milajpeg-blog · 9 years
idk if anyone still follows me on here bt ya i'm leaving the rp!! i have to focus on school and other stuff hehe sorry but thank u for being the best group rp i've been in for a while !!!! i love mila and her connections and we can jst pretend she moved away or something if u still want to talk or whatever u can hmu!! my aim is earthtosasha, my kik is mufasasha and my indie is violcntdelights ☺️💞
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
I love deep talks. Like, hell yeah, tell me about why you’d prefer to talk to your mom rather than your dad. Tell me about your favorite lyrics in the songs you listen to everyday and why they’re your favorite. Tell me about the dog you had when you were growing up and how he was your best friend. Tell me about what kind of books you like to read when you’re alone in your room. Tell me about the things you think about right before you fall asleep. Tell me anything and everything. I just want to be the one you tell it all to. Please let me be the one.
(via drafterr)
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
↳ INSTAGRAM: mloschiavo uploaded a new photo with skylarjk​
happy birthday pal !!! despite everything that has happened (lol), i’m grateful to have you in my life. also, please stop copying my work in spanish tyvm 😌💤
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
Nah, I’m cured, but it could come back soon. He got his act together and nothing makes me happier. Good for him, honestly. Okay, I’m guilty of everything you just said. I’m not even going to deny it, there’s no point. No, I’m not high. I’m Mila.
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Don’t lie, you totally still have Bieber fever don’t you? Don’t try to tell me you don’t know all the words to all his songs and that you don’t watch him every time he’s on Ellen. Yeah, the neon carnival party seems rad! Wait—a homeless version of Pocahontas? Are you high right now?
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
Don’t worry; I forget too sometimes. Just.. not as often as you. Will I miss you? Well that’s the big question, isn’t it? Honestly, yeah, I will, but I think you already knew that. So. Thank you, thank you. I try.
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I always forget you’re a grade below me. It’s gonna be weird not having you around. Will you miss me? You’ve got it in the bag, don’t worry.
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
It’s a good thing that I will always be in your life, then. Until we’re in our eighties and old and wrinkly.
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I’d probably be dying. Especially in a town like this one.  
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
@thatangie: it's my birthday bitches, gimme cake
@mloschiavo: 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
Fingers crossed. If you believe, you will achieve, right? I think that’s how it goes, I’m not entirely sure. That sounds ideal. I’ve been so out of the loop lately, it’s insane. I literally don't know what's going on anymore. 
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If you save up money you might be able to go next year. Anything’s possible, right? At least, if you want it bad enough it can be. Anyway, not much is new with me. I should probably do something exciting this weekend to liven things up.
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
Sure, when I’m in uni. -- wow. I’ll be graduating next year, crazy. When that time comes I’ll be prepared, I think I’ve seen enough posts about Coachella so I know what to expect.. Or at least, I hope.
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You’re gonna get the chance to go someday. Don’t worry, Mila, there will come a time when you’re sitting in itchy grass under a scorching sun listening to music and trying not to get stepped on by drunk people. I promise.
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
At some point, he was the love of my life. Bieber fever was too real and I don’t ever want to relive that ever again. We should all go one day! It’ll be so much fun. I’ve always wanted to go to their neon carnival party and also, to dress up like a somewhat homeless version of Pocahontas. 
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I feel you on a very spiritual level right now but as the great philosopher Justin Bieber once said, “Never say never”. There’s always next year, yeah? And then there’ll be even more awesome artists performing!
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
"I love you, thanks for that. Can’t imagine spending an entire school year without you. Like, who can I go on hot chocolate runs with? Who’s willing to carry my things when I go to the mall? And most importantly, who can I talk to at two in the morning about the strangest things? I can always tutor you if you need the extra help, but not in physics ‘cause I don’t take that either. Of course she’d be proud. I think anyone would. Oh yeah, you can be my bodyguard.”
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“You know, every time I see you, you make my day, too! I’m glad we’re friends, and I’m extra glad that we’re in the same grade so I don’t have to spend a while year without you. Hey, I only said that because I’m not even takin’ physics, silly goose. But I couldn’t pass that class with anything higher than a C, honestly. I have an… Wait for it…. A- in Algebra 2…. Can You even believe it?! My mom is so proud of me. Oh, yeah… Texting… Heh. Whatever I’m still probably gonna hold your hand the entire time because I gotta fend off all the drunk guys that want to talk to you, so.”
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
I know, I know. Where would you be without me?
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I love those two little girls. You can totally be my Rosie, Mila. I’m glad I can count on you, honestly.
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
Right, I trust you so don’t let me down because then it’ll ruin the entire vibe. I think I’m a good hype girl, is it just me? I’m like the Rosie to your Sophia Grace, y’know, the two kids that appeared on Ellen. No problemo, I’m always here to help you with your crisis.
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Please, criminal record? Nothing that bad is going to happen. I predicate that tonight is going to be the best night in all of our four years as teens. Just watch. I’ll swing by your house at five. Early, I know, but I need you to help me pick out my outfit. 
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
“Shay, I think you’ve just made my day. Then again, you always do. Thanks. Hey, you’re much smarter than you think you are. Don’t ever doubt yourself, I’m going to kill you if you do. I’m excited for you! You deserve to have the time of your life. Good, that sounds ideal to me. Or you know, you could always shoot me a text but that works too.” 
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“Mila… Everything looks good on you, like… A flower crown looking bad on you is pretty much as possible as me acing a physics class. Impossible. I will! It’s gonna be so fun! We’re gonna camp there and everything! I’m sure we won’t, though, y’know? We’ll just hold hands all weekend, and you’ll enjoy it. Well… Then… I’ll… Go on a stage and shout out your name through the mic.”
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
I suppose that works too. We haven’t done that in a while and live by that whole ‘go wherever the night takes us’ mantra. Here’s to hoping it won’t go too far. I’m not down for having a criminal record, nope. I’ll be your wing-woman.
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Technically the world since it was the world who created it, no? Girls night out definitely sounds like a plan, though. Karaoke bar it is. I know a lot of college guys hang around there. I could find a man. 
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
“They’re so cute, I’ve always wanted one. I’m not sure if it would look good on me, though. Aw, have fun! Tell me all about it afterwards. I don’t think I’ll let you out of my sight but okay, just in case anything happens. God, I hope we don’t get separated. Wait, what if someone steps on them?”
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“I love flower crowns! Sage and I are goin’ to this concert thing next weekend and he’s makin’ us flower crowns! But yes, we’re definitely gonna have flower crowns. And cotton candy… And skittles. You should hold the skittles, though, that way if you go somewhere without me you can drop some as a trail for me to find you. Like a puppy!”
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milajpeg-blog · 9 years
I feel that. Thank god for instagram, it has got to be one of the best things the world has given us.. or at least, the app store. Sounds like we just planned a girls night. We could do karaoke? I’m good with anything, so.
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It’s like, I don’t wanna see it, but I’m so curious. Kind of like when your ex gets a new girlfriend and you check his instagram to see pictures of them, y’know? Kleenex’s and lots of hershey kisses would suffice. I need something to get my mind off of it, though.
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