mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
Dialogue red flags
Here are some practices to AVOID when writing compelling dialogue for your novel.
šŸ‘‰ Info-dumping
Would your characters realistically say the things they are saying if you didnā€™t need the reader to know that information?
EX. A person wouldnā€™t refer to their brother as ā€œmy brother Charlesā€ in dialogue if the other character they are speaking to is their friend and knows Charles.
This can be avoided by putting yourself in the head of the speaking character, and understanding which information they know.
šŸ‘‰ Directness
Overly-direct dialogue can be incredibly boring and make your readers feel stupid. If everyone outright says exactly what they mean, then there is no brain-work left for your readers to read between the lines or ask questions.
Unless you have a certain character whose trait is direct honesty, most good dialogue should be interpretable in different ways to the reader.
šŸ‘‰ No thought-out subtext
Similar to the previous one, do you know the actual motivation behind what each of your characterā€™s is saying? Your character should have a motivation or a goal during every conversation they are having, even if itā€™s something as simple as ā€œend this conversation as soon as possibleā€ or ā€œfind out more about the person Iā€™m talking toā€.
šŸ‘‰ Too much jargon
Character voices are a super important part of crafting a character and keeping interesting dialogue rhythm, but donā€™t get too carried away! You still want to make sure your readers are able to understand the type of jargon youā€™re aiming for, unless the purpose of the character or scene is to be non-understandable.
As ever, act with purpose.
šŸ‘‰ Excessively descriptive dialogue tags
In fast-paced conversations, dialogue tags can really slow down the rhythm of your dialogue. You donā€™t need to explain the way every single sentence is delivered. If you can make the dialogue work for you, do so.
A very simple example:
ā€œDonā€™t go there,ā€ he shouted. šŸ‘‰ ā€œDonā€™t go there!ā€
Strong dialogue is one of my focus areas when coaching my private clients.
Would this character truly say that?
Do we need to know this now, or would it be more powerful later?
Are you sticking well to that characterā€™s voice and vocabulary?
Can you trim the weeds to let their voice shine through?
If youā€™re interested in working with me privately, Iā€™m all booked up until the end of this year, but Iā€™m taking on new clients for 2024 now!
You can follow the [link here] or below to my coaching page, learn more, and apply for a discovery call!
Did you know my coaching includes all of my other offers, such as my digital course and my e-books?šŸ’œ
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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by Nikolay Myslivtsev
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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exploringā€¦ ig credit: meagsmeanderingsuk
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
Saturday, 10th of June 2023
Wowā€¦ what a journey.
Today was the last day of school and Iā€™m still processing that informationā€¦ Iā€™m still gonna have to study for the finals for the next three weeks and I think thatā€™s contributing to my confusionā€¦ this truly feels surreal. Iā€™m just so happy I wonā€™t ever have to get in a high school classroom ever again, I canā€™t even describe it.
High school had been a nightmare and while yes, Iā€™ve made some good friends, I truly donā€™t think it was worth the pain. Goodbye HS, I hope we never meet again, see you never!
Welcome to my new world! loadingā€¦
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Mount Rainier by Lazgrapher.
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Adriatic Sea by Mauro Roberto Scalabroni
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Monday, 5th of June 2023
Iā€™m exhausted, I was so tired that I fell asleep today but my dog just decided it would be fun to randomly start barking and woke me upšŸ˜«. I have a terrible headache.
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Sunday, 4th of June 2023
So we started with him and weā€™re back again with good old Leopardiā€¦ finals are in less than a month and Iā€™m so anxious!
Weā€™re 4 days in and this is how much Iā€™ve been studying over the past few days already (without counting the school hours).
Summary: I feel exhausted, the thought of keeping this up for another month isā€¦ I donā€™t even know how to describe it, I just canā€™t wait until high school is over.
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This aside, my grades have been improving a lot, Iā€™m not sure how but Iā€™m definitely happy about that. I know grades donā€™t mean much but Iā€™d just like to end high school on a good note and with a grade that I feel like I deserve
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
Itā€™s been so long since I last updated but Iā€™ve been sooooo busyā€¦ I honestly canā€™t wait until itā€™s over, my brain is at its last bit of energy and itā€™s about to shut down completelyā€¦ Iā€™m exhausted šŸ˜«
Two more months and all of this is gonna be over, I canā€™t wait.
Enjoy a pic of my doggo:
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Writing from multiple character points of view (POVs) can add depth and complexity to a story. It allows the reader to see the story from different perspectives, getting insight into each character's thoughts and motivations. However, writing from multiple POVs can also be a challenge. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and strategies for writing and juggling more than one-character POV.
Understanding Each Character's Voice
The first step to writing from multiple POVs is to understand each character's voice. Each character should have their own distinct voice, tone, and style of speaking. This can be achieved by giving each character a unique backstory, personality, and motivation. When writing from a character's POV, think about how they would describe the world around them, what kind of language they would use, and how they would react to different situations.
Balancing Multiple POVs
When writing from multiple POVs, it's important to balance each character's story arc so that they all receive equal attention. One way to do this is to create a rough outline of the story, noting which chapters or scenes will be told from each character's POV. If you find that one character's story is taking up more space than the others, you may need to revise your outline to ensure that each character has their own compelling journey. Additionally, make sure that each POV switch is clear and easy to follow. Using chapter breaks or section breaks can help signal to the reader that the POV is changing.
Knowing When to Use Multiple POVs
While writing from multiple POVs can be effective, it's important to recognize when it's appropriate to do so. Not every story needs to be told from multiple POVs, and some stories may be better served by sticking to one character's perspective. When deciding whether or not to use multiple POVs, consider whether the story requires multiple perspectives to be fully understood or if a single POV would suffice. Additionally, be mindful of the number of POVs you use. While a story with two or three POVs can be effective, using too many POVs can become confusing and overwhelming for the reader.
In conclusion, writing from multiple character POVs can add depth and complexity to a story, but it's important to approach it with a clear plan and strategy. By understanding each character's voice, balancing multiple POVs, and knowing when to use them, writers can successfully juggle multiple perspectives and create a compelling story.
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
5 Ways to Stay Motivated (Book Writing) šŸ‘šŸ»
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If you are a writer, you know all about writer's block, unfortunately. BUT there IS a way to stay motivated! Thatā€™s the good news.
Below are my 5 top tips for what I do when writer's block becomes the giant standing between me and my finished manuscript.
Letā€™s get started!
Do not criticize your WIP - this will stop you in your tracks. Once you start criticizing your writing, youā€™re likely to feel stuck trying to get the right word or sentence down. There is a point when you will edit your manuscript but this is not the time. Donā€™t criticize, just write.
Take your time - and no I donā€™t mean procrastinate that defeats the purpose. I mean set realistic goals for your WIP. Setting a goal of 2,000 words a day, for example, can stump your progress and you can quickly lose motivation. On days you find more time and creativity to writer, yay. But set a goal that works for you and your schedule so that you can achieve it on a daily basis.
Write what youā€™re passionate about - if you start a story based on something that bores you to death then you are going to feel unmotivated throughout the entire writing process. Remember - if it bores us, it will most likely bore our readers. Passion and interest goes a long way into the quality of your story. Write what you love and others will love it too.
Set the atmosphere - I think we sometimes forget how much our surrounds inspire and uninspired us. Itā€™s important to place things you love around you even something like wall art. If you donā€™t already have one, consider making a little corner or room just for writing. Light a candle, play music, or decorate your space. Youā€™d be surprised with how well this works.
Read, read, read - Iā€™ll never stop expressing just how important this is for us. Reading keeps us inspired, it makes us itch to get in front of our laptop or pen and paper and let out our creativity. Remember to read the sort of material you want to produce.
I hope youā€™re feeling inspired and that these tips will help you work through your writer's block. Donā€™t beat yourself up if you still find yourself struggling. The most important thing is that you donā€™t give up. ā¤ļø
Thanks for reading!
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
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Vallone dei Mulini, Sorrento, Italy ( via )
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mindyourgrowth Ā· 1 year
Achilles: this is my husband
Patroclus: ...
King: but you are not a woman
Achilles: did I fucking stutter?
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