oh oh do you have data about jirachi?? there is so little of them and your headcanons are so cool!!
Jirachi, as you all know, only wakes for a week before hibernating for one thousand years. However, and this is little known from what I can tell, it can be awoken by a few other things:
-If times of darkness and peril call for it, Jirachi will wake up early and attempt to assist. It's been found a few times throughout history that with great catastrophe certain Mythical Pokemon who are often not seen by the public eye will rise solely to stop the threat before it can get worse.
-Allegedly, a trainer of pure heart could speak to Jirachi, and it would wake for them. I've heard rumors of this happening, however, I can't confirm it as I myself don't have a connection to Jirachi.
On another note, while Jirachi is often seen as a generally benevolent Pokemon, near all the Mythical and Legendary Pokémon fall into a gray area. There are some, such as Keldeo with its strong sense of justice and Giratina with its sway towards the dark, that lean more towards good or evil, but all of them are for, the most part, neutral. That, and I've heard Jirachi occasionally likes to play tricks and twist wishes. It's not every day, and from the documents I scoured, those who were tricked weren't exactly great people themselves.
That's about all I could scrounge up. Thanks for the question!
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Do you have any research or data about Darkrai? Maybe it could be useful for me another time, the more I have, the better!
Legendary and Mythical Pokémon have less public data, but I happen to have a lot of experience with many of them! Perks of being friends with Arceus, I suppose.
Darkrai isn't as malicious as most make it out to be. In fact, most conventionally "evil" Pokemon aren't evil at all, but rather closer to morally gray. Causing horrific nightmares is actually only used as a defense mechanism! As far as I know, it's never been reported to be an act of malicious intent.
I once spooked my Darkrai. It was not fun. Thank Arceus I had a Lunar Feather or that could have gone verrrrry badly.
On a more trivial note, Darkrai, true to their name, prefer the darkness, and do not like coming out in the day.
They, like basically every legendary, don't need to eat, but they will take food if it's offered to them. The one I caught in Hisui seems to prefer grainy, bitter foods.
It should also be said that, at least for the few times I've interacted with any one Darkrai, they like to act very brooding, but if you can befriend one, they're actually incredibly sweet. Giratina is basically the same way- it really likes to seem all tough, but it's an absolute sweetheart.
That's about all I can say. I wish I could say a bit more, but Legendary and Mythical don't exactly like waltzing up to people (other than chosen heroes, but the everyday person likely will never meet a special Pokemon.)
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Hello professor,
I have a question about a Pokémon! I was asking some friends and they said they had found this blog and though it might be useful. It all started when I was exploring Unova and went up Celestial Tower where I saw an Elgyem. I looked online but I couldn’t find anything definitive on where the species came from. Is it really from space?
Hello there!
Research says there are one of two answers to this question:
-It's from space. This could mean it is tied to Ultra Space in some way, potentially meaning its a species from another Universe. It could also just be from our universe, although from where in it is unknown.
-It could just be peculiar evolution. While Elgyem look like what we associate with aliens, UFOs, and space, many other Pokemon mimic every day things. It's plausible this may be a form of mimicry, although nobody is entirely sure why the line would want to mimic such associations. A theory was brought up about it being a tactic to keep humans away, but this is flawed, as the general line is very friendly with humans and other Pokemon.
All in all, its undecided, but I'd like to believe they could be tied to Ultra Space, or our space, in some way.
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//dw this is still alive. Just waiting in limbo
Also gonna make another log later
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Log 1
This, being the first log, is definitely a good time to introduce myself. I'm Lucas, former assistant to Professor Rowan and now a professor myself! I'm quite excited about this, honestly, because this gives me an amazing opportunity to share a lot of the random things I've observed in Pokemon that people usually wouldn't care to look at.
I'm sure you all know about regional variants. These are more dramatic forms of changes that occur in a Pokémon in different regions. Many Pokemon are fairly good at adapting to different environments in different regions.
For a quick and fairly simple example, let's take a look at Wurmple.
A Hoennian Wurmple is one's run of the mill Wurmple, although it has the best climbing ability out of all of them. I'd imagine this is likely because Hoenn is so filled with water, being wet might be a bit of a problem. It could also be attributed to the forests of the region homing much taller and difficult to climb trees. I've caught a few and, boy, do they get stuck to the walls easily.
A Wurmple from Sinnoh, however, is slightly different. Thanks to the overall colder temperatures of the region, most wild Wurmple native there have grown a layer of fuzz- similarly, other worm-like bug types such as Caterpie do the same in colder environments- that is surprisingly effective at staving off cold. I mean, it isn't the most helpful when you're a tiny bug surrounded by predators, but I'd imagine it can make the cold just a bit more bearable. I've found they lose the coat when evolving, since they're now confined to a cocoon, and it tends to shed away after years of living in a warmer area.
I will try to share more information I've documented over the coming days, and I'd love to answer any questions you might have :)
Cheers ^^
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//Why hello there!
I'd normally make the first post on an Ask Blog in character, but I wasn't sure how to introduce this.
This is the pinned post for this blog.
This is a headcanon-based ask blog told 8 years after Diamond/Pearl/Platinum and 3 years after Legends, as the character I am playing here is the Professor's Assistant version of Lucas. Normally I use the protagonist variant of the character, but for the sake of the blog, he is now a fully fledged professor (and also 19).
Asks are required to keep this going. I will, however, make 'logs' noting different information about specific Pokemon or specific types of Pokemon. I would highly appreciate asks.
Note that I really like Wurmple and basically every gen 5 Pokemon, and will likely go on the most about them if given the opportunity, but I will do my best to answer everything.
I love and adore basically every Pokemon except maybe Jinx and Mr Mime. Those 2..... eugh.
Anywhom, I'll be making the first log in a few minutes, and I look forward to what you have to ask! Any information that must be added on this post in the future will be simply edited onto it, which I'm certain is needed because Arceus knows I forgot a bunch of stuff here.
Also, be appropriate when asking stuff.
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