midnightvoid35 · 3 years
Funny how that one person hates Er/en for being an asshole but their fave is Le/vi but he too is an asshole.
Typical Le/vi stans...
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
big fan of that leon prompt… would love to see more of him, maybe some anal vore too with a lot of gurgly belly and digestion. gas of course too if you like
Sure! I'll write a story for this one since it seems good for it.
Once again, the unbeatable Champion Leon went unbeaten! Another trainer had come and tried, and then failed to him. The poor guy's P.okemon had been devoured by L.eon's own and now it was time for the champ himself to claim his meal. The trainer seemed nervous, knowing his fate, but Leon kept up that charming smile that inspired so many. He pushed the trainer down to the ground as gently as possible, now straddling him. He was going to try something a little bit more fun today after having watched one of R.aihan's matches.
"You did a great job!" L.eon assures the trainer with sincerity in his voice. "Now you might want to take a deep breath here." He turns around and leans back, letting out a grunt and a moan as the trainer's head was wedged between his plump cheeks and deep into his bowels. "Ooooh...mmf, I see why R.aihan does this so much..." He shifts his hips a bit as he gets comfortable, making his prey wiggle. Then he begins to clench tightly, slurping the loser up. Shoulders and chest disappeared the first time, then he was up to the guy's waist with the second clench. His prey was panicking, legs kicking and wiggling under him. Another clench sucked them in up to their knees and he leans forward on his stomach, ass up in the air with kicking legs sticking out of it. He moans shamelessly, the bulge in his gut doing all the work he needed on his hard cock as he let the legs slide in on their own. He came at the ankles, which made his ass clench tightly a final time and slurp in those twitching feet, one of the trainer's shoes hitting the ground behind him.,
L.eon took a few moments to breath and relish in the way his prey squirmed in his bowels before getting himself back up and pulling his pants back on. The crowd was cheering wildly around him after the little show, and he smiled and waved to them as he walked off, his cape flowing behind him and his gut swaying in front of him.
L.eon got some congratulations from the other gym leaders when he passed through the back room. R.aihan in particular seemed very happy with what he saw. L.eon would have loved to talk to them more but he knew he was expected elsewhere. The crowds practically followed him out, so when he stepped outside, they were already waiting for him to cheer and clamor and congratulate. It'd be a bit too loud, if not for the heavy churning of his guts over the meal wiggling up through his intestines to help drown them out. When someone asked how he felt to have won yet another match, he let out a thick belch and pat his gut. "Kind of hungry!" he jokes with a grin. Well, half jokes. He was wanting a bit more. People laughed and cheered some more, but the churning of his gut really helped to make them hard to hear for the champ. He loved it when his guts got really noisy over his prey. He presses a hand down into his stomach, striking a pose as he lets loose another mighty belch. His prey was already starting to go still in him and he was ready to relax and let that lump soften up nicely.
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
L.eon teasing a tiny R.aihan is what i need more in life but unfortunately R.aihan is the overrated pred/macro out of the s.w.sh boys and its fucking tiring seeing him as a pred/macro especially with L.eon. i doubt he'd eveb get a chance to do that to him cuz L.eon's not stupid.
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
Imagine Leon coming home tired from doing sponsorships and other things and Raihan brings him a box. Inside is a batch of tinies! All Leon has to do is relax on the couch and Raihan plucks tines from the box and drops them in Leon’s mouth, some scream and get a view of Leon’s sharp canines as they are dropped inside and begin their way into Leon’s hungry stomach, letting Raihan trace the bulge going down his neck. Leon lets Raihan feed him tinies until he is all out of them and Leon has a small belly bulge showing. gives his boyfriend’s belly some rubs and earns a few small burps from Leon. Both head over to Raihan’s bedroom and fall asleep, Raihan continuing to rub his boyfriend’s belly.
(warning implied digestion bellow)
Raihan wakes up a bit later hearing Leon’s stomach gurgling and opens his eyes and jolts awaking hearing Leon’s belly growl up a storm.His face is now on Leon’s belly he sees that Leon is now bigger! Leon is big enough to fill his room and his bed is broken and brushes against Leon’s arm. Raihan could hear a loud growl come from Leon’s belly, he must have digested the tines already and absorbed their Dynamax energy and grew. Before Raihan could yell out to his sleepy boyfriend, and couldn’t get away as Leon seized him, he’s as small as a doll to Leon. Leon yawns, drowsily opening his eyes, lifting Raihan to his mouth.Raihan doesn’t mutter a word and doesn’t get a chance to as Leon starts licking him, tastes him and mumurs how delicious he tastes…that he doesn’t swallow him right away since Raihan is too big.Instead, Leon slides Raihan’s upper torso in his mouth and sucks on him,tasting him and savoring his flavor licking his face over and over and coating Raihan in saliva, his unfortunate boyfriend wriggles uselessly trying to escape, or cry out. But all that tasting caused Leon’s stomach to growl even louder and finally he lets himself start to swallow, sucking Raihan’s head into his throat. Raihan is larger than the tinies he ate earlier. And it takes several gulps before Raihan’s shoulder makes it into his throat. The bulge that starts to form is quite large, but all the saliva on him causes him to slide in easily. His chest is pulled down and his lower body as well, leaving only his legs in Leon’s mouth as he descends deeper into his boyfriend.Even in Leon’s stomach he’s large enough that he stretches the walls tight with his presence and is squished firmly inside. The acid level is there but low, the walls tighten around him and Raihan starts to wriggle and yell as he tries to alert his sleepy boyfriend-who burps and he turns over on the bed,almost knocking over things in Raihan’s bedroom and squishing his gut even more. A bulge more larger than the one he had hours ago is now visible in his middle and Raihan hopes Leon wakes up soon to let him out…
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
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Okay, last bit of perspective practice for now.
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
Idk if you still do sw/sh but thoughts on A) Leon teasing a tiny Raihan and B) Leon swallowing Raihan whole and mc walks in seeing leon with a huge belly napping with Raihan's hat resting on top of it
Oh of COURSE I still love swsh!! And my answer for both is a resounding YES. Leon would absolutely tease tiny Raihan in his own goofy way. He doesn’t seem like the type to gloat about winning, so I feel like his teasing would be more jokingly dumb than threatening. I’m sure Raihan would just sigh and roll his eyes, he’s seen it all before. One of the reasons Leon gets so excited to battle his rival is the snack he gets afterwards >:)
And as for (B) ??? Another BIG yes from me, I don’t talk much about same size but like, there’s something about a pred absolutely zonked out on the couch with a huge belly that’s just so endearing to me idk... especially with a little accessory (like a hat 👀) lying nearby that totally gives away who’s inside. There’s no hiding it now! I’m sure Leon would be a bit more embarrassed if the MC saw him like that, he’s supposed to be the Galar’s most respected champion after all. He’d probably end up laughing it off in the end though. I’m sure if anything, Raihan would be the one getting most embarrassed in that situation 😂
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midnightvoid35 · 3 years
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His hair is so luscious 😩
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
More of Pred/macro Leon with Raihan as the micro/prey cuz pred Raihan is fucking overrated he should be prey as well.
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
People writting pred Raihan as evil and feral...stop it hes not "feral"
Also pls make someone else his prey and not Leon cuz its overdone,and Leon will swallow Raihan not the other way around 😑
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
Good lord I wish I didn’t hafta say this but I absolutely do not condone RPF (Real Person Fiction) kink content, or otherwise. It’s dehumanizing and is done without consent and has DEFINITELY and pretty vocally caused real life harm to the relationships of the people subject to that sort of attention.  I’m a freak on the internet who draws fictional characters vomiting, but I’m not cool with people using the real names and likeness of strangers and writing about them fucking their co-workers and claiming we’re in the same community.
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
why is it that there is only swsh vore animation but it’s only Raihan?! Even him swallowing a tiny Leon?? But none of Leon swallowing a tiny Raihan/Random tiny??? urgh.
Raihan is an Overrated Pred i swear
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
Pred Leon?? Fuck yeah!! We need more that!
Idk if you still do sw/sh but thoughts on A) Leon teasing a tiny Raihan and B) Leon swallowing Raihan whole and mc walks in seeing leon with a huge belly napping with Raihan's hat resting on top of it
Oh of COURSE I still love swsh!! And my answer for both is a resounding YES. Leon would absolutely tease tiny Raihan in his own goofy way. He doesn’t seem like the type to gloat about winning, so I feel like his teasing would be more jokingly dumb than threatening. I’m sure Raihan would just sigh and roll his eyes, he’s seen it all before. One of the reasons Leon gets so excited to battle his rival is the snack he gets afterwards >:)
And as for (B) ??? Another BIG yes from me, I don’t talk much about same size but like, there’s something about a pred absolutely zonked out on the couch with a huge belly that’s just so endearing to me idk... especially with a little accessory (like a hat 👀) lying nearby that totally gives away who’s inside. There’s no hiding it now! I’m sure Leon would be a bit more embarrassed if the MC saw him like that, he’s supposed to be the Galar’s most respected champion after all. He’d probably end up laughing it off in the end though. I’m sure if anything, Raihan would be the one getting most embarrassed in that situation 😂
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
Let Leon swallow Raihan. Tiny or same size
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
Fucking tired of seeing Raihan always as the pred/macro with Leon in art/stories
I wanna see Leon macro sized eating Raihan. Pls .
Leon is pred material too you know not just Raihan who is overrated as a pred. Let me see the dragon man getting eaten by the undefeated champion
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
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Follow me there
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
I wish for a version of Leon eating raihan instead
Okay terrible idea but raihan hanging out at Leon’s home after a long day of gym challenges, having both won and lost his fair share of matches, and being absolutely starving. But Leon’s got just the thing—a couple dozen shrunk fans. All raihan’s got to do is lay back and open his maw, putting his practical fangs on display as Leon lowers a fan into his mouth, watches raihan swish them around as he tastes them, before finally swallowing and letting his boyfriend trace the bulge travelling down his neck. They repeat this with fan after fan until Leon’s fresh outta of tinies, and raihan now has a small belly, small enough to look like a food baby if it wasn’t shifting and moving about constantly, and if there weren’t muffled little voices sounding out from it. His gut just barely pokes out from under his hoodie, and Leon slips a hand under to rub it, earning himself a belch from raihan.
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midnightvoid35 · 4 years
Would like to see a reversed version of this
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More vore with Raihan! Commissioner also wanted to remain anonymous, but this boy sure is popular for this kink huh?
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