midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"Yeah, exactly. What's tha point in lyin' anyways."
You raise a curious eyebrow.
"You a smoker?"
“I guess you’ll just have ta trust me. But, Miss Pyrope, if I actually was lyin’ about who I was, do you think I would’ve brought it up in the first place?”
You take the cigarette from your mouth and blow out a little puff of smoke.
“So, you like it or not?”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"I guess you'll just have ta trust me. But, Miss Pyrope, if I actually was lyin' about who I was, do you think I would've brought it up in the first place?"
You take the cigarette from your mouth and blow out a little puff of smoke.
"So, you like it or not?"
“Just goes ta show ya, not everyone is who ya think they are.”
You take out another smoke, light it, and pass it to her.
“There ya go.”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"Just goes ta show ya, not everyone is who ya think they are."
You take out another smoke, light it, and pass it to her.
"There ya go."
“See? What’d I tell ya.”
That friend might be a bit troublesome, you think as you take another drag on the Marlboro, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s a cigarette. You smoke them. Not particularly healthy, but I don’t really care. Want one?”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"See? What'd I tell ya."
That friend might be a bit troublesome, you think as you take another drag on the Marlboro, raising an eyebrow.
"It's a cigarette. You smoke them. Not particularly healthy, but I don't really care. Want one?"
“You don’t know what a mobster is? A member of an organized crime group of some sort, usually referred to as a gang or a mob. They are feared, yes, and the ones who hold more power are respected by their underlings.” 
You take out and light a cigarette and take a drag on it.
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"You don't know what a mobster is? A member of an organized crime group of some sort, usually referred to as a gang or a mob. They are feared, yes, and the ones who hold more power are respected by their underlings." 
You take out and light a cigarette and take a drag on it.
“Well, I’ll take yer word for it, kid. Hm? Well, maybe whoever’s with the fuzz is tryin’ ta get you on their side. I don’t know, crowbars and bashin’ in skulls? Sounds like somethin’ a mobster would do ta me.”
Not one to be outdone, you remove your hat and do an elaborate bow before standing back up and returning the fedora to it’s rightful place upon your head.
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"Well, I'll take yer word for it, kid. Hm? Well, maybe whoever's with the fuzz is tryin' ta get you on their side. I don't know, crowbars and bashin' in skulls? Sounds like somethin' a mobster would do ta me."
Not one to be outdone, you remove your hat and do an elaborate bow before standing back up and returning the fedora to it's rightful place upon your head.
“No invadin’? How can I trust ya about that, you could be spinning lies around me the whole time, lullin’ me into a false sense of security before ya strike. Regardless. Well, who knows? Maybe they’re just makin’ things up, tryin’ ta get ya on their side so they don’t have ta fight ya.”
You shrug.
“Maybe, Pyrope, maybe. I noticed that…are ya always this excitable?” 
You doff your fedora to the young alien lady.
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"No invadin'? How can I trust ya about that, you could be spinning lies around me the whole time, lullin' me into a false sense of security before ya strike. Regardless. Well, who knows? Maybe they're just makin' things up, tryin' ta get ya on their side so they don't have ta fight ya."
You shrug.
"Maybe, Pyrope, maybe. I noticed that...are ya always this excitable?" 
You doff your fedora to the young alien lady.
“A troll? Another one? Is there some sort of invasion now and yer all just comin’ down to invade Earth and cause havoc and shit? And. A private investigator. Well nothin’ to see here detective, just an everyday Californian goin’ about his day to day business. Yup, that’s me.”
Got to watch yourself around this one. 
“Dateline NBC? Is that some alien thing? Oh? Amnesia or somethin’?”
You can use that to your advantage.
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"A troll? Another one? Is there some sort of invasion now and yer all just comin' down to invade Earth and cause havoc and shit? And. A private investigator. Well nothin' to see here detective, just an everyday Californian goin' about his day to day business. Yup, that's me."
Got to watch yourself around this one. 
"Dateline NBC? Is that some alien thing? Oh? Amnesia or somethin'?"
You can use that to your advantage.
“For some sort of weird monster thing, you aren’t that bad. Yet. Well, you can call me Jack Noir. And what do you go by in this fucked up world of ours?”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"...So, if I'm supposed ta believe ya, yer an alien. I don't think I quite believe ya just yet, though. But. I can't not believe ya, because if that's a lie, then yer either some crackpot dressin' up as some weird gray thing with horns or I really am goin' mad. So kid, where's yer flying saucer then."
“A troll? Like the things from Lord of the Rings. The big monster things. That work with the goblins. Okay, yeah, I’m goin’ mad.”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
(Okay url is changed)
0 notes
midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
(I think I might just change my url)
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"A troll? Like the things from Lord of the Rings. The big monster things. That work with the goblins. Okay, yeah, I'm goin' mad."
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karkatnothimselfvantas started following you
“Okay another kid with weird horns and skin and shit. Yeah, I think I’m definitely goin’ mad, unless it’s Halloween again and no one told me.”
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midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
"For some sort of weird monster thing, you aren't that bad. Yet. Well, you can call me Jack Noir. And what do you go by in this fucked up world of ours?"
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gallowsclassygent started following you
“What the hell? I don’t even know what ta say here. Just. Horns and gray skin, seriously, I think I’m goin’ mad sometimes.”
18 notes · View notes
midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
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karkatnothimselfvantas started following you
"Okay another kid with weird horns and skin and shit. Yeah, I think I'm definitely goin' mad, unless it's Halloween again and no one told me."
5 notes · View notes
midnightmobboss-blog · 12 years
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gallowsclassygent started following you
"What the hell? I don't even know what ta say here. Just. Horns and gray skin, seriously, I think I'm goin' mad sometimes."
18 notes · View notes