midnightprincess18 · 8 days
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Summary: You've finally worked up the courage to ask Kol on a date, but with all the people who've been trying to kill him lately, he jumps to the wrong conclusion about what's being asked of him. Set right after TVD "A View To A Kill", if Jeremy didn't succeed in killing Kol.
Word Count: 2,517
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
"Hello, love. I wasn't expecting to get a call from you."
I grinned at the voice of the youngest Mikaelson brother coming through the other end of the phone. I'd met him at the Grill a few weeks ago, and we'd pretty much immediately hit it off. I'd been trying to work up the courage to ask him out ever since, and after overhearing his siblings talking about how close he'd come to dying recently, I'd decided to stop wasting time and just give him a call.
"Hi Kol. Uh, I know this is kind of out of the blue, but... well, I wanted to see if you wanted to maybe get together at some point and... talk. Hang out. All that... stuff..."
I grimaced. I'd never done this before, and it was probably painfully obvious, especially to a vampire with a literal thousand years of experience.
"You want to get together and talk?" asked Kol, a lilt to his voice that I couldn't quite decipher. Everything in me screamed that I should bail out, but I grit my teeth and forced myself to toughen up.
"Yeah. If that's something you'd want to do."
"Oh, it very much is." My heart stopped. I'd been sure this call was about to be a total fumble, but apparently, somehow it'd worked? "What did you have in mind?"
"Uh..." I mentally kicked myself. I'd spent so much time trying to work up the nerve to actually call him, I hadn't thought at all about what I would do if he actually said yes. "Well, I don't know. Is there anywhere you'd especially like to meet up? Or anything you'd like to do?"
"How about your house?" The doorbell rang. "Right now?"
My brain short circuited. He was here? Now? I wasn't ready at all! The house was fairly clean, and I didn't look like a total mess, but I also wasn't ready for a date! And wasn't a first date supposed to be about thirty degrees more chill and removed, like a going to a movie or dinner or something?
I forced myself to take a deep breath. Yes, this was technically a first date, but Kol and I had interacted before. We were friendly, maybe even friends. It's not like he was some stranger I was about to let into my home.
"Uh, sure. Now is... now is good. I take it you're the one at my door?"
"Yes I am, darling."
"Okay. Well, then... I guess I'll see you in a second."
I hung up the phone before I could make any more of a fool of myself, paused at the mirror in the hallway to quickly adjust my outfit, then strode confidently to the front door. If I pretended to be confident, it would probably rub off and turn into the real thing, right?
I swung open my door to find a grinning Kol on the other side, one arm raised and resting against the doorframe. My heart did a little backflip at that, and I just hoped his vampire senses hadn't clued him in on it.
"Well? Aren't you going to invite me in?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, come on in, Kol."
He grinned at me as he slowly, deliberately put one foot over the threshold, then the other. He paused once he officially stood in my house, facing me with a look like he expected me to have some kind of reaction. I just gave him a smile.
"Welcome in. Uh, I'll be honest, I wasn't really prepared for you to come over, like, now. But we can make some drinks, maybe play a board game or something? I actually think I have an at-home dart board buried somewhere around here if you want to get your ass kicked like you did the first time we met."
Kol huffed a laugh, a smaller, more genuine smile pulling onto his face as he shook his head at me.
"Well, now we have to play, don't we? I can't let my honor be tarnished without fighting back."
"I think it only counts as tarnishing your honor if it's not true," I mused as I led Kol into the kitchen, incredibly aware of how closely he followed behind me. If vampires could hear heart beats, then I was well and truly screwed.
"Exactly. I didn't get my ass kicked in darts, so what you said wasn't true."
I paused long enough to give Kol a judgey look over my shoulder, then walked around to the cabinets behind the kitchen island.
"Alright, I'll go dig out the dartboard in a minute, but let's figure out drinks first. I'll be honest, I'm not the best bartender, but I'll see what I can do."
"Here, let me. I'm an excellent bartender."
Kol reached for the bottles in my hand, but I paused, holding them slightly away from him. He leaned into me, and my heart did its stupid jumping jacks again, although I ignored it. Instead, I fixed Kol with another look.
"Are you an excellent bartender in the way you're an excellent dart player? Or are you actually an excellent bartender?"
Kol shook his head, an edged smile spread on his face as he reached across me and took the bottles from my hands. I was more than a little disappointed when he pulled away.
"Alright, I'm going to make us some drinks while you go and get that dart board, right now. We're going to settle this, once and for all."
"I'm still not totally sure that I actually have it," I reminded him, walking backwards out of the kitchen. Kol just hummed, shooting me one last look as he got to work on the drinks before I turned the corner.
As soon as I was out of his sight, I paused to take a few deep breaths. I was starting to feel seriously giddy hanging out with him like this, and I needed to calm the hell down. It was a casual first date, after all. I didn't need to get ahead of myself.
Once the butterflies in my chest had settled down a bit, I walked the rest of the way to the hall closet, or what I thought of as my junk closet. It was packed with things that were just useful or sentimental enough that I didn't want to throw them away, but that basically never came in handy on a regular basis. If that dartboard someone had gotten me for my birthday a few years ago was anywhere, it would be here.
I dug through a few boxes I thought might be likely candidates, trying to remember where past me might've put things last time I'd organized everything. Finally, after what felt like way too much searching, I found it at the bottom of a box on a higher shelf. Even better, a bag with all the darts still together was with it.
I grinned, doing a little triumphant fist pump to myself before turning to head out of the closet. In the doorway, however, I found Kol hovering, watching me intently, a menacing air about him that hadn't been there earlier.
"Hey... what are you doing?" I asked. He raised an eyebrow at me and crossed his arms.
"Me? I was about to ask you the same thing, darling. It really took you that long to find the dart board?"
I furrowed my eyebrows at him, watching for any clues as to what the hell he was doing before briefly glancing away to check the time my phone. Honestly, it hadn't even been that long.
"I mean, yes? Have you looked around this closet at all since you got here? It's a mess. How long have you been standing there, anyway?"
"I'm not an idiot, sweetheart," he said instead of answering me, taking another step forward. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I know you're back here messaging your little friends, trying to set up another ambush for me after the first one didn't work. I know how you Mystic Falls people like to operate."
My frown deepened. "Kol, what the hell are you talking about?"
"Don't play innocent with me, darling, it won't work. So who have you been texting?"
"No one, other than you! I knew you were acting weird on the phone, and when you first showed up. I thought my nerves were just getting the better of me, but apparently not."
"Nerves for what? Don't tell me Jeremy's going to come bursting through the door playing Van Helsing again."
"Jeremy who, Kol? Seriously, I have no idea what you're talking about."
For the first time since he'd appeared in the closet doorway, Kol seemed to believe me. His look changed from borderline threatening to almost as confused as my own.
"Jeremy Gilbert."
I paused, trying to place the name. It sounded familiar, but it took me a little while to figure out why.
"That's... Elena Gilbert's little brother? Right?"
"Yes. You're actually trying to tell me you don't know him?"
I scoffed. "Kol, of course I don't know him. I graduated from high school when he was still in middle school. I barely remember him or his sister."
He studied me, eyes scanning my face, apparently looking for some sign of a lie. I just watched him back, waiting on some kind of explanation for this to make sense.
"So you're not working with Elena and her little group of friends, then? Or either of the Salvatores?"
"No, Kol. Working with them on what?"
"You're not lying."
"I know I'm not lying! Now what the hell are you talking about?"
Kol sighed, slumping back against the doorframe a little, the tension easing out of his body although he still looked a little confused. I could relate.
"Elena and Jeremy tried to kill me not too long ago," he said, as if he was saying they'd asked him for directions on the street. "Elena tried to keep me busy by lying about wanting to discuss a truce with me. I assumed this was a terrible second attempt at the same thing."
I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes for a beat as I leaned against the shelf behind me. I knew he was a vampire, and I'd even known someone had tried to kill him recently. But somehow, I'd underestimated the level of ridiculous drama and miscommunication that would likely create.
"Yikes. Well... I'm glad you survived, and I can honestly tell you that I'm not a part of any plot to try to kill you. I can't even remember the last time I talked to Elena, and the only time I've ever talked to either of the Salvatores was when Damon was drunk and hit on me at the Grill."
Kol snorted. "Sounds familiar."
"I'm sure."
The two of us stayed put, neither moving to stand up or leave the closet, neither speaking either. The silence just hung, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do next, so it was a relief when Kol leaned forward, the menace in his posture gone and replaced by tentative curiosity.
"You know, this leaves us with a very important question."
"And what's that?"
"If you weren't trying to drive a stake through my heart... why did you call me and ask to meet up?"
And just like that, the relief was replaced with sheer nervous panic.
"Uh... well..."
Kol grinned and took a few steps towards me.
"You said you wanted to get together and talk," he said, a teasing tone to his voice that made my heart speed up at the same time that it made me want to give him a shove. "What exactly did you want to talk about, if not murdering me?"
I shook my head, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face. Kol was well and truly in my space now, standing right in front of me, one arm over my head and leaning against the shelf behind me. Based on the grin he gave me when I met his eyes, I got the feeling he could hear my heart racing.
"I... Well, I was trying to ask you on a date."
"Were you now?" asked Kol, his shit eating grin doubling in size. I huffed.
"Yes. And it took a lot of effort to work up the courage to actually go through with it, so if you're just messing with me right now with the whole leaning into my space and flirting thing, I might actually join Team Try To Kill Kol."
Kol just laughed and shook his head, leaning in a little bit further as he did. I couldn't help a subconscious glance at his lips, and with the way they curled up even further, I knew he'd noticed.
"I'd never dream of messing with you about this, darling. Honestly, this is the best news I've gotten in days. If I hadn't been working to keep a few different people from killing me, I would've asked you out a week ago."
I grinned. "Really?"
I huffed a happy, disbelieving laugh as Kol leaned the rest of the way in, his lips finding mine. Fireworks exploded in my chest at the sensation, especially as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. My hands found his shoulders, holding on tightly, and when I finally pulled away after a few long, long moments, I was a little breathless and a little dizzy.
"Now that was worth thinking I was about to be vampire-slayed," said Kol, grinning at me before starting to lean in again. I laughed, but put a hand to his chest to stop him.
"I agree, but this is still a first date. I want to actually talk to you and get to know you beyond the few conversations we've had at the Grill, not just make out in my closet."
"You didn't like making out in the closet?"
"I didn't say that." Kol grinned, and I gave him an exasperated smile of my own. "I like this, Kol, a lot. But I could've just kept flirting at you with the Grill if all I wanted was to make out with you. Dates are supposed to be... a little more than that, at least to me."
Kol sighed, bringing his hand up to cup my chin and running his thumb across my lips before stepping back. My heart was doing backflips, and from the smirk on his face, I knew he could tell.
"Alright then, darling. I'll give your version of a date a try. As much as I like making out in closets, it might be nice to just talk to you for a bit, too."
I beamed at him. "Good. Although, it doesn't have to be all talk." I retrieved the dartboard that had been shoved back onto a shelf when Kol had first gotten in my space and held it up. "We have a few things to settle, after all."
"Oh yes we do. Come on love, our drinks are waiting in the kitchen. You're going to need one, so you have something to blame your loss on later tonight."
"Keep talking, Twilight. It's just gonna make it that much sweeter when I win."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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midnightprincess18 · 16 days
All he needed.
Pairing: Homelander x F!Reader.
Summary: After two years of being together, you dissapeared from Homelander's life. Vought had told him you killed yourself but one file left on his desk by someone unknown, told him a different story. And when he sought you out, he was surprised to see you alive and well, with an eight month old son, blonde hair and blue eyes, just like his father.
Warnings: Heavy swearing. Blood and murder. Mentioning of smut. Mention of suicide
You were with Homelander for only a short two years. But it was the best fucking two years of both your and his life. You adored Homelander before you even started working for Vought. You always offered him kind smiles when you saw him. And he could hear the way your heart skipped a beat when he was near.  You were taken with him from the start and he was taken with how much you adored him, how much you loved him.
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At first, Homelander would only watch you through the walls of your office. He could watch you for hours, but honestly, you never did anything exciting at work. So then he began watching you at home. He watched through your walls as you danced around in nothing but a shirt and panties while making dinner. He watched you dress, watched you bath, watched you whenever you pleasured yourself, and even watched you sleep.
He couldn’t get enough of it. Of you. And soon he was forcing his way into your life. He forced Stillwell to make you his personal assistant and you were all too happy for the job. He made sure you had to follow him around the whole day, except when he was out fighting crime. He made them move your office next to his own so that he could comfortably watch you through the wall.
And then one day he showed up at your apartment. He invited himself in, made friendly talk and even stayed for dinner. Being with him for your whole workday, made you two close, and then suddenly he was at your apartment every day after work. You got yourself into the habit of cooking for two and always having fresh milk in your fridge. He seemed to quite enjoy the beverage.
One night you admitted to having a crush on him when you were younger and not before long you were laying naked across the bed, being fucked senseless by the supe. Your relationship developed fast and strong after that. Homelander moved you into his penthouse in the Vought building, so you’d truly be around him nearly 24/7. This created a co-dependency for you.
To Homelander, it truly seemed like you enjoyed his company. You didn’t mind having him around all the time. You didn’t mind listening to him rant. You always praised him and agreed with him on everything. You were truly just perfect.
And then you just had to go and fucking kill yourself.
When the cops found your burned car, there was barely anything left to identify you with. That’s what Vought told Homelander. It was believed to be suicide because of the cans of gasoline that were found not so far from your car.
For a whole year and five months, Homelander mourned you. He was confused, heartbroken and angry. He didn’t understand why you had to leave him. Was he not good enough? Were you not happy? He gave you fucking everything and you just ripped his dead and cold heart right out of his chest.
That’s until one faithful day when things changed. He stepped into his office, finding a brown file on his desk. He sighed in irritation, thinking Ashley had dropped it off. He wasn’t even going to bother with it until he saw the red stamp on the file. ‘Highly confidential.’
His eyebrows furrowed and more irritation filled him. Was Ashely that fucking incompetent to leave a highly confidential file on his desk. He sat down and opened the file, eyebrows furrowing when he was met with your gaze. The photo pinned to the inside was not one he had ever seen before. Your hair was shorter than it was when you were still alive.
His eyes scanned over the file, reading only a few words that stuck out to him.  Two simple words struck something inside him. ‘ Witness protection.’ He read it over and over. Nowhere did it say why you were in witness protection, but it gave the exact date you entered the program through Vought. Exactly seventeen months ago.
He was raging by the time he reached Stillwell, who happened to have her infant son in the office with her. He demanded to know why they lied to him, where you were, and why you left. At first, she was reluctant to speak, but with one flick of his red eyes at her son and she began speaking. She told him where you were, but spun a story that you were scared of him and begged her to help you get away.
He didn’t buy it but soon he’d get his answers. Within minutes, he was in front of a cabin, tucked away far away in the middle of the woods. He stared at the house, noting the zinc inside the woods that obstructed his vision.
Inside, you were walking barefoot through the house, still in your pajamas. Your blond-haired blue-eyed  baby was in your arms, dressed in a blue onesie, his blue blanket in one hand and his dark red pacifier between his lips.
“Alright buddy, let’s get breakfast in that belly.” You coeed to Noah and the eight-month-old registered the word ‘food’, and an excited spark slipped into his blue eyes. You carefully placed him in his highchair and he grabbed for your shirt. “You can have milk after you’ve eaten.” You said you pulled his hands off your shirt before walking around the kitchen, serving him a bowl of yogurt with mashed banana.
You smiled at the baby when he grew even more excited when you brought the food over to him. You only got into feeding him a few bites before your front door was slammed open so hard that it ripped from the hinges and fell with a thud to the floor.
A gasp slipped from your lips at the sound and your eyes widened. Noah began wailing and you shushed him softly as you picked him, cradling his head against your chest. Your heart beated painfully in your chest as you heard the slow thuds of footsteps approaching down your hallway.
There was no back exit through your kitchen. There was only one way in and out, and that was through the same hallway the footsteps were approaching from. You slowly backed up as the footsteps grew closer, but you froze in your steps when a familiar tall and blonde supe stepped into your kitchen.
Your chest clenched at the familiar face blankly staring back at you. ”John?” You whispered as your eyebrows furrowed, confusion filling you just as much as it filled him. His gaze darted down to the baby in your arms, and his eyebrows knitted together. “Oh my God…” You let out a soft sigh, a relieved sigh. “You found me.” You said softly as the smallest smile tugged at your lips and tears filled your eyes.
“Y/n…” He whispered as he continued to stare at you with furrowed eyebrows. Stillwell’s story and your reaction to his presence didn’t match up.  “I…I don’t understand.” He muttered softly as his eyebrows furrowed even more. His gaze darted towards Noah when the baby sniffed softly, his blue eyes still full of tears. “Whose that?” He asked as he pointed at the baby.
“Noah.” You replied with a soft smile as you glanced down at your son, wiping his tear-stained cheeks. “Our son.” You informed Homelander as your gaze returned to him.
His eyes slightly widened as his gaze shot towards you. He was silent for a long while as he just stared at you. His head cocked to the side and he opened and closed his mouth for a second, unsure of what the fuck to say. He was silent for another second again. “Our…our son?” He repeated softly as his eyebrows furrowed.
You slowly nodded your head as your gaze diverted down to the floor, tears pooling in your eyes. “I’m sorry.” You whispered as you shook your head, your gaze returning to him. You loved Homelander with all your heart, but at that moment, you felt scared of him. Scared of his reaction.
“We have a son?” He repeated as he raised his eyebrows, slowly and hesitantly taking a small step towards you, his gaze darting down to Noah. “I have a son?” He whispered.
“Yeah.” You replied softly as you nodded your head and slowly approached him. When you stood toe to toe, Homelander hesitantly reached out and to the baby from your arms. He cradled Noah in his arms, staring down at the baby who was a mirrored image of him. The perfect creation of him. “I’m sorry.” You repeated as you lowered your gaze, wiping the tears from your eyes.
Homelander’s gaze returned to you. He silently stared at you for a long time, listening to your heartbeat. It didn’t sound like the heartbeat of a woman so scared she had to fake her death to get away. It sounded like the heartbeat of a woman broken.
“They told me you were dead…and then they told me you ran away because you were scared of me.” He informed you, eyeing your face closely to see your reaction. Homelander was so deeply hurt by everything he had found out in the past few hours. He didn’t know who or what to believe.
You looked shocked at this, your eyebrows furrowing and your lips parting as your gaze darted towards him. “They told you that?” You asked softly as your gaze darted around, slowly shaking your head in denial.
“Why did you leave?” he asked, and you could hear a hint of anger slip into his voice. Anger towards you. Because for what fucking possible reason could you have left him for. “Why did you leave with my son?” He asked as his eyebrows furrowed, his gaze darting down to Noah.
You sighed softly, sitting down at the kitchen island, running a hand through your hair. “I was going to tell you I was pregnant when I found out.” you began speaking. “Somehow Vought found out and found me before I could get to you. They didn’t want you to know because they were scared your priorities wouldn’t be them anymore.” You explained as you turned your head to look over at him. “They gave me three options. They kill me before I get the chance to tell you. They keep me locked up until I give birth and take the baby, raising him like you were, and threatened to kill me if I told you. Or I leave, live in isolation with my baby.” You informed him and his lips twitched into a snarl as his grip gently grew tighter on Noah. “I know how much you suffered…I couldn’t do that to him.” You said softly with a shake of your head as you glanced at Noah.
“Vought…Vought made you do this?” He questioned softly, his voice a low growl and his eyes briefly flicking red as his gaze diverted away from both you and Noah.
You nodded your head and he inhaled sharply. “I’m sorry.” You whispered as you got up to your feet and slowly approached him, gently placing a hand on his muscular bicep and he slightly relaxed underneath your touch. You didn’t leave because you were scared of him. He just knew that was fucking bullshit.  “I wanted to tell you, I wanted you to be part of it, of everything, my pregnancy, the birth, his life. All of it.” You whispered as your gaze turned to Noah and you ran a hand through his blonde hair. He was quite peaceful in his father’s arms.
“They said…they said you left because you were scared of me,” Homelander muttered in a low voice, and you could still hear the hint of anger. But his anger wasn’t directed at you anymore. Now it was directed at Vaught and every fucked who lied to him. “They said you wanted them to fake your death.”
“No.” You immediately denied it with a shake of your head as you reached out to cup his cheek in one hand. “I loved you…I still love you.” You whispered as he leaned into your touch. You sighed softly and your gaze flicked towards Noah for a brief second again. “I tried to take him and leave when he was a few weeks old, to go and find you.” You inform Homelander in a soft voice. “So many men with guns showed up. They didn’t point their guns at me to get me to come back, they pointed their guns at him.”
Homelander’s lips twitched into a snarl again as he thought of his son being put in danger. He didn’t care if the kid had powers or not, he fucking despised the thought of anyone even thinking of hurting his son. First, they wanted to fucking take him away from his mother, raise him in a fucking lab, then they DID take him away from his father and pointed guns at him. Someone was going to fucking die today.
“Who knew?” He asked in a low voice. You looked at him hesitantly. His voice was trembling with anger and his blue eyes flicked red again, like a broek light flicking on and off, constantly. It was like he had no control, or he was dangerously close to losing it.
You breathed deeply, hesitant to tell him. You knew he was close with Stillwell because he had her pressed nice and firmly underneath his thumb. “Stillwell.” You whispered and he inhaled sharply again. “She gave the orders, made the threats.” You informed him and Noah was immediately shoved into your arms. “John?” You muttered in confusion as he spun on his heel and stormed out of the kitchen. You hastily followed after him as he stormed out through the broken door and flew off. “John!?”
You let out a soft sigh as he disappeared into the sky. You felt confused, wondering where he was heading. Surely he wouldn’t kill Stillwell. Were you and a kid he’d just met a few minutes ago truly more important to him than a woman he’d worked with for years, a woman who gave him whatever he wanted and always had his back?
You waited there by the broken front door for a long time before you went back into the kitchen, calling the men who patrolled around the woods like guards, keeping you and Noah in like caged animals, but no one answered. You were supposed to always call them if you needed something but after five missed calls you figured you'd have to fix the door yourself.
You finished feeding your son and got him dressed in a saige colored green shirt and brown overalls before you dressed yourself in a plain blue t-shirt and some black leggings.  You sat on the steps of your front porch, silently staring at the broken door. Noah sat a few inches away from you, playing with his toys.
He crawled his way toward you, dumping a few pieces of his toys on your lap. He leaned against your thigh as he played, using your legs as a play area. You smiled down at the boy, running a hand through his hair. “It’s okay buddy.” You whispered. “Me and you, we’re gonna be okay no matter what happens.” You assured him.
There was a loud woosh in the air, followed by a thud on the ground, your head shot towards the side, eyes widening at the sight of Homelander, standing a few feet away from you, covered in blood from head to toe. The sight made you gasp.
You slowly got up to your feet and picked Noah up in your arms. “John…” You whispered as you slowly approached him, lips parting as your gaze drifted over the bloody man before you.“Who?” You asked softly, knowing not a drop of the blood that covered him, was his.
“Stillwell.” He muttered in a low voice as he blankly stared ahead of him, his eyes looking dead.
Stillwell was already writing a form of resigning and packing her bags when Hoemalnder found her. He could have made it quick for her, lazering her head in. But he made it as painful as possible. He dragged it out for as long as she could take before she choked on her own blood. When he left her house, Madelyn Stillwell was barely recognizable. She was scorched into almost nothing.
You slowly nodded your head. You shifted Noah onto one hip and with your free hand, you placed a hand on Homelander’s shoulder, almost flinching at the wet and cold patch of blood that stuck to his suit, smearing onto your palm. “Let’s go inside.” You insisted as you let him inside. “You can clean up in the bathroom.”
You washed your hand, scrubbed it until the skin was burning and red then you waited in the living room as Homelander cleaned himself in the bathroom. Noah was sitting on the floor, nibbling on one of his toy cars.
You glanced up when you heard Homelander’s footsteps approaching. He was clean now, his blonde hair damp. His face was blank as he sat down on the couch opposite yours. Noah’s attention was drawn to Homelander and he abandoned all his toys and crawled towards his father.
Homelander stared at the baby who now sat by his feet. He was unsure of what to do when Noah lightly slapped his leg. Hesitantly he reached out and picked up his son, resting Noah on his lap. Noah’s interest immediately went to Homelander’s cape, pulling and biting at the fabric. Homelander didn’t even care about the drool now on his cape. He watched his son in awe.
You slowly got up from the couch you sat on and moved to sit next to Homelander. “I’m sorry.” You whispered as you looked at him, a frown tugging at your lips. “I couldn’t…I couldn’t let them do to him what they did to you.” You muttered softly as you shook your head.
“You’re a good mother, Y/n,” Homelander replied as he wrapped one arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. You leaned into his touch like you always used to do. It brought strange emotions forth in Homelander. Having a woman who loved and adored him and a son. A fucking family. HIS family. “He’s lucky to have you.”  He said softly as his gaze turned to Noah.
“Now he has you too.” You whispered as you turned your head to look up at Homelander, his gaze never leaving Noah. Never had you seen the man so much in awe of something or someone. Your gaze also turned to Noah and you pursed your lips. “They ran tests on him when he was born.” You informed him softly and he tensed up for a second until you continued speaking.  “He’s like you, but he hasn’t shown any of his powers yet.” You explained as you looked back at Homelander again. “He’s a real gentle kid actually.” You said as a smile tugged at your lips.
A smile tugged at Homelander’s lips as well. He felt proud knowing his kid was like him. He turned to look back down at Noah again, gently running a hand through the baby’s hair. “He looks so much like me…” He noted softly as he let out a soft, pleased huff.
“He does.” You agreed with a nod of your head. “I took so much comfort in that.” You admitted softly as you smiled sadly. For the past eight months, Noah was all you had of Homelander. Of the man you loved with all your heart.
“Vought’s not going to hurt you or our son.” Homelander assured as his hold on you tightened and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “And they won’t take either of you away from me ever again.” He promised softly as he leaned his head against yours.
After fixing your front door and informing you that all the guards around the woods were dead, Homelander spent the entire day playing with his son. They played with toy supes, and cars, watched cartoons together, and played a little outside. After eating dinner and getting a bath from his father, Noah was beyond tired. You let Homelander put the baby to bed. It was the least you could give him after he missed eight months of his son’s life.
You sat in the living room, looking up when Homelander returned to you. “He sleeping?” You asked softly as he sat down next to you, shifting to lay his head on your shoulder as he closed his eyes.
“Yeah.” He replied softly as he slowly nodded his head.
 “You really knocked him out.” You said softly as you let out a soft chuckle, a smile tugging at your lips as you leaned your head against his.
“I couldn’t let him go.” He spoke softly as he inhaled slowly. “I just wanted to spend every single second with him.” He said as he turned his head to look up at you, his face barely an inch away from yours.  “I’ve missed so much.” He whispered.
You sighed softly, reaching out to brush your finger across his cheek. “Now, we all have so much time together.” You whispered as you offered him a small smile, cupping his cheek. “I’ve dreamt of this day for so long.” You admitted. “Wondering how it would be if you found us…meet him.” You muttered before sighing again. You silently stared at him for a second before resting your forehead against his. “I love you, John.”
“I love you.” He replied as he reached up to cup your cheek as well before pressing his lips against yours in a yearning kiss. Now he had all he ever wanted. A family. A son. And a woman who loved him. He had it all. All he needed. And fucking pray for anyone trying to take it from him again.
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midnightprincess18 · 21 days
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Noel Noa best coach ever
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midnightprincess18 · 28 days
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midnightprincess18 · 28 days
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midnightprincess18 · 1 month
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midnightprincess18 · 1 month
This elderly woman was one of the leaders of demonstrations against the Vietnam War in 1968, when she was a student at Columbia University. Today, 56 years later, she returns to the same place and says, "Palestine must be free."
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midnightprincess18 · 1 month
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midnightprincess18 · 1 month
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midnightprincess18 · 1 month
A lil continuation to this wonderful prompt by @ariesdiary
I WANNA CONT. THIS T_T (Full credits to @ariesdiary for the wonderful idea) Would've directly reblogged it but for some reason my tumblr is showing error whenever i try to reblogT_T. Pls refer to the linked post to makes sense of whats goin on.
Alicent finally decides to walk up to the boy who maimed her son, the boy she hated for the unfairness of it all, the boy who now is reduced to nothing more than a ghost; drifting from one place to another in the Keep, the boy holding no smiles for any other but his darling sweet new born babe, just like her when she would hold Helaena and find warmth in her sweet girl when the Keep seemed so...cold and merciless.
She found Lucerys exactly as she would have expected, sitting on a plush armchair by the window overlooking the Blackwater bay and its dark enchanting waves. His dark brown hair fell around his eyes as he cradled his little boy close, humming something Alicent vaguely recognized as some song in High Valyrian. The babe was born prematurely, as the midwives had later told The Queen, was weak and pale for the first few days after his birth before slowly improving and being as healthy as a kicking goat.
She remembered coming to see the child, her king-husband's deathly weak form buzzing with joy over his great-grandson. She remembered Lucerys' exhausted face. She remembered her son Aemond walk up to his husband and son. She remembered the hopeful glint in Lucerys' eye which evaporated as soon as Aemond did nothing but spare a few pats and a light kiss on the babe's head before moving away to let his mother approach.
He did not even ask to hold him.
Remembering all that and relating so much, Alicent stopped by the doorway to Luke's room and her nails ripped skin as she decided that Lucerys was not the first person she had to talk to.
She found her son in the training yard, engaged in a duel with one of the Cargyll twins. Something hot coiled her insides; anger. Aemond was dueling while his husband turned into a living-dead with each passing moment.
White hair whipped around as her son turned towards her voice. He panted with exhaustion and remaining adrenaline as he frowned.
''Come with me.''
She turned to walk away, living no room for refusal.
''What is it Mother?'' He asked, having followed her into a hallway. The sweat was wiped away, the doublet replaced with usual wear.
Alicent pursed her lips, ''Do you not wish to see your son? How he is fairing? How Lucerys is fairing?''
Aemond flinched at the name. Looking away towards the window. The sunlight made it hard for her to fully gauge his reaction. She had seen him done the same whenever his husband would be saying something.
''Does not matter what i want.''
Alicent drew a breath, praying to The Crone for patience.
''And why would you think so?''
Aemond still did not meet her eye, '''He would not appreciate it.''
''And why do you think so?''
Aemond's flinch was barely noticeable, ''He has made it quite clear how unhappy he is within my presence.''
Alicent grabbed her son's shoulders to have him face her fully before swinging her hand swiftly, slapping him hard.
Aemond's face was thrown sideways, the uninjured side of his face turning white to red rapidly. He turned to face his mother; violet eye wide.
''You foolish, foolish boy! You have lost but one of your eyes yet how an you still be so blind?!''
''Mother- i do not--''
Alicent slapped him again. This too was on the unharmed side of his face. She was not cruel.
''How could you not understand what is happening? Lucerys has done nothing but kind to you since the day your betrothal was announced yet you condemned him! You still continue to condemn him even after you marriage and the birth of you son!''
Aemond clenched his jaw, ''He has shown from the moment we took our vows his unhappiness towards the union, towards me as his husband! How can I face him knowing to see nothing but unhappiness on his fac-''
Alicent's palm met his face again.
She was livid, panting hard and eyes wild with fury. It turns out Aemond despite being intelligent and unparalleled in almost everything, he inherited his foolishness in matters regarding family from his father, and his cowardice to face the truth forefront from Alicent herself.
''If only you took the time to notice--to understand, to just look at your husband for more than a moment long than you would have understood that your claims just the opposite.''
Aemond frowned at her.
''Lucerys looked unhappy during your wedding because he faced your indifference towards him, and processed the fact that you will forever hold nothing but hate towards him, that you will never be able to love him or respect him like a spouse should! And all along you did nothing but feed his assumptions with your attitude towards him. Did you ever see, Aemond? What he has been reduced to? That bright boy now nothing but a shadow of what he used to be; trapped forever in a marriage with someone who will never forgive him, never love him...never love their child.''
''I do not hate our chil--''
''Dont you? Mayhaps you don't....but have you not treated him the exact way your father has treated you? Treated Lucerys like how Viserys treated me all this time?''
Aemond's face blanked out completely, going paler than his natural tone.
Alicent stepped closer to him, eyes finally softening. Her hands grasped his bigger ones roughened by swordfighting. When he met her eyes, they were distant and....sad. 'Sad' was the least complicated word to put what it was.
''My boy....do you truly want history to repeat?''
'''What if you are wrong? What if he truly does not want me....or if he did....does it still remain? After all i did?''
He looked suddenly like the boy who cried in her lap when his dragon egg refused to hatch.
''Do you forgive him?''
His silence was enough answer.
''Do you love him?''
Again his silence spoke more than words ever could.
She smiled at him, ''Then go and show him.''
Aemond's footsteps felt heavier and soundless as he walked up to his husband's chambers. They had separate ones, long distances away from each others'.
His face still stung from the slaps from his mother but he was glad.
If she and he were still wrong, then he still take it in stride. But his mother was right, he couldn't live knowing the truth.
It was evening now, the hallways darker and alight with fire torches. He clutched the thing in his hands tighter, faint warmth bringing him comfort.
He knocked twice, hesitant.
Few moments passed and he was sure Luke was not inside, before-
''Come in.''
The voice was light and heavy at the same time, tone of it still not failing to bring an aching relief in his chest.
He pushed the door open gently, a part of him wanting to run away. He still stepped inside the room, which was warmly lit with the hue of the fireplace.
Lucerys stood in front of it, a blue shawl hugging his form. Aemond's breath hitched as he took in the sight. His husband's moonlight pale face glowed in light of the fire in front of him. He had always been beautiful. But as the memory of his mother's angry voice sunk in, he saw how Luke truly was. Haunting and ghostly....just there, but not really.
Luke turned to see him and froze, eyes widening briefly. Aemond gulped, his toes inside his boots curling.
He tilted his head, trying to understand why he suddenly was here....when he never was.
''Do you..require anything?''
Aemond's heart ached at the voice. Finally realising what he had done to the one he loved.
''I just....wanted..'' Why was it so hard? ''Just wanted to see you...''
Lucerys blinked. He blinked again until a unsynchronized series of blinks ruptured his beautiful doe eyes, eyelashes fluttering. The previous guardedness he had shown when Aemond stepped inside his room vanished to form a mix of surprising and questioning. As if he would never expect such a thing. As if--
Luke's eyes went guarded again.
''Are we required to sire another child?''
Aemond blinked and sputtered, single eye widening, ''NO! no-i-'' He struggled to form words over the sudden sting and guilt in his heart that his husband had learned to expect nothing but that from him. ''No i just....i...well--i brought something...''
Luke frowned in question and realization that it was not what he thought and a little smudge of guilt.
''Oh..i am sorry..''
''You have nothing to apologize for.''
''You are acting quite bemusing today, husband.''
Aemond pursed his lips before he brought out his other hand which was behind his back, holding on to what he had brought.
Lucerys' eyes widened and lips parted in a gasp as he took in what it was.
A dragon egg.
A shade of teal which graduated to a dark indigo.
''For...our son....'' Aemond muttered, before walking forward with shaking legs towards his husband. He stopped when he was close enough just to see the freckles dotting luke's pale skin. Luke's eyes still stared at the egg with a hint of wonder.
Aemond was suddenly unsure of what he did. But he did not know where to start from....he wanted to build what he had broken down, carefully and cautiously. It would take time as the things which are broken down the fastest, takes the longest to repair. But he will wait, forever if he must.
''Its beautiful, Aemond...'' Lucerys whispered, making Aemond let out a breath he did not know he was holding. He slowly turned and walked towards the cot which was placed at the corner of the room.
He felt Luke follow.
Once he reached, the sleeping face of their son met him, something warm trickling through his insides. He was perfect. He had Aemond's pale hair but unlike his straight ones, the child's was curly like Luke's. He knew his eyes too were the same shade as his, so was the chin that was like his own as well as King Viserys' and Rhaenyra's. The nose, cheeks, the shape of his eyes however were all Lucerys. He was perfect. He only held his son twice since his birth, and he longed for more but was hesitant as to how Luke would take it. But since he was violently proven wrong this morning, the hesitation was gone. Of course he wanted to hold the child close, but for now he did not wish to disturb his rest.
He gently placed the egg on the sheets inside, beside the child and sighed. He felt Luke's warm presence beside him. He wished to wrap his arms around him, but held back. Later....he had to rebuilt everything first....
''It will hatch, rest assured...'' He begun. ''I had the Dragon Keepers made sure that there was a pulse beat inside....it won't be like...''
It won't be like mine.
''I know..''
Aemond turned towards the voice, finding Luke to be already staring at him.
There was a glimmer of something in his eyes he had last seen when Luke had just given birth and saw him approach. The one which faded after he had turned away from them.
Now they burned, only just a tiny flame, but still there nevertheless.
Aemond will do everything to make sure it never flickered.
YEP LITTLE OL' ME WHO CAN'T REST WITHOUT A HOPEFUL ENDING. I should be studying Chemistry wtf. But here it is, thanks to the lovely @ariesdiary for kicking my writer's block out of the solar system. Hope yall and @ariesdiary likes it <3
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midnightprincess18 · 2 months
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midnightprincess18 · 2 months
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midnightprincess18 · 2 months
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midnightprincess18 · 2 months
Hey do you think, you could do one of the Mikaelson have a little sister like 2 years old and always what to stay with Nik and Elijah….. also she is so jealous that Camil and she do something to her and Nik tells that she is a mini me
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Flufftober, October 6th
Mikaelson little sister reader x Elijah Mikaelson x Klaus Mikaelson
Warnings: mention of blood
You're sitting in Elijah's lap, playing with two Chelsea dolls you got some years ago, while he's on the phone with someone. It's quiet except for the sound of your big brother's voice every now and then.
It's all peaceful until Kol comes crashing into the room and sits on the ground in front of you. You tilt your head and hand him one of the dolls. "Play!" You tell him.
Kol nods and plays with you, making a horrible high-pitched voice for the doll which makes you laugh, but Elijah cringes and hopes he stops soon.
It's been ten minutes, "What the bloody hell is that horrible sound?" Klaus walks in, he clearly just got back from wherever he was. Most likely Cami, but he never discloses that information, knowing you've openly shown your dislike for her.
"Our brother's wonderful voice for a doll" Elijah sighs, putting his phone down.
"Hey! My voice is amazing!" Kol exclaims, hearing the insult and sarcasticness in Elijah's answer. "Yeah!" You cross your arms like Kol is.
"See! Y/n knows what she's talking about" Kol says as Klaus picks you up out of Elijah's lap and places you on his hip. You wrap your tiny arms around his neck and relax your head against his shoulder.
"Y/n is also two, I think you need a better defense" Klaus raises an eyebrow. "Technically she's over a thousand like all of us... I'll shut up" Kol says, seeing the looks he's getting from the big brothers.
Kol, having both dolls in his hand, places them down on the coffee table before leaving the room. He plans to go into town and create some havoc that all of his siblings (besides from you) will have a fuss about, but it'll be fun.
Later in the week, there's a party being thrown in the abboiter. It's all vampires and humans for them to feed on. Some to kill and some to compel away.
"Well, this seems to be quite the turn out" Rebekah walks over to you and Klaus, who's carrying you tightly in his arms. "Indeed it is, sister" Klaus smirks.
"Look at you all dressed up" Rebekah coos, running a hand through your hair. "I did all by my'elf" you say excitedly. You're wearing a long sleeve dark purple dress that flows out under the bodice, and matching purple glittery jelly shoes that are put on the wrong feet. But Rebekah didn't want to tell you that and make you feel bad or make you upset at yourself. You also have a couple bead bracelets on your wrists and a heart necklace that Elijah gave you that you never take off. Your daylight ring is on your right pointer finger as well.
"Well good job, beautiful girl" Rebekah kisses your forehead before noticing Cami making her way over, and leaves to go back into the crowd.
"Hey Klaus," Cami smiles. "Camille, You look beautiful" Klaus kisses her. "Mmm, thank you" she says.
You make a disgusted facial expression before facing back the other way and laying your head back on your big brother's chest. You wonder how thus girl seems to be everywhere and why she always comes up to you and your big brother. Why don't they just make her go away like other woman they have before. You don't know what happens to them, but you assume it's fine.
Your siblings make sure you're kept out of all the killing and death during your existence.
As they keep talking, you try to ignore them to the best of your abilities. How much longer, you keep thinking. You try looking for Elijah, so your other big brothers can take you away from them, but no luck. You can't seem to find him anywhere from where you're placed on Klaus' hip.
As soon as you hear her chuckle at something Klaus said, your 2 year old self gets fed up. So, you take off one of your bracelets and throw it as hard as you can at Cami's face.
Now you may be biologically two, but you're still an original vampire, and with that comes a lot of strength. The bracelet made a great slash in her pale cheek, now blood running down her face.
Klaus quickly vamps into his room with Cami and you still in his hold. He sets you down on his bed as he bites into his wrist and offers it to Cami.
As she drinks blood from his wrist, Elijah comes into the room, noticing Klaus vamping out of the courtyard with the both of you.
"What happened?" Elijah asks. You stay quiet, as you sit crisscross apple sauce on the bed, happy that Elijah's here, and even though Cami is now healed, you did something for her to stop talking. You really don't like her.
"Um, I'm fine, though I think it's time for me to go" She sighs, glancing at you before walking out of the room to go back to her apartment.
"What happened was someone decided to get a bit violent" Klaus informs him, facing you. Elijah follows his gaze, landing on your face. You have a slight smile on your face. Yay! you made Cami leave.
"Why did you hurt Camille, y/n?" Elijah walks over and crouches in front of you so you're face to face.
"Bad Cami! Don' li'e her" answer front forwardly. Elijah raises his eyebrows. It's known you're not a fan of the woman, but you've never actually said it out loud up until now.
Klaus chuckles. Elijah turns his line of sight to him, "What do you have to snicker about?"
"Oh, just the thought of y/n is slowly turning into a mini version of me" Klaus smiles and holds a thumbs up at you. You have a big grin on your face. "Niklaus, do not encourage this behavior" Elijah sighs. It's going to be a long life if this is going to keep happening regularly.
A new rule is set in place to make sure that you're never in the same room with Cami with less than one of your siblings. And that one day they can hopefully get you to like Cami and not loathe her.
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midnightprincess18 · 2 months
I sometimes wonder why I’m so unhinged, but then I remember that I started reading fanfiction when I was 12 years old.
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midnightprincess18 · 3 months
Hey, I love the stories you are writing for us! Thank you so much! If there's room for another one, here's an idea: human reader is pregnant with Elijah's child but is afraid he might not believe her as it is impossible for a vampire to procreate. His reaction, in fact, causes her to leave New Orleans, and a few years later, she returns, and Elijah learns he is a dad. Fluffy, possibly smutty. ")
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he's so daddy, he's so father
18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
When you find out you are pregnant you are afraid of how Elijah will react. His anxieties around fatherhood get the best of him and he gives in to his darker impulses.
♡♡ Thanks for the request(s) @originals23 @classymesstuff009 & anon ♡♡
I combined the ideas and changed some elements, but I hope I captured the spirit of the requests -xoxo
7.7k words - Warnings: this is less of a story with a plot and more of a series of events over the course of readers pregnancy, lots of angst, childbirth, so so so corny, so much fluff, lots of belly touches, Elijah being violently over protective, more fluff, lots of affection, smut at the end, unprotected sex (duh)
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"No no no no no," you mumbled, staring down at the fourth positive pregnancy test you'd taken that day. This couldn't be happening, it wasn't possible. But as you glanced over the little box and read the word "pregnant" again and again, it began to sink in. You were having a baby, Elijah Mikaelson's baby, a baby whose existence was impossible.
A sob you had been suppressing broke free, and you collapsed on the edge of the tub. You had no idea what you were going to do, your relationship with Elijah was complicated and had no label, and the thought of raising a baby by yourself was daunting.
"I'll figure it out," you told yourself as you pulled yourself up and splashed some cold water on your face.
You needed to tell Elijah, which was an entirely different kind of terrifying. He had always been very clear that vampires were unable to procreate, so he likely would not believe you. The thought made your stomach turn, and you rushed to the toilet once more to empty the meager contents.
It took you a couple weeks before you were able to build up the courage to tell Elijah. You had tried to find the words to break the news, but every time you thought you had it figured out, you panicked and decided against it.
But you were starting to show, and you knew it wouldn't be long until your clothes no longer concealed your growing belly. So, the day after your second ultrasound you invited Elijah over for dinner.
He was worried about you, it had been over a month since he'd seen you last and over two months since the last time you were intimate together. He missed you, and wondered if you'd met someone else. But that was the only explanation he could think of.
When he arrived at your place, he noticed something different right away. You looked exhausted, but you had a small glow to you, he also noticed that you gained some weight and he enjoyed how it filled out your figure.
You greeted him at the door, and he pressed a kiss to your cheek before handing you a bottle of wine. "Thank you," you smiled softly, leading him inside and taking the wine to the kitchen.
"It's been awhile," Elijah began, not knowing where to start, "are you doing alright?"
"Not exactly," you admitted, pouring two glasses of water and taking a seat on the couch next to him. Your hands began to shake, fear gripping you once more.
Elijah reached over and took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "What is wrong?" He asked, searching your eyes.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a moment before speaking. "I'm pregnant."
You could see the confusion, the anger, the disappointment and a dozen other emotions flash through his eyes. You couldn't stand the way he was looking at you, so you pulled your hand from his and stood, pacing around the room.
Elijah didn't know what to think, clearly you were seeing someone else. It hurt him, but neither of you ever had the talk about being exclusive. The thought of you with another man disappointed him immensely, it made him realize how much he wanted you all to himself. But it was too late for that now.
"Elijah, say something," you begged, tears streaming down your face. You were desperate for him to just say anything.
"Who is the father?" He questioned, his voice low.
You expected this question and had thought about your response for a while. Of course he wouldn't think it was his, it was impossible. But you had been with no one else, and you were tired of being a secret, you wanted to be a family, and if he rejected the idea, then that was on him.
"You," you answered, wiping the tears from your cheeks.
"That's not possible," he shook his head. "I can't procreate."
"Klaus can, why not you?" You snapped. You weren't expecting him to believe you, but the reality of it hurt more than you expected.
"Klaus is unique, I am not," he stated plainly. You were quite distressed and although he didn't believe himself to be the father he still had sympathy for your situation.
“Is the father not... A good man?" He asked.
You began to sob, the hormones were really working against you, and you didn't know what to do. He had no idea how to react, and the longer you stayed silent, the more worried he became.
"I'm sorry," he spoke, his voice low, as he moved towards you.
"Don't," you shook your head, pulling away from his touch. "If you don't believe me, that's fine. I'm not going to beg you. I can raise this baby on my own."
"I can't be the father, y/n," Elijah said, trying to reach for you once more.
"Just leave, please," you pleaded. He didn't believe you, he thought you were seeing someone else, and you couldn't stand to be in the same room with him any longer. "Get out Elijah!" You shouted.
Frustration rose within him, he didn't enjoy being blamed for something he didn't do.
“Fine," he muttered, moving towards the door.
You felt overwhelmed with despair and wanted nothing more to do with him, so you watched him walk out the door without saying a word.
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It had been a few weeks since you last saw Elijah and your mental health was deteriorating at an alarming rate. You had very little support financially or emotionally and it was taking a toll on you.
You hadn't slept or eaten well and when you did, you often felt sick afterwards. You had known about postpartum depression, but apparently there was something called prenatal depression as well. You had been reading online about the symptoms, and it was almost as though you were looking in a mirror.
You needed help, but couldn't will yourself to ask for it. You had no family, and no friends in the city. The only person you knew in Louisiana was Elijah, and you didn't want anything to do with him.
His rejection of you and the baby hurt more than anything you'd ever experienced before. You couldn't even bring yourself to look at a picture of the ultrasound. You felt alone and abandoned.
You would walk the streets at night, a foolish thing to do considering the threats in New Orleans. But it was the only thing that seemed to calm your mind, and the fresh air helped ease the nausea.
It was a clear, warm night and the streets were quiet. The soft glow of the street lights created a calming atmosphere, and the cool breeze blew the hair away from your face. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, enjoying the moment of peace.
Then you started to cry, your hormones making you feel like you were losing your mind. You hated it, you would start to cry for no reason and then cry some more because you were frustrated over crying for no reason. It was an endless cycle.
You felt so lost, you thought you could do this all on your own, but you hadn't even had the baby yet and you were falling apart. Even though Elijah didn't believe the child to be his, it was still a Mikaelson and that came with many consequences, some you couldn't possibly foresee. You knew of Hope and how she barely survived her birth, what if the same thing happened to you and your child? You didn't have Elijah to protect you.
You knew you needed to swallow your pride and convince Elijah, he was the only one who could protect both of you.
Your feet took you to the compound before you could talk yourself out of it, and you stood at the gates, hesitating for a moment before making your way inside. You could feel the baby kick and move, it strengthened your resolve.
Elijah was in his study when he heard you approaching, and he wondered what you wanted. He decided to leave you alone after you kicked him out. It was the right thing to do, he reminded himself, he was not the father.
When he saw you standing in the doorway, he could tell you were upset, but he had no desire to talk to you, not after the last time.
"Elijah, please listen to me," you said softly, the words sticking in your throat. "The baby is yours, I have never slept with anyone but you. There is no one else, only you."
He sighed, he wished he could believe you, but he knew it was not possible. He wondered how awful the true father had to be if you were here lying to him once again.
"I know we were never exclusive, but I wish you would be honest with me about whoever the father is," he said, his voice low.
You stared at him for a moment before a sob escaped your lips. "Elijah, there is no one else, there has never been anyone else."
"Why do you insist upon lying?" He asked, turning away from you, unable to stand the pain in your eyes.
Sudden rage boiled over inside of you and you lashed out at the nearby table, knocking the items onto the floor. "I am not fucking lying!" You shouted.
Your outburst was quite unexpected, and he turned back to look at you, his eyes narrowing. Before he could say anything Freya walked in, alerted by the yelling and broken glass.
"What's going on?" She asked, stepping in between the two of you.
The tears returned, always at the most inconvenient times, and you just sobbed into your hands and knelt to the floor. Pure frustration and exhaustion took over and you were completely overwhelmed.
Freya looked at Elijah, confused and annoyed. He wasn't the type to yell, and certainly not at a pregnant woman. She wondered what was going on and why you were so upset.
Elijah shook his head, and began cleaning up the mess you'd made. He couldn't bear to look at you, the pain in your eyes was too much for him.
Freya walked over and knelt next to you, rubbing your back. "Tell me what's wrong sweetheart," she said softly.
The moment Freya touched you she felt it, her own blood, running through your veins.
"It's okay," Freya assured you. "Can I touch your belly?"
You nodded again, and she gently placed her hand over the swell, and instantly felt the magic pulsating from your womb. Freya could always sense her own blood, so long she searched for it. And here it was, right in front of her.
She was overjoyed, she had a niece or nephew, a new tiny Mikaelson for her to dote on. She was also so angry at her foolish brother she could have strangled him.
"Elijah," she said sternly, mustering her big sister voice to scold her little brother. "It's yours," she said firmly, standing and facing him.
He froze, a mixture of emotions passing through him. First he felt disbelief, then excitement, and finally dread. If this was his child, then the threats they faced everyday were even more dangerous.
"Are you certain?" He asked, not wanting to believe, fear gripping his heart.
Freya nodded, and moved to stand next to you, helping you to your feet. You were exhausted, physically and emotionally.
"Why didn't you bring her to me sooner?" She asked him, helping you over to the sofa and fetching you a glass of water. "Look at her Elijah, how could you leave her like this?"
He knew his sister was right, and he felt ashamed. He had been a fool, and caused you unnecessary suffering. He would not be making that mistake again.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, coming to kneel in front of you. "Forgive me, please."
"I tried to tell you," you said softly, sniffling quietly.
"Leave us Freya, thank you," he said, not taking his eyes off you.
Freya was reluctant, but agreed, closing the door behind her. Elijah sat next to you, his posture stiff, and his face a stony expression. You were afraid, unsure what he would do or say.
He was always prone to self-loathing, but this was a new level, and he didn't know what to do. He felt incredibly guilty and responsible for the pain and stress he caused you. You did not look well, and he knew he needed to do everything he could to fix this.
"I'm sorry," he repeated, you looked dazed and swayed a bit, he pulled you close, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Don't apologize," you whispered, lifting your head and looking at him, "just promise you will help me, that's all I ask,"
Elijah was taken aback by the request. Of course he was going to help, why wouldn't he? But the fact that you needed to ask, made him feel terrible, made him feel like Klaus.
"Of course," he assured you, brushing a stray tear from your cheek.
A few tears escaped your eyes. You were tired and overwhelmed and his words and gentle touches were enough to completely break you. You began to cry, burying your face in his chest as you sobbed. A tidal wave of conflicting emotions washing over you, frustration, anger, guilt and a tiny hint of relief.
Elijah felt terrible, and he hated himself for causing this. You were pregnant, alone, and suffering. He would never forgive himself.
"You will stay here and you don't have to worry about a thing," he soothed, gently rubbing your back, "I will take care of everything, I promise,"
He meant it, you and the baby were his responsibility now, and he would protect you both with his life.
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It had been a month since you moved into the compound and Elijah was true to his word and took care of everything.
He compelled doctors to check on you and Freya was also doing a spell daily to ensure the baby was healthy and developing well.
But he didn't have to compel people for the things that mattered. He was the one cooking your meals, helping with the nursery, and ensuring you were getting rest.
One night after dinner, you were sitting on the sofa together, talking and laughing.
You were starting to feel better, but you still struggled with your emotions, and Elijah did his best to make sure you were always happy and stress free.
You began to feel a little anxious, and he immediately sensed it, pulling you close to cuddle with him. Neither of you had discussed your growing feelings and neither of you knew where you stood with each other.
He placed a warm hand on your growing bump, and it instantly soothed the baby, and in turn, helped calm your nerves. You leaned closer into him and he wrapped his other arm around your shoulder.
He enjoyed having you so close, and he could smell the sweet scent of your shampoo as you rested your head against his shoulder. He still felt such guilt for the pain and stress he had caused you.
"Is this okay?" He asked softly, his hand slowly moving over the swell.
You smiled, enjoying the gentle caress. "Mmhmm," you hummed, snuggling deeper into his side.
He was being very sweet, and you were beginning to suspect that he had more than just feelings of obligation for the baby.
Elijah was enjoying the feeling of your body pressed against his, and he hoped that he could continue to make amends for the way he behaved.
"Have you thought of any names?" He asked, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"Hmmm," you thought, enjoying the warmth of his hand and the rumble of his chest. "I'm thinking… Elijah jr," you teased, giggling.
He chuckled and gave you a light squeeze. "Absolutely not," he smirked, kissing the top of your head.
It was a pleasant moment and the two of you laughed and talked about the upcoming birth and baby names.
Eventually, you fell asleep, and Elijah picked you up and carried you to bed. He gently tucked you in and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Now that you were asleep, he could let his own anxieties surface. The trauma around Hope's birth still haunted him and he would do anything to prevent that from happening to you.
So he did the same thing he had done every night since you moved in. He left the compound to go hunting.
The first night you arrived, he went out for a drink, planning on just having one to calm his nerves. But then he heard a group of young vampires discussing the strung out looking pregnant woman walking the streets at night. And when they wondered what a pregnant woman's blood would taste like... Well they didn't stand a chance after that.
It made him feel better, seeing their body parts scattered around him, to smell their blood and have their dead hearts in his hands.
And so on it went, he would stalk the streets of the French Quarter, waiting for anyone to dare mention you or the baby. It didn't matter who, why or even where, they would never get a chance to speak again.
Every night he would return, his hunger sated, and he would climb into bed with you. You were still sound asleep and unaware of what he was doing. He would pull you close to him, and listen to the soft rhythmic beat of your heart and the heart of his child. It was the only thing that calmed him, and it helped him drift off into a peaceful sleep.
But that night you woke, the baby was kicking and it made you feel nauseous. You got up to go to the bathroom, too groggy to notice Elijah in the shower until you walked in.
You gasped at the sight of him covered in blood, halfway through washing it off of him under the warm water.
He noticed the shocked look on your face, and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Is that... blood?" You asked, eyeing the pink tint to the water as it disappeared down the drain.
Elijah hesitated, "it's nothing you need to worry about," he insisted.
He wasn't trying to lie or deceive you, he was trying to protect you. He knew it was twisted and wrong, and he would be the first to admit he had a dark side, but he would never want you to see it.
"Why are you covered in blood?" You asked, a feeling of dread settling in the pit of your stomach.
Elijah was not accustomed to answering questions, he was usually the one giving the orders, but you were not one of his siblings. He would tell you the truth, you deserved that.
"It's the blood of those who wish to do us harm," he admitted.
He expected you to be shocked, but the truth was, you weren't. He was a Mikaelson, and a powerful vampire, it was only natural that others would want to hurt him and his family. Hayley had shared with you what happened to her when she gave birth to Hope, you were beyond frightened of it happening to you. Fear is a powerful thing, it can override any sort of morals you may possess.
"And did you kill them?" You asked, looking directly into his eyes.
He nodded, he could see that you were not upset, and he was relieved.
"How many?"
Elijah was slightly taken aback by your curiosity, and it gave him pause.
"A lot," he admitted, his dark eyes flashing in the dim light of the room.
"I know you are afraid, I am too," you said softly, reaching out and touching his face. "I'm afraid of the birth, of our child being in danger," you confessed, "and I'm afraid for you and all the darkness you take on to protect us,"
"I'm doing what I have to," he said softly, covering your hand with his.
"I know," you nodded, leaning closer and resting your forehead against his. "And I am grateful for that, and I trust you, but I don't want you to be consumed by it,"
He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tight, listening to the gentle beat of your heart and that of your child.
"Let's get you back to bed," he said softly, kissing your forehead.
You were still exhausted, and he wanted you to rest. He helped you back to bed and tucked you in, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before heading to his own room.
From that night on he stopped hunting, and spent more time with you. The two of you were becoming closer, but he didn't want you do feel any sort of pressure to be with him. He would be happy with whatever you were comfortable with.
He was plagued by nightmares, visions of you dead in his arms the same way Hayley was, and he woke up in a cold sweat every night. He would climb into bed next to you and pull you close, placing his hand on your bump and waiting for the baby to kick. When the child would move, it was a reassurance that the two of you were alive, and you were safe.
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Your eighth month of pregnancy was difficult, and Elijah had become even more attentive. Your ankles were swollen, your back ached, and the baby was a wild one.
But the worst part was the hormones, they were completely out of control. You cried at everything, the commercial about a cute dog, a sad movie, and even a happy song. You were a wreck and it was a struggle just to get through the day.
Hayley, Rebekah and Freya had noticed your increasing distress and decided to throw you a baby shower. It was nice to be surrounded by people that cared about you.
The women of the Mikaelson family understood you more than anyone ever could, and they did their best to make sure you were comfortable. Hayley was especially sympathetic and supportive, having been through it herself.
"The last three months are killer," she laughed, patting your belly.
"Tell me about it," you sighed, watching Rebekah and Freya decorate the courtyard for the upcoming party.
"They are really going all out for this," Hayley laughed, and you could tell she was pleased that the other two were trying to make you feel welcome.
"I think it's more for the baby than me," you giggled, "they love being aunties,"
"Am I an auntie too?" Hayley teased, knowing she wasn't biologically connected, but the baby was still family.
You nodded, and she was beaming with joy.
"Well, i'm excited for Hope to have a little cousin, she needs someone to play with," Hayley smiled, her hand still resting on your belly.
You were both startled by a sudden sharp movement from the baby, and laughed.
"Well, this one will definitely keep her on her toes," you laughed.
The party was extravagant to say the least, it was more of a ball than a baby shower. Klaus had invited every faction of the supernatural world and there was an assortment of vampires, witches and wolves mingling together.
Klaus and Elijah decided to take an entirely different approach to your pregnancy and the impending birth than the one they had with Hayley.
They knew not to repeat the mistakes they made the first time and wanted to foster peace and harmony among the factions.
Elijah was on edge, his nightmares becoming increasingly worse, and he was struggling to find a way to ease his anxieties.
He would have preferred not to have this party, but he was overridden by the rest of his family.
He knew it was important, a sign of good faith and acceptance. But his mind was plagued with the past and the pain and suffering that came from that. He wanted to forget the horrors and the violence and the blood, and focus on the future and the new life that was coming.
He dove head first into the politics, spending the evening schmoozing and talking business with the representatives of each faction. It was the only way for him to feel calm and in control, and it kept his mind from drifting into darker corners.
"Are you okay?"
His thoughts were interrupted by you, and the sound of your voice calmed him. You had come over to him and was holding his hand, looking concerned.
You looked so beautiful, your hair in soft curls, your belly protruding from a flowy blue dress. You were round and glowing and a perfect picture of motherhood.
"Of course," he assured you, squeezing your hand and taking a sip of his drink.
You were worried about him, he seemed distant and preoccupied.
"It's too much isn't it? This party," you asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the crowds.
"No," he shook his head, "it's wonderful," he forced a smile, not wanting to worry you.
"If you want to leave, we can," you offered, feeling uncomfortable, and not wanting him to be either.
He kissed the side of your head, a gesture that made you blush. "This is for the baby, and I will not deny the baby anything,"
Elijah had always been a bit affectionate towards you, but he never overstepped his bounds and you were unsure of how to handle it. You enjoyed his presence, but it was getting a little confusing.
You were a bit flustered, and excused yourself, going to find some air outside. Elijah watched as you walked away and was tempted to follow, but he had his hands full, trying to talk the wolves out of challenging a vampire for a perceived slight.
You leaned against the balcony, letting the cool air calm your nerves.
"How's it going?" Said a party goer, you weren't sure what faction they were a part of, but they seemed a little drunk.
"Fine," you said, not wanting to be bothered.
"Pregnant with a Mikaelson, that's some shit luck," he snorted, clearly intoxicated.
"Excuse me?" You scoffed, wondering why this was a topic of discussion.
"I mean, there are three benefits to fucking vampires," he began, holding his hand up to count them, "one, no diseases, two, usually really good in bed and three, no pregnancies,"
He began to laugh, and you felt angry and defensive.
"I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut," you warned, not wanting to hear the drunken ramblings of an idiot.
"Was it worth one and maybe two to not have the third?" He laughed, clearly not getting the hint.
You were furious, and you went to walk away, but he grabbed your arm. "Lemme touch your belly, I wonder how strong a Mikaelson kicks," he laughed.
Before you could react Elijah appeared and had the drunk man by the throat. A crowd of party goers gathered to watch the scene.
Elijah was completely overcome by his rage, the fear in your eyes when the man grabbed you took him right back into his endless nightmares. A small part of him knew he should let the man go, but he couldn't, he was consumed by the thought that if he let go, he would lose you, and that was unacceptable.
He squeezed tighter and the man gagged, clawing at his hands and begging for mercy. The crowd gasped in horror as Elijah's eyes went black and veins crawled across his face.
"To anyone here who thinks it's okay to touch her, let this be an example of the fate you await," he snarled.
"Elijah!" You yelled, but it was too late.
The man was dead, and his head fell from his body.
You stood in shock, the entire party was silent, and Elijah dropped the body and turned towards you. He was shaking, and his eyes returned to their normal color, the veins disappearing from his face.
He turned to the crowd, projecting his voice loud and clear. "Do I make myself clear?" He growled, looking at the faces of everyone around him.
The room was full of fearful nods, and the crowd slowly dispersed.
Elijah took your hand, leading you out of the courtyard and towards his room.
You followed without a word, still in shock. He closed the door behind you and you sat down on his bed.
"Are you alright?" He asked, kneeling in front of you, his hands on your bump.
You nodded, and placed your hands over his.
"You have to understand," he began, and you could hear the strain in his voice, "when he touched you, when I saw his hands on you, I..."
He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself, "I can't- I won't. Lose you."
"It's okay," you soothed, placing a hand on his cheek.
Elijah could hardly control his emotions, the fear and anguish was too much, and he let out a sob, pulling you into his arms and holding you tight.
You cradled his head in your hands and held him close, whispering sweet words and letting him know it was okay.
He was the strongest person you had ever known, and seeing him like this made your heart break.
"Shhh," you soothed, kissing the top of his head, "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere,"
You felt his grip loosen, and his breathing became more steady.
"It's okay," you repeated, placing soft kisses on his cheek and forehead, and moving to his lips.
You hadn't kissed in nearly 8 months, not since the night you had made love and conceived the baby. But you felt him return the kiss, and he wrapped his arms around you.
He was hesitant and unsure of how you would respond. You had been together once, but things had been complicated and stressful. But he wanted to show you just how much he loved you.
He pulled away, searching your eyes, and finding only compassion and acceptance.
"I'm hoping we can try again, to be together, if you will have me," he whispered, brushing a lock of hair out of your face.
You leaned into his touch, and he was hopeful that you would want the same.
"Of course," you agreed, pressing a soft kiss against his lips, and running your fingers through his hair.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, wrapped up in each other and enjoying the moment. It was peaceful and the first time Elijah had truly felt at ease in months.
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The day of the birth was finally upon you, and you were nervous and in pain. Freya and Hayley were at your side, holding your hand and trying to keep you calm as they helped you through your labor.
Elijah was pacing in the hallway, anxious and on edge. He had been a wreck, barely able to eat or sleep, and it was obvious to the entire family.
He stopped, listening to you moan and groan and hiss in pain. He wished he could take it all away, and felt a wave of guilt wash over him.
"Why don't you go be with her," Rebekah suggested, putting a hand on her brothers shoulder.
"She doesn't want me in there," he sighed, he had tried, and you had pushed him out, not wanting him to see you like this.
"She's in pain, she's probably not thinking clearly," Rebekah insisted, "trust me, she wants you in there,"
Elijah wasn't sure, but he couldn't handle not being near you any longer, so he went in, ready to be rejected.
You were in bed, sweating and panting and groaning. Hayley was holding your hand and Freya was using a spell to soothe your pain.
You opened your eyes, and saw him, and reached out for him, and he ran to your side, taking your other hand in his.
"You are doing so well," he said softly, his voice full of love.
"I can't," you groaned, feeling as though you couldn't go on.
"Yes, you can," he encouraged, kissing your knuckles.
You were in agony, but his touch and his voice were like a balm to your soul, and it gave you strength.
Rebekah was right, having him next to you was the best thing in the world, and it helped you through the hours of labor.
Finally, the moment came, and you screamed as you gave one final push. The room was filled with the sound of a crying infant and you collapsed back against the pillows.
"It's a boy!" Freya announced, cutting the umbilical cord and wrapping the baby up, passing him over to you.
"Oh my goodness," you cried, tears of joy running down your face as you looked down at the precious life in your arms.
"A boy," Elijah whispered, staring at his son in awe. He reached out and placed his hand on his sons head, feeling the soft downy hair.
"He's beautiful," Hayley commented, admiring the little bundle.
"Just like his father," you smiled, and Elijah kissed the top of your head, wrapping his arms around you and your new baby.
You were exhausted, but ecstatic, and Elijah couldn't help but feel pride and joy. He had helped create such a perfect and precious creature. Out of all of his darkness came something pure and beautiful, and he would do anything to protect his son.
As the night went on the others left, leaving you and Elijah alone with the baby. The both of you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
"We need to decide on a name," you said softly, stroking the babies face with your finger.
"I think," Elijah began, watching the baby squirm and wriggle, "he should be named after his uncle Henrik,"
"That's perfect," you smiled, a tear running down your cheek, "Henry,"
"Henry," Elijah repeated, looking at his son, "I'm your father, and I promise to always love and protect you,"
"I will love you, until the end of time," you whispered, placing a soft kiss on Henry's tiny nose.
Henry let out a little squeak and yawned, and you and Elijah laughed. He was the most perfect thing you and Elijah had ever seen, and the two of you couldn't stop smiling.
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Life at the compound was hectic, with Hope and Henry underfoot. Elijah was always watching the babies, making sure they were safe and happy. He was a wonderful father and uncle, and it made you fall in love with him even more.
The two of you were utterly exhausted new parents and Rebekah insisted that the two of you take a break and spend a little time together. She convinced you and Elijah to let her care for Henry for a weekend, while the two of you got away.
It was hard for both of you, you had never been apart from him for more than a few hours, but the two of you needed the time alone.
"Just go, have fun," Rebekah had encouraged, taking Henry from Elijah, "you both need a break,"
The drive was long, but Elijah's company made it go by faster, and you finally arrived at the cabin.
"I hope this is okay," Elijah said, helping you out of the car.
"It's perfect," you assured him, it was cozy and private, and the view was spectacular.
The two of you walked inside, and took in the surroundings. It was a large cabin, with a beautiful stone fireplace and a big open kitchen. Elijah started the fire as you cooked dinner, the two of you fully in sync.
It was easy having him as a partner, and you felt relaxed and at home. The only thing missing from your lives was sex. Once Henry arrived it was a constant state of exhaustion and there wasn't much room for romance.
You thought back to the night Henry was conceived, and how passionate and hot the experience was. But you were nervous to do it again, the pregnancy had changed your body, and you weren't sure how he would react.
After dinner you cuddled up with him on the couch, his arm around your shoulder and your head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of your head and smiled.
"I've missed this," he said softly, playing with a loose strand of your hair.
"Me too," you admitted, running your hand up and down his arm.
He took a deep breath, and you could tell he was nervous about something.
"Is everything okay?" You asked, turning to look at him.
"Yes," he nodded, his brown eyes meeting yours, "I just...want you to know that I am completely in love with you, and I will do anything to make you happy,"
You blushed, and looked away, not sure what to say.
"And I know our relationship has been a bit unconventional," he continued, his voice low, "but I would like to court you, if you will allow me,"
"Court me?" You chuckled, "darling, I think you are doing this all backwards,"
"Perhaps," he laughed, taking your hand in his, "I couldn't ask for a better mother for my child, and a more devoted companion,"
You smiled, and leaned in, kissing him, and the spark was still there. He kissed back, cupping your face with his hands and pulling you onto his lap. His hands roamed your body and your breath hitched when he ran them up your thighs.
"Is this okay?" He asked, stopping, and looking up at you.
You nodded, and pressed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinding against him. He groaned and gripped your hips, guiding them to move with his.
You could feel his growing erection, and the friction against your core made you moan. You had missed this, and could hardly believe you had waited so long.
He picked you up and carried you to the bedroom, laying you down and crawling on top of you, his lips never leaving yours.
You ran your fingers through his hair, and his hands traveled up your shirt, caressing your skin and cupping your breast.
You felt a bit self-conscious, your body was different now, and he hadn't seen it. You didn't want him to be disappointed, but you knew he wouldn't judge you.
"Darling, are you alright?" He asked, pulling away, "we can stop,"
"No," you shook your head, and sat up, "it's just, I'm a little nervous,"
"About?" He asked, furrowing his brows.
"My body," you admitted, "it's different now, and I know it's stupid, but I'm worried,"
He gave you a knowing look, and pulled your dress up over your head. You body was different, your breasts fuller, your hips wider, stretch marks across your belly and thighs.
"These scars are nothing to be ashamed of," he began, kissing the stretch marks across your stomach, "they show your strength and the fact that you brought a beautiful and healthy baby into the world,"
"Elijah," you blushed, not used to hearing him speak so openly about your body.
"These breasts, they have nourished our son. These hips, they carried and protected him," he continued, his hands on your body, caressing every inch.
"I have no words for how beautiful you are," he concluded, his eyes full of lust, "may I continue?"
You nodded, and he pulled his shirt off, exposing his chiseled torso. You ran your hands over his shoulders, tracing his muscles, and down his chest.
He trailed his lips up to your breasts, gently kissing them and sucking your nipples. He was gentle and slow, and it felt incredible. They were extra sensitive from breastfeeding, and his touch sent a shock straight to your core.
He slowly removed your underwear, his eyes raking over your naked body. He kissed every inch of your skin, loving every part of you.
His lips traveled down your belly, and settled between your legs. His tongue moved expertly against your clit, and you gasped, grabbing the sheets.
He hummed contently, missing the taste of you, and wanting to please you. His hands held your thighs, and his tongue teased and swirled.
You moaned and arched your back, it had been so long and you were so close already. He knew just how to get you there, and it only took a few minutes for him to bring you over the edge.
He didn't stop, and continued, sucking and licking, bringing you to orgasm again and again. Your head was spinning, and you could hardly breath, but it felt amazing.
Finally he stopped, and kissed his way up your body, until his lips met yours.
"You deserve a reward for being such a perfect mother," he smiled, his voice full of pride.
You smiled, and kissed him again, running your hands down his chest and stopping at his waistband.
"Now I think it's your turn," you whispered, unbuttoning his pants.
He smiled and watched your face as you underdressed him. His cock sprung free, and you stroked it, running your hand up and down the shaft. Looking into his eyes as he kneeled over you, his eyes heavy and filled with lust.
"It's been so long, I missed your touch," he growled, his voice husky.
"I've missed this too," you replied, stroking him and running your thumb over the tip.
He kissed you slowly and deeply, moaning as your hands worked him. His tongue explored your mouth, and you felt him twitch and throb in your hands.
"Hold on," he said softly, moving away from you.
He got up and rummaged around his bag, coming back with a condom.
"I've never used one of these before," he said sheepishly, and it was the most adorable thing.
You laughed and sat up, taking the foil packet and opening it, rolling it over his cock and kissing him.
"Now, where were we?" You smirked, laying back down.
He crawled back on top of you, lining his cock up with your entrance. He was still gentle, but you were ready for him, and the two of you were eager.
He pushed in, and it felt like the first time, hot and tight. He took his time, pushing in a bit at a time and allowing you to adjust.
Once he was fully inside, he waited a moment, kissing you, and savoring the feeling of being joined with you.
You moved your hips, signaling him to move, and he complied, thrusting slowly and deeply.
The two of you rocked back and forth, the soft sound of skin against skin filling the air. He moved with the perfect rhythm, hitting the right spot with every thrust.
His mouth was on your neck, leaving love bites, and his hands were on your hips, gripping tightly.
"I love you," he groaned, his voice strained.
"I love you too," you moaned, feeling yourself getting close.
You never wanted this to end, a part of you longing for even more than what you already had. You looked into his eyes, feeling the way his body connected with yours so perfectly.
Your orgasm rushed over you, and you squeezed him so hard he pulled out for moment, his cock resting on your stomach. He looked down at you, your pupils blown with love and lust.
"Do you want to make a sibling for Henry?" You said softly, toying gently with the tip of the condom, searching his eyes for an answer.
"Is that something you want?" He asked, looking down at you with pure love.
"Yes," you nodded, "I want another baby, I want a whole family with you,"
He kissed you in response, then smiled down at you, his eyes shining with happiness.
"I will give you anything you want," he whispered.
You pulled the condom off slowly, both of you panting heavily. He looked down, watching as your hands wrapped around his bare cock, pumping up and down, spreading the precum over the head.
You lined him back up, and he pushed back in, his breath catching as he eased his way into your warm and wet heat.
You could feel him throbbing inside of you, his length twitching and swelling as he got closer. He moaned, and rested his forehead against yours, his eyes shut tight.
"I want you to cum inside me," you whispered, knowing he was close.
You could feel yourself getting close, and his breath was labored, his hips grinding against yours, your wetness coating him.
His hips snapped, and his hands gripped the sheets, and with one final thrust he came, filling you up and pushing you over the edge.
He kissed you as he came down, his cock still pulsing as he softened inside of you. He hummed happily, keeping you connected as he rolled you on your side.
You curled up against him, and kissed him, and he pressed his hand gently against your stomach, imagining a tiny being forming inside.
"I always wanted a family of my own," he said softly, nuzzling into you, "thank you for giving me that,"
You squeezed him tighter, understanding the weight of his words. He had given you everything, love, devotion, a family. It was everything you ever wanted. He had helped you become the happiest and the best version of yourself and you did the same for him.
The two of you laid there, cuddled up against each other, safe and content. Tomorrow would bring a new adventure, but right now everything was perfect.
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midnightprincess18 · 3 months
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