mileyrcy · 3 years
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mileyrcy · 3 years
so it comes to my attention that we haven’t spoken in a friggin’ hot minute, other than when you texted me and i’m surprised y’all still had my number not gonna lie...also let me mention the fact that you and your brother held a rost and not invite me but pete instead!! the actual fuck dude!! i’m kidding, hi...i’m miley and i hate your shirt. // @nicholasjerryx​
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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miley cyrus instagram stories.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
📲| theo james
Theo: Sooo
Theo: my plans failed on me
Theo: give me something to do or watch!
miley: you should watch the real housewives of new york
miley: that show is freakin awesome, i must say or american horror story...
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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mileycyrus: zoeisabellakravitz  @zkrvtz where is my soul sister, hey sister, soul sister, better get that flow sister.....happy birthday angel!! i love you so much, i hope you enjoy the day that we got graced with you i can’t believe you’re my friend how did i get so lucky!! 
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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miley cyrus uploaded to instagram stories.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
I will do that! I am sure I’ll get you since that’s funny right? Yeah I’ve done the normal one and I get Buck a lot, that’s not to big of a shock. They said Buck and TK are very similar really.  You should look it up and see if you get me!  I’m sure you will be great at it! Yeah I dont think you do but you think your father or someone would have done better for you.  Oh yeah growing up on a tv show and in the fame world must have been hard!  I did a lot,  a lot i should not have but I got past all of it.  I did a few of them, got very lost in it for a while when I was young teenager.  But I got help and got into acting to help out all my feelings and it got me to become the real me. Yours I don’t know if I fully remember but my current boo is British, it’s Harry.
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Yes that would be the most funniest if you did actually end up getting me on the filter though i'd be rather sad if you ended up getting someone else in my family since you know we're now friends an all. Oh you do? is that not weird that you get another character other than yourself? or is it more fun the fact that you get different people other than yourself. I'll have to see if i can find it. You would think that wouldn't you, but honestly that is a honest lesson learnt, always read over the contracts before signing no matter how you want the role or even if it is your dream role that you've always wanted. Believe me it was hard but look at me now, came out on the other side of things. Would you ever go back to it? I think sometimes you've just got to explore haven't you. Wait....hold the fucking phone...,my gaydar was way off -- you're gay and you're dating harry styles?! go you.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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I absolutely adore when parents let their children grow up with dogs / cats any type of pet that will automatically set a bound for life. And as morbid as the topic is, you’re right and that’s just life, ya know. I actually owned two pups many years back, they sadly passed and they’re initials are now forever tattooed on my wrist so they’re always there. But it took such a long time and obviously the space to be a dog mom again, it’s worth the chaos and slobber. Drunk at stupid o”clock happens more often than not, so you may be regretting that offer. Cause me, winnie and lulu may possibly show up at your door front when we’re back visiting LA, unless you’re in nyc ?? where in the world is miley ?? uhmm s’cuse me, you have dick decor ?? i’m obsessed and i gotta see. I’ve got tits decour, but that’s just painting, sadly not a sculpture of a pair of boobs on my kitchen counter. But i have a feeling if you and i were to indulge in a little “special” smoking substance we’d easy catch a dick cloud whilst gazing on the ground. Well duh, i practically peed myself !! those two always sound like their on helium and apparently so do i. There’s no many people at all i’d let convince me to do something like this, so just count it as an offering of my love and just promise you’ll hold me if i get scared !! listen, you’re a busy busy bee who has a lot going on, the last thing you’re gonna see are my lameo tweets gushing over you but i don’t think i did ?? and i clearly missed out wtf but you’re making my entire life right now.  Trust me, if you survived twisty and asylum you can survive anything, it’s still a little spooky and wacky as fuck, but do it for sally. You know, as someone in the damn show i can’t even fucking remember, but freak show was before hotel, i’m certain. Enjoyed it ?? I loved it, holy shit. It was so eerie, i still get chills thinking about it and your performance it in , let me bow down, there just wasn’t enough of you i wanted more cause i’m greedy.  
Right? i think that is why i've just filled my home with animals because it is what i've been used even my siblings all have animals in their homes and funny enough we all have dogs, but i do have a farm back in nashville with different kind of animals. That is the cutest fucking idea ever, at least you know you'll never forget them right? and they're forever be with you, i might have to steal that idea from you honestly. I remember i had Floyd when he was a puppy and my fucking god that was so much more hard work than you anticipated hence why i  find it so much more easier to look after and love slightly older dogs these days. Please with you? i'd accept any hour of the fucking day even if it means at four in the morning and you are drunk as fuck annoying my poor animals but i'm sure they'd love meeting you and it'll be a hoot and half to tell you all the shit you did the next day. I do!! in my Los Angeles home i do anyways, not in my Malbiu home that is more so mature if you will. Nope i'm in LA right now, why are you? come and see me if you are. Shit you smoke too? where the actual fuck have you been all my life, oh wait creating awesome tv shows that's where. Well duh of course i would, what kind of a friend would i be to convice you to go ghost hunting and hold you if you get scared. phew that would be terrible if you saw me break down on stage. I wanted to get back into it but i couldn't but i did loved the first four that i saw though. Wanna know something? the writers wrote the episode just for me. oh stop it, you're making me blush.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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Miley Cyrus for Forbes (2021)
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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mileyrcy · 3 years
text - melissa benoist
mel: !!!
mel: i feel extra cool now
mel: that you have my number.
miley: of course i have your number
miley: i have connections all over the place
miley: which is weird but a good kind of weird.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
Thirty and flirty and thriving. I’m about to be 33 and loving it. Will do. Well our second wedding anniversary will be September 1st but you’re definitely the first one to wish us, haha
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Love love love the thirteen going thirty reference right there nessa, if thirty is as good as you say it is then i won’t be complaining about turning it next year which still is crazy to me. Oh shit y’all still got along way to go before your second, at least you made it out of the first year of marriage, i only got to eight months.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
Miles!! You know you never need to apologize to me. We both have crazy lives. Promise we’ll pick up right where we left off. I’ve missed you too! Oh, gosh. I don’t even know where to begin? Work has been pretty insane! Finished the fourth season of Stranger Things and wrapped a new movie. Got a new puppy! It’s almost my one year anniversary which is insane how much my love life has changed in the past few years. Now it’s your turn! Tell me everything! 
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We do and i feel guilty for not checking in on you as often as i should since we were pretty close once upon a time ago you know? but like you said life does happen, i hope that we do and i know they say that not everyone is meant to be in your life forever but you just know the ones who are going to be and you don't need to talk to know that you're still friends with them you know? You wrapped up a new movie...ooh do tell me!! am i invited to the premire!! I also need to meet this new puppy. That's so cute happy one year anniversary my love. um shit, i've just been spending so much time in nashville lately with braison and his wife, seeing some family and hangin out with some friends you know? nothing too crazy, such a borning update compared to yours ha.
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mileyrcy · 3 years
text - josephine skriver
Jo: You did! It's always nice to know when you've made an impression on someone, and even better when it's a good one! Oh, Dua is incredible! I don't deserve to be on her level in any way, shape or form.
Jo: He's good! Haha, I mean he's my brother! That's not the question for me to answer. I think he's an amazing human though so anybody lucky enough to spend time with him is in for a treat. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Denmark but I'm hoping to get out there for Christmastime. That's not a bad thing! Do you have big Thanksgiving plans with the fam?
miley: please yes you do!! don't be going and saying that sort of shit please you are seriously so stunning it's not even funny, you deserve to be on our level at all costs.
miley: Can you seriously believe that christmas is literally right around the corner? i'm in disbelive that it's happening so quickly, november flew by.I didn't it was nice and chill, i was with my folks and some of the siblings it's hard to get us all in the same room as one another ha. How you been? all ready for the holidays though?
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mileyrcy · 3 years
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Plastic Hearts was released one year ago today (November 27th 2020)
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mileyrcy · 3 years
updates on my life? i don’t have very many updates, honestly. evermore just got nominated for album of the year, though —– so, that’s massive and i honestly thought i was going to burst into tears when i got the call from tree. you’re the sweetest, miles! speak now is a favorite of mine as well; you already know that one’ll be a good time to rerecord. you need to make more, lady. we need the content.
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please you are THE taylor swift, i bet you do have some updates to spill or unless that you can't spill any kind of detail just yet which is fair. I saw that and i'm so incredibly proud of you for that because that album was something else. I want to be in the studio with you when you are going to be recording that album please so i can re hear and re-feel everything when that album came out. Y'all never know i might be in the process of making something but can you believe plastic hearts came out a year ago already? where the fuck has the time gone?!
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