midxnights · 1 year
so ... i decided to log onto this blog since i've gotten some followers on here and occasionally still get some and just ... to make things known -
this blog is no longer active/is archived
i have moved blogs and am on a new one but it's extremely private and select and i will not be promo-ing/giving out the url/etc. if you come across it though, i more than likely will follow back. i don't promise that though. and yeah, just thought i'd make this known. either way though, i am wishing you all the best and sending much love to you <3
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midxnights · 1 year
i popped onto this blog for like a hot second and i just had to block so many porn blogs. like this blog isn’t even active and they’re still finding me -
anyways while i’m here i did see i’ve also gotten some new - actual followers - and i just want to say hi hello! welcome! i love you! but please note as of currently this blog is on hiatus due to real life stuff and a multi being too much to handle currently. you can find me on my solo blog for steve harrington here! and he has quite a number of verses to interact so don’t be deterred if you don’t know stranger things! but yes feel free to follow me on there - and i hope to write with you all soon either way. much love to all of you!
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midxnights · 1 year
hey there so i just wanted to pop in here real quick with just like a few updates/reminders -
so once again i want to come in and remind everyone that this blog is currently on hiatus. with everything going on in my life plus the holidays, i just simply do not have the mental capacity to run a multimuse right now. instead i'm currently running a solo muse blog for steve harrington that can be found here. please free to give a follow to write with me and such. he's got many verses and probably will eventually have more/i am always down to add more - so even if you don't know stranger things or have a verse for it, we can interact. and yeah!
but that being said, i'm not entirely sure when i'll be returning to this blog. i honestly can't even give an estimate. but i do want to say whenever i do return - i'm going to be cleaning up this blog a bit. going through drafts, maybe my muse list - probably going to try to switch a carrd with that. and some other stuff. but again i legit don't know when that will be -
anyways so yeah just figured i should try to pop on here with this post. if you're not following steve then i'll talk to you whenever i return here and i love you all very much! <3
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midxnights · 1 year
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always the goddamn babysitter
indie steve harrington / selective & private / penned by pluto
psd credit
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midxnights · 1 year
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always the goddamn babysitter
indie steve harrington / selective & private / penned by pluto
psd credit
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midxnights · 2 years
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always the goddamn babysitter
indie steve harrington / selective & private / penned by pluto
psd credit
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midxnights · 2 years
just in case you haven’t seen the post because you have the tags blocked out - i have made a solo blog for steve harrington that can be found here and that’s where i’m going to be for a bit, this blog is more or less officially on hiatus
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midxnights · 2 years
just in case you haven’t seen the post because you have the tags blocked out - i have made a solo blog for steve harrington that can be found here and that’s where i’m going to be for a bit, this blog is more or less officially on hiatus
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midxnights · 2 years
so … as you may have saw, i lost my mother on friday. and with that being said, i do want to be able to get on tumblr and such when i feel up to it and am able to as writing is something that is a huge coping mechanism for me and helps me through a lot. but … this blog is kind of just a little overwhelming right now …
so i made a solo blog for steve harrington, which can be found here and i will be hiding over there for a bit. this blog is more or less officially on hiatus. i’ll make more posts about this and make sure everyone knows. but yeah, come find/follow me on there. i will follow everyone i can tonight.
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midxnights · 2 years
so ... as you may have saw, i lost my mother on friday. and with that being said, i do want to be able to get on tumblr and such when i feel up to it and am able to as writing is something that is a huge coping mechanism for me and helps me through a lot. but ... this blog is kind of just a little overwhelming right now ...
so i made a solo blog for steve harrington, which can be found here and i will be hiding over there for a bit. this blog is more or less officially on hiatus. i’ll make more posts about this and make sure everyone knows. but yeah, come find/follow me on there. i will follow everyone i can tonight.
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midxnights · 2 years
is the weird post editor beta mode thing not able to be turned off on some blogs/new blogs?
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midxnights · 2 years
does anyone have any good carrd templates that work well for a single muse blog?
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midxnights · 2 years
thank you so much truly to everyone who sent good vibes and such my way regarding my mother. they’re more appreciated than words can ever say, but sadly as of today - my mother will be passed away. she’s already started to go and might even be by the time i post this. i’m obviously not sure when i’ll be on - but if i’m on sooner rather than later please just know it’s because being here is going to be one of the things helping me get through this. and i’m honestly just so grateful to have the support system i have. and thank you all for your support. i’ll be around when i can, so much love to you all and please make sure to hug your loved ones a little tighter for me. <3
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midxnights · 2 years
@ofsweetness​ closed starter
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robin has the widest grin on her face as she practically jumps out of the car and barrels straight into chrissy’s arms. “chris, oh my god, hi!” they wrap their arms tightly around the other, pulling her in as close as they possibly can. “i’ve missed you so much, i mean obviously, but i really have. like so much. and it’s so good to actually see your face and not just hear your voice over the phone, or read your postcards back. not that i don’t love your voice and your handwriting it’s just ... i mean - you get me.” light laugh escaped, slightly awkward as they pull back a little. it’s just the two of them right now, steve and eddie were off visting dustin and the other kids. or well, she supposed they weren’t really kids anymore. “but anyways! talk to me, how have you been? how’s hawkins treating you? how are things going with jason?”
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midxnights · 2 years
a little general zombie apocalypse verse for riley mills (technically namely written for twd but can easily fit in for any fandom/etc): tagging @deathsvalcr since they’re partly the inspo for this
when the apocalypse first hit, it was the last thing riley ever expected to actually happen, and of course she was very rightly terrified. but as her family has stuck together and they’ve been slowly just trying to survive and get through this in the best way they can, it’s been easier and easier to handle. there’s only so many times you can shoot a zombie’s head clean off before you become desensitized to it. though, even if she has been taught how to use a gun, riley does actually prefer to bow and arrow gifted to her by her father and she’s got a hell of a good aim with it. one can definitely see the apocalypse has changed riley a bit, while at her core she’s still the big-hearted, kind, loving girl she is, she’s also been toughened by this whole experience and doesn’t seem as sensitive or easily manipulated. she does have tendency to look out for people and help where she can, especially given the mills-locksley family home has become kind of a safe haven. the large, spacious, home of the mayor being somewhere people can easily hide out. 
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midxnights · 2 years
like/reply to this post for a starter!
(you can specify muse if you want, but if you don’t you are likely to get whoever i am feeling most)
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midxnights · 2 years
happy thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates, very thankful for all you <3 i think i might actually end up being online for a little bit today here shortly - as it’s still really slow around here and i could honestly just continue to use the distraction, so yeah might be logging on here shortly. either way i hope you all have a good thanksgiving and i love you all very much <3
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