milki-yumii · 4 months
Silly little oc Drabble ^^
Akire Nomu, is the definition of caring, even when he’s fed up with your antics. Sick? He’ll take care of you and more, but prevent you from doing things like walking barefoot; “You’re sick. It’ll only get worse. Put on some socks.”he’ll even cook for you. Classes? Not important anymore, he can ask for late work.
Feeling sad? He’ll listen to whatever is making you upset, bring a few blankets and plushies to soothe your sadness.
Hurt? He’ll lecture you on how it wasn’t a good idea to chase after that puppy; no matter how cute it looked, while applying disinfectant on your knees and arms.
Hungry? He’ll run to the convenience store and back, it doesn’t matter if it’s pouring outside, as long as you’re happy, even if he gets sick later.
Silent drumming from the rain hitting the window is nothing but background noise, as you sniffle, buried into the banana patterned throw wrapped around you like a burrito. Scrunching your nose as you scroll through your phone mindlessly, chuckling at the sight of the meme on the screen. You’re interrupted from your current giggly mindset; as your stomach alerts you, eyes darting for the bag of chips, to realize it’s empty. With a sigh, you reluctantly stand up, stretching as you head to throw it out, before noticing the laundry room open a crack. Nobody would mind, right?.. After prodding into the room, your hand blindly fumbles for the light, as you paw at the bumpy wall. a sudden shiver running through you as you feel something squishy. A few seconds later, a blood curdling shriek leaves you as you scramble back to the sleeping blond’s room, shaking him agressively with a squeal. “AKI- AKIAKIAKIIIII!!!” Scrunching his face, he blinks once. Twice. His expression is more than groggy as he processes what’s happening. “mm?.. m’wh.. *yawn* wha’ is it?..” He sits up, peeling you off him, his grey eyes boring into your wide ones, as you begin to ramble about what you touched; only to confuse him further. “H-hey-.. s-slow down..” he murmurs, rubbing the back of his neck, as you take a gulp of air. “Roach. Big one.” You blurt suddenly, as the boy rubs his temples, sighing. “You woke me up… because you saw a roach?” As you nod frantically , he stammers, trying to understand why you woke him up. “Then kill it.” He drones, slumping back, and throwing the blanket over him. As you whine, you grasp his hand, attempting to steal him from sleep. “C’mooooonnn! Don’t leave me to fend for myself! It’s a huge one!!! And it- it like- had teeth and stuff.” Your babbles earn a scoff from him, as he grunts, shooing you off. With a pout, you grab the broom by the counter, ready to face the dangerous foe, as you run into the laundry room, battle ready, only to find it nowhere. Your eyes scan the room, the walls, the floor, as you hesitate to look between the cleaning supplies, before realizing it isn’t there. Shrugging, you go to open the door, realizing it’s locked. A few seconds later, your survival instincts kick in as you scream and bang on the door, before stopping, out of breath, as you slump. “Uuurrrghhhhh….” You look for the key you kept just in case, only to spot something moving on the ceiling, making your blood run cold, as the roach scampers across it; leaving you to gain a sudden burst of arenaline as you shriek, banging and pulling on the door faster, screaming and crying to be let out, as the roach inches closer and closer, as you accept your fate, closing your eyes, as the door swings open, knocking you on the ground, as you’re met with a confused akire, who helps you up, blinking and frowning, before squishing the roach that had scampered out and throwing it away with a napkin. He turns to you, crossing his arms. “I thought I heard a banshee.” He mutters, clearly unamused with what you were doing. Your eyes go wide as you immediately pull him into a squeeze. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouuuuuuu….” You whine, sobbing dramatically, as he pats your back, grumbling and shaking his head. “You’re welcome. The door’s push. Not pull.” An instant wave of guilt strikes you, as you look at him, dumbfounded. “Thedoorwhat-“ his expression softens, as he stifles a smile. “You forgot?” He muses, seeing your flushed face. “NO! No-.. the door- was..” you clear your throat. “The door was mean.” He laughs, shaking his head, ruffling your hair. “Yeah, whatever.. let’s eat.”
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