minahari · 8 years
Employee Log #002
As it turns out, the history lesson was worth sitting through, if only to see the deteriorating reactions from the lecturer. Within the temple, were many a violent depiction of the beloved Goddess. Was it a form of propaganda or simply a bastardization? Who knows! But it certainly caused some enjoyable discomfort.
But, that aside, we succeeded in our quests, technically. I’m not entirely sure our babysitters were terribly impressed overall. A few bumps in the road (re: infighting). But we got our temple rubbing correctly and returned back to the office to return it for our rewards.
For now, we’re waiting to receive more work, as new and appropriate contracts come in. I wonder if that means I’ll be lumped back in with that lot or if it varies based on availability. 
If anyone needs me, I’ll be neck deep in antiquing.
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minahari · 8 years
Employee Log #001
It would appear I have been enlisted by a temp agency based around experimenting on spontaneous groups of adventurers. I cannot see any other logic for how we have been grouped together... I suppose we might also just be the most recent applicants. It all really feels like an extended interview process. Either way, we sat around and sang happy songs and shared good energy and...
Hah. What a funny trick that would have been.
Regardless, we’ve settled on a temporary party name, and got ourselves sorted out and hit the road. I mean, that said, leaving the office felt hairier than it probably should have been. For the sake of workplace transparency and honesty:
I don’t understand why that tacky elf felt we needed to know so much about his personal life before we could finish our paperwork and get on the road... They’re called private lives for a reason. And we wasted so much time trying to agree on a name. So much time. I mean, didn’t anyone realize there were things to do… rabid enraged animals to… kill? 
Yeah. Little weird. 
But we put everything down without taking any damage, and then we had the pleasure of speaking with some crotchety old Orc at the temple of that Paladin’s blasphemous Goddess…. I can only imagine the upcoming history lessons we’re about to be… enriched by.
Our trainers seem generally unimpressed. More to come.
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minahari · 8 years
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Mask via MissMonster.
Character Biography; Akari Minahari
Minahari was born to loving parents, proud members of the Akari clan; she was raised in a vibrant community, where kinship ran as deep as familial bonds. She was a happy child, who found companionship with many young kits her age, and showed an affinity to mischievous magicks as she grew…
Yet, inspite of all these blessings, Minahari left home at the first light of her 13th year. She was well prepared, with the blessings of her family and friends. After all, kitsune value their freedom; it’s one of the most important aspects of their lives. It was important that she travel and learn what she could of herself and the magic growing inside her core, if she was to realize her full potential. With nothing but a basic travelling kit and her clan mask, Minahari set off in search of herself.
For two years, she traveled the landscape of Tianjing, meeting many new races and creatures she had never heard of during her time in her secluded kitsune village. Although she did settle, in the true sense of the word, she did set herself up with a sort of base in a small port town in the Xidao Gulf. From here, she was able to continue traveling around the coastal regions at her own leisure, as well as experiencing the highs and lows of trade life. She was quickly able to learn what was of interest to the markets, and how their temperaments and appetites changed with the tides; she used this expertise to her advantage, and became known as a somewhat successful purveyor of strange and unusual goods. Although she was not able to predict or sway the markets, her ability to sense magic often left her with at least something in her inventory that some travelling merchant simply couldn’t go home without.
However, even this colourful port life became dull and somewhat monotonous, and after a couple of years, Minahari found herself considering her options…
Call it fate, fortune or a mere coincidence, it was at this time that strange ship cloaked in a shroud of darkness came to port. Although their sailors seemed a normal blend of free humans and slave chattel, the passengers were not. Magic users, the townspeople whispered. Although the continent was full of magic, the village was certainly not frequented by much of it. Still, Minahari seized this opportunity to seek audience with the foreigners. She felt she still had much potential for her magic skills, which lingered around her knowledge of the most basic spells. After a lengthy meeting with the passengers, it would seem that they, too, agreed with her, as they took her aboard their ship to train her, in return for her services in future port towns.
Minahari would spend the next eight years with these magic users. At the end of it, although she wasn’t sure she couldn’t still call the dark ones strangers, she did come out wiser and craftier, with a library of knowledge in the dark arts of hexes and curses. She hadn’t set out to develop her skills such a way, but it was certainly something her skills seemed well-suited to. It almost unnerved her, at times, so she did what she could to keep her independence and individuality — her fiery passions, her mischievous spirit, and the heart of her kitsune values.
Taking her leave of her coven on good terms, and with a recruitment offer from the Pathfinder Society’s Consultasplore agency, Minahari set off on her next adventure, with little physical evidence of years of her dark studies, beyond an odd, pulsating signet ring…
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