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Aquella noche no te detuve, no tuve motivos para hacerlo.
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Maximiliano, el padrino de los mariachis.
Si regresamos el tiempo a nuestras clases de historia en la secu, recordaremos que Maximiliano y Carlota fueron los emperadores que dominaron a nuestro país bajo las ordenes del monarca francés Napoleon III. 
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Ya que nos ubicamos en tiempo, la nobleza y gente popular de clase social alta siempre imitaba a la realeza en todo, en la forma de vida que tenían y por supuesto en el vestir; la realeza era algo así como las Kardashian, pésimo pero entendible ejemplo. 
¿Se imaginan un reality de “Keeping up with the emperors”? Nada lejos de sérlo, pues el emperador le ponía los cuernos a la hermosa Carlota con una joven y bella indigena a la que llamaban “La india bonita”, y se dice que Maximiliano viajaba 7 horas a Cuernavaca solo para ir a verla.  
Mexicanas 1, Francesas 0
Aquí es donde empieza lo bueno, Maximiliano era el fan #1 de las bodas, le encantaba el pachangon, la música y el pulque…todo un mirrey de época, y le fascinaba el traje típico de charro de aquel entonces; el traje de charro que  se componía de una chaqueta muy corta, pantalones bastante amplios con tapabalazos; calzoneras de casimir (para los rancheros ricos) o de gruesa gamuza (para los caporales y mayordomos), con botones de plata en los costados y en el tapabalazos. En la parte inferior que dejaba al descubierto el calzón, se lucían bordados, deshilados y otras delicadas labores. Calzaban zapatos “de ala” o botas de gamuza también llamadas “botas de campana”, las que se enrrollaban en la parte inferior de las piernas a manera de polainas sujetadas por medio de correas llamadas ataderos. Tanto las botas como los ataderos se adornaban con ricos bordados y cinceles elaborados por mujeres mexicanas.
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Pero obvio, Maximiliano como influencer de época; siempre fashion, nunca infashion, decidío portar un traje con lujosos arreos, bordados en realce, adornos de oro y plata, acompañados de una chaqueta negra de paño inglés y un moño muy coqueto en el cuello, pensó que el sombrerito de ala chica no le iba muy bien y que necesitaba algo mas grande para cubrirse del sol, todo un stylist. 
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¿Y porque mariachi? Cuenta la leyenda que el emperador se refería a las bodas en su lenguaje natal, “le marriage”: las bodas. Y la gente al verlo llegar a la fiesta decía -”ya llegaron los le marriage”… la palabra evoluciono hasta convertirse en “los mariachis”. ¿Son reebok o son nike? ¿Les suena? Algo así paso, confiusión sonora. 
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¿Quien hubiera pensado que nuestro ex emperador Maxi fue el co-creador del traje típico de mariachi que conocemos hoy día? 
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One thing we all know, if one does not possess persistence, one does not achieve noteworthy success in any calling.
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Quelques mots et phrases québécois et leur équivalents métropolitains
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il fait frette = il fait froid
du change = de la monnaie
piastre = dollar
dispendieux = très cher
cash = comptant
comme du monde = normalement = comme cela doit se faire
s'exciter = s'énerver
jaser = bavarder
maganer = casser = briser
en masse = extrêmement = beaucoup
pas pire = pas mal
la liqueur = le soda
un breuvage = une boisson
bienvenue = de rien
le gaz = l'essence
le char = la voiture
full = plein
bon matin = bonjour
allô = salut
à tantôt = à plus tard
fait que = donc = alors
à date = jusqu'à maintenant
un bec = un bisou
achaler = déranger
chauffer son char = conduire sa voiture
chauffeur = conducteur
avoir du fun = avoir du plaisir
parker = stationner
la valise = coffre arrière de l'auto
un camion = un pick-up
tu es dans le champ = tu te trompes totalement
avoir de la misère = avoir des difficultés
blonde = copine
chum = copain
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french language resources masterlist
Last updated: 02/11/2023
RFI Savoirs has lots of listening and reading activities (from A1 to B2)
Apprendre le français TV 5 Monde has listening activities from A1 to B2
Tester son niveau - this is a free placement test (just listening)
CNTRL Dictionnaire is a dictionary
France Université Numérique - free MOOCS (massive open online course) with different levels: Level A1 - Level A2 - Level B1
Kwiziq (a website that you can test your level and study grammar)
French songs you should listen to
french aesthetic songs (youtube)
Crème French playlist (youtube)
GEO Magazine is a online magazine with articles about nature and history
Library Genesis has many books in french and other languages too
TV 5 Monde has series and movies from France and other countries (for free), available for desktop and mobile (ios and android)
TV 5 UNIS has series and movies in French (mostly from Quebec). Some of the shows are not available outside Canada (but you can use it with a vpn)
Artips podcast (art, music, science)
France culture podcasts (various subjects)
WLINGUA app (both IOS and Android) teaches grammar
French grammar pdf exercises - if you search the topic you're learning (example: le passé composé) + pdf, you're going to find many pdf activities from University of Quebec. Like this one: Passé Composé UQuebec
Artips is a newsletter about art, music, science and ecology that you receive in your email. You can chose the topics you wanna subscribe (example: I subscribed for art and music newsletters).
Bon courage !
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En la cima de un pico solitario en México, se encuentran los restos del templo El Tepozteco, dedicado al dios azteca de la embriaguez. Parece un punto peligrosamente alto para disfrutar de la bebida demoníaca, entonces, ¿qué significaba?
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who else up hurkleing their durkleing
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35 Hilariously Absurd Comics That Exaggerate Life’s Quirkiness With Twist Endings By Pierre Mortel
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“ Este portaestandartes huasteco retrata a una deidad del pulque, puesto que la fecha dos-conejo era el día en que se le festejaba junto a esta bebida. La rigidez de la composición denota influencia mexica, pues la escultura huasteca era mucho menos rígida en periodos anteriores”.
A Huastec pulque deity with a rabbit design on its chest. The 2 rabbit day was the day in which the drink was celebrated. It’s believed to have Mexica influence in its design due to Huastec sculptures were less rigid in prior times.
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Tres años fermentando la escena del pulque en Zacatecas 🎉🎉🎉
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EMMA OF NORMANDY, Queen of England, later Queen of Denmark and Norway
↳ As portrayed by Laura Berlin in Netflix’s Vikings: Valhalla.
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No sé qué tienen las flores, Llorona
Las flores de un campo santo
No sé qué tienen las flores, Llorona
Las flores de un campo santo
Que cuando las mueve el viento, Llorona
Parece que están llorando
Que cuando las mueve el viento, Llorona
Parece que están llorando
Ay, de mí Llorona, Llorona, Llorona
Llévame al río
Ay, de mí Llorona, Llorona, Llorona
Llévame al río
Tápame con tu rebozo, Llorona
Porque me muero de frío
Tápame con tu rebozo, Llorona
Porque me muero de frío
Fragmento del cortometraje:
Hasta los huesos-Rene Castillo
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Yesterday, I posted on tobacco, a plant I think Michael Pollan missed in his new book, “This is Your Mind on Plants”. Today I’m posting on another notable omission, cannabis. 
Canada legalized cannabis in 2018 (only the second country to do so) and Canadian citizens are allowed to possess no more than 28 grams, and grow up to four plants for personal consumption. Cultivation is only permitted to licensed producers and the use of herbicides and insecticides is tightly monitored. At the same time as it became legal, penalties for illegal production and impaired driving were increased. Whether or not to allow cannabis stores was left up to individual municipalities. In the Greater Vancouver Area, White Rock has three retail cannabis stores but neighboring Surrey has none. In one store, if you go on a Wednesday, you can get a 10% senior’s discount. According to Forbes, the Canadian legal cannabis market was valued at $2.6 billion in 2020 with 60% growth expected in 2021.
After alcohol, cannabis is the most popular psychoactive drug in the world; at least 250 million people smoked it last year, ten times more people than number 3, cocaine. It’s particularly popular in North America and 50% of the adult Americans have tried it at least once. Although still illegal federally, It’s legal in 18 US states. 
Cannabis alters the mind because it locks into already existing receptor sites in the endocannabinoid system. Specifically it’s main ingredient, THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), bonds to the CB1 receptor. CB1 receptors usually accommodate the neurotransmitter, Anandamide. In a tragic case, a Scottish woman was born with a very rare genetic condition which resulted in a massive over-production of  Anandamide. It was said that she was immune to anxiety, unable to experience fear, and insensitive to pain. Maybe this explains part of the appeal of cannabis as a recreational drug. 
CB1 receptors are found in many animals all the way down to reptiles. In nature, if an animal becomes intoxicated, it runs the risk of becoming somebody else’s lunch and this is why the cannabis plant manufactures THC. Human beings are the only animal that appreciates beauty but we’re also the only species that enjoys getting stoned.
There are many negative health outcomes associated with cannabis use and legal cannabis is required to display mandatory warnings on the package. Some warnings refer to cognitive effects, such as impairments of memory and concentration. Others warn about smoking during pregnancy and impaired driving (too bad a case of beer doesn’t have them too), but this last photo is my favorite:
“Warning: Cannabis can be addictive. Up to 1 in 2 people who use cannabis daily will become addicted.”
Yeah, and the other 50% are in denial. /Flowerishness
PS Thanks, to all the people who wrote me concerning yesterday’s post on tobacco. I’ve never received so much mail on a post before.
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