mindful-mateo · 3 days
Mateo was updating some things in the digital catalogue, sitting at his desk and typing away, when Seth walked into the library. The thunderbird glanced up and smiled in a friendly way. They hadn't seen much of each other in the last little while but they generally got along well. They had a mutual love of Rhys and an equally mutual dislike of the Belgian councilman which was grounds for a pretty strong friendship right there.
Apparently, that's what they were going to talk about and Mateo's smile faded a little into an irritated sigh, not even really directed at Seth more just at the perpetual Rhys and Roland situation. "Oh believe me, I tried. I reminded him over and over again about all the reasons he shouldn't do it, brought up all the red flags, did everything I could think of but the vampire wormed his way back in. He wrote him a goddamn song, did you know that? As soon as I saw the look on Rhys' face when he heard it I knew it was over. I'd have had to sit on him to keep him from going to him then and I have to sleep sometimes." Mateo shook his head. "If you've got better ideas I'm all ears, trust me, but it seems like I'm tapped out."
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Thanks to Gwyn, Seth now had a name of what he was –– a gancanagh. The "love talker" or some shit, fucking ironic considering he still possessed his awkwardness from his mortal life. Regardless, now he had something he could properly research alongside Gwyn's oral history lessons. Instead of using Google, Seth sauntered into the library because it'd been a minute since he'd visited Mateo before and after his death and he remembered he had a bone to pick with the librarian.
"Y'know, you were supposed to keep Rhys away from Rolando while I was dead," the tribrid drawled as he leaned over Mateo's desk with his forearms crossed over it. He held the thunderbird's gaze with a stern look. "The fuck happened, Rivera?"
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mindful-mateo · 3 days
Mateo wouldn't normally have been so aggressive but his heat was driving him to it. He was always a little wild during heat, though it seemed like somehow it was worse since he'd largely been relying on the stimulants, like using them as a crutch made it worse if he didn't actually have them. Hard to think about that with Hector's mouth on his neck, though, or anything else but his desire to take and touch and be touched.
The thunderbird's back arched as Hector's fingers scraped over his shoulders, nipping and kissing around the collar as the shifter tilted his neck for him. Hector didn't seem to mind that Mateo wouldn't be able to prep him and that was for the best, really, given how caught up he was. "As long as you're sure." He muttered, reaching down between them to line himself up and try to push in at some kind of measured pace. As soon as he felt how tight Hector was around him, though, his hips bucked with a groan and he drove in harder than he'd meant to, bottoming out quickly. He cursed. "Sorry." It was almost impossible to keep himself still to let Hector adjust but he made a valiant effort for a few moments before he started rocking into him. "Feels so good." His hands found Hector's hips and held them tight, keeping him steady for his thrusts.
Hector had never seen Mateo be so aggressive, so dominant. His eyes practically clouded over with arousal at it, his mouth trailing down Mateo's neck, licking at the skin, inhaling his scent. Hector had always liked heat sex, especially when it was sweaty, grimey. The few times he'd found somebody else in heat, he'd reveled in it, their mutual desperation coming together so wonderfully.
Flat on his back on the bed, his fingers raked over Mateo's shoulders, his hands grabbing hold of Mateo's ass appreciatively. He licked his lips as their cocks pressed together, let his head fall to the side to give Mateo better access to his neck. His nostrils flared at the thought of his stupid fucking collar. It was in the way, interrupting his desire to be entirely bare. "It's okay. Do it. I like it rough, Baby."
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mindful-mateo · 10 days
Mateo frowned a little at the self-deprecation, his hands still busy with the food. "I'm not lying, it sounds like you do know geography. Even if you don't that doesn't have anything to do with how smart you are." The thunderbird was too old and experienced not to realise there were all kinds of ways of being intelligent and knowing maps or books was just one of many. He blinked to hear that Hector had driven trucks of cocaine but didn't react much more than that. "Not everyone could've done that. Was it dangerous? I feel like I'd have always worried about getting caught." He'd never been involved in anything like the drug trade and really didn't know how it worked outside of Hollywood portrayals.
Bases made, Mateo gave the cooking vegetables a stir and grabbed some cheese to start grating it, listening as Hector expanded on how he'd ended up here even though Mateo hadn't actually asked. As expected, it wasn't a happy story. He winced sympathetically hearing that he'd basically been sent here because the government basically didn't know what to do with him. "I'm sorry, that's awful. At least you gave them a run for their money for a while." Holding out against hunters for three days was no small feat. "Has it been okay for you so far? I know things can get...rough here. That's why I brought you to the library, to give you a bit of a break from it all for a bit." Mateo knew it wasn't much but it was at least something he could do to try and make things even a little more pleasant for the people in the Undercroft.
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Hector chuckled, looked away from Mateo and up at the ceiling. "Don't lie. I know I'm not smart. I don't know my countries." He shrugged his shoulders. "Never left the States. Not after Fernando brought me there. I'm illegal. Don't have a passport to get over the border. I drove though, trucks full of cocaine. Figured out how to read the maps I needed to get across the country. I can do shapes. Somebody circles where I need to go and where I'm starting from and I can make it work."
If Hector had any kind of intelligence, it was situational, a certain adaptability that allowed him to roll with the punches. Street smarts, some people might have called it. He swung his feet, watching Mateo with a soft smile on his face. "That's how I got busted. Turns out Alphonso was a fed the whole time. Still, held out on them for three days in this giant ass cornfield. They had to bring the vampires in to get hold of me. Then it turns out they can't deport me to Mexico because my birth was never registered there either. End up here to save everyone the paperwork."
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mindful-mateo · 10 days
Adrasia held him so tightly and Mateo couldn't tell if that was for his own benefit, the celestial's kindness extending even to that, or if it was because he legitimately wanted to keep the thunderbird that close for his own pleasure. He tried not to speculate too much as he came down and worked through the aftershocks. The celestial brushed off his apology and Mateo chuckled a little breathlessly. "Is it? Kinda feel like I just mauled you. I promise I'm not usually like this." Had he already said that? Maybe he was still a little addled but at least he could think a little more clearly for a few minutes before the need got to be overwhelming again.
The question had a rather unexpected effect on Adrasia and Mateo blinked as the celestial sat them up. "The guards?" He was more focused on the fact that Adrasia seemed about to touch his hair with the hand that had gotten messy from their activities and reached out to gently grasp his wrist at the same time that Adrasia also realised. So then Mateo was just holding his wrist...and Adrasia's sudden flustered state finally made sense to him. He was an unclaimed slave and likely wasn't supposed to have gone off without a guard for so long. "Oh...shit. Right." The next words out of his mouth were almost 'I can just rent you' but then he'd never yet rented a slave for sex and didn't want to so he bit his tongue before he could offer it. No doubt they were both mussed and flushed and all kinds of things and Mateo shook his head to try to help ease Adrasia's worry still lightly holding his wrist. "No, no, it's okay. You're more likely to get in trouble than I am. Here, let me-" They were still right at the edge of the pool so he used his grip on Adrasia's wrist to lower his hand into it and let the pool water rinse off the mess he'd made. He let go and scooped some of the water into his hands so that he could use it to rinse off their stomachs as quickly as he could. Better that then Adrasia having to walk around like that. He backed off finally and pulled his swim trunks back up, clearing his throat and finally giving Adrasia personal space for the first time in a long time.
"Do you want me to walk you back? I don't want you to get in trouble either, you did me a favour. I feel bad leaving you high and dry though..." He couldn't seem to help glancing down at where it seemed Adrasia was still hard, wetting his lips and then snapping his eyes back up to his face. "If the guards know you're just....uh....nearby maybe they'd be fine? Or not, obviously, no pressure just....you know..." Mateo winced at himself and shook his head, laughing a little helplessly. "I swear I'm not usually such a bumbling idiot. Heat week makes me act like a fool."
Adrasia kept that hand on Mateo's nape, squeezing firmly as if to keep the other pressed close, no matter that Adrasia could barely conceive of a force on earth that could pry the thunderbird off him now under the full focus of Mateo's desperation. Once again, the celestial wondered with a guilty thrill what heat must do to the senses for Mateo to react as he did to Adrasia's fumbling aid, the other's breath hot and shaky as Mateo gasped against his neck. Adrasia had been fully prepared to take more control of the situation and let Mateo give up on having to coordinate himself when he was so obviously dazed in this condition, but in the end the elder was having to do very little other than let Mateo use him as a means to his pleasure. A mixed blessing, for it only left Adrasia's mind open to perceive his body's own reactions all the more fully. It was obvious that Mateo was getting close -- if not from his gasps, then in the way his cock throbbed under Adrasia's fingers, the celestial's grip tightening instinctively just before he began to spill between their stomachs, seed smearing messily with each thrust. Adrasia clung to him all the more tightly, his own breath stuttering as the Mateo shivered one last time and slowly came to rest against him.
There was a bit more blessed clarity in Mateo's eyes when their gazes met again and Adrasia hastily released him. "That's - alright," He managed, laughing softly as he tried to wrangle back a strange swell of embarrassment, sweaty and hot and still far too aroused for what he'd intended to be an act of decency for a stranger in need. At Mateo's question though, Adrasia's eyes widened, remembering in a rush that he hadn't merely been wandering the grounds unattended. "The guards!" The celestial bolted up, pushing Mateo to a seat with him and nearly bringing his soiled hand to his hair in a shocked gesture before he caught himself. Had they not noticed the slave's absence? Were they looking for him? Worse, had they seen and decided not to intervene? Adrasia's stomach flipped -- had they watched? He fought the urge to bury his face in his hands, giving Mateo an apologetic look, still mussed and red-faced from their rolling on the ground, "I -- forgive me, I don't mean to run from you. I'm not sure how much longer I can be absent before someone comes hunting for me. I don't want you in trouble for something you didn't initiate."
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mindful-mateo · 10 days
closed starter for @thereapernoel
Mateo would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous about this. He'd booked an appointment with Dr. Gaudet on Finn's suggestion. It wasn't like he'd done it right away, of course, he'd ruminated for a while and tossed it over in his mind but had finally committed to it. It was probably time. There was no doubt a lot to work through and the thunderbird didn't expect that any of it would be easy. He still felt so guilty and the thought of his powers still terrified and made him feel panicky...but hopefully, after enough sessions, he could work through that. It had been decades since he'd last been to therapy and he'd quite after a short amount of time because he just hadn't been able to face it, to do that kind of work and...well, forgive himself, largely. Maybe he still wasn't ready but at least he was further away from it all and though maybe he could give it another try.
Locking the doors of the library behind him, he tried to breathe deeply and evenly. They likely wouldn't get into much in a first session, right? They'd just get to know each other and that kind of thing. Nothing to be nervous about there. It would be like chatting with a coworker since, in spite of their very different actually jobs, he and Noel were both staff here even if they hadn't actually met yet. Either way, once he got through this first session maybe it would all seem less overwhelming and he could stop anxiously spiraling about it and overthinking it.
Finally outside the door, he took another deep breath and knocked politely. "Dr. Gaudet? It's Mateo Rivera." He glanced at his watch. "I'm a few minutes early for my appointment but I thought I'd let you know I was here." Maybe it was vaguely awkward to talk through the door but he wasn't about to barge in, especially if it was possible that the doctor was with another patient.
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
Mateo shuddered at the tongue on his neck, his shirt gone a moment later and watched hungrily as Hector got fully naked. He managed to get his own pants undone before Hector was pulling on his belt loops and then his hands were sliding over the shifter's sweat slick body as they veered towards the bed. "I will. Anything you want." The thunderbird kissed back just as feverishly, his hands gripping Hector's ass to pull him more firmly against him, almost surprised when they had to stop because they hit the bed. "I need you to touch me." Mateo confirmed, managing to pull away from Hector long enough to get out of his pants and underwear so they were both finally naked. Seconds later he practically tackled Hector onto the bed, needing to be as close to him as possible. Mateo's hips ground down against Hector's almost frantically, groaning at the friction and pleasure as their cocks rubbed rubbed together. He licked at the sweat on Hector's jaw and neck, pressing hard, rough kisses into his skin. "I want you so bad. Don't think I have the patience to prep you properly..."
With his hands free, Hector was quick to tangle them in Mateo's hair, tug at it, a little rough, in his desperation to push their bodies as close together as they would go. His chest was already shiny with sweat, hot and feverish to the touch. His mouth slipped out of alignment with Mateo's and he licked a wet stripe up the side of his neck, pulling Mateo's shirt over his head. He moved onto his own pants, pushing them and his underwear down to his ankles and stepping out of them, growling in frustration as they briefly caught on one foot and he had to bend down to untangled himself.
"You're so fucking hot, Jesus Christ, Mateo. I want you to fold me in half." He pulled Mateo by his belt loops, backing them towards the bed as he resumed kissing Mateo feverishly. "Get out of those pants, please. I have to see you. I have to touch you."
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
Mateo looked over at Finn's laugh, glad to hear it in spite of the circumstances, smiling a little wider. Clearly he didn't think age and wisdom were strong suits of his but from what Mateo had seen they seemed to be. "Probably close enough not to matter." The thunderbird mused. He sobered a little as they went back to the more serious topic and let out a breath, nodding. "I think it was too close when I first tried but I haven't for quite a while. It's likely about time I went again." The idea of moving on from the guilt still seemed impossible but maybe with professional help and likely a lot of hard, painful work on his part, he could do it. There was nothing but sympathy in his gaze as he absorbed the other part of what Finn said. "I'm sorry. About your losses, I mean." It made sense, given how old Finn was, that he would've lost people but Mateo was sure that it was never easy.
He was happy to hear that Finn could stay for a while and smiled. "As long as I'd like might be quite a while. You sure you're willing to commit to that?" Mateo teased lightly, setting his tea down so he could lean over and give Finn a kiss, soft and sweet and just because he wanted to not like he was trying to start anything.
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Finn laughed out loud at that; some others might say he was anything but wise and sometimes he’d agree. He never claimed to make the best of choices in his life even at his age and not all of his advice given was great. A lot of his problems he liked solving with violence and here in Krovs that only exacerbated everything. “Something like that, sure,” he chuckled, grinning back over at Mateo. “Comin’ from someone who’s lost loved ones before, I know it might be harder to get help when you don’t feel ready to heal after grievin’. Should try it again if you feel more in that sort of space to properly close the wounds and move on from the guilt you’re holdin’. Course that’s just my suggestion and your choice to make or not.”
The familiar glanced down at their intertwined fingers and smiled softly. “I’ve got nowhere I need to be any time soon, I can stay as long as you’d like.”
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
Mateo could feel Hector's eyes on him but didn't think there was a point in commenting on it. It wasn't like it offended him, it was actually pretty flattering even if that had nothing to do with why he'd brought Hector to his suite. There was cooking to do, after all, and he'd heard from other slaves that the food in the Undercroft wasn't that great. Hector probably hadn't had a home cooked meal in a while so Mateo wanted to change that.
He laughed a little at the compliment as he chopped and nodded in agreement. "Thanks, I've been doing it awhile. I like meat, myself, but no judgement. Also I agree, cheese is great." Mateo had seen that Hector was a hare shifter when he'd put in the rental so it wasn't surprising to hear him talk about predators. He hadn't realised that dietary preferences transferred to human form but it didn't really surprise him. He'd always eaten meat himself, even before he'd entered the human world, but phoenixes weren't exactly like other birds. He hummed at the information as he worked, setting a pan on the stove to heat up and getting the oven preheated before he went back to his chopping. "Never been to San Antonio but Mexico wasn't far at all from where I grew up in the mountains." Mateo glanced up and smiled at Hector at the question, nodding. "Yeah, pretty much directly south. You know your geography." Vegetables chopped, he threw them in the pan to cook up and got the dough and a sheet pan out, starting to roll out and form the individual bases. It was all very second nature at this point. It would've been natural to ask how Hector had ended up here given what they were talking about but those stories were never good so Mateo didn't bother. "You travel much? I never really got to the States."
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Hector wasn't shy about his ogling, leaning to get a better look at Mateo's ass as he turned around. There was something about a man like Mateo that he found incredibly attractive, the gentleness, the instinct to take care of people. Hector found it very odd about himself. It flew in the face of his proclivities for rougher, seedier stuff. He didn't let himself think too deeply about it.
"Cheese is good. I didn't have it until I lived with humans. It's good stuff. You know what you're doing with this cooking stuff. Meat's for predators, though." Hector had never been able to get to grips with meat, no matter how hard his foster parents had tried. It felt wrong, made Hector feel sick to think about for too long. "San Antonio. Or, well, just south of the border originally, in the fields out in Mexico." Hector paused, trying to remember where Guatemala was. He was quite good with the geography he'd had a practical reason to learn, had figured out maps for driving without being able to understand the words very well. But if he'd never had any reason to go there, it wasn't the kind of information he kept in his head. It was full of much more practical stuff, like always knowing which way North was, and how to find the nearest river. "That's south right? South of Mexico?"
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
Mateo hadn't meant to embarrass the other man but it didn't seem like much harm was done given the grin that followed. "No need to apologize, just kinda startled me." He made a sympathetic sound hearing about the Undercroft food. "I can imagine. Hopefully I can sneak you up here every once in a while and get you some real food." It was the least Mateo could do, really. "Oh, it's fine. Wasn't that hungry but fruit is always pretty tasty." He popped a strawberry into his mouth and looked over at the other man. Of course he'd noticed that Kell was attractive when he'd brought him up here but he didn't make moves on the slaves, that was hardly fair. Well, all right, outside of heat week but he still tried not to during heat week it was just...harder. All the slaves were attractive and it was hard not to notice though he tried to leave it to that one appreciative glance before he went back to his snack.
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There was a brief flash of embarrassment across Kell's face, but he grinned a little. "Sorry. Just been aa little bit since I've had some decent food. What they give us in the Undercroft is supposedly nutritious, but sure as hell could taste a little better." Though maybe Kell had just gotten spoiled after the length of time that he'd been claimed. His last master hadn't really denied him much, seeming to enjoy giving the human nearly everything he asked for. He shifted somewhat in the chair, leaning back. "How is your food?"
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mindful-mateo · 17 days
In spite of all his mortifying rambling and the initial friction, Mateo didn't actually seem to be pissing Stigr off which felt like a definite victory. He didn't trust any of the vampires, least of all the councilmen, but staying on their good sides or at least not attracting too much notice was probably the best way forward. Given that he'd already attracted Stigr's notice, he needed to at least not make him angry. So far so good and he hoped he could escape this interaction without changing that.
Mateo nodded at the order/suggestion. "No, you're right, it definitely makes it worse." He was about to try and excuse himself again or extract himself from all this when he froze at the offer, eyes widening a little. "You?" Mateo couldn't seem to help saying it or the way his hungry gaze roamed over Stigr before snapping back to his face. How come he seemed to always get tangled up with councilmen during heat week? The thunderbird wet his lips. "I mean...that's a very generous offer but you...must have....things to do? I mean you're a very attractive" he coughed "busy man and I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time..." He forced himself to stop talking and yet negated everything he was saying by drifting closer to the councilman once more, forcing himself to stop before he actually touched him even though that was...difficult. Even if his mind wasn't on board with the idea his body clearly was and he couldn't help the desperate way he looked at the vampire even if he'd managed to shut his mouth for a handful of seconds.
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Stigr could tell that he was making Mateo uncomfortable, or at leas flustered. Just the man's luck, of course, that he'd run into someone like Stigr who was very much closed off unless he was around another person that he was very comfortable with. He noted what almost seemed like confusion on the librarian's part at the suggestion to find someone to spend a few hours with and he stifled a laugh with ease when he realized why that might be. It had certainly come across as an order, although Stigr hadn't intended it to be. Merely a friendly enough suggestion, really.
"If I were you, I'd seek someone out before you do try and take advantage of anyone. I've been around enough people who experience heat to know that it's never a good thing to try and ignore your needs." He cocked his head, noting that Mateo had stepped closer to him without seeming to realize and a quiet chuckle sounded from the councilman. "I may be willing to help you out, assuming you would be interested."
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mindful-mateo · 18 days
The fact that Adrasia was reacting to him was good. It eased Mateo's conscience a little to feel the way the celestial arched up against him and notice that he was also getting hard. In spite of how much the thunderbird was focused on his own pleasure and the overwhelming need brought on by his heat, he still wanted Adrasia to get something out of it too. It should be good for both of them, after all, and not just Adrasia doing something for him because he was nice. Granted, Mateo wouldn't be much able to focus until he finished at least once but maybe after that he could spend a little more time and effort ensuring Adrasia was getting more out of it too. The fact that he reacted like he was even with Mateo's sloppy, intense kisses and touches seemed like a sign, though.
Mateo did his best to shift at the celestial's words, closing his eyes and groaning when Adrasia took hold of him. He pressed his face against Adrasia's neck, appreciating what little of the encouragement he caught but so much more focused on the sensations in his body. Mateo's hips rocked even faster as he fucked into Adrasia's grip, the feeling that much better and more intense than just rocking against him. He gasped and shuddered and it didn't take long before he cried out and came over Adrasia's fingers, hips bucking hard and erratic before he finally slowed, still shuddering and gasping. His head cleared a little and the need abated for the moment, though he knew it would be back soon enough. Once he got his breath back he lifted his head and looked at the celestial underneath him. "Gracias." There was genuine gratitude in the word and he smiled a little sheepishly. "Sorry. That was....probably a lot. Did you...want to take this somewhere else?" He'd understand if this was all Adrasia was willing to do for him but he couldn't keep a slightly hopeful note out of his voice. It would only be fair for Adrasia to get something out of it now and with at least the harshest edge taken off, Mateo could be a bit more of a gentleman. "You don't have to, obviously. Seems like I got you kinda worked up though and I wouldn't want to leave you hanging."
Adrasia would have more than a few things to answer for when he returned to the Undercroft after this, he thought, bemused as he watched Mateo chuck aside his sodden shirt before diving back to the celestial's neck, sucking new marks into Adrasia's skin to join the trail he'd left behind already. Adrasia was fighting to focus on what he'd agreed to here, at least prepared enough this time to bite back his reactions at the flame of Mateo's open mouth on such sensitive flesh, the way each nip of the other's teeth and slide of his tongue seemed only to stoke the heat in Adrasia's blood to match the thunderbird's own. The celestial had thought himself safely distanced from such predictable physical reactions and yet here he was, back arching against the ground, gritting his teeth to hold back more inelegant noises as he felt himself hardening against the inescapable friction of Mateo's hips.
"Alright, alright, just let me -- " It took no small effort to coax their bodies far enough to force a hand between them. It was easier with both their chests bare now though, skin damp and supple as Adrasia just managed to slip beneath the waistband of Mateo's suit, half rucked down just from the other's thrusts, and finally get his hand around him. "That's it," He urged him, a potent awareness flooding him of the heaviness and hardness of his shaft in his hand. If Mateo's mouth was feverish, he was blood-hot here, and Adrasia found there was no use giving heed to technique. All he had to do was squeeze and let Mateo fuck into the tight ring of his fingers, the celestial trying uselessly to catch his breath as he murmured encouragements against his dark hair.
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mindful-mateo · 1 month
Mateo knew he should probably try to slow down a little, at least help Adrasia get his bathing suit off and maybe get the other man's clothes off but he was lost in a sort of fog of need and pleasure and couldn't focus on much other than that. The hands on his ass felt good enough anyway so that would definitely do for now. At least Adrasia said it was okay, that was something that Mateo managed to hear and did soothe him a little. They could work with it if it was okay and he might not have to feel too terrible afterwards for practically mauling the other man as it felt like he was doing. Adrasia even moaned so Mateo couldn't be doing too badly, as insatiable as he felt, grinding down incessantly and roughly against Adrasia's thigh. He only really stopped kissing and nipping his skin when he felt the tug on his hair and held himself back since that's clearly what the celestial was indicating. Why would that be? Oh right, Mateo had asked a question and Adrasia probably need at least a couple of seconds to think.
"Sorry." He breathed, again, feeling like he would be apologizing a lot throughout. Definitely afterwards. Post heat week he'd have to treat Adrasia or something to really express how grateful and also sorry he was. "We can?" Mateo groaned at the squeeze, nearly losing the thread of the conversation right there and then though he just managed to understand the next part. "Okay. Sure. However you want." Seemed only fair to let Adrasia make at least one decision given how Mateo had sort of taken over. Since he'd been forced to pull back anyway, he took the opportunity to wrest Adrasia out of his shirt. His hands roamed greedily over the newly exposed skin before he pressed their bare chests together and shuddered from the contact. He needed as much of that as possible and then his lips were on Adrasia's neck again, hot and open mouthed and, sucking at his pulse and nipping at his jaw. His ceaseless rutting was helping him but he wouldn't quite be able to get there without a little more than just friction.
The way Mateo reacted was instantaneous, vindicating in a slightly overwhelming way as Adrasia got so far as tugging the suit down over the curve of his ass before abandoning it to merely clutch him there instead, encouraging the hard roll of Mateo's hips against him. The thunderbird pressed so close it was as if he was trying to fuck Adrasia through his clothes -- so vivid and dizzying a thought, the celestial didn't even have the wherewithal to be baffled at himself for thinking it. "It's okay," He just got out the reassurance, breathless and heated, having only that second of respite to try and meet Mateo's eyes before the other's mouth was on his skin and what Adrasia had intended to say next was lost to a startled moan of his own, the feeling like a jolt straight to his core. He hadn't planned on getting any pleasure out of this for himself, incidentally would be alright, but Adrasia's focus had firmly been to ease Mateo's strain. This was... something else entirely. He made himself take a deep breath, one hand coming up to tangle in the wet hair at Mateo's nape and hold him back from further kisses at least until Adrasia could manage a few words.
Top or bottom, he nearly let out a nervous laugh, head falling back against the ground. They hardly had access to lubrication Adrasia would've preferred to ensure either of their comfort, but asking Mateo for that kind of patience, let alone the logistics, was beyond what was workable now and for all that the celestial was flustered, his mind was still grasping to that central focus. "We can figure that out later." Adrasia managed, unconsciously squeezing the flesh under his hands a little tighter at the next heavy grind, "Let's - take care of you at least once first." Surely that would help somewhat to take the edge off.
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mindful-mateo · 1 month
Mateo clearly kept surprising Adrasia and he did feel bad about that, at least the part of him that was his usual, rational self which seemed to be buried under the urges of heat. Was the gasp a bad sign? Mateo had the thought even as he took advantage of the celestial's parted lips to explore his mouth with his tongue. Adrasia wasn't pushing him away, though, he would definitely notice that, and the fingers digging into his arms just seemed to be part of the experience. Any touch right now was good, really, so he just read that as part of it though he probably should slow down.
The best he seemed able to do was mumble an apology but even that fell short since he didn't even let Adrasia finish his reply. This was bad, he was definitely moving too fast, but it was so hard to pull back especially with Adrasia returning his kisses and sliding his hands down his back. He was a little too frenzied to help get his bathing suit off but did groan into the kisses at Adrasia pressing his thigh up against him, rocking down against it with a rough shudder as the pleasure spiked through him. Finally, he was getting the contact he needed, a sort of relief, though it would be enough until he fucked or got fucked....which was probably something they should talk about if Mateo could go back to words. With a monumental effort he wrenched his mouth away and tried to put a little distance between their mouths at least. "Sorry. I know it's fast...but it's...I can't really help it." His hips kept rocking down against Adrasia's thigh even as he talked, small gasps interrupting his words. "It's okay? I hope?" There, a check in, at least he'd managed that before his lips were on Adrasia's jaw and neck, wet hands sliding down his body, one moving over his hip and thigh to his ass. "Top or bottom?" He muttered, deeply distracted by Adrasia panting underneath him.
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Adrasia was wholly unprepared to be caught up in Mateo's arms so thoroughly, strategizing his ideas of how they might proceed as he lent a hand to helping Mateo more fully out of the water. It might be easier if they moved from the poolside to grass a short distance away, the celestial thought, and perhaps best to simply start with -- and then Adrasia was pulled, quite literally, from his careful considerations and back into another desperate kiss, the startled gasp that came from the celestial as his back met the ground only offering Mateo better access to his mouth as his lips parted. The thunderbird was radiant with heat pressed this close, feverish through the scant layers of fabric between them, Adrasia's fingers digging into his biceps where he'd grabbed at the other man in surprise.
The celestial's clothes were plastered to his body now wherever Mateo's limbs pressed into him. He could feel all the curves and contours and, yes, hardness of Mateo's body flush against his own. Wet, panting and thoroughly pinned, Adrasia began to having the creeping idea that this encounter might prove very different from his time with Manny by the end. Still, he scrambled for reason and respectability, especially as Mateo mumbled out an apology, "It's - it's alright, let's -- " The last of his words were swallowed up by more kisses, hot and open-mouthed and very efficient at sabotaging the celestial's planning. Skin, Adrasia remembered dizzily, and managed to drag his hands downwards to start trying to urge Mateo's bathing suit down over his hips, a bit more fumbling than intended, insinuating one of his thighs between the thunderbird's legs and pressing up against the hard line of his erection in the absence of any chance to sneak a hand between them. It felt unimaginably bold by the celestial's standards, but he was trying to improvise now, follow Mateo's lead, and Mateo was now leagues past shy.
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mindful-mateo · 1 month
Mateo nodded, not that he'd felt like Finn was trying to force him but it was nice to have that acknowledged anyway. The thunderbird sighed at the next words. "You're probably right. Think we might have already entered that territory though, at least where my magic's concerned." He reached up and ran a thumb over the collar, still finding its presence comforting. Mateo had mentioned that already so he didn't want to bring it up again, though Finn hadn't judged him for it. Still, Finn wore one unwillingly so it didn't seem like something he should keep bringing up and throwing in the other man's face. Mateo knew he made decisions, at least before he'd put the collar on, that would help him avoid even the possibility of his magic and that would be hard to change now. Whether that was paralysis or not Mateo wasn't sure but it probably wasn't good.
"The wisdom of age and experience?" Mateo was trying to get back into a slightly lighter mood with the tease, though his smiles were still a little wan but it was at least some progress. A small silence fell for a moment and Mateo sipped his tea as well, looking down into the cup for a moment. The ache in his chest was starting to fade, slowly, as they got further away from the topic he'd just shared. He looked up at Finn's next words. "I have, yeah. I mean, I've tried I should say. When I went before it was...too hard. I couldn't get through it. That was a while ago though. I should probably try again." Mateo had heard there was a therapist here but he hadn't really looked into it much. "Dr. Gaudet? All right. Well....maybe I'll give it a shot soon." He wasn't just saying that to try and placate Finn or get off the topic. It probably was time that he tried again. "Thanks. For everything, I mean. The suggestion, listening, being so understanding about all of it. Not everyone would've been and I really appreciate it." Mateo reached over and took Finn's hand, squeezing it gently and lacing their fingers together. "Do you have somewhere you need to be or can you stay for a while?" Mateo didn't really want to be alone after all that and he'd like it if Finn could stay, though of course he'd understand if he had to leave.
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"That's alright, no one's forcin' you to do something you're not ready," Finn said, smiling softly as he sat back in his seat. "Though it's best not to hold onto those feelings of fear or anxiety or whatever it is too long lest they fester further into paralysis." He'd been there before, not necessarily in this exact sort of situation, but he understood how those emotions could affect one's decision-making and actioning. Something like taking control over one's magic and powers would only become more difficult the longer Mateo avoided it.
He let out a short laugh. "I'm not sure whether it's good or not but I'll take it. I think it just comes naturally after livin' so long," he said. Finn swallowed the last mouthful of his tea then and furrowed his brows, clearing his throat before speaking again. "Not that I don't appreciate you sharin' all this with me but, erm, have you ever considered goin' to therapy? I don't know whether you have or haven't already but if it's something that still deeply affects you today, speakin' to a professional and learnin' better coping mechanisms for what you're feelin' might be beneficial. I've seen Dr. Gaudet here in the doctor's office myself and he's alright."
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mindful-mateo · 1 month
"I'm sure. It's not a big deal, I promise." The reassurance seemed necessary but he just smiled again, hoping Kell realised he really didn't mind. Mateo liked to help and this was one small way that he could do it. "Oh yeah?" His eyebrows went up. "I could always show you. There's a bit of a knack to it but once you have that down then it's all pretty easy." Imagine, him showing a baker how to bake something. The idea was pretty comical, at least to Mateo.
"No problem." Mateo returned the smile, though the moan after Kell's first bite pulled a startled laugh from him. "That good, huh? Clearly I should've ordered a sandwich." Mateo teased lightly, though he was sure it probably was just in comparison to the food Kell normally got. Still, the thunderbird had hardly expected that reaction.
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"If you're sure. I'd like to get out of the castle for at least a little bit." And the greenhouses were always a good place to relax. Not that he was opposed in any way to staying in the library, the place peaceful as well, but he sometimes felt caged in if he stayed within the castle walls for too long. "I think I tried to make that once and it did not turn out well. Probably something I should try and make again if I ever get the chance." Kell was hoping to be claimed sooner rather than later, something he knew wasn't a common feeling among the unclaimed slaves.
"Thank you, again, for the food." He flashed Mateo a smile and sat up more to take his own food from the plate. Taking a bite of the sandwich, an involuntary moan of pleasure escaped the human, something he entirely blamed on having some good food after eating what the slaves were given in the Undercroft.
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mindful-mateo · 1 month
Mateo winced as Stigr repeated his comment about running out of suppressants, realising how stupid that sounded. "I mean, yeah, yeah I did. Not...exactly sure how that happened but here we are." It was weird since Florian usually gave him enough to last the whole week but maybe there just hadn't been quite as many in the bottle as usual or something. Mateo didn't feel like he could leave with the councilman looking at him like that. Did he need to be dismissed? Aside from trash talking Belgium behind his back to Rhys and a couple run ins, Mateo hadn't really interacted with the council much and he wanted to mostly keep it that way. This couldn't be helped, though.
He blinked at the suggestion. Was that an order he had to follow? No, he said it like a suggestion but the tone of command made it seem like an order. That was probably just how councilmen talked, though. "Um...yes? I mean, probably? I try not to go looking too hard, especially this week. It's easy to take advantage and I don't want to...uh...you don't care. Yes. Probably. And I should find one of them." At least he'd sort of pulled back on his rambling there. "Once I get the suppressants and start taking them again it won't be...too bad. But yeah that's a good idea." Somehow, he'd taken two steps closer to the councilman as he'd talked without really realising it and swallowed, taking a big one back. "I should go...do that...right?" He only didn't leave because it felt like he needed Stigr's permission.
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The vampire noted the way that the other man straightened the longer he looked at him, as though he was trying to look in some way more presentable. At least he didn't seem to be too badly affected by his heat just yet, though it was clearly a losing battle. Stigr stopped himself from saying that the man should have gotten his hands on some suppressants before the week had started. Mateo wasn't his, after all, and the councilman tried to not overstep when it came to those who didn't belong to him.
He tucked the book under one arm, planning on reading it at some point later in the evening. "You ran out?" Stigr repeated, one eyebrow quirking up at the comment. Interesting. The older man imagined that wasn't something he'd forget to replenish if he was someone who dealt with heat. He hummed softly, critically eyeing the librarian for a beat of silence before Stigr locked eyes with him once again. "I would suggest having someone help you out with your heat in the mean time, so you'll actually be able to do your job. I can imagine there are quite a few who would be happy to help, yes?"
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