micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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ā€œ ....is that a gun? ā€Ā micah squints in an attempt to make sense of the object in verenaā€™s hand.Ā ā€œ do you have aā€“ā€“ā€“ nevermind, i donā€™t care. here. ā€ micah sets verenaā€™s usual coffee-and-breakfast order down on her desk before dragging a chair over to sit across from her. though he probably shouldĀ be a little concerned about the fact that verena is, apparently, packing a piece at work, he isnā€™t. their lives are weird enough that it doesnā€™t faze him any more than one of the twins wetting the bed does.Ā ā€œ do you have the notes from this morningā€™s lecture? i didnā€™t hear a single word that man said. ā€Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  / Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā @yalikeghostsā€‹
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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šŸ Ā  š˜š„š€š‘š’ Ā  šŽš… Ā  š…š”š‘š“š‡š„š‘: Ā  Ā  three Ā  aesthetics Ā  Ā  ( 3/3 )
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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šŸ Ā  š˜š„š€š‘š’ Ā  šŽš… Ā  š…š”š‘š“š‡š„š‘: Ā  Ā  four Ā  correct Ā  quotes Ā  Ā  ( 4/4 )
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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šŸ Ā  š˜š„š€š‘š’ Ā  šŽš… Ā  š…š”š‘š“š‡š„š‘: Ā  Ā  four Ā  correct Ā  quotes Ā  Ā  ( 3/4 )
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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šŸ Ā  š˜š„š€š‘š’ Ā  šŽš… Ā  š…š”š‘š“š‡š„š‘: Ā  Ā  five Ā  incorrect Ā  quotes Ā  Ā  ( 2/5 )
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
cristian !
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ā€œ oh, sheā€™ll find you, ā€ cristian mused, grinning in amusement at the thought of his sister annoying someone other than him. however, his grin subsided with micahā€™s last remarks as he pulled the car into a parking lot of a pharmacy. shutting off the engine, cris replied, glancing at micah and giving him a look, ā€œ exactly, so donā€™t give her any ideas once sheā€™s here. sheā€™ll take any opportunity to kill my vibe. ā€ he proceeded to half step out of the vehicle, the driver door staying open as he continued, ā€œ speaking of killing vibes, iā€™ve been getting these headaches lately. so, iā€™m just gonnaā€™ go in and get some pain meds real quick and then we can go. iā€™ll just be a sec. ā€ jogging into the pharmacy, it didnā€™t take him long to find what he was looking for and then to return to the car.
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with a noncommittal grunt, micah waved his best friend off. as mentally damaging as social media tended to be, it provided a lovely distraction while cristian made his run. he scrolled through his twitter feed, tapping out a few replies to the handful of tweets that caught his eye & didnā€™t make him want to gouge it out immediately afterwards. with his leftover time, he switched over to instagram, glancing through without liking or commenting on anything. time passed with relative quickness, aided by the music playing from his phoneā€™s speakers. he hummed along beneath his breath, glancing up towards the drug store doors every now and again. once cristian reemerged, he pressed pause on his music and swiped out of his apps, save for candy crush.Ā ā€œ what, all of those hangovers you shouldā€™ve had in high school hitting you at once ? ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
blair !
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ā€œĀ  hey, i do have a heart. iā€™m just very selective to who i use it with.Ā  ā€Ā  she tells him, eyes not leaving the child on his shoulders as she pulls at his hair.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  is she ever home? i hope she pays you for babysitting.Ā  ā€Ā  blair says, in reference to the mother of satanā€™s spawns. she moves from her spot by the counter and goes over to pick at some of the food heā€™s made.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  my mom is gonna be in town tomorrow so i guess iā€™ll take some of this for you. iā€™ll just have to take credit for it. sheā€™ll be impressed. oh blair, you finally learned how to cook!Ā  ā€Ā  she mimics her mother, grabbing a fork from the sink and digging in to one of the dishes.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  sheā€™ll love it.Ā  ā€
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a breath passes from micahā€™s nose &Ā lips, erring closer to a scoff than anything else.Ā ā€œ if anything, i need repayment for the years of emotional turmoil. but apparently, we did that to each other, so. ā€ he really isĀ over their months-long spat. ( no, really.Ā )Ā he trails behind blair, mindful of the children in his care.Ā ā€œ pleasing parents is my gift, ā€ he deadpans, in homage to all of the parents whoā€™ve hated him over the years. he shrugs, keeping a careful grip on ava. ā€œ take credit, donā€™t, i donā€™t care. if she asks for more food, you obviously have a fucking factory at your disposal. ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
verena !
šØš©šžš§Ā  š¬š­ššš«š­šžš«Ā Ā !
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Ā burstingĀ  intoĀ  hqĀ  ,Ā  verenaĀ  keptĀ  lookingĀ  overĀ  herĀ  shoulderĀ  forĀ  fearĀ  ofĀ  beingĀ  followedĀ  .Ā  aĀ  squeakĀ  rippingĀ  fromĀ  herĀ  throatĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  collidedĀ  withĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  .Ā  ā€œĀ  thereā€™sĀ  aĀ  goodĀ  chanceĀ  iĀ  mayĀ  haveĀ  committedĀ  someĀ  lightĀ  burglaryĀ  withĀ  justĀ  aĀ  hintĀ  ofĀ  breaking Ā and Ā enteringĀ  .Ā  ā€Ā  sheĀ  blurtsĀ  outĀ  beforeĀ  collapsingĀ  onĀ  theĀ  sofaĀ  atĀ  headĀ  quartersĀ  .Ā  sheā€™dĀ  beenĀ  moreĀ  thanĀ  justĀ  aĀ  littleĀ  suspiciousĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  localĀ  authoritiesĀ  afterĀ  danielĀ  andĀ  blairĀ  wereĀ  somehowĀ  resurrectedĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  deadĀ  ā€“ā€“ā€“ā€“Ā  theyā€™dĀ  hadĀ  aĀ  funeralĀ  forĀ  themĀ  andĀ  everythingĀ  .Ā  takingĀ  itĀ  amongstĀ  herselfĀ  ,Ā  sheĀ  wentĀ  intoĀ  theĀ  stationĀ  toĀ  interviewĀ  oneĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  officersĀ  whoĀ  wasĀ  atĀ  theĀ  crimeĀ  sceneĀ  theĀ  nightĀ  danĀ  andĀ  blairĀ  wereĀ  attackedĀ  andĀ  mightĀ  haveĀ  doneĀ  someĀ  majorĀ  snoopingĀ  whenĀ  theyĀ  steppedĀ  outĀ  toĀ  takeĀ  aĀ  callĀ  .Ā  pullingĀ  aĀ  manilaĀ  folderĀ  fromĀ  herĀ  bagĀ  ,Ā  sheĀ  tossedĀ  itĀ  downĀ  onĀ  theĀ  coffeeĀ  tableĀ  beforeĀ  lookingĀ  toĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  iĀ  thinkĀ  mayerĀ  hadĀ  helpĀ  creatingĀ  danielĀ  andĀ  blairsĀ  fakeĀ  deathĀ  andĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  thinkĀ  whatĀ  happenedĀ  atĀ  silverwoodĀ  isĀ  overĀ  .Ā  ā€
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belatedly, unfazed eyes slide towards verenaā€™s features. she has that wrinkleĀ between her brows & that curve at the corner of her mouth that usually precedes either an argument or more work than micah wants to do. these days, it can go either way. he tears his gaze from her to look at the folder splayed across his table, its contents spilling out from her haphazard toss. and because ignoring the problem is never an option with these people, micah sets his phone aside, leaning forward to grab the folder.Ā ā€œ youā€™re probably right, ā€ he allots, before heā€™s cracked the file open. ( itā€™s probably an actualĀ crime to read this shit, right ?Ā )Ā as angry as he was when blair & daniel reappeared out of thin air, he knows none of it made sense. their story did, but nothing elseĀ did.Ā ā€œ where the fuckā€™d you steal from, the cops ? donā€™t answer that,Ā  ā€ he stammers out, tucking his thumb between the covers of the file. admittedly, heā€™s a little hesitant to open this particular box a la pandora.Ā ā€œ if someone else isĀ part of this. you sure you want to get involved in this shit, vee ?Ā ā€˜cause itā€™s not going to end well. ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
nathan !
šØš©šžš§ š¬š­ššš«š­šžš« !
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ā€œĀ  iĀ  wouldĀ  justĀ  likeĀ  toĀ  sayĀ  somethingĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  shouldĀ  haveĀ  saidĀ  beforeĀ  ,Ā  whichĀ  isĀ  iā€™mĀ  sorryĀ  .Ā  ā€Ā  hisĀ  wordsĀ  cameĀ  outĀ  heartĀ  feltĀ  asĀ  heĀ  satĀ  inĀ  headĀ  quartersĀ  withĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  .Ā  ā€œĀ  iā€™mĀ  sorryĀ  forĀ  notĀ  beingĀ  theĀ  babysitterĀ  youĀ  allĀ  neededĀ  becauseĀ  youĀ  clearlyĀ  neededĀ  oneĀ  .Ā  ā€Ā  pausingĀ  toĀ  takeĀ  aĀ  sipĀ  ofĀ  hisĀ  coffeeĀ  ,Ā  hisĀ  legĀ  bouncedĀ  inĀ  pentĀ  upĀ  frustrationĀ  forĀ  beingĀ  sentencedĀ  toĀ  anotherĀ  yearĀ  ofĀ  overseeingĀ  thisĀ  groupĀ  .Ā  ā€œĀ  iĀ  Ā meanĀ  ,Ā  iĀ  mostlyĀ  blameĀ  myselfĀ  forĀ  theĀ  misfortunesĀ  youā€™veĀ  hadĀ  sinceĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  thrownĀ  intoĀ  thisĀ  littleĀ  teamĀ  becauseĀ  iĀ  knowĀ  betterĀ  andĀ  couldā€™veĀ  doneĀ  somethingĀ  toĀ  stopĀ  youĀ  fromĀ  nearlyĀ  gettingĀ  yourselvesĀ  killedĀ  againĀ  ā€“ā€“ā€“ā€“Ā  youĀ  guysĀ  areĀ  obviouslyĀ  stupidĀ  .Ā  ā€Ā  reachingĀ  forwardĀ  ,Ā  heĀ  setĀ  hisĀ  mugĀ  downĀ  andĀ  stretchedĀ  backĀ  onĀ  theĀ  couchĀ  ,Ā  notĀ  evenĀ  botheredĀ  byĀ  howĀ  rudeĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  toĀ  theĀ  kidsĀ  .Ā  ā€œĀ  iĀ  justĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  toĀ  knowĀ  iā€™mĀ  goingĀ  toĀ  doĀ  betterĀ  thisĀ  yearĀ  .Ā  ifĀ  notĀ  forĀ  youĀ  thenĀ  forĀ  meĀ  .Ā  ā€
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ā€œ nate, ā€ micah says, slowly & with all of the annoyed confusion his apathetic body can manage,Ā ā€œ i have no idea what the fuck youā€™re talking about or why youā€™re telling me. ā€ the liaison glances back to his laptop, closing out of pinterest before anyone can see and call him out on it. thereā€™s a blessed amount of downtime for him. until everyone else gets their shit together, thereā€™s nothing for him to do but sit around in the office and get paid to bitch. he has nothing to lose here, so he devotes his attention to nate, turning his chair to face the man.Ā ā€œ ... i donā€™t disagree, we are pretty fucking dumb, but youā€™ve been the least helpful person here. blairĀ has been more helpful than you, and she doesnā€™t even do her job. and we thought she was dead for a year. realistically, what the fuckĀ do you think youā€™re going to do to help us ? ā€ micahā€™s tone is akin to amusement, but a little too sincere to manage.
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
blair !
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ā€œĀ  yes,Ā  we know. youā€™ve been telling us that for, what, six? seven years now? fuck, micah. iā€™ve known you for too long.Ā  ā€Ā  itā€™s hard to believe that theyā€™ve been doing this bullshit since high schoolā€“ā€“ blair finds it so hard tot even think back that far. the life she used to live is the complette opposite of what it is now. is that good or bad?Ā Ā ā€œĀ  awe, thatā€™s real nice. micah feels excitementĀ for the first time. bite me.Ā  ā€Ā  she stares at the way he is with naomiā€™s spawns of satan, if she had a child-loving bone in her body, sheā€™d almost find it cute.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  still canā€™t believeĀ this was your emergency. i was two seconds away from taking the most relaxing bubble bath. but then i saw your text and was like, if micahā€™s calling for help then something must be going down. this was not what i was expecting at all.Ā  ā€
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micah cringes at the reminder of how long theyā€™ve known each other.Ā ā€œ donā€™t remind me. ā€ he didnā€™t even plan on being alive this long, let alone knowing blairĀ this long. she isnā€™t dissimilar from a pet lion, he imagines; your guests will think sheā€™s beautiful, and she does a good job of keeping any undesirables away, but she also tries to eat you whenever you get too close and thinks you look best after sheā€™s ripped a few new gashes into your wardrobe and torso. fun. he blinks dryly at her, allowing ava to tug at his hair.Ā ā€œ careful, blair. someone might overhear that and actually think you have a heart. but iā€™m so glad our friendship means so much to you. ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
naomi !
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ā€œĀ  Ā kombucha,Ā  micah.Ā  kom. buch. a.Ā  they were having a sale down at the corner market so i had to get some. youā€™re welcomeĀ  !Ā  ā€Ā  naomi says very seriously, throwing her keys aside and placing the tea down on the counter, picking ava up and resting her on her hip. at the sight of their kitchen, she gasps, very loudly, and reaches over to slap micah against his chest.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  you joined pinterest ? holy effin smokes, you sly little devil. i knew i was going to convince you one day. it took a few years but you made itĀ  !Ā  are thoseĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  macaroons ?!Ā  ā€Ā  she walks over to the colorful plate excitedly, picking one up and breaking it on half to give ava a piece.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  and itā€™s vegan ?!Ā  ā€Ā  she says with a mouthful,Ā  crumbs falling onto her shirt.
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ā€œ ... seriously ? did you get me any ? wait. goddamit, naomi, not right now ! ā€ if he expected her to do anything butĀ go to taste-testing, heā€™s sorely disappointed. luckily, he knows his roommate better than that.Ā ā€œ the fact that you went straight for the macaroons says a lot about you. and donā€™t talk with your mouth full, you animal. ā€ micah rips a paper towel from the roll to throw it at her.Ā ā€œ and donā€™t give her any more, sheā€™s been eating this entire time. she and noah are the reason we have so much. ā€ ... sort of, anyway. they were certainly the starting point for it, but itā€™s a little disingenuous to blame them completely. but whatever.
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
isaiahĀ !
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ā€œĀ  sometimes you are, yeah.Ā  ā€Ā  he replies nonchalantly, taking another bite of the food before leaning against the counter,Ā Ā ā€œĀ  look, man. we would have paid you good. are you telling me youā€™re that big of an emo that you hate money? lame.Ā  ā€Ā  isaiah can clearly see that living with naomi was having itā€™s effects on micah, and he raises his hands up in a defense manner.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  chill out, man. relax. iā€™ll take some off your hands. quick question though, do these kids even likeā€“ā€“Ā  ā€Ā  he picks up an odd colored pastry,Ā Ā ā€œĀ  whatever this is?Ā  ā€
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" fair. ā€ at this point, micahā€™s a joke to himself.Ā ā€œ youā€™re all broke college students. how do you even have mā€“ā€“ā€“ maxwell. right. forgot about that. ā€ sometimes, micah wonders what itā€™s like to have rich parents. then he wonders what itā€™s like to have loving parents or anyĀ parents at this age, and jumps off of that train of thought before the inevitable crash that was soon to follow.Ā ā€œ theyā€™re three.Ā they either like everything or nothing, depending on the day. ā€ today is one of the lucky days where they didĀ enjoy being fed new & colorful foods, but he has little hope of tomorrow being the same.
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
julian !
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ā€œthank you,ā€ julian replied casually to micahā€™s force gratitude, looking around the kitchen for anything to wrap the food up in.Ā ā€œyou got any containers for it? iā€™ll bring them back. weā€™ll go through a bunch of this shit in aā€“ā€“ā€ realizing that the twins were starting to talk, and that heā€™d just curse in front of them, julian looked back to make sure they werenā€™t paying too much attention to what he and micah were doing. they didnā€™t seem to notice, and julian went back on, only slightly off-set.Ā ā€œin a few days.ā€ he hadnā€™t been spending too much time around the two little ones recently, and they were rapidly growing. it was nice to see that micah was still happily helping in taking care of them, especiallyĀ after the big fight he knew naomi and him had a few months back.Ā ā€œwhatā€™ve you been up to?ā€ julian went for another macaroon, leaning against the countertop.Ā 
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grumbling beneath his breath, micah ventured towards the cabinets where they held all of their tupperware containers. barely noticing julianā€™s slip in front of the kids, micah made a few trips to the counters with the tupperware, setting down enough to hopefully package up the rest of the food. otherwise, he would have another store run in the near future.Ā ā€œ trying not to set my life or myself on fire again. ā€ was it too soon to make a joke about the campfire incident ? was there such a thing as too soon when it came to talking about your own disastrous life ?Ā he passed julian a few containers so he could start transferring whatever he wanted to take, while micah worked on everything else. ā€œ trying to sell my parentsā€™ house. ā€ and, yeah, maybe it was too soon for that. but itā€™d been almost two years since theyā€™d died, and there was no point in having the place. if he ever didĀ move out of the apartment, he decidedly did not want to live there again.
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
blairā€Œ !
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ā€œĀ  ew,Ā  pinterest. who are you? naomi?Ā  ā€Ā  she gags with a shake of her head. the twins come running from the hallway and blair audibly shrieks, jumping back and raising her hands to keep herself from touching them.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  first of all, how do you live like this?Ā  i would have moved out years ago. scatter.Ā  ā€Ā  Ā her last word is directed at the two kids,Ā  and they look up at her before laughing and running away again. her nose scrunches upĀ and finally she focuses on the massive amount of food strewn across the kitchen.Ā Ā ā€œĀ  what exactly made you want to do all this? are you going through some crisis?Ā  ā€
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with a sardonic laugh that heā€™ll one hundred percentĀ deny later, micah rolls his eyes at her reaction to the kids. yeah, and they callĀ himĀ dramatic. absolutely gleeful, noah attaches himself to micahā€™s leg. giving up on pushing them away, micah swoops ava into his arms, thinking nothing of it as she puts herself on his shoulders.Ā ā€œ first of all, my life is a never-ending crisis, so jot that down. second, i ... overestimated the holding capacity of our refrigerator. i saw all the recipes, and then the scariest thing happened. i had this weird feeling in my chest , where my heart started being a little fast, my palms started sweating, and i felt really restless. google said i was either having a heart attack or excitement. unfortunately, iā€™m still alive, so i guess it was the latter. ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
isaiahĀ !
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isaiahā€™s greeting gets interrupted by micah and his overdramatic wordsĀ  (Ā  which he almost doesnā€™t catch because the toddlers immediately catch his attention.Ā Ā )Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  Ā traffic, i donā€™t know ?Ā  Ā ā€Ā  he replies with a shrug, following behind the other until they reach the kitchen and the sight makes isaiahā€™s eyes widen.Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  Ā dude, you did all this ?Ā  Ā ā€Ā  Ā he canā€™t help but laugh, walking around and eyeing everything heā€™s made.Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  Ā not gonna lie, iā€™m impressed. you were holdingĀ out on us this entire time? we should have you make shit for all the parties we threw. ā€Ā  he picks at one of the smaller food items, popping it into his mouth.
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ā€œ traĀ ā€“ā€“ā€“ā€“ā€“ ā€ giving isaiah a blank & lowkey betrayed look, micah ignores the abundance of food to ask, ā€œ am i a joke to you ? ā€ he shakes his head, then turns to face the mess again, only to flinch at the sight of it.Ā ā€œ full fucking offense, but i would never cook for your disastrous parties. nothing good ever happens there. and until iā€™m the one getting killed, i donā€™t want my food anywhere near the crime scene. and iā€™m having a CRISIS, isaiah, so if you could hold off on thinking about yourself for, like, five minutes, iā€™d really appreciate it. now take some GODDAMN FOODĀ before i throw myself out the window.Ā ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
julian !
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after standing at the entrance to the kitchen for a good minute, taking in all of the different mini-dishes that had been prepared, julian did his best to hold back laughter.Ā ā€œyou and naomi are more alike than i thought,ā€ he finally said. he paid each of the twins a hello, before they ran off to a pile of toys in the living room. julian reached for one of the macaroons, choosing a wild green one from the assortment of colors micah had.Ā ā€œyou made all this for the twins?ā€ julian asked after taking his first bite, referencing micahā€™s beasts comment he heard as he walked in.Ā ā€œthey seemā€¦ā€ he glanced over and watched them building up a small tower with foam bricks,Ā ā€œvery thankful.ā€ he looked back to micah, smiling, and finished off the treat.
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ā€œ die. ā€ it was a true sign of character development that micahā€™s words held no actual heat to them, more reflexive than anything else.Ā ā€œ they were hungry, so i thought, letā€™s make something new tonight, and ... this happened. ā€ he waved an unenthusiastic arm towards the empire of food he had as a result. the problem wasnā€™t in the food itself, but in the lack of space to store it. heā€™d already stuffed the fridge, freezer, and cabinets with what they could hold, and there simply was no room for anything else. the twins seemed immune to the harshness of his glare, probably because it meant absolutely nothing.Ā ā€œ theyā€™re going to be eating this shit for a monthĀ as punishment for being born. but i am begging you to take the rest. itā€™s edible, and itā€™s not like any of you disasters know how to cook for yourselves anyway, so ... gifts. youā€™re welcome. ā€
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micvhisms Ā· 5 years
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with a character-typical dramatic flair, micah rips the door open with a scowl.Ā ā€œ what the FUCK took you so long ? i told you this was an emergency. ava and noah, move. this is your fault, you beasts. ā€ unsuccessfully shooing the twins from the door, micah leads the other in, kicking the door closed behind them. they make it maybeĀ halfway to the kitchen before he stops and turns to face them, far too late to hide the situation peeking out behind him.Ā ā€œ i ... made a pinterest account. out of curiosity. and found recipes. ā€ he risks a glance behind him. just over his shoulder, the kitchen is visible, with its stove and counters stuffed with an array of different foods. multi-colored cakes, gluten-free risottos, vegan macaroons, flax seed burgers, and that was all made within the first hour.Ā ā€œ take some of this food. eat it, throw it at a homeless person, i donā€™t give a shit. i just need it g o n e. ā€
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