migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
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“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist, Britta? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them is sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You’re average, Britta Perry. You’re every kid on the playground that didn’t get picked on. You’re a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You’re VH1, Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You’re the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I’m the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You’re Jim Belushi.”
-Evil Abed, “Community”
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
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Thanx to @danharmon for his circle-structure. Much work to do.
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
-Wow! That was so clever! So ‘Black Mirror’! -Wow! That comment was so adorably naive! So ‘Black Mirror’!
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
Miscellaneous, maybe expandable
Don't u hate when ur rapist leaves open the door of ur room? ⊙ African children who know how to use an AK-47 and your kids aren't even able to build a house of sticks. ⊙ -A drug addict isn't a sick person because he chose to consume. -You chose to go to that brothel and now five nurses are in charge of ur gonorrhea.
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
Aaron Sorkin will never achieve what I do: to write a sitcom style walk-and-talk with Stephen Hawking and Terri Schiavo as protagonists.
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
Everybody expects the meta inquisition
Last day I tried to impress my flatmate by showing him the pilot of ‘Lady Dynamite’. ‘Man, Community made it before’, he said. Fuck off, what happens with new audiences. A ‘Two and a half men’ episode shocks them more than that deconstructed shit.
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
Dear meme-eaters structure-breakers posmos:
I'm going to prepare a Posmopolitan to rob you while you try to deconstruct it. 
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migueldrunkard-blog · 7 years
When Aaron Sorkin writes the same first tweet as an old man of sixty. Oh wait...
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