michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
happy pride month i love being bisexual and defining myself as bisexual and i really like how bisexual sounds and the bisexual flag is very pretty
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Sophie grinned at Mike and he wasn’t sure what he did to get a smile like that. He wasn’t sure if it was the kiss to her temple, or something else, but he wished he knew so he could do it all the time. He did adore her smile, after all, and would do everything in his power to make sure that when she was around him, she was smiling. Even if she was sad about something, he hoped that he would be able to do something to make her happier, to make her smile. Sophie was at her most beautiful, in Mike’s mind, when she was smiling at him, especially when he had been the reason for it.
The brunette blushed a bit at his wink before she said that she would love to have dinner and then head to the cocktail bar if she still wanted to be out and celebrate after they ate. She said that the cocktail bar is new to them, so they could go to the Goose Bar and Grill. “Of course,” he told her with a smile as he looked over at her before the two headed for the door so that they could step outside and head to the place that Sophie had chosen for them to eat at. Mike was still buzzing with excitement for his girlfriend with this job opportunity.
The two apparated to where they could walk to the Goose Bar and Grill before Sophie asked him about taking the internship. He looked over at her, blinking. “Of course you should! This is a fantastic opportunity, Soph,” he told her with a smile before he paused. “…are you apprehensive about it?” He asked, sure that the two of them could talk through what she was feeling about it so that they could figure out what she wanted to do, even if she had butterflies at the thought of being gone for a few months (three, he was sure the letter said), it was still an amazing experience and it would open so many doors for her.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie'd read over the owl she'd received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she'd finally received some good news... and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she'd been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons' training grounds. She'd sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Michael didn’t have to wait long at all for Sophie to answer the door after he knocked. She pulled the door open, her smile causing one of his own to form before she held the door a bit further, telling him that she needed to grab her shoes, bag, and jacket and then the two of them could go. He nodded his head, stepping through the front door and waiting in the little foyer-area as she kissed him on the cheek. He grinned a bit wider at the reaction, unable to help it. It was knee-jerk, something that just happened. Instinctual, you could call it, but he couldn’t help it. Any affection from Sophie made him feel good, but feeling her lips against his own or his cheek? It had him grinning like a man in love, which was exactly what he was.
Sophie complimented him and then said that she would be back, not giving him the time to return her compliment. He just grinned and shook his head as she made her way up the steps no doubt to her room to grab what she had  listed previously. It wouldn’t take her long so Mike hadn’t bothered to fish his phone from his pocket and instead just looked around at the home as he waited for her to come back down. He was able to see that very little had changed, which shouldn’t have surprised him given how busy the family was. His house, on the other hand, seemed to be constantly on the movie with new pictures on walls and furniture being moved. It’s what happened when you had a larger family, so he liked being able to come to Sophie’s and see a home that wasn’t completely different than when he had last been inside.
The gorgeous brunette returned just moments later with her heels on, and her jacket and purse. She arrived at the bottom of the steps, telling him where they could go. He paused in thought before she had thought of a cocktail bar but she was hungrier than she thought, making him grin. He leaned forward to press his lips against her temple as he usually did. “We can go to one after dinner, if you’d like to. You’re certainly dressed for it,” he told her with a playful wink. “But, up to you on where you want to go. Try something new? Or try somewhere we already know and love?” He asked her with a smile, wanting her to choose. He would tell her later that this would be his treat given the celebration of her new job, but he didn’t want to tell her now and have her pick the “cheaper” option.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie'd read over the owl she'd received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she'd finally received some good news... and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she'd been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons' training grounds. She'd sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Mike took a thorough shower (not that he didn’t usually, but he was in the showers for longer than he usually was. He ensured that he didn’t smell bad before he stepped out of the showers, turning off the stream of lukewarm water. He had heard it was best for the skin. He made sure to dry himself off thoroughly, hair included, before wrapping the towel about his waist to look at himself in the mirror, trying to see if he needed to shave or not. He gazed at his reflection before he shook his head and headed to his locker. He opened it, pulling out his briefs, jeans, and a button up that he had planned on wearing for the day anyway. He slipped all of it on, leaving his button up untucked before he slipped on socks and sneakers.
The man moisturized and applied the slightest bit of aftershave, nodding before he put on his deodorant and brushed his hair in it’s usual style. The man slipped on his usual jewelry which consisted of a necklace that his mother and father had gotten him one year, a locket with the family’s picture inside, an “S” engraved on the outside of it, and his rings. He nodded, grinning at himself in the small mirror in his locker before he grabbed his phone, wallet, wand, and phone. He checked it, seeing that Sophie was ready and had thought of a few places that they could go. He nodded before he apparated to his usual spot not far from the Beckett house.
It wasn’t super busy which made Mike happy as he jogged out of the spot and started t o walk down the street, casual in his stride despite his excitement. He arrived at her home shortly, knocking on the door and waiting for her to answer so that the two of them could figure out where they were going to go for her celebratory dinner, the first of many he was sure if she had told everyone she wanted to tell. He was sure her parents and Cherry would want to take her out to celebrate.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie'd read over the owl she'd received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she'd finally received some good news... and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she'd been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons' training grounds. She'd sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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The idea of a celebration seemed like a good one to Sophie. She nodded her head before saying that it sounded perfect, making him grin in delight and excitement. She stood up on her tip toes, pressing her lips against his. He had to stop smiling to return her kiss, not minding in the slightest that perhaps it may have lasted longer than she intended. It wasn’t like they were going to start making out on the Quidditch Pitch. Neither of them were quite ready for what would happen if they were caught, especially by Mike’s teammates. They would be teased relentlessly, and if it was Beau who caught them? Mike was sure Sophie would never stop blushing.
The kiss was broken after a moment before she said that she should let him go shower before she said that she needed to get changed and call people to let them know about what had happened. Mike nodded his head before she asked him where she should meet him. “You pick the spot and let me know, yeah? This is your celebration dinner after all,” he told her with a grin before he moved forward, pressing his lips to her forehead before he backed away, waving to her and then moving to go into the locker room so that he could shower and change.
The other guys were done by the time Mike was heading into the showers. He had told all of them about Sophie’s job offer and they were all excited, saying that they should have a party somewhere for her, invite everyone. He laughed and told them that he would let them know what Sophie said about it before he waved to them all and headed to the showers to get squeaky clean before this celebratory dinner with his love.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie'd read over the owl she'd received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she'd finally received some good news... and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she'd been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons' training grounds. She'd sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Sophie waited for Mike to approach her before she spoke, no greeting which meant that she was excited or nervous about whatever it was she was there for which meant that Mike was both excited and nervous. She told him that she knew that they didn’t have plans today and that she arrived without any warning, but she had to tell someone…something. To be fair, even if Sophie had told Mike that she was going to come and see him in advance, he probably wouldn’t have seen it until after practice. He had been up earlier than pretty much everyone alive it felt like in order to get to practice with the Cannons.
The man opened his mouth to ask her what it was she wanted to tell him before she held out the letter she had clasped in her hands. He took it after a moment, opening it and reading the scrawl that was on the parchment. He had just started reading as she told him that she had been offered one of the internships with the London Chronicle. Mike had stopped reading and looked up at her without any hesitation. His eyes snapping to her as he grinned like it was his birthday.
Mike let out a loud “whoop” before he reached for her, grabbing at her hips and lifting her up, spinning her around in circles as he cheered for her. He set her down after a moment, laughing. “That is amazing, Soph! I knew you would get something,” he told her with a big smile. “This is fantastic. We have to celebrate. I mean, you need to tell everyone, but we should celebrate. You, me, dinner. What do you think?” He asked, grinning, still clutching the letter in his hand after he had pushed it against her when he had picked her up so he wouldn’t drop it.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie'd read over the owl she'd received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she'd finally received some good news... and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she'd been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons' training grounds. She'd sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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“Watch where you’re hittin that, Collins!” Michael shouted at one of his Beaters, who had smacked a bludger in his direction, which he easily avoided. “It didn’t hit cha!” Collins shouted, grinning at the Keeper for the Cannons, causing the man to grin and shake his head in returned. Practice for the Chudley Cannons was often like this. A lot of back and forth banter as the two scrimmage teams played one another. It was a mix between the first string and second string. It meant that everyone got to practice and with the teams being mixed, it meant that everyone was able to do better or teach their teammates how to play in certain scenarios. It was really an excellent plan and Michael couldn’t be upset about it.
As it got closer to the end of practice, Mike saw Sophie in the stands which was surprising to him. He hadn’t expected to see her since, well, they didn’t have any plans for the day. Still, it was a good surprise since he had missed her with the games and practices being back on his schedule since the holidays had passed. The team headed towards the ground, landing easily before stepping off of their brooms, holding them as they made their way into the huddle to listen to their captains and coaches discuss what they had seen during practice, where they could improve as a team, and what to expect for the next day’s practice.
The team was dismissed and Mike immediately made his way over to where Sophie was at. He had seen something in her hand as she waved at him earlier which made him wonder what it was. Collins, in apology for what happened earlier Mike was sure, took Mike’s broom from him to take it to the storage shed before he headed inside with the rest of the team, leaving Mike to approach Sophie on the empty practice pitch.
He grinned once close enough. “Hey!” He shouted in greeting, beaming at her.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Some Good News
After having many disappointments and struggling to achieve anything since leaving Hogwarts, Sophie finally gets some good news, and the first person she wants to tell is Mike.
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Sophie’d read over the owl she’d received many times now, to the point where she almost had the thing memorised. She felt giddy and nauseous at the same time, sitting down for a moment in the hopes that it would stop the shaking in her hands. After taking a few slow and deep breaths, it subsided. After so long of trying to find a job and applying for almost everything in sight, she’d finally received some good news… and it was actually for a job that she really wanted.
Okay, so it was an internship with a recently revived magical paper, the London Chronicle, but it was a job and it was the first step on the journalism ladder. There were a lot of details in the letter, including mention of a three month visit to the parent company, the New York Chronicle, to learn more about the way that they ran things, but Sophie was too focused on the fact that she’d been offered one of the three internship positions.
She needed to tell someone, and her first thought meant that she had arrived at the Cannons’ training grounds. She’d sat in the stands, watching her boyfriend and unable to keep the smile off of her face as the team finally touched down on the ground once more. She waved at him, still clutching the letter tightly in the other hand as she made her way from the stands closest to the ground to the side of the pitch.
tagged: @michaelsutherlandrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Michael wasn’t sure if his girlfriend would be okay with going on vacation with the four of them. She hadn’t been too fond of everyone going ice skating together after this, after all. She had explained that it was because she wanted to get better before skating in front of others since apparently she was worried about being embarrassed about it, which Mike understood. Still, a part of him wondered if it was because she was tired of being around him and their friends together. He wasn’t sure if she was or not, but he hoped not because Chris was a big part of Mike’s life, and Cherry was a big part of Chris’.
Surely Sophie understood that.
The brunette spoke up, telling him that she would be okay with it before she bit her lip, meaning that she wasn’t completely okay with it. Still, Mike didn’t pressure her as she started to speak before she added that they may have to wait a while since she didn’t have the funds to afford a trip to Greece at the moment. Mike nodded his head in understanding and while he wanted to say that he could pay for the vacation, he knew that she would argue with him adamantly about it, even though he wouldn’t have minded in the slightest.
She added that she could start saving up for it and then they could go if that was okay with him. Mike nodded his head. “Of course, whatever you’re comfortable with,” he told her with a smile before he leaned across the table to press his lips to her cheek. He set back down in his seat to take a sip of his cocoa. “We could always do a road trip instead. The two of us. It’d be easier and cheaper, I think,” he added, letting her know that the two of them could still at least get away later in the year if she was up for it. Plus it would be just the two of them.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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It seemed that Sophie understood that it was possible that he may not find anything related to her father in this diary. She then thanked him anyway, for at least agreeing to look, which made him smile at her and nod. “Of course, you know I’ll do anything for you,” he told her honestly before he moved to pick up his hot chocolate, bring it to his lips for a sip of it to get himself more warm than he already was. He then set the mug back down and smiled at her once more, hoping that she knew that he would, in fact, do anything for her that she asked.
Except for, you know, let her pay for their hot chocolates when he was treating her, but that was a bit different than this.
Sophie told Mike that perhaps he could plan a trip to Greece for in the summer after the season had ended and before practice started up again. Mike paused a moment, thinking about it before he nodded his head and then grinned, looking over at her. “We could go. You, me, Chris, Cherry. We could all go. Maybe find a hotel where we share rooms so we can have our privacy but be able to go out and have fun together during the day.” He could think of nothing else that he would like more than that. Sure, his family, but honestly he just wanted some alone time with Sophie while also being able to hang out with their friends.
“Assuming you would be okay with that, of course,” he told her as he looked over at her. He was sure that she hated it sometimes when he mentioned bringing their friends along, but he couldn’t help it. Chris was his best friend, and for most of their lives since their meeting, they had been a package deal. It had been a bit more rough than he would admit when the duo had been separated for longer than they were used to. It had been more of an adjustment for him than not being able to see Sophie as often as he wanted to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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It seemed that Michael agreeing to take a look at the diary had made Sophie happy as she let out a breath and thanked him, telling him that he was the best before she gave his hand a squeeze. He gently squeezed hers in return and nodded his head. “Don’t thank me yet. We’ll see if there is anything in that diary,” he told her with a grin, wanting to be comforting. He hoped that if they found anything, things would go better than they did last time. To be fair, Sophie had met her biological grandmother, but not her birth mother. It had almost seemed like a dead end, but now maybe Mike could find something, do something for her that hopefully wouldn’t end in disaster.
In terms of a road trip, while Sophie wanted to go on one, it seemed she had no clue where she wanted to go. She added that she had always wanted to see the Northern Lights but she wasn’t sure if that was really a road trip. He let out a soft chuckle and shook his head. “No, I don’t really think that would be considered a road trip, given how, normally, there isn’t much to see on the drive somewhere to see them, but it’s definitely something we can do.” Light pollution tended to be a bitch when it came to seeing anything like that so driving into the middle of nowhere at night wasn’t exactly ideal (at least to most people).
Sophie asked if there was anywhere that he would liked to go and he chuckled. “I wanted to go everywhere. I want to see the world. I would really love to go to Greece one day, but I mean, I want to see as many places as I can before my time is up,” he told her with a small smile. It would take some time, but he would get there one day. He would see Greece in all her glory and he would see the rest of the world as well, whether it was with his friends, or his family, or even his team. He was always up for new adventures, new places to go, and learning about new cultures.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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It seemed that Mike had guessed right in her wanting him to read her mother’s diary to see if he could find any clues that she had missed about her biological father. She said “please” before she said that she felt like she was losing all hope at this point, which he felt bad for. At the same time, he didn’t...quite understand what her fascination was with this, learning who her birth parents were. Her adoptive parents were amazing and always made her feel as though they were her birth parents, but he supposed he would never understand because he wasn’t adopted. So, he would do his best to remain supportive, much like he did with Chris when it came to his best friend’s sexuality.
Sophie continued, saying that she believed he would be the most help since he had come with her to Ireland, and he supposed she had a point, although maybe a fresh set of eyes would also be a good idea. “Of course I’ll have a look,” he told her with a smile. He figured that he would keep that to himself. He wasn’t sure she wanted anyone else to know what she was doing since it was possible she hadn’t told Cherry about any of this, which he believed was a shame, but he wasn’t going to tell her what to do since this wasn’t his life, and it wasn’t his call. It was hers and she would do whatever she was comfortable with, as she should.
Mike picked up his hot chocolate and took a sip as she asked him if they could do something like that again, like a road trip and he nodded his head, as he set down his mug, smiling. “Of course. Where would you want to go?” He asked her with a smile, wondering where she would choose this time. He was sure that they would be up for it since, well, they had already done one, and it was pretty fun, so why not do it again?
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Once their drinks were ready for them to take, Mike thanked the barista and took his hot chocolate (traditional) while Sophie took her hot chocolate (white) and they made their way over to a table next to the large front window so that they could have some natural light, and see what was going on outside in the adorable little village. There wasn’t a hustle and bustle to it, not like in the big city, but there were people who were out and about getting their winter holiday shopping done and just enjoying their time with their friends or family. It was something that always made Mike smile, and why he wanted to bring his future love her when he was a child.
The two took their seats and Sophie let go of Mike’s hand to wrap hers around her hot chocolate mug. Mike did the same, enjoying as the warmth from the mug as it seeped into his hands. He smiled, content with everything, before Sophie spoke up, garnering his attention as she said that she wanted to ask him about something and he nodded his head, encouraging her to continue.
Apparently her grandmother found the diary that her mother had kept when she was pregnant with her. She was sent it to Sophie to see if there were any clues within it about her father. Mike’s girlfriend took a deep breath before she said that she couldn’t find anything in the diary before implying that she wanted Mike to take a look at it to see if she missed anything. “You want a second pair of eyes?” He asked, looking over at her. He was asking to make sure, but he would of course do this for her if she asked. He’d do whatever he could to help her.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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You know that famous line about how there are no small parts, only small actors? I think that’s bullshit. As an actor, you really are at the mercy of the words you’re given to say. I will try to follow the well-written word. But I won’t try to manipulate a path for my career. I want to have the opportunity to play different people and keep mixing it up. That’s important to me.
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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A part of Mike expected Sophie to argue with him about her paying, or at least them splitting the bill for their hot drinks. He would be insistent if she did, but he was glad when she agreed, telling him “only if he was sure.” He knew that it was Sophie’s way of telling him that if he changed his mind, she was okay with it, but he wouldn’t. Mike always wanted to treat his family and friends, especially given his occupation. Eventually, he knew, he would need to leave home and live in his own place, and he was saving up for somewhere nice. He often wondered who he would share an apartment with first: Chris or Sophie.
He honestly wasn’t sure.
The two of them stepped up the counter, both ordering their drinks before they waited at the counter. Sophie opted to lean in to Mike, moving to grasp one of his hands with hers, lacing their fingers together. She then thanked him before telling him that this is just what she had needed. He looked down at her, grinning, before he lifted their joined hands, pressing his lips to the back of her hand before he dropped them. “You’re very welcome. I had an inkling you needed something to take your mind off of things,” he told her, knowing the sort of weight that was on her, that she put on herself.
In a way, she was like Cherry in that way. She didn’t like asking for help, and so she didn’t receive any. She wanted to do things on her own merit instead of getting help from those around her, who were more than willing to do so. She hadn’t learned much from her biological mother about her biological father which had been disappointing to her, but Mike was sure she still wanted to search for him, wanted to find out who he was without telling anyone, without asking for help. Mike knew that Sophie was strong and independent, but sometimes he wished she understood that it was okay to ask for help.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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Sophie thanked him for sharing the village with him and a part of him opened his mouth to tell her that it wasn’t a big deal, but it was. It was a big deal and she had not clue just how big of a deal it was. It was a place that he had wanted to take his love one day and now, here he was doing it. It made him happier than he had been in a long time. So, instead, he smiled at her and nodded his head as he pressed his lips to her temple. “You’re welcome,” he stated, still smiling, glad that he had done this, finally, after waiting almost 20 years.
The two of them gazed at the menu a moment, looking to see what they would order. Michael already knew that he was ready for a hot chocolate, something to get him warm again before the two of them headed home. He didn’t want to drink coffee since he was worried it would get him wired when he needed to be resting later, and he didn’t want tea because it would make him almost too relaxed so, hot chocolate was the perfect thing. Warm, and the sugar would give him a brief boost before it was time for bed.
Mike paused as Sophie asked him if she was getting the drinks or if they were splitting the bill. The quidditch player shook his head. “Absolutely not. This is my treat.” He then smirked. “You can pay for them next time,” he told her, promising her that there would be a next time, and that she would be expected to pay. He didn’t want her to feel guilty, and it wasn’t doing it to show off. He was doing it because he cared about her, and he wanted to treat her. She could pay her own way, but he wanted to make sure that at this moment with him, she didn’t have to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
48 notes · View notes
michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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The young couple made it to the little village and as they stepped out, Sophie looked around them, telling him that the place was adorable, making him smile. She asked him how he knew about it. “My parents met here,” he confessed to her. “They had both been holiday shopping when they found it,” he said with a small grin. “Happenstance,” was all he was able to say as he thought back on his parents taking him and his sisters there for the first time, telling them all that it was where they had met and where they tended to spend some alone time together to shop and relax while (poor) Mark watched them all.
The coffee shop came into view and Mike grinned as Sophie spotted it and smiled. She mentioned how he was perfect and he chuckled as the two of them stopped in the doorway for a brief moment so that Sophie could press her lips to his cheek before he ushered them both inside. As he did, she asked how he got so lucky and he shrugged. “A question we’ll both be asking ourselves for a long time,” he told her with a grin as he shook off some of the snow and made his way out from the doorway and off to the side so they could both gaze at the menu.
Mike had always wanted to take someone to the village (well, someone other than Chris anyway). He had dreamed of it when his parents first brought him here, walking down the snowy cobblestone path hand in hand with a love of his (he had specifically thought of a woman, but with age, it had switched to be androgenous since he liked both men and women). He hadn’t really been sure of his previous relationships but with Sophie he was sure she would like this place, and he was right, which just re-instilled in him that she was his love.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
48 notes · View notes
michaelsutherlandrp · 3 years
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It seemed that Sophie was okay with them inviting the others to skate with them. Although apparently she also wanted some one-on-one time between the two of them. He nodded his head in agreement before she added that she didn’t want to “make a fool out of herself” in front of everyone at once, which had him raising an eyebrow. She added that she knew that she shouldn’t care about it, but she did. She then quickly added that she would still like to skate with them all but she wanted to get a bit better first. He paused a moment before nodding his head.
“Yeah, of course,” he told her, understanding in his voice and in his eyes as he gazed at her, waving his want to put their skates away before he tucked his wand away. He held his hand out to her so that they could make their way towards his next step. He was a little confused about what she was saying in regards to not wanting to make a fool of herself in front of their friends and family (well, his family). She would never look foolish in front of them all. Plus, he was pretty sure Cherry had never been ice skating in her life but who knows, maybe they would all be surprised.
Once she was ready and took his hand again, she pulled him towards her so that she was close as he apparated them to the small village, out of sight from anyone. He was wobbly for a second before he made sure that Sophie was okay and ready to move forward. Once they were both ready, they made their way out from the side of the building and down the street towards the coffee shop where they would be getting their delicious hot chocolate to warm up after freezing up on the ice.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
Now that Christmas time is here, it’s time for Mike to take Sophie out on a winter date. One filled with ice skating, hot cocoa, and frosty kisses.
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Winter was finally around and Michael was finally on break from all his quidditch matches and quidditch practices. He was able to spend more time at home with his parents and sisters, as well as Mark, Chris, and Sarah. That, of course, meant that it was time for Mike to also spend time with his best female friend Cherry, and with his beautiful girlfriend Sophie, and her family. It was easier said than done since Cherry was still working despite the holiday growing closer and closer. To be fair, the full moon didn’t take a holiday, so she couldn’t either.
The two had thankfully gone out recently so that they could both shop for their significant others. Cherry had gotten something for Chris that was useful, something that he would no doubt like. Mike had something made for Sophie as well. Due to it being custom made, he would be going to pick it up at a later date before Christmas was set to arrive according to the charmer that he had gone to. So, with her sorted, he was able to relax since he had pretty much everyone else sorted as well.
That meant that he could finally relax and focus on his gorgeous girlfriend. He had planned out a fun day for them which meant that he had planned everything, an entire day for the two of them to enjoy themselves in a wintery wonderland. He arrived at her home, knocking on the door dressed in his warmest clothing since it was rather cold outside. It hadn’t snowed in the city just yet, but where he was taking here, there would be nothing but snow surrounding the icy lake they would be going to.
Tag;; @sophiebeckettrp​
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