middleearthmama · 26 days
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middleearthmama · 26 days
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Elrond, Gil-Galad, Elendil & Isildur in the Battle of the last Alliance in 4k
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middleearthmama · 26 days
there are others like you who only discovered fandom and fandom spaces rather late 💚🫂 and the right people will always welcome you with open arms!
You are lovely. I think it’s easy to get wrapped up in my own head when I’m feeling alone and forget I’m not the only one who feels like this. Thank you for reminding me. 🫂
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middleearthmama · 26 days
I wish I had found fandom when I was young. I wish I had found it when I was outgoing and didn’t second guess every thought and word. Before the people around me made me feel like everything about me, everything I loved and was interested in was stupid. Before the world around me made me afraid to be myself or to even speak. I wish I could’ve found other people who were like me. People who loved something so much, it consumed them. People who made me feel accepted and acceptable. I found tumblr and ao3 when I was 30, but I was so afraid of rejection, I wouldn’t even interact with anyone. I’ve posted fics, but I feel too stupid to figure out how it all works and too unequipped to be social. I am so afraid I won’t be accepted in a place I love to be, I’m always an outsider looking in. Even as I think about posting this, my hands are shaking with anxiety.
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middleearthmama · 26 days
i think there needs to be a shift in the way people talk about rejection sensitivity. while the sensitivity is often more than is necessary or appropriate, it's not totally unreasonably making things up to be anxious about. it reminds me of hypervigilance in ptsd - during childhood, there were tons of small rejections you experienced. and social rejection is a big deal - in the past, being rejected by your social group meant death! so your brain learned to pick up on those small rejections to stay safe. and even if you're in a safer environment now, like among friends who love you, your brain has already learned how to be cautious. it's annoying, and often unhelpful, but your brain is just trying its best to keep you safe. it's not just an overreaction or making up problems where there are none.
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middleearthmama · 26 days
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middleearthmama · 29 days
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middleearthmama · 1 month
Most normal orange cat
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middleearthmama · 1 month
tiny pillow for George 🐈
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middleearthmama · 1 month
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middleearthmama · 2 months
Thank you for tagging me @fantasyinallforms! I can’t believe I’m actually going to do one of these.
“I can’t stay.”
I can’t think of anyone to tag who hasn’t been tagged already. I really don’t talk to anyone.
Tag game - write a sad story in three words
"Never loved you."
Tagging @opal-chan, @sessakag, @dayseternal-blog, @bornonthebreakofdawn, @xanthippe-writes
I so want to see all the fanfic writers get creative here. 🥹😭
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middleearthmama · 2 months
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"It cannot be"
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middleearthmama · 3 months
i’d care if the person i reblogged this from vanished
idc if you reblog this from me but reblog it every time you see one of your friends or mutuals have reblogged it
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middleearthmama · 4 months
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middleearthmama · 5 months
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middleearthmama · 5 months
In light of the sad news about Bernard Hill, I feel like we should take a moment to really appreciate the acting performances in the LOTR trilogy. The fact that none of the cast got Academy Awards is well-known and I think even now the sheer visual spectacle of the trilogy can overshadow everything else, but the performances were SO crucial to what made the films great.
It’s easy to take the success of the movies for granted now, but that was never a guarantee. Aside from the practical aspects of portraying such an epic fantasy onscreen, the series is peppered with dialogue that is fine on the page but unbelievably difficult to deliver. As Harrison Ford famously remarked to George Lucas re Star Wars “You can write this stuff, but you can’t say it.”
From Gandalf’s “To the Bridge of Khazad-Dum!” to Elrond’s “It must be cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came!” it would be so easy for the whole thing to collapse into farce. The only reason it doesn’t, is because of the talent and conviction of the actors.
Bernard Hill was tasked with one of the most objectively ridiculous lines in the entire trilogy. “The horn of Helm Hammerhand shall sound in the deep one last time!” And he delivered. BOY, did he deliver. He gave it all the gravitas and emotional weight of Shakespeare, he made it truly rousing instead of ridiculous, he took the audience with him to that moment, that place, right into Middle Earth with its people and its history, and made it REAL.
And for that, I thank and salute him. RIP, sir. Go now to the halls of your fathers. You earned it.
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middleearthmama · 5 months
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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