minalima-blog · 13 years
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How cute is Shay when she was little?!!!! :D photo by: @Amy_McKeown
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
Aren't too many treats, a bad thing for a dog. I wouldn't want him to get sick! I guess meen's been tired this week, she's usually playful since she still is juts a kitty. Wait, extra nice? How mean are you to him Megan !?
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I'll just sit here...
Yes, i also Envy her But i already finished all my assignments so i set for the next two days. How come he’s grown so attached to  Mare and Marlene?
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Ugh, so have I. You know the schools going through a lull when I’m ahead in my assignments. I don’t know. I’m almost positive they give him too many treats when I’m not looking, and let him do whatever the hell is he fancies when I’m not about.
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minalima-blog · 13 years
Yes, i also Envy her But i already finished all my assignments so i set for the next two days. How come he's grown so attached to  Mare and Marlene?
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I'll just sit here...
All Meens been doing is sleeping. So lucky you for having an energetic dog.
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I wish I was a cat. I would be cuddly, and no one would bother me, and I’d sleep all day and I wouldn’t have to deal with Binns and his horrid assignments. But Tobias has been bouncing about, chasing Marlene’s empty Firewhiskey bottles, it’s the only reason he’s hyper, cause he knows he’ll get to see her and Mare tonight.
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
All Meens been doing is sleeping. So lucky you for having an energetic dog.
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I'll just sit here...
With Tobias…
This school is boring…
Everyone’s disappeared…
The token French Bird is tre bored…
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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Congratulations!!!! :)
Thank you, i honestly can't believe it!
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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"What do you mean there are no muggle books?!"
 "No i won't stop raising my voice!"
Mina's thoughts were interrupted by one side of a conversation. Mina peeked around the corner of the shelves to locate where this ruckus was coming from. She found a blonde student and the librarian arguing about what seems to be about books. Mina could hear the blonde getting louder and louder. As she listened in to see what they were talking about, she found out it was about the lack of muggle books in this library. Mina personally agreed with the blonde about the lack of culture, but she couldn't intervene. She began noticing the librarian getting angrier by the minute! She didn't an argument to break-out, so she decided to help. She had to think quick, she rapidly got the muggle book Mina's mother had mailed her and ran toward the front desk.
 "I have this muggle book you could read" Mina said pushing the blonde away from the front desk. "Its alright, i found her a book" She told the confused librarian. when she got far away enough and when the blonde began questioning what Mina was doing, she decided to explain.
"Sorry about that, i just didn't want you to get detention, and you can borrow this book if you want a muggle book."
"i was kind-of listening in and my mother just shipped me this book, you could give it a read of you'd like"
"Oh by the way my name's Mina, what's yours?"
" Oh it's Mary, Mary Macdonald" The blonde said with a smile 
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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minalima-blog · 13 years
Hey there, I'm Mina its nice to meet you.
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'Ello Hogwarts!
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minalima-blog · 13 years
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You’re so great with kids! Give Gilderoy Oliver tonight. Him and I are going to joint babysit. 
Thanks but i have my younger siblings to thank for that! I'll make sure to do that next time i see them roaming the halls. Also sure, hope you guys have fun!
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Alright, learned how to take care of oliver
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