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According to mike the person on the right is ugly person on the left is  his bride
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why do you have holes in your jeans faggy
worn out from kneeling in front of men too often
too bad tattoos are permanent 
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why do you have holes in your jeans faggy
worn out from kneeling in front of men too often
too bad tattoos are permanent 
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According to mike the person on the right is ugly person on the left is  his bride
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Now listen this is not from the  same episode as early this guy wears the same jeans WEEKS APART he really likes them
he pays thousands to dress like a bum on the street
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Oh a lobster bib.....HAHAHAHA
this was a bit and it failed
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Nice sweater 
holes in jeans
white t shirt
what an asshole get-up
this guy claims to be into fashion
 not a bit btw
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Please chat give me content
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Wishing he were funny and trying not to rely on his stream for things to say
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what having no standards looks like
Im sure her personality is good lol
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Mikes  ugly ass wifey
6/10 generous  rating
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gross girl with a gross maw.
I’d bang it if i was as fucked as him all the time
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Don't You Hate when somebody talks for 5 minutes on a radio show that you waited all week for?
Mike from Redbar
Yea mike we wait weeks for you to make a point in the same video/audio.
Loosely Paraphrased
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Some one told me suits are dumb and your retarded for wearing your father’s closet
I wonder who told me that #1 Sus
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“Promos are lame and gay if you promote a product that’s gay.” paraphrase not exact words but close.
Here we see a rare Mic promoting a supplement company
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Lol you having a good time Ole Mikey boi
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yung dj Mikale. I’m not sure if this is the beginning but its very cringe. good on him for starting a brand though
Mike David is very "money". You know what I mean? Mike David makes music for the kids.Why this name?Well, Mike David is my name. But if I had a band, I would name it "Business Class Drop-Outs".Do you play live?Yes. I play live in my living room. I aslo am big in the "Bar Mitzvah scene". I also play from change on Ohio and Lasalle.How, do you think, does the internet (or mp3) change the music industry?Come on, this isn't "Inside the actors studio". I'm not answering this. Internet is good.Would you sign a record contract with a major label?Yes. I like advancements. I also like spending my advancements before I actually make any money off album sales. And then I like going broke because I spend all of my money on "ice".Band History:Vist http://redbarproductions.com (My Company) http://redbarproductions.com/mike.html (My fanpage) http://micdee.dmusic.com (RAP SITE) http://adultflickz.com (Porn Rentals) http://kidkash.com (KID KASH SITE)
Your influences?
My musical influences? Missy Elliot,............NOT! I give props to Frank S. and that's where it stops.
Favorite spot?
Chicago is the best city. And my favorite place to be is at home.
Equipment used:http://redbarproductions.com/record1.htmlAnything else...?Visit RED BAR PRODUCTIONS. http://redbarproductions.com
Free plug you’re welcome if any of these still exist
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