mimmira · 10 months
cts & my learning and professional journey ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚
I would like to work with Broadcast Media, and develop an ad campaign to promote a film trilogy directed by them. Creating posters, advertisements, short comics to promote the film after the first part's release so that people will check out the remaining parts. As someone who's always preferred to develop on ideas and help expand it with my own creativity, I think I would enjoy having the freedom to promote the trilogy in a way that I deem as attractive. 
A final project idea I would like to do is a digital artbook/archive that is centered around the beauty of human life. It would incorporate the various mediums we learn in both studio and craft, and would range from abstract to forward art pieces. I would like to have a few fully drawn digital art pieces, and maybe a few pages representing a zine. I would explore typology, photography, to perhaps show how repeition in our daily life is beautiful too. The idea I want to explore is how life is beautiful from the small parts like sunsets and neighbourhood cats, and the bigger parts like love and platonic relationships. 
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I would like to work with Make-A-Wish, specifically the children under the program, as I feel out of everyone, they are the ones that miss out on the beauty of life most, and that's the final idea I have in mind for now. I want to help them see that life is worth fighting for through design, and to keep their spirits up despite the struggles they might be facing. I want to use my art to bring them hope.
CTS would help me achieve my goal in becoming an illustrator as it equips me with the neccessary growth mindset to face criticsm from superiors, to put out the best illustration needed for projects. It would help me collaborate better with others to coordinate a specific artstyle, or with storyboard artists to put out the right concept and storyline. (330 words) REFERENCES:
picture 1: @onenhillion. "how lucky we are!!!" X, 5 Aug. 2023, 06:51, https://twitter.com/onenhillion/status/1687597091403771912
picture 2: @onenhillion. "how lucky we are!!!" X, 5 Aug. 2023, 06:51, https://twitter.com/onenhillion/status/1687597091403771912
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mimmira · 10 months
cts & our other modules ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆
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What is CTS? taught me to practice mindfulness which helped me approach my studio 1 task better, as it was overwhelming with many things to draw, but the meditation helped me approach it with a clear mind. With photography as the number of pictures required for submission initially overwhelmed me, I looked thru my gallery with a clearer mind and it helped me see I already had most of the pictures needed! During studio launch activities, which required group work, collaborative skills helped me work better with my friends. Photography also had a session where we analysed a photo and presented it as a group, and this lesson helped me work better with group mates who weren't as proficient in English. I often fall in a cycle of overworking myself and then falling ill and falling behind my work. The Emotional intelligence lesson helped me realise the cycle was bad for me was the first step to breaking it, thanks to self-awareness. I also learnt to manage my emotions better whenever I felt insecure about my work, and had more confidence when sharing with other people durings studio feedback sessions. Craft tends to be overwhelming for me, as I have to work on my art with other people around me. However, after the emotional intelligence lesson, I realised that it's important for me to get used to sharing my work with others without feeling insecure, as in the industry I'll have to share my work and have pride in it. During digital skills, I had a hard time using the apps as it was my first time. At first, I gave up easily and fooled around during class instead. However, CTS helped me realise that having a growth mindset is important in this course, and I saw the value in the digital skills class and started putting more serious effort in the upcoming classes. CPJ seemed useless to me at first, but after CTS, I realised how important it was to document my creative process in order to improve and create better work.
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mimmira · 10 months
the 7 weekly topics ゚𐦍༘⋆
I wasn't present for the lesson itself, so I unfortunately don't have a group visual metaphor to share. However, I do have one that I made as a personal interpretation of the critical thinking module so far.
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art by me (mira)
For me, I visualised the critical thinking module as a flowering plant system:
What is CTS? the seed, as it "starts" the module
Fertile soil representing emotional intelligence, it's very hard to grow a healthy plant without fertile soil, similar to how learning the various parts of emotional intelligence such as relationship management, and self-awareness can help us grow into better designers.
The stem of the plant to represent Growth mindset. It helps to keep the plant upright and towards the sunlight, similar to how having a growth mindset helps us stay motivated and keep our head up even in hardships
The leaves to represent Facts, reliable sources, and filing. Without the food leaves make, it's impossible for the plant to function, similar to how without reliable facts and sources, we cannot make use of our design potential. Without feeding our creative mind with other designers' work, it's impossible to maximise that creativity in our own work.
The flowers to represent Digital media: documentation for art practice, similar to how our final design projects are what defines us designers, and how it's important to document our work so we can reflect on it once we've "nurtured more flowers."
 The sunlight represents collaborative skills,  without the necessary collaborative skills, we would fail to make big group projects that we cannot manage alone, happen. We would be overwhelmed, facing each challenge by ourselves and wouldn't be able to grow from our mistakes without no one to point them out.
The thunderstorm, represents assertion and conflict resolution, although while it is happening, might be unpleasant and upsetting, the rain helps the plant grow, similar to how without conflicts it's hard for us to grow.
My favourite activity is the one we had in week 3, where we had to act out a skit, as it was a very fun yet enlightening experience. I also got to work with people in the class that I had not worked with before, and got to know them better and improve my relationships in class. 
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mimmira · 11 months
week 5, growth mindset ✩
During the class, we were assigned the task of redrawing logos with our non-dominant hand. However, as we were supposed to be drawing with our classmates beside each other, I was scared to draw something worse than the rest. Hence, I used my dominant hand. I already didn’t have confidence in my work with my dominant hand, drawing with my non-dominant hand was unnerving. I didn’t realise the point of the activity was actually that we aren’t meant to be good at drawing with our non-dominant hand, it was an activity to help us understand a growth mindset better. This lesson was one much needed for me, considering how I’m scared to disappoint people, that I end up not trying at all.
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a similar feeling...especially during group discussion and sharing our work or drawing together
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how I think now because of cts :-)
This was my favourite logo sketch:
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I felt that it managed to capture the essence of the MONSTER energy drink with the sharp edges and rough look overall. The messy look also adds to the aesthetic, and I think the letters all being capitalised ties the design very well together. Overall, even though I didn't follow the task objective and use my non-dominant hand, I was still proud of this design as it looked like a good contestant for an actual energy drink logo.
This, however is my least favourite of the sketches I did:
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I think the heart shape, cutesy image did not fit the idea of an energy drink, especially MONSTER. I also think the 'E' and 'R' are illegible, which defeats the purpose of the logo promoting the drink's brand. The sizing between the letters is inconsistent, and overall the design is messy and not appealing to the eyes. It would not be a suitable logo to promote the brand at all, hence why it's my least favourite sketch. REFERENCES: Picture 1: "And now, I wear this ribbon." Hatsune Miku: Colourful stage!, SEGA, 2022. Picture 2 and 3: "Paint what I love, Rainbow Canvas!" Hatsune Miku: Colourful stage!, SEGA, 2022.
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mimmira · 11 months
week 1, what is critical thinking? ⋆。𖦹°‧★
Before I read the slides and watched the video on critical thinking, I thought it was a boring module, that I would only be attending for the sake of passing the course. I didn’t know exactly what we were going to cover, but I felt that it would not be essential to learning design at Lasalle. I also thought it was something that we had to actively spend a lot of time doing, considering the “critical” part. Writing long-winded essays that didn’t benefit me in other parts of my course as well. However, after watching the video and reading through the slides (I was absent due to my health, so I could only do so after the class.) I realised it’s more of asking questions that are necessary to understand a situation or a view better, and to come to a conclusion based on how I feel, and then and not what other people think of it. Also how these skills can be helpful in feeling more confident in your own opinion on issues that family or friends can influence the way you think about. 
I’ve learned that mindfulness is more about observing your thoughts rather than trying to not have any thoughts at all, and to use those observations to improve your life or study. I think I will start to sit and reflect on my thoughts whenever I hit a slump in terms of art or when I just can’t focus on what the task at hand is, and then after my head is clearer, I can try again.
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mimmira · 11 months
week 3, emotional intelligence ❀
I’m good at relationship management. I believe that maintaining good connections is crucial for success in the design and art industry. It is important to build strong relationships with both other designers and clients. However, developing these skills is not easy and I recommend starting early to apply them later in life.
I grew up with an awkward personality and struggled with communication, so I learned how to interact with people and handle conflicts effectively. In group settings, such as discussing group projects or preparing a skit, I keep the mood lighthearted while ensuring everyone is on the right track. This approach helps avoid tension and awkwardness, allowing for a more enjoyable experience.
During today's skit, I initially worried about awkwardness with Sunggun due to their initial distance. However, I found Sunggun's personality easygoing and joked around after creating a solid plot. The experience was enjoyable and beneficial for learning.
"Kelsey, in this terrifying world, all we have are the connections that we make."
a quote I often think of when people bring up connections, both emotional and in the workplace
I have a lot of room for improvement in terms of self-management. I lack confidence in my personal work and projects due to feelings of inferiority compared to my peers due to the age difference and lack of experience. I also feel unmotivated when I see my friends create better work than me, leading to procrastination and fear of sharing my work in group discussions. This fear of being perceived as less talented can lead to me falling behind on my work and hinder my ability to succeed in the competitive design world.
I recognise the need to improve over time as the industry is competitive and constant fear of being less can hinder my progress. By working on these areas, I hope to overcome my feelings of inferiority and achieve success in the design industry.
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Quote: "Fish Out of Water." BoJack Horseman, season 3, episode 4, Netflix, 2016. Timestamp: 15:23
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