mimosasondeck · 3 months
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mimosasondeck · 8 months
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"Hello, old regret"
A/N: This is the very first fanfic I've ever written, so I hope that all the Aeon shippers can somewhat enjoy it :) This fanfic takes place during Resident Evil 4 when Ada and Leon finally meet face to face after 6 years (This is a whole what if type of fanfic).
"You're supposed to be dead y'know. Mind telling me what you're doing right in front of me?"
"If I told you I wanted to drop by to see you, would you believe me?"
"Not in the slightest."
Ada had already known the answer before it had left Leon's lips. Regardless, she felt a twinge of pain ricochet inside her being. She knew she'd be overthinking the thrumming in her body by the time she was out of Leon's view.
September 30th, 1998. A day full of regrets.
Meeting Leon was one of them.
She should've known from the beginning the type of person Leon was, but she didn't. He was an enigma she couldn't completely piece together, with or without her spy gadgets. She felt humiliated with herself knowing that she let a stray man into her heart in an instant.
Was it the strongly emotional yet innocent look in his eyes, his determination to see justice prevail, or maybe it was the handsomely face attached to his body that enticed Ada?
She didn't know the answer to that question but decided on all three factors.
From a young age she knew that in her line of work she couldn't just be buddy buddy with every person she interacted with. She knew where to draw the line as to not let them in to what her real objectives were, and for the longest time that is what has kept her alive.
She was a liar, a manipulative one who would use her quick wit to get anything done her way in the name of getting the job done. So why, of all days, would she suddenly break from her norm to entertain the ideals of a young rookie who wanted to play the hero?
Maybe, she thought, she was getting tired of playing the same game of charades over and over. The zombie apocalypse was an overall great excuse to break said cycle.
To think that in the end she knew she'd still betray him and ended up getting hurt both emotionally and physically.
"Not in the slightest."
Ada finally snaps back from her thoughts and looks Leon over for the first time in 6 years.
In the end, she's surmised that while Leon has definitely grown as in both body and mind, he still has much more growing to do to accommodate his cerulean eyes. As she gazes into them, she can't help but miss the young rookie she met years ago. Yet how could one not change when having experienced first-hand the horrors of Raccoon City.
She notices the way Leon is looking her over. A sharp yet calculative look in his eyes catching any stray moves Ada could throw his way, but she doesn't so much as move an inch the entire time.
As they soon get ready to go their separate ways, Ada can't help but look back towards Leon from the window she's perched on and gives him a strong look of longing thinking what could've been. Before he notices her staring at him, she jumps from her spot on the windowsill and continues moving forward onto her mission.
As Leon looks up from his spot on the floor, he can't help but to think of the complicated relationship he and Ada have found themselves in. He wonders if in maybe another universe, what happened in Raccoon City could've ended differently.
'How ridiculous, that woman likes keeping her secrets deep within her.'
As he rids the thought from his head, he too marches forward in the search of the Presidents daughter. As he moves, he counts on Ada's promise of giving him the "greeting" he'd been looking for the next time they meet.
A/N: If you've made it this far thank you so much for reading :)) I'll try to write as much as possible to get a hang of it and it'd be nice if you guys could give me some constructive criticism. Again, thanks and have a lovely day <3
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