schizofremik · 5 years
☽ Week 1/52  ☾
It was lazy week. I admit it. First 3 days I spend in my boyfriend room, lying on the bed and eating sweets that left from xmas time. It was cosy time and I was tryng not to think that I wasting it. I was just relaxing and preparing for finals exams of this term. 
And I was’t only watching yt videos and dreaming about playing sims4 (btw I gonna build so amazing house for my 3 witch ✦) I also made some progers in my uni projects. I drew some frames to my 2d animation and added new models of women in my 3D scenery. And it is a lot like for me. Of course I had lazy moments, when I watched one season of serial. But I had really big support from my Kochanie⋆.  Moreover i found out new productivity methods that I’m going to apply this year. 
⋆  Kochanie is a polish word for person that you love. It something like dearling, but Kochanie is from word Kochać - Love (verb). So Kochanie is person that I really love to, and also my boyfriend. 
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schizofremik · 5 years
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☽ 08.12.2019 ☾
I didn’t post much. But I remeber when it starts. I hadn’t bad day then. I had great one. I woke up so fresh and I did so many things during that day... but I just don’t have time/energi to wrote about it. So I was working, having good and bad days without writing about it... I don’t know exacly why.
I have a lot of things to do for mt uni and I really want just come back to my personal projects. I’m glad that xmas break will come soon. But fo sure more time I will spend with my family.
Time just seems to fly.
I’m so happy to catch today’s sky  ✨ ✨ ✨
#just me writing about past days
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[37/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 5.11.2019 ☾
It isn’t easy to keep the goals for that month especially when at the beginning of November you get panic attack about some many stuff you have to do and you don’t know if you will have time. 😞
But new week has been started and all cases has been cleared. Now I have free mind and feel strong to work. And there is a lot things to do : uni project, job projects, keeping new habits. I trying to manage my time wisely to find some of it also for my animations. I can’t make them long now, but I could make some short stories. I hope. I just need to prioritise it to make it real ✨
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schizofremik · 5 years
Difficult beginning
[34/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 2.11.2019 ☾
I feel bad. Really, I fucked up some things that I thought wasn’t important. But now there are. And I feel bad about it. I’m stressed my job and uni pojects. I am at home and when I was faling sleep I felt panic. It was hard to stop that feeling. I try. But there is so many things to finish. 
Ahh. I need to... idk make things right. I want to make things right, but I can’t. Or I am too absent-minded for it. 
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schizofremik · 5 years
[33/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 1.11.2019 ☾
Okay, I made some break for myself but I wasn’t lazy. I have really nice job in animation, my uni project are developing and I feel so good with myself and world.
I forgot about that challenge but new month new me. 💁🏼‍♀️
November goals
* Write everyday on Tumblr about my projects or something interesting (I just need practise my English) 📝
* posting more on Instagram 👩🏼‍🎨
* Finish animation about special places 🌞
* Do Yoga every day 🧘‍♀️
* Save some money for Xmas gifts 🎄
To sum up October, was nice but I’m so happy that I’m going to my hometown to visit my family, hug them, charge batteries and live for the moment small town slow life.👌🏻
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[20/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 19.10.2019 ☾
I think it was kind of productive day. I made poster for contest although it was also for my uni classes. I made as much as I could my animation for other classes but I have to wait till I get voiceover to this project.
And at the end of day I make come concepts (I won’t show them till I finish whole proces of it) but I also made this pretty witchy because it was long time without digital painting. But I love how I handled the blending and colouring 👌🏻
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[16/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 15.10.2019 ☾
There is more and more works. I’m excited about new projects but there are some that aren’t interesting and will consume my time for the bigger ones. It will be awesome to see my 3D model at the end of this year. At the same time I will make some animations and illustrations. I hope I will have time to develop idea for these two cuties.
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schizofremik · 5 years
Digital Design rok 2
[15/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 14.10.2019 ☾
W końcu porządnie zaczęliśmy rok akademicki i mogę zrobić wstępne porównanie. Pierwszy rok na DD był cudownym okresem pracy i rozwoju. Przedmioty mieliśmy różnorodne, co uważam za dobry początek, gdyż przez ten pierwszy rok, mieliśmy szansę spróbować wszystkich dziedzin po trochę i mniej więcej zdecydować w czym czujemy się lepiej. Na drugi roku mamy zajęcia ogólne oraz takie, które sami sobie wybraliśmy. Zapowiada się dużo pracy, co mnie cieszy, gdyż równa się to z dużą ilością nauki. Możliwe, że jeśli czas i okoliczności będą sprzyjać uda mi się na bieżąco nagrywać progres w projektach.
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Podsumuję jeszcze cele z pierwszego i drugiego roku: 
W poprzednim roku moimi celami było:
 • Pod koniec studiów mieć portfolio, co nie było trudne, jeśli ktoś się przykładał do swoich projektów. https://mazurdorota.myportfolio.com/ 
• Mocno przyłożyć się do nauki After Efecta. To nadrobiłam na wakacjach. 
• Wystawiać się na konwencie - udało mi się spełnić to małe marzenie na aishiteru we Wrocławiu LUTY 2-3 lutego 
• Oraz mieć wystawę. Nie swoją własną, ale po prostu pokazać coś swojego ludziom. Udało się to dzięki wydarzeniu wydział sztuki w mieści, który organizuje up, gdzie zawisł mój horror vacui, była wyświetlana moja animacja i w muzeum lotnictwa wisiał mój plakat typograficzny.
 W drugim roku: 
• Chcę na końcu drugiego roku mieć showreel z którego będę zadowolona 
• Nauczyć się Obsługi programów do animacji toon booma i Tv paint. 
• Zdecydować ostatecznie nad licencjatem i dyplomem oraz najlepiej zacząć nad nimi pracę, ponieważ najpewniej będzie to animacja 
• Dostać się na praktyki w firmie X (moja mała tajemnica) do tego punktu jeszcze będzie czas. 
Mam nadzieję, że spodobało wam się porównanie pierwszego i drugiego roku na Digital design. Jeśli chcecie dowiedzieć się czegoś więcej śmiało piszcie ;)
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[9/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 08.10.2019 ☾
I will sum up last days in one post.
☕️I haven’t post anything because I wasn’t in home where I’m more strict to make daily posts, but sill I was making things. I sketched met with my friend and plan this academic year. Nowadays my schedule filling lectures and task. I hope I will work on it systematically and have time for my bigger projects.
📷Also l’m thinking about making regular videos about my progress. For now I know I will have to for this semester make a project of application with whole ux stagesn; animation but it will be better to show than describe. In this week I start working on it and maybe could publish something🎥
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[6/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 05.10.2019 ☾
Wow. I impressed myself, I decided to get back to full productivity and I did it toady. I spend first 6 hours working on my new animation, exercises and learning. I limited lnstagram and didn’t spend time on YouTube watching random videos. And found gold in toon boom tutorials ✨Stylus Rumble✨
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[5/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 04.10.2019 ☾
I know I didn’t do a lot yesterday, I only practiced English.
Today I have done more 😸 I started new animation and make a little illustration 🎨
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[3/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 02.10.2019 ☾
Today was first day at my uni, but not exactly. I had English lesson and then I pack to my boyfriend. I was almost not productive today but I try make this animation of my dog. I decided to resign from inktober (i know is 2nd xd) I just want to modify this challenge and making more digital art or animation. I will get back to ink when I will feel better with my art 🤷🏼‍♀️
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[2/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 01.10.2019 ☾
I woke up early and I don’t regret because sunrise was amazing. This time in year sunlight gently touching me when I’m working at the desk.
I’ve made sketches and inktober art, lerning English and try make some logo at contest but then my energy starts decreasing. Then I was swinging in YouTube videos and watch a move.
But it wasn’t so bad day. I just need some fresh air and walk. Tomorrow I will have it.
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schizofremik · 5 years
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[1/100] 100 Days of Productivity  ☽ 30.09.2019 ☾
Let’s with that :D
The main goal is to improve my art skills. I want and I need get better with drawing and digital painting. So now no excuses. Every day I will draw something and I hope it will be a good piece of art.  Also I need to follow my dream about animation, so only left to learn and make something amaizing.
Secondary goals: improve my English, because it’s only way to work abroad
Kitty Halloween
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schizofremik · 5 years
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Soooo excited about new academic year 😻 And I need practice more anatomy 💃🏼
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schizofremik · 5 years
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I’m soooo happy that autumn is here and Halloween and Slavic celebration Andrzejki are soon. 🍁🍂
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schizofremik · 5 years
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Sketching in tran. I’m finally at home after wonderful vacation and two days with my best friend ☺️
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