midnightraptor · 5 years
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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Gwendoline Christie & Nikolaj Coster-Waldau at the 71st Emmy Awards
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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This is officially the only good thing to come from the final season of Game of Thrones.
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midnightraptor · 5 years
Nikolaj was your first call on Emmy nominations day, right?
Gwendoline Christie: He rang me, and he was with his family. They were all cheering down the phone. I said to him, “I cannot, cannot, cannot believe it.” And he said, “I can.” I was pretty certain he would be nominated, but I hadn’t told anyone that I’d submitted myself other than my partner and my team. But he was always really encouraging about nominations. I would say, “You know, that’d be nice, but it’s not going to happen, and I’m not going to let myself be disappointed.” But Nikolaj was always encouraging.
We’ve just worked so hard together for so many years. We’ve both been really invested in our characters. Part of the pleasure of playing those scenes together was that we were really engaged, and we really wanted them to come to life. We just loved the story, and we both wanted to push each other to try and be better. It has been thrilling to play, and an incredibly satisfying relationship to have had. So mercurial, so undefinable. Brienne and Jaime just have this really captivating relationship.
We twitch about how wonderful it will be that we’ll all be there, and we’ll have our families with us, and we can all celebrate together. It will be such a great way to say thank you and goodbye to this thing that changed our lives beyond all comprehension.
-Deadline Hollywood
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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Nikolaj “doesn’t-know-how-to-use-emojis-and-IG-filters” Coster-Waldau
Love this dork
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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- you can love him, but you can’t keep him (j.p.)
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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Question: if Jaime survived [and Cersei not] would he come back to Brienne?
NIKOLAJ “Braime shipper” Coster-Waldau: YES
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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Brienne’s chin wibble  | Jaime’s The Look™
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midnightraptor · 5 years
Script from 7x07
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8x04 Jaime leaves Brienne to go back to Cersei
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midnightraptor · 5 years
y’all why am i seeing things about nikolaj coster waldau being on tumblr?? lmfao what dark circle of clown hell have we descended to this time??
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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Nikolaj Coster-Waldau for AK Club Fall/Winter 2017-18 Campaign
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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I figured now since I’m just ignoring show canon it’s a good time to finally post some art of my JB kids ^^ I’ve had these characters for a while now (Joanna and Galladon made their debut in the back of a high school notebook back in 2014) but I’ve barely done anything with them.
As far as I’m concerned, show Jaime and Bri survived the war and returned to Tarth to rule and raise their little pride of lion cubs, and that is the only ending I will be accepting at this time thank you
(I’ve but some brief bios under the cut for anyone who’s interested)
Keep reading
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midnightraptor · 5 years
No one:
Not a single soul: 
Me: But like…….. if Jaime was going back to Cersei to die with her, why did he need to be convinced by Tyrion for, like, 10 cursed minutes of screentime? Why did he even bother fighting Euron, instead of going straight to her, because that squid wasn’t even a real threat at all, he could have easily just left that pirate in that creek and let him die by the hands of Dany’s army or dragon fire? And why did he sleep with Brienne before leaving? Because if he really had a ‘oh no’ moment right after, why did he ever plan on staying with her in WF while everybody else was off to kill his twin instea of leaving right away? Why did he only leave when he heard she was winning? Why did we have a 5 minutes dialogue of Tyrion saying he was happy Jaime was happy with Brienne if we were supposed to understand he wasn’t really happy? What was the point of Bronn being sent to kill the Lannibros if it was just for the both of them to defend Cersei’s ass in the end? Why was that Bronn storyline even a thing when it’s not even mentioned or used at all later? What was the point of the twin swords? Where is Widow’s Wail? What did they do with Cersei and Jaime’s bodies? Did they keep Jaime’s hand? What was the point of The Bang That Was Promised? Who has Casterly Rock and the Westerlands at the end of the show, because Tyrion is the only Lannister still alive but he’s the hand of the king? What was the point of mentioning Brienne was the heir to Tarth? Why does nobody seems to GAF about what happens when Selwyn dies, since Brienne is LC? What was the point of hearteyes feast? What was the point of Tommen relieving him from the Kingsguard, making him the heir to Casterly Rock? What was the point of spending CGI money on the Tarth hearteyes scene? What was the point of Jaime coming North at all? What was the point of Jaime apologising to Bran? What was the point of Bran not telling everyone that he’s the one who crippled him? What was the point of the scene between Jon and Jaime in season 1? What was the point of Jaime being the Kingslayer? What was the point of him getting captured by Robb Stark? What was the point of him losing his hand? What was the point of him leaving Cersei at the end of season 7 when he could have stayed in KL and season 8 would have been the exact same, minus Brienne getting her heart broken in the middle of the night, freezing her ass off in a housecoat? 
W H A T  W A S  T H E  P O I N T 
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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— Jaime, A Feast For Crows
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midnightraptor · 5 years
It’s time to talk about another absolutely RIDICULOUS thing George Railroad Martin does in Jaime and Brienne’s story which is that he (LOL) shows how these two people who could not STAND one another and insulted each other nonstop in the beginning have turned such a corner in their relationship that NEITHER. OF. THEM. can handle ANYONE criticizing the other in their presence.
Like (aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh) Brienne has to actually get up and LEAVE THE ROOM(!) when some randoms start talking sh*t about Jaime. She actually gets up and WALKS. OUT. THE F*CKING ROOM BECAUSE SHE CANNOT STAND IT
JAIME who has NO CHILL ANYMORE when it comes to Brienne listens to someone talk sh*t about her just long enough to find out everything he needs to know about her (oh god!) ROMANTIC PAST and then, he f*cking CLEANS. THE GUY’S. CLOCK. for INSULTING HER—AND THEN, BECAUSE THAT WAS NOT. ENOUGH. HE F*CKING SENDS THE GUY COMPLETELY GEOGRAPHICALLY AWAY FROM HIM
BRIENNE who is not even TRYING TO LIE TO HERSELF ABOUT JAIME runs into the dudes who held them captive and treated her and Jaime like sh*t and she (aaahhhhhhhhhh) f*cking CUTS ONE OF THEIR HANDS OFF! !!! and she’s like (AAAAAAAHHHHHHH)
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midnightraptor · 5 years
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“In a different world, Jaime would’ve stayed with Brienne. What he has with Brienne is something different, it’s a very pure, innocent love.”
-Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
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midnightraptor · 5 years
So I just watched 7x07 commentary on youtube which was narrated by Kit, Lena and dumb & dumber and I can honestly say now more than ever I believe they hated Jaime’s character.
Here’s a few direct quotes:
“<->….because Jaime’s, you know, just not quite as bright”.
“As you(Lena) say later in the episode he’s the stupidest Lannister, so”.
“Cersei is too smart to have meaningful conversations with the stupidest Lannister”. 
What the actual fuck?? They really saw Jaime as a dumb dumb who was only good enough to screw his sister. They reduced his character to Cersei’s loyal sidekick. Which only goes to show why they didn’t know how to write him after season 3 aka the moment they stopped taking ques from George. After all these years of disrespect towards Jaime if I were Nikolaj I’d slap a bitch. He’s too much of a professional though. 
In conclusion: I A M  D I S G U S T E D
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