milomadis0n · 4 years
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Singular 'they' is older than singular 'you'.
If you look it up,
You'll see that its true,
So respect my pronouns,
✨ Or I'll beat the SHIT out of you ✨
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milomadis0n · 4 years
so i’ve seen this around a lot and i always felt like the version i listened to just. didn’t have everything? sO! i edited together my three favourite versions of the tik tok sea shanty! enjoy!!
(listen with headphones if possible!)
(yes i know the ending is bad oKaY-)
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milomadis0n · 4 years
@theatreandfeminism thank you veighrie much 
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Image description:
A screenshot from the vlogbrothers video SUPERIOR FISH BEINGS, posted 5 January 2021.
John Green holds up a dry erase board with writing on it in pink ink.
The board is headed “Vision Board 2021”.
Underneath the heading, in irregularly shaped and placed boxes, are the following items:
Earnest Enthusiasm about Superior Fish Beings AND OTHER
Fundraise for MCOE
Get Vaccine into ARM
Spend less time staring into the ABYSS
Manifest Cats Sequel
Finish Book of Extremely in-depth Yelp reviews
KEEP AFC Wimbledon in League One by sheer force of WILL
Use dry erase board in more VIDEOS
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milomadis0n · 4 years
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milomadis0n · 4 years
"my child is fine" your child is still running their tumblr blog from middle school
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milomadis0n · 4 years
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milomadis0n · 4 years
I want to explain something that’s happening on Latin American social media.
There’s a dish called “Rosca de Reyes”, it’s a cake with slices of fruit. Inside of it, they place a small baby shaped figure that represents baby Jesus. This year, in Mexico, people were selling the cake with figures of Baby Yoda instead of the baby Jesus. So, conservative groups are extremely upset about it, and are calling it a direct attack to family values and religion. So now, Baby Yoda is considered a LGBT icon for making furious those conservative, homophobic people.
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milomadis0n · 4 years
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milomadis0n · 4 years
You’re existence is not up for debate, even if someone’s “polite” about their disbelief or even hatred for nonbinary people it’s still wrong.
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milomadis0n · 4 years
why the fuck does english have a word for
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but not for “the day after tomorrow”
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milomadis0n · 4 years
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The Kickstarter Needs You
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milomadis0n · 4 years
This one is for anyone who is currently using unhealthy coping mechanisms as a silent cry for help.
For anyone who turns to these things because you want someone to call you out on it and tell you to stop.
Because you would stop, if only someone seemed to care enough to say they wanted you to.
And if you’re thinking, Someone telling me not to do something isn’t going to keep me from doing it, then this post isn’t directed at you. But I hope it helps anyway.
This post is directed at anyone who just needs one - one - person to tell them to stop. To take a step back. To calm down. To breathe. This post is for them.
And I’m here to tell you just that. So, please.
Don’t play the piano until your fingers cramp up. I care about your fingers. They’re precious.
Don’t throw or punch things until your fists hurt. I care about your hands. They’re precious.
Don’t turn the volume on your music up so high your ears ache. I care about your ears. They’re precious.
Don’t exercise until your arms and legs go numb. I care about your body. It’s precious.
Don’t use whatever it is, drink whatever it is, take whatever it is that only makes you feel worse, or fools you into thinking you feel better. I care about you. You’re precious.
Cry if you need to. (There’s no shame in crying. You’re not weak. I promise. Your body needs an outlet and it’s okay if this is it.)
[Cw food] Eat something. (9 times out of 10 if we’re feeling horrible, we just need to eat something. A salty cracker, some chocolate, or just drink some water. It doesn’t matter if you don’t finish, and don’t be angry with yourself if you don’t. It’s not a test. It’s something to comfort you, energise you, and if you know it does neither, then you don’t have to do it.)
Put on an audio book. (I recommend How To Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, which is on Spotify, if you need somewhere to start. There are more on YT, and if you can hoard as many of these before you start spiralling, I hope that you can put one on and escape into a story instead of doing anything you might regret. Gather your sources. Keep several bookmarks. You’ll thank yourself for it later.)
Record yourself venting. (It’s okay if your voice is too soft, if you sniffle and cry, if there are long pauses because your selective mutism suddenly plays up. It’s okay if it’s 10 minutes or 50 minutes long. It’s okay if you never listen to it again. Say everything that’s making you feel horrible, then leave it be.)
Ask someone to support/distract you. (Tell a friend what you need from them, if they’re okay to listen, if they have the spoons for it. Please remember it’s better for you both to lean on each other, support one another, than to insist you can keep standing until you finally collapse and need to be picked back up again. Please don’t be afraid to let them support you before it gets to this point. Infodumping about a special interest might be a good distraction to start. Giving each other song recs is another.)
You are worthy of love, kindness and safety. I care about you, and because I care, I’m asking you from the bottom of my heart not to do the thing.
Because when the whole world seems like it’s against you, instead of telling your own inner child - your heart - that they are not worthy of love, you have to treat them the kindest and gentlest of all. Even if no one else will.
You are important. I promise.
[please no negativity under this post]
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milomadis0n · 4 years
i second that
the first stage of gen z gay culture was frogs. The Second Will Be Rocks
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milomadis0n · 4 years
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Gay USA (1977) dir. Arthur J. Bressan Jr.
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milomadis0n · 4 years
i can relate
just because someone can articulate their point better doesn’t make them right, it makes them articulated. 
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milomadis0n · 4 years
reverse pour moi
Somewhere out there is a person with your name, except it’s spelled with a “y” and they just can’t figure out why you don’t spell your name right.
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milomadis0n · 4 years
Ok I just had to go block someone for this so reminder!!!
If you are:
A Tr*mp supporter
Ace/Aro Exlusionist
Trans Exclusionist
Or anything similar or a supporter for one of the above.
You are not welcome here. Please unfollow me.
I try my hardest for my account to be an inclusive place and your hatred is unwanted.
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