milkmateartist-asks · 4 years
hello dear!! im a big fan of your work!! the way you draw men is really incredible and pretty! i wanted to ask what your process was for digital art? i was just curious?
Thank you!!! <3 And my process for digital art? Well usually I start with an idea I kind of see in my head, or I just kind of start drawing on the canvas and it turns into something. I draft, then lineart, (or sometimes the lineart & draft are on the same layer), and then color.
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milkmateartist-asks · 4 years
Hey Milk, I just wanted to send well wishes to you and that you and your family are staying safe 😊 I love the arts you've been doing! Been meaning to play YTTD and your recent arts have been reminding me to actually do so 😂
Awww, thanks so much!  And yeah I’m finally back drawing! You should really play YTTD honestly. It’s really really good. At first it didn’t really interest in me since I’m so used to Danganronpa, but wow it really came around o.o!
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milkmateartist-asks · 4 years
If yall have any asks for me, I can answer here on my more casual blog @milkmateartist-asks . No art here, but I’m +70% more likely to respond to asks since I like to keep my art blog for mostly art! 🌹
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
This is so amazing omg o.o. And you have me pretty much nailed down hahaha.
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@milkmateartist local thumb learns how to draw hot men
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Hey. Glad to hear that you're doing well. By the way, do you have any brothers? I think you haven't shared anything about them. I just want to know their opinions about your transition. I'm happy for you btw. :)
Nope I don’t have any brothers XD. Only a sister that’s younger than me and she’s pretty chill about it.
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
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Made by @kiyomizuki!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!!
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
I didn't know you were transitioning! I'm so proud of you!
Aw thanks! 8 months on Testosterone now! I’m nonbinary shooting to be more androgynous ;3
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Hi. How's your relationship with your family? What's their opinion about your transition? Also, how are you? :)
I’m doing good! I might make a little post just letting people know I’m alive hahaha <3. I haven’t been drawing too much tho TT.TT  My relationship with my mom is pretty good these days. When I transitioned in regards to the Testosterone though- she was completely against it. She still is against it and thinks it makes me ‘artificial’ <-- literally in her words;;;  My sister is pretty chill with it though, and these days my mom and I get along and she is trying to understand and use my pronouns more even if she doesn’t really like it. I think she’s really making an effort and it makes me thankful.  I’m still on my journey in discovering myself and besides labels, all I really know is that A) I prefer they/them pronouns and B) I like the hormone therapy. 
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Thank you so much Kohai !!! I love it!!!!  Also your art has improved a lot too! ^^
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Happy Birthday @milkmateartist!
You were my first internet friend and inspired me to join tumblr! I will forever be your Kouhai! You inspired me to draw and create and for that I will forever be in your debt!
I drew you Tweek and Craig with Stripe! We are both mods for the ask blog, and I know that they are your favourites (along with Nathan of course!) and I just wanted to gift you something! I really hope you like it!
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
I just wanna let you know that I am really proud of you for taking the next steps to make yourself feel extremely comfortable. You have a very strong personality and you are over all a very courageous and amazing person. Don't let anybody ever get you down and tell you that you can't be who you wanna be because honey....only you know who you really are!
o///o dood youre amazing and thank you! Hell, I’ma do my best!! Thank you so much and have a wonderful day you!~
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
I have always been so freakin’ squeamish and embarrassed about roleplaying with strangers but now that I got out of my comfort zone: damn is it an outlet to be who I want to be and feel on the inside (mostly for guy me). It feels damn good to be validated on part of what I feel on the inside, even if that is a dominant somewhat-sadistic man XD. Live out your fantasies in healthy ways folks, it feels good!
My whole life I feel like in a way I’ve been roleplaying with myself. It shows most prominently in my relationship to all my bishies and hot guys. I didn’t identify it at the time, but it's more confirmation for me that I’m definitely gender-fluid. At one moment I’m the girl fangirling and being seduced by the hot guy, and then sometime later in the next week or two, I’m the hot guy trying to win over the cute girl (or cute twink boy).
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Hello Milk! Just wanted to let you know that I'm proud of you for following what you think is right for you, and I'm glad that you've started to feel a bit better. Stay strong!
Thank you! I feel a lot better as well! I’m drawing and roleplaying again but not as much south park art as like AU art. 
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
How does the girl part of you feel about losing some of your feminine features when you start hormones?
At first I struggled with that a lot and thought it would be bad but I think the girl part of me understood it was kind of a necessity for me overall. I decided to start the hormone treatment because I realized I really really needed it and denying it was causing me a lot of depressions. I was able to accept it with some time and realized I wasn’t really ‘losing’ it was more just kind of like... moving on and changing. I’m also on a low dose too so I don’t think it will be a quick change at all and I hope to be in the middle so I’ll retain some of my feminine features as well.
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Do you ever plan to get surgery to have your ideal male body? :O💕💕
Naw, only hormones. I have a b/c-cup size so binding works a lot for me if I want to appear more masculine, so I don’t think I want top surgery. And as much as I I’d like to have a cis di ck I like my anatomy the way it is (sometimes). The testosterone actually kinda gives you some bottom growth down there so that’s good enough for me :> 
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
Going on hormone therapy and I couldn't feel better! Been working out too and getting closer to looking like a better me! Also gimme dat muscle x3
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milkmateartist-asks · 5 years
I have moved in successfully, the apartment is still a mess though o.o! I need a new desk because a folding chair does NOT feel good on my back for drawing. I’ve also been feeling pretty down about pressures and gender stuff since I decided not to go on hormone therapy. Just a lot of pressures and I feel like I dont have a lot of control these days :(  I have lost my passion for hot men and yaoi and fantasy stuff and been absorbed into harsh realities of the world. Watching south park helps though and gave me the motivation to go on tumblr a bit again. It reminds me I miss Dip and Creek and all my shenanigans. 
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