year Round! Check this link out for more info: https://mojomstr.com/BustingBingingWebinar
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What do you think why improving your health can feel almost impossible? https://lnkd.in/gtnDktK
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DO YOU EVER ASK YOURSELF WHAT YOUR LIFE PURPOSE IS?  The answer lies inside of you and I’m here to help you unlock your greatness for yourself & the world. If you don’t know me already, my name is Michael Johnson. When I was growing up, I was put in “special classes” because I had learning difficulties. I was picked on, told I had ADD and expelled from school at 15.I became a diesel mechanic because I was told it was going to lead to the supposed “dream life”. You know… the cash, cars, houses, boats, all of it…  
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