midnitestory · 5 months
Ghost Trick
Code Name: Sissel the Phantom Detective
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedure: SCP-XXX and its owner are located at Site-12, and are provided with necessary accommodation. SCP-XXX receives specialized treatment for its abilities and physical condition. The living area comprises anti-spectral material to prevent SCP-XXX from escaping via telephone lines.
Description: SCP-XXX (Sissel) is a male black domestic cat (Felis catus) currently owned by ██████ and her family. SCP-XXXX displays human intelligence in problem-solving and communication but cannot comprehend human objects or the ability to read.
SCP-XXX has displayed physical and abstract anomalous powers, a physical trait being immortality. According to its owner, SCP-XXX is ten years old despite being a juvenile cat. This physical trait is due to the pieces of the Temsik meteor lodged to SCP-XXXX during its kitten age.
In terms of abstract powers, one of the most significant powers of SCP-XXX is what it calls a 'ghost trick'. By possessing inanimate objects, it can operate and control them. It can do so by moving its soul to the object's core. There, SCP-XXX can perform 'tricks', AKA manipulating the movements of the objects, usually for quick navigation to another core.
SCP-XXX can also communicate with deceased individuals as long as the person's consciousness is still responsive during death. SCP-XXX would perform its influential ability, which is to rewind time. It can only rewind time to 4 minutes before the person's homicide, where SCP-XXX can prevent the person's murder or other tragedy.
The Foundation discover SCP-XXX while investigating the meteor crash site at Temsik Park after detecting a unique anomalous radiation. When a deceased individual is near the radiation, they become conscious and gain ghost trick abilities.
When questioned about the incident, the rookie detective, ████, retold the events of when she was a child. She was a hostage of [DATA EXPUNGED], where strange occurrences occurred, which saved Lynn in the process. According to ████, SCP-XXX was present during the incident who incidentally died and received fragments of the meteorite.
Because of its problem-solving skills, abilities and continued cooperation, SCP-XXX will participate as a member of the Mobile Task Force Alpha 9 ‘Last Hopes’.
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midnitestory · 11 months
How Some Children Played at Slaughtering
Once upon a time, there lived a middle-class family consisting of a butcher, his wife, and three sons. Two of the sons are trouble-makers and would often take inspiration for what to play in the most unorthodox ways.
One day, as the mother was bathing the youngest, the sons had snuck towards their father's butcher shop to watch him work. There, they watched him butcher a pig to be used for sausages. Outside, the sons somehow decided this could be a good idea for a new game: Butcher the Pig: A player who is a pig will be chased around by the other player as a butcher who is carrying a knife.
After memorizing the rules, the two started to play, with the son as a butcher carrying their father's butcher knife. It was all fun and games until the son managed to catch up to his brother and took his role seriously. Despite the other's desperate pleading, his brother continued to hack his brother's head away until all that was left was an unrecognizable bloodied face with flying minced meat all over the place.
As the son felt remorseful and pondered about what to do next, the mother came in to see what was going on. After seeing the state of despair, the mother looked at the surviving son with grief and rage, knowing how much that son had done.
"You...did this...didn't you?" The mother questioned him with rage building up like fuel.
"I didn't mean to, mama!" The son tried to beg his mother, "I swear!"
But his begging was not enough, and soon after, the mother ran towards him, managing to take away the knife in the process. Grief and pain took over her thought process. With a grip on the knife, she wasted no time swinging the knife at his head, deepening it enough for him to drunkenly stumble around before falling to the ground.
When everything settled, the mother became horrified at what she had done. Now, two of her sons are dead, and one of them was on her hand. But then, she realized something. She forgot her third child in a bath!
So, she rushed towards the bathroom only to find the final child floating silently in the filled bathtub.
With all of her children dying, with two from her own design, she decided that she could not live this dreadful life forward from her neglectful responsibility. And so, with a make-shift noose at hand, she put her own misery before her.
After finding what was left of the two sons, the butcher rushed inside the house, trying to find his wife about his gruesome discovery, adding that to his findings of his third son. It was when he encountered his wife's flying corpse that his emotions became mixed with sorrow and fear when he discovered that he was all alone now.
Unable to have his heart handle with grief, he soon found solace in the sleeping pills. He knew that what he was about to do was stupid, but what else could he even do? And so, with a handful at hand, he closed his eyes, gulped them all and waited, hoping that this time, he could dream about them again.
The end
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