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There were several times during GMMORE#2081 that it looked as though there was going to be an ~*accidental kiss*~, so, here’s a fic for that, written as a missing scene. Rating is E and therefore under a cut, but it’s like, a soft E.
Switching to the red bubble bottle had turned out to be a good idea. Link had gotten the hang of blowing bubbles without putting too much breath behind them. Link dipped the wand back into the bottle, fishing it out, and blowing through it gently. This time, a lot of little bubbles emerged, and only several medium-sized ones. In an unspoken decision, the two decided to jut their faces towards the medium-sized bubbles, hoping to catch a whiff of their scent. With frenzied and distracted movements, Rhett tilted his head down at the same moment Link tilted his head up. Their lips brushed briefly and they froze in place, as if someone had pressed “pause.” Link’s cheeks were scarlet, his heart slamming against his rib cage, as he stared at Rhett in confusion and disbelief, seeing his expression mirrored back at him. Off to the side, Stevie had both hands over her mouth in shock, her thoughts coming to a screeching halt before her brain was able to bring her back to the current moment. The many years she spent working with these men had her getting the episode back on track in very little time. Once the filming was finished, everyone broke for lunch. Link hurried out of the room as fast as he could, rushing off to the office he shared with Rhett on pure instinct. He would always come there when he felt overwhelmed, but Rhett had never been the source. Almost as soon as he stepped inside and shut the door, it opened again and Rhett stepped through into their office. Still facing forward, Link moved towards his desk, trying to appear lost in any other task that didn’t involve looking at Rhett. He needed a second to <i>breathe</i>, feeling as if all the air had rushed from his lungs. Rhett stepped towards Link’s desk, and Link’s shoulders slumped in defeat. “Do you need to talk about this?” Rhett asked. That annoyed Link. He knew that Rhett was just as affected by this as he was. “Just because I’m a verbal processor doesn’t mean I need to talk about everything,” Link told him. “Actually, yes it does. That’s the definition of a verbal processor,” Rhett returned. “Well for your information, I don’t need to,” Link said curtly.
“Then how come you haven’t looked at me since we got back here?” Rhett asked. Link tensed, slowly raising his head, forcing himself to meet Rhett’s eyes. He felt his heart clench at the vulnerability that stared back at him. Lifting his chin in determination, but keeping his voice gentle, Link said, “Alright. I’ll talk about it. But only if you admit that I’m not the only one that needs to.” Rhett sighed shakily. “Fine,” he muttered. “What’s fine?” Link asked, quirking his eyebrow. “Fine, I need to talk about it,” Rhett gritted out, his cheeks reddening with the effort. “You know you really are getting better at that, talking about your emotions,” Link told him genuinely. He couldn’t help but smile fondly at Rhett. Rhett smiled back before quickly turning towards the couch and plopping down on it. He patted the space next to him, and Link sat down. “Okay,” Link sighed gearing himself up for this conversation. “Can you start?” Rhett asked, rubbing at the back of his neck. “It’s uh...it’s still hard to do you know?” Link nodded. And Rhett had at least admitted that this was affecting him too. “We’ve never done that before,” Link began and Rhett nodded. “I’ve...I’ve never kissed anyone but my wife. I’ve never been attracted to men. Or even thought about a guy.” Rhett’s gaze fell to his lap. “But...” Link continued, and Rhett glanced back up at him. “But I feel like, if...if you’d done that before today, I don’t think I would have minded too much.” Link took off his glasses and began to clean them, using it as an excuse to not have to look at Rhett. He felt something cold and tight in his chest, the fear of losing Rhett gripping onto him with its tendrils. “But I mean, that would have been like...it wouldn’t have happened, would have been too weird right?” It was a feeble attempt at an out, and to his surprise, Rhett didn’t take it. “I uh...I think that’s true for me too,” Rhett admitted. Link dropped his glasses, unsurprisingly with how much his hands were shaking. Rhett eased them back onto Link’s face with such gentleness that it made Link dizzy. “Christy told me that she and Jessie had a real deep talk the week before our wedding. She said they agreed that, so long as we were good husbands and faithful to them too, that if you and I ever...” Link trailed off, feeling too warm, his skin too tight. “Jessie said the same thing to me,” Rhett revealed. “Although, after what happened in Hawaii, I figure we gotta let that be okay for the two of them too.”
Link nodded, hardly able to believe anything that had happened over the course of the last hour.
“Now, I ain’t gonna push you into doing something you don’t want to but--” Rhett was cut off by the feel of Link’s hands reaching out to cradle his head, and the firm press of Link’s lips against his own.
Link pulled back, breathing heavily. “Sorry. Had to be impulsive before I lost the nerve” he laughed shyly. He was hot all over, his body feeling as if it was being pulled towards Rhett.
Rhett wrapped his arms tightly around Link, leaning in to kiss him with the pent up passion of decades-long repression. Link couldn’t help but whimper, arms encircling Rhett’s back as he returned the kiss with just as much fervor. Someone’s tongue gently prodded the lips of the other, their tongues slipping into each other’s mouths, sliding languidly across the other’s.
They pulled apart for air, hard and breathless, utterly debauched.
“I want to stop,” Link said, and at Rhett’s dejected expression, Link gripped him tightly. “No I don’t mean like, stop stop. I mean...I just wanna do this right man.”
Rhett looked up at him curiously. “What do you mean ‘right’?”
“I wanna, you know, take things slow and like...c-court you a bit,” Link admitted, blushing to the tips of his ears.
“...Are you asking me out?” Rhett asked.
And Link was about to tell him off for teasing him before he saw how genuinely delighted Rhett appeared.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I am,” Link laughed softly. “I’ll pick you up at 8 on Friday?” “It’s a date,” Rhett replied, beaming at him.
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GMMORE: 2082
Holy. Crap. I am not at all exaggerating when I say there is usually at least 1 ep of GMM and/or GMMORE each week that turns my pasty white complexion into that of a tomato. Oh. My. GOD. 
Whomever over at GMM is the one being like “yes, more massages,” thank you. 
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I literally stopped breathing when he said this good LORD. I read a line in a fic once where Rhett was taking on a more dominant role and called Link, “Charles” and it drove him crazy and now I can’t unsee it lmao. 
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Um yeah okay so this? This here? Like...someone adjusting their glasses (pushed up or down) has legit always been a thing for me, before I even knew what attractiveness really was so to hear that others find this attractive as well? Validating af. Also just...they way they were like “here, let me adjust your behavior while you do what I say to make it more attractive.” JUST LIKE. I just. I can’t. I simply have lost the ability to can. Just...WHAT??? (The only other thing that got to me personally in the episode was the rolling up of sleeves, for the reasons Kailyn said; I can understand the heart fluttering reaction of someone you’re attracted to using your name if you aren’t with them but have a crush on them, eye contact can be uncomfortable, and I don’t really notice leaning all that much). 
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Watcher Entertainment: Ghost Files
I have been utterly unable to speak or even think coherently since I found out about “Ghost Files” so I’ll just re-post this instead: 
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Welcome To The Violet Lounge!
A swanky fandom place for silly fandom shenanigans. 
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