midnightmusings88 · 5 days
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“The background artwork from Lilo & Stitch is among the best Disney ever produced.” - Rob Richards
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midnightmusings88 · 5 days
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Hellelil and Hildebrand (The Meeting on the Turret Stairs), Frederic William Burton, 1864
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midnightmusings88 · 20 days
Rabbits! Rabbits! Rabbits!
Reblog on the 1st of every month for good luck and fortune to come your way.
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
Hello everyone! In an attempt to clear out my inbox (because I'm a sucker and feel bad turning anyone down) I'm going to be answering some of my asks for readings with quick n' dirty replies. I'm going to try to pick ones that don't need a super in-depth reply, so if you asked me for a reading recently, this might be your chance! Thanks for all the love so far! Feel free to send me some feedback about your readings; it helps me to know if I'm on the right track or not with how I read.
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
Hello 🍉🇵🇸
my name is Majed from Gaza. We miraculously escaped the ravages of war, and had to pay a large sum of money to escape💔. Today, my wife, three children, and I live in Egypt, but life here is very difficult and expensive🥺. We do not have a residence permit, and most of my family and loved ones in Gaza are still suffering in harsh conditions. I set an initial goal of raising $3,000 to provide for our basic needs. With your support, we can reach our goal. It is not just a donation, it is real relief to humanity in need, and a rescue for a family who is only a short distance from tragedy. Be the reason to change our lives for the better, and open the door of hope for us 🙏🏼. To help us, please donate via this link: https://gofund.me/f489e577
Hello Majed, thank you so much for sending me your story. I'm sharing this so more people can find it. Wishing you love, security, safety, and health.
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
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@ibtisam @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfakhira @fallahsart @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @stil-macher @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarians-babe @ghost-and-a-half @7amaspayrollmanager @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
Please stop and help me save my family
In light of the harsh war and the lack of all life forces
Even more difficult is providing basic life necessities such as drinking water and washing
Food and treatment for my parents who suffer from diseases
Your help and contribution may restore life to my family and provide the minimum necessities of normal life
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Any small donation or share of the post helps me save them
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
Hello dear
I am from the Baalousha family from Gaza.. 🇵🇸🍉
I hope you are well .
I write to you with a heart full of hope and faith, and I ask for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them. My father and mother suffer from diabetes and high blood pressure. Help me secure them
Please, can you reblog my campaign post on my account? Every participation can make a difference in my family's life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide. 🇵🇸🇵🇸
🍉🍉 Please save what's left of my family
Hello, thank you so much for sharing your story. Wishing you the safety, resources, and strength you need. Anyone who finds this, please do anything to help that you can.
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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midnightmusings88 · 22 days
How are you?
I wanted to know if I have any chances of romantic love and a husband in future? I've been perpetually single all my life due to trauma from my parents and the oppressive community I live in. Only now that I'm so much older that I'm somewhat able to stand up for myself. But i fear I've lost my opportunity.
Thanks a lot.
Heyo! I hope you are well. Thanks so much for your patience and for the opportunity to read for you. I hope it resonates and helps you.
The thing that really stood out to me about this question is that you seem to be feeling hopeless. I want you to know first and foremost that it is never too late to change your life, and there are always opportunities for you to pursue and have the things you want. The single biggest message I have for you, backed up by the cards, is that you need to summon some faith. Have an inner knowing that everything you want is available to you, and that you deserve to pursue it. That said, let's dive into the reading.
So, honestly, I did try to pull some romance-related messages for you, but the Universe (or God, or whatever you'd prefer to think of it as, if you believe in that) corrected me that we need to address your current situation instead. As far as the "oppressive community" in which you live, it's a dead end. There is no chance of real happiness for you if you continue. I tried to pull more on it, but I didn't get a whole lot of specific details other than that it's extremely superficial and secretive (I kept hearing "hush hush" and "shhhh" in my head). There was/is probably an obsession with looking like everything is good, even when things are not. Also, this might be random, but I got that either one of your parents had an affair, or possibly you yourself have tried to be with someone before and it didn't last because there were too many secrets (or you had to keep the whole relationship secret). It doesn't have to be either of those things specifically, but I just really strongly felt an affair-type energy, which could play out a number of different ways. Something very forbidden, kept on the down-low, and very impermanent. I can sense the unhappiness, some of which is clear in your ask, that this environment has brought you, and yet I see you still trying to convince yourself that it's fine. I feel this very strong emotional attachment, sentimentality, and sugarcoating coexistent with loneliness, confusion, and self-doubt. This is, as patronizing as this may sound, pretty common, to different degrees, among many people. So many people live their lives simply accepting that they're dissatisfied, and trying to convince themselves that it's all good. The job that drains them, the soul-sucking (and not in a good way hehehe) marriage, and the big empty house are what they wanted, right? People create their own prisons all the time, myself included. Thing is, your success and happiness in life are all dependent on whether you choose (and I say "choose" because you absolutely can) to break free from whatever imprisons you.
I heard repeatedly while I was pulling this reading "You need to want better things for yourself". You, like so many people, are afraid of taking a leap of faith towards an uncertain future, preferring the familiarity of unhappiness. I would look into Søren Kierkegaard's philosophy, if I were you, specifically his work about leaps of faith. You can find plenty of videos on the subject on YouTube, or articles on the internet. I pulled several cards that reference independence, life satisfaction, fulfillment, even financial comfort, if you extricate yourself from where you are now. That means that good things are waiting for you!
Think of life as a table with a lazy Susan in the middle, filled with lots of colorful, delicious dishes, some mediocre ones, and some dry, crusty, burnt, or rancid ones too. The table isn't circular, so not everyone has great access to the lazy Susan. Plus, it rotates, so even if the opportunity passes once, the same or a better one always comes around again. The people who are closest to the middle have the best opportunity to grab the finest food, while those situated on the ends often find that even if someone graciously hands them the gourmet meals, they're often cold and unappetizing by the time they get to their seat. Maybe you aren't seated close to the middle of the table, so good things look far away from you. That doesn't mean you can't have them! It just means you need to be self-sufficient enough to ask or reach for the food you want yourself. Accept that you're not happy right now. Accept how you really feel about yourself, your life up until now, and who/where you want to be. Have faith that this life is for you! Life is a gift filled with opportunities; start living it to the fullest.
This reading took a lot out of me haha, but I really hope it reaches you. This felt really important, and I also empathize with you. Wishing you all the best.
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midnightmusings88 · 24 days
hello for the free reading im wondering what is this weird bizzarre pattern thats been in my life since I was little? I cant put a finger on it but I often feel that people just dont like me? they dont like me enough to say it often in not so subtle ways and then they pretend to like me whenever i try to tell them otherwise. over and over again. is it like a form of psychic attack i mean dont do anything but try to exist yet often am the butt of someones unfunny unkind joke and no one puts them in their place.
its like a constant bitchiness or passive aggressiveness that i seem to be on the receiving end of, even if i dont do nothing entirely wrong, no one puts them in their place either it ranges from tutors i have had to deal with that wanted me to fail under stress, classmates countless of them, random people in shops or restaraunts, parents occasionally, former friends. u name it. i dont trust nobody these days. is this also considered psychic attack?
Hi, anon, thanks for sending a request! If you feel a persistent sense of persecution and paranoia, please see a psychologist and a psychiatrist. This is not something I feel comfortable pulling on with tarot. All I can tell you is that I'm sorry you are suffering and I hope you get the help you need.
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
This is a reading for @partnoir4 sorry your ask got lost in my inbox! I think a couple of my requests were lmao... Anyway thank you for the opportunity to read for you! I hope it resonates!!
So basically, you asked how to find peace and harmony in your life right now. The very question implies that you don't have either of those at the moment, so I dug a little deeper. The impression I get is that you recently went through what a lot of tarot readers call a "Tower moment". It seems like something got thrust in your face that really shook you, specifically that you were shown the true colors of someone around you. This relationship (not necessarily romantic, I didn't get a "hot and heavy" vibe, but it could be) meant a lot to you, and I think it was something that you considered long-term, or a foundation of your life. There's profound disappointment here. It's left you really hurt, lost, defeated, and confused, as far as I can tell. If this is true, I'm so sorry that happened to you. It can be really tough to find out that you had the wool pulled over your eyes about something or someone really important. The energy suggests, however, that you're beating yourself up for it too much. Even though it hurts, it was time for this to happen. The World card showed up, and so did the Star. Tarot can't really predict timing, no matter what other readers tell you, because it depends on free will. Despite that, those 2 cards can signal "divine timing", if you will, and long-awaited new beginnings. That is a big part of your advice.
I am by no means promoting Christianity or Judaism on this blog, but the biblical story of Lot's wife might provide some wisdom to help you through this difficult part of your life. Basically, while Lot and his family were escaping Sodom and Gomorrah, 2 cities who had incurred God's wrath, Lot's wife was overcome by her inability to have faith and keep moving forward. As a result, she turned to salt right where she stood. Similarly, it seems to me like you keep looking back, despite the fact that there is nothing left there. Sometimes, a part of our world goes away in a way that discomposes us. However, there is always, always, always something better on the horizon. Make room for what is on the horizon for you now. Release the burden of holding onto what happened. Boost your self-confidence by taking some chances on new things. In particular, if there's something you've wanted to learn that won't leave you alone, now is a great time to pick it up. It will help you work through the emotions and increase your self-esteem.
Thanks, friend! I hope this was helpful, and I wish you lots of love and healing!
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
Hi, may I join your free read please? :) I am Liz (leo) and would like to know if I'll experience any change in love? Will I meet my partner soon? Thank you! ☺️✨️
Hi Liz! Thanks so much for sending a question, I loved reading for you. Hopefully this resonates with you.
Liz, Liz, Liz!!! I went to pull a few cards about you and it just turned into the reading. This was definitely the most straightforward one in my queue so far...
The short answer to your question is YES! There is a really good chance you'll experience something in love (or your life in general, but this seemed pretty emotional to me, the Ace of Cups and 2 of Cups came out more than once). Around you is a very significant person or life path milestone. There is also a lot of communication energy around as well, so this could be someone coming into your life or telling you how they feel. This is serious business. This is something very spiritual, long-term, and coming in on divine timing. Since there were a lot of major arcana as well, I think you don't have to do much for this to happen; just have some faith and let it come to you. If this is a person, then this might be someone you have been wishing and praying for. You definitely have desired this for a long time, whatever it is. That said, reality is rarely so glowingly positive, and therefore there is a caveat. This may come in a form you don't expect. Be careful about having a lot of standards or expectations about who, what, when, or how this will play out. You may not be getting some kind of Adonis-like person, for example, but their feelings for you are very true and profound. I just get that you may be surprised or confused by this, specifically because you were thinking it would be different. Do not miss the magic of whatever or whomever this is by being superficial like that. If it's truly not for you, you'll know in your heart; I do think this is absolutely for you, though.
I'm so happy for you Liz! I hope this happens for you, I wish you every happiness. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to read for you.
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
Hi!! Could I pls get a reading on how SB feels about me?
Tysmmm I’m P!
Hey there P! Thanks for requesting a reading and thanks for your patience waiting on my reply! Hope it resonates with you!
So, I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this, but I think we both know the situation here already, and you might even know what I'll tell you to do. Just based on the context you provided, I can already tell you that the best thing to do is to move forward and not care about the outcome. Don't be attached to the "yes" or "no" aspect of the situation. If someone turns you down, it's not your problem.
However, I will tell you that the cards suggest that SB has deep feelings for you. They might even reciprocate some of your romantic feelings. I get the feeling that a relationship with you posed some kind of problem for them; it could have to do with their travels that you mentioned, but it could be something else. What matters is that it didn't fit into something they wanted for their life. I'd bet the farm (and I don't gamble) that it keeps them up at night. The thing is, I'm telling you this to give you some clarity, it is absolutely not to encourage false hope. The cards backed up my immediate impression that you should move on. Just keep going on to the next thing in your life, let SB sort themselves out. The more energy (especially emotional energy) you expend on this situation, the more stuck you will become. SB's refusal is not about you and it doesn't need to concern you at all. You deserve to have someone who will be there for you and will be brave enough to be with you if they want you, instead of turning you down for superficial reasons and giving you hope (not to mention still gratifying their own feelings and trying to have their cake and eat it too) by saying you could be friends.
Sorry, P. This is a tough situation, but I've been there before and I promise things get better. You have plenty to look forward to in life, including someone who's truly available to love you the way you deserve. Wishing all the best for you!
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
Hi, how are you? Can I ask for a reading about how my first kiss with my future spouse will be like, please?
Thank you so much, from N <3
Hello N! Thanks for your patience in waiting for me to get back to you about this reading. I actually don't do readings on future spouses because that's up to you and other people to decide, but I pulled some messages for you regardless.
So, to start off, I get that you are a very youthful person, not necessarily in age, but definitely emotionally. You may be someone who has a lot of daydreams, perhaps to the degree that you have a rather superficial view of reality. You either recently or might soon be in for a major reality check on some of your attitude. There were a lot of cards that suggest an idealistic, rose-colored-glasses perspective, flanked by cards that really felt like a smackdown, to be honest. It felt like when Emma, in the book of the same name by Jane Austen, finds out that her attempts at matchmaking among her friends have actually been rather cruel and misguided. You might think that something you're doing– or something you believe– is really great and for the best. You might soon find out the opposite (the Tower showed up more than once). However, I don't see a reason for you to despair. If this is something that has yet to happen, then don't worry about it. If it already has and you're still reeling, I would caution you against wallowing and becoming disillusioned.
The reason I say that is because this is an excellent opportunity for you to grow by thinking (and feeling!) deeply about what it is you want to do, to be, moving forward. It's time to become intimately familiar with your own deeper emotions; what do you hide from yourself? Is there anything you know deep down but have been trying not to acknowledge? It's time to push past your own resistance. This time, you can set more permanent foundations for your life that will help you cultivate your independence and self-satisfaction in healthy ways. I also get that you have someone around you (or this event will bring you towards this person) who can be a source of support for you. You'd know who this is by their warm, supportive nature. They're very self-sustaining and independent; they could serve as a role model for you. If that's not the case, then I would recommend looking into the Queen of Pentacles card and seeing what it means to you. Find your own inner Queen of Pentacles.
Thanks for letting me read for you N! Wishing many blessings your way!
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
Tarot Guidelines
*Please read before requesting a reading from me!*
Hello all! Thanks for coming to my blog! Here are some general guidelines to help you when requesting a reading or just interacting with me at all. These are subject to change at any time.
Guidelines under the cut
Be respectful. I will not tolerate hatred or bigotry of any kind, directed at anyone, on this blog. I have no problem respecting different perspectives or ways of feeling/thinking/being. No one coming here should have a problem either; I will block people mercilessly, and I will not otherwise engage with anything like that.
Do not give me (or anyone else you don't personally know and trust) your full name, date of birth, or any other similarly personal information.
Insofar as your readings go, you will have to have a level of trust in me insofar as I will complete your reading to the best of my ability. I have a job and a life outside of this; it cannot be a full-time commitment but that doesn't mean it doesn't matter to me. I take this seriously.
I am NOT responsible for your decisions. I can advise you this way or that, but your choices are ultimately up to you as an individual. Trust yourself and heed your own counsel above all else.
Firstly, I will not take questions about celebrities, politics, death, disaster, or health.
I will also not take fate-based questions– in other words, no questions that assume a certain outcome like "what will my future spouse be like", "what will my first kiss be like", etc. (Those questions are merely examples and are by no means an exhaustive list.) I believe that the things that happen in our lives are the fruits of our own decisions, and that we are all affected by the decisions of others. I could tell you what road you're on now, but that could change even within moments simply because you chose something different, or someone else did. I understand that the tarot community is saturated with that kind of thing, but that's not the kind of reading I like to do. My focus is on self-empowerment.
All of the above said, be aware that sometimes, I might not be able to honestly give you an answer that you want to hear. I have every intention of acting with straightforwardness, honesty, integrity, and compassion. If you have already brought doubts with you to the table, then I ask that you not ask the question, or we can address the feeling of doubt itself.
Thank you for reading! I understand that the above is a bit long to read, but it is necessary for the operation of this blog as a place to receive guidance and to introspect.
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midnightmusings88 · 27 days
Reblog to give the person you reblogged it from the energy to do one (1) chore or maybe many
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