milestonesstuff 3 years
Hospital story
Cp=crazy patient
Me: You need to lay down!
Cp: NO! I'm a Texan I dont need to listen to yall!
Me: so is everybody else in this place, it doesn't mean anything, you need to lay down before you fall.
Cp: I'm not laying down before I get a few beers in me!
Me:......Your are in a hospital....we dont have beer.
Cp: dont lie to me! You just drank all of them yourself and dont want to share!
Me: if I had I dont think I would be having this conversation with you right now.
Me : DUDE! Its 4 in the morning I dont know what to tell you!
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milestonesstuff 3 years
"Gets bored" I wanna make candles
(4 days later)
Well, I dont wanna do that anymore. Rubix cubes are really cool tho.
(2 days later)
Solved that....boring, woah that piece of carpet looks really comfortable.....(takes nap on carpet)
(Wakes up)
.....I'm bored again
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milestonesstuff 3 years
Bruh, I'm sittin here just tryin to make internet friends and i got no idea what the hell to talk to them about.
What am I suppost to talk about to you random person?!
I want to befriend you! Just tell me what you like!!
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milestonesstuff 3 years
CrazyGrandma: Well why cant you just give me the money for your home? I'm the reason you exist!
Mom: yes let me just pay you for creating me what do you think I make I'm not a doctor! I have kids!
CrazyGrandma: what are you talking about you make plenty of money. I'm going to call the police if you dont pay me.
Me: (sarcastically) yes mother why u lying obviously your a doctor and you married a whale biologist. You make millions dont be greedy, that's why (brother) and me share a room!
CrazyGrandma: (doesn't get sarcasm) See why are you lying!?
Mom and I: *roll our eyes*
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milestonesstuff 3 years
You know it's so great when work gives me money for me being there those days ......
(Sighs)...I got money from the work that I go to and do for the money....(gives up and walks away)
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