Shabnam : The First Woman to be Hanged in Independent India
Shabnam and her lover Salim will be hanged together in the Amroha district of Uttar Pradesh, who committed the murder of 7 people 13 years ago.  From the trial court to the Supreme Court, the death sentence has been stamped on since April 2008.  Shabnam pleaded for mercy from the President, which he turned down on 15 February.
This is why after independence Shabnam will be the first woman to be hanged in the only women’s hanging house in Mathura District Prison. The Mathura jail was built in 1866, when a female hanging house was built there. The first case of death penalty here will be of Shabnam.  
Jail Superintendent Shailendra Maitreya said that preparations for the execution have started after the mercy petition was rejected.  Two hanging ropes are sourced from Buxar district in Bihar. As soon as the date from the court is fixed, the hanging trial will be done.  
To know more details read the full article: https://bit.ly/3axgHyc
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Cenforce 200: Best ED pills for Impotence Treatment
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Erection disorder or impotence is one of the common sexual disorders that can happen to any age group of men. According to surveys, more than 50 percent of men around the world are suffering from erection disorder. Impotence refers to the situation in which a man can’t able to preserve or maintain a proper erection for a long while having sexual activity with their partner in bed. There are many factors that cause the problem of impotence in men. For an effective result in short durations, one can use Cenforce 200mg pills.
Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction disorder
Medical conditions are considered the most common reason for erection problems. Some of the medical condition that leads to the problem of ED includes high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, injury to the pelvis, and never damage. Along with this, many men consume different types of stuff like alcohol, smoking, tobacco products as well as drugs. According to researchers, these substances on regular use damaged the nervous system as well as dull your sense that as a result causes the problem of ED in men. Also, due to the imbalance of hormones in the body also cause the problem of erection in men.
However, there are various types of treatment available for ED conditions. But before using any treatment one should always check their condition with a doctor. After knowing the actual condition of ED in your body you can easily decide the best treatment to cure the problem of ED in your body.
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All You Need to Know About Diabetes Disorder
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According to surveys, many men around the world are suffering from different types of health issues. Diabetes is one of them which not affect only nervous system but also affect different organ of the body. If you had not treated diabetes at the right time you may suffer from different types of health issues including Erectile Dysfunction (ED). In case you getting symptoms of ED cure the problem with Cenforce 150 pills. The complications of diabetes are very serious and can crippling or deadly. The best way to prevent diabetes is to change lifestyle involving a healthy diet, exercise, medication, and regular visits to the doctor.
Relationship between diabetes and erection disorder
As we discussed earlier that diabetes badly affects the nervous systems. Due to damage to the nervous system, you will find lower blood circulation into the entire body. This action leads to the problem of ED in men. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition where a man not able to sustain or maintain a harder erection for a longer time during sexual activity. In order to get instant results in ED conditions, many men use Cenforce 150 mg pills.
Cenforce is the most popular medicine to cure the problem of ED in men as it offers the fastest and effective result. When you take this medicine it will boost your blood circulation instantly and provide you a harder erection in short durations.
There are 2 types of diabetic disorders:
In 1st type of condition, the body not able to generate insulin from food in order to convert it into energy for the body cells. This condition generally occurs in kids and thus this stage is also known as “juvenile diabetes”.
In 2nd condition, bodies are not able to generate sufficient insulin. To control diabetes in such a situation many men use different types of diabetes medicine. Generally, 2nd type is a common form of diabetes from which many men are suffering.
To know more details kindly visit us: https://bit.ly/3beFSVo
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Miraculous Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water
Coconut water is the water found inside the young, green, immature coconut. It is a good source of many essential nutrients such as potassium, manganese, calcium, Vitamin C, dietary fibers, electrolytes, protein etc.
It is becoming a trendy beverage and is commonly used as an energy drink. You can drink coconut water at any time of the day but having it at right time would definitely double the benefits that you can actually derive. The best time to drink coconut water is in the morning on an empty stomach. Taking coconut water as the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach helps in many ways such as to fight constipation, kills intestinal worms, detoxifies the body, relieves fatigue, boosting immunity, speeds up the metabolism, restores energy and facilitating weight loss. Gym freak people often take it before, during or after exercise to restore their energy level and re-hydrate themselves .
Benefits of Coconut Water
It is good for your heart’s health as it regulates blood pressure, improves blood circulation and decreases the chances of getting a heartattack.
It strengthens your immune system.
It promotes weight loss as it is low in calories and sugar, provides instant energy, controls your hunger and burns fat faster.
Being a good source of calcium, it makes the bones strong.
It moisturizes your skin and makes your skin glow. It can also cure sun tan and brightens your skin tone.
It makes your hair shiny, silky and smooth. It also prevents dandruff and other infections on the scalp.
It is one of the best remedies to get rid of hangover.
It is beneficial for pregnant women as it helps in reducing heartburn, relieves morning sickness, fights constipation and solves many more problems which are often experienced during pregnancy.
It helps in dissolving kidney stones.
It improves the process of digestion.
It helps to detoxify your body.
It is good for your eyes’ health.
It is sharpens your memory.
It helps to fight constipation by improving bowel movement.
It helps in regulating acidity.
It balances your blood sugar levels and is thus good for diabetic patients.
It cures dehydration and keeps you hydrated for a long time.
It supplies a high level of energy and thus can replace your other “show-off” energy drinks.
It provides relief from headache.
It helps to lower muscle tension and thus can reduce stress and tension.
It helps to maintain hormonal balance.
It can also help to regularize mentrual cycle in women.
To know more information regarding what happens if you take coconut water regularly? then Read the full article: https://bit.ly/2Nseefs
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COVID-19 Vaccination Drive : People aged more than 50 years will be vaccinated from second week of March
Vaccination of people above 50 years of age in the country’s most vulnerable age group against corona infection will start from the second week of March. Health Minister Harsh Vardhan gave this information on Friday. However, he did not state a definite date for the commencement of the third stage vaccination
To know more details kindly visit us: https://bit.ly/2OBWVcv
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All You Need to Know About Diabetes Disorder
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According to surveys, many men around the world are suffering from different types of health issues. Diabetes is one of them which not affect only nervous system but also affect different organ of the body. If you had not treated diabetes at the right time you may suffer from different types of health issues including Erectile Dysfunction (ED). In case you getting symptoms of ED cure the problem with Cenforce 150 pills. The complications of diabetes are very serious and can crippling or deadly. The best way to prevent diabetes is to change lifestyle involving a healthy diet, exercise, medication, and regular visits to the doctor.
Relationship between diabetes and erection disorder
As we discussed earlier that diabetes badly affects the nervous systems. Due to damage to the nervous system, you will find lower blood circulation into the entire body. This action leads to the problem of ED in men. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a condition where a man not able to sustain or maintain a harder erection for a longer time during sexual activity. In order to get instant results in ED conditions, many men use Cenforce 150 mg pills.
Article Source: https://bit.ly/3rQHUBT
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Disadvantages of Peanuts: 5 major disadvantages of eating more peanuts, know the peanut side effects before consuming them!
Side Effects Of Peanuts: Peanuts contain protein and many essential nutrients. You may also be surprised to know the health benefits of Peanuts, but eating too many nuts can have a negative effect on your health. That is, if you are consuming peanuts, then you should also know the disadvantages of peanuts.
Too Much Peanuts Side Effects: It is advisable to consume peanuts to stay healthy in winter. Benefits of Peanuts are many. Peanuts contain protein and many essential nutrients. You may also be surprised to know the health benefits of Peanuts, but eating too many nuts can have a negative effect on your health. That is, if you are consuming peanuts, then you should also know the disadvantages of peanuts.Consuming too much peanuts can cause some side effects from high-calorie and fat content, toxins and anti-nutrients. Excessive consumption of peanuts can cause cholesterol in the body. In addition, due to excessive consumption of peanuts, you may have digestive problems and liver damage and you may also have allergy to peanuts.
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Modi Government’s Budget 2021-22
Modi government’s first budget in the time of COVID-19 pandemic may not seem very populist, but the balance of spending and savings is definitely visible. Along with health concerns, there is a greater focus on sectors such as auto, textile and real estate, which provide about 17 crore jobs to increase employment. While the new vehicle scrap policy in the auto sector is expected to increase demand in the market, the reduction in customs duty on steel is expected to reduce manufacturing costs as well.
To know more details Kindly visit us: https://worldreportbox.com/modi-governments-budget-2021-22/
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Pakistani JF 17 and Indian Tejas, Which fighter aircraft is more dangerous?
Indian Air Force chief Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria says that the indigenous fighter aircraft – Tejas will be helpful in executing the surgical strikes like Balakot on terrorist targets closely.
He also said that the JF-17 fighter aircraft built by Pakistan with Chinese technology can not stand anywhere in front of Tejas in quality, capability and precision.
Bhadoria says that the light Tejas fighter aircraft of ‘Four and Half Generation’ ie ‘Light Combat Aircraft’ are made with very modern technology and the weapons deployed in this aircraft have also been developed indigenously.
Experts say that Pakistan’s JF fighter aircraft, with the same light weight as the F-16 Falcon, have the capability to hit ground and air in all climates.
Both aircraft ie Tejas and JF-17 are equipped with long-range missiles.
Article Source: https://bit.ly/2YZlLVL
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COVID-19 : India’s recovery rate Surges to 96.15 percent
India’s Covid-19 tally rose to 1,03,23,965 with 18,177 new cases being reported in a day, while 99,27,310 people have recuperated from the disease so far pushing the national recovery rate to 96.15 per cent on Sunday, the Union Health Ministry stated.
To read more kindly visit the website: https://worldreportbox.com/
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