[PRIVATE] Hurt your ickle baby brother. What are you gonna do about it?
[PRIVATE] What are you talking about?
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I have to be honest.
I’ve been listening in to Shania rehearsals (because for some reason I’m not permitted into the rehearsals just yet) and the songs do not sound like any of Shania’s top hits like I wrote specifically into the script. Act I: Man, I Feel Like A Woman!, Up!... The fight scene during That Don’t Impress Me Much? I don’t understand. Aren’t you following what I wrote for you?
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Could anyone be having a worse day than I? Needless to say, that don’t impress me much. I’m very unhappy.
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…Not now, Cooper.
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What’s wrong, pouty face? You a Wiki guy?
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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It’s on your IMDB page, Coop. Where anyone can see it.
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And you’ve asked Beyoncé this personally, have you? Sorry, if you’re going to ignore me when I ask you not to call me ‘squirt’, two can play at that game, champ.
If I don’t want it to end up as a script, why would I want to air my personal business in front of a bunch of strangers?
NO... How do I get it off?
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Actually, I have. And I’m afraid that’s just not how it works, squirt. 
Ummmm, because it’s in the name of acting and acting is a true art form and it’s fantastic and how better could you express your feelings than through the art of acting and pointing combined? Please, Blaine.
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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I may be just a baby, I’m fairly certain that puts you in the general vicinity of thirty.
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Nope, not Beyoncé either. Try again, sport.
Cooper – why on earth would I ever confide in you about anything if you’re just going to put it in a script? That’s not how this works.
SHHHH!! Don’t let them hear you!
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No, I’m fairly sure I’m Beyoncé. She’d want me to be, at least. I am the Beyoncé around here. And don’t “sport” me—I “sport” you! 
Sometimes it can be therapeutic. I can get you a circle of actors and you can have it out. Point a little. Or a lot.
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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Uh-huh. And how old does that make you, Mr. Hollywood?
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You, sir, are no Mariah Carey.
Nothing, Coop. Just some friendship drama. Or so I thought. I don’t know anymore. Nothing you’d be interested in, don’t worry about it.
I don’t know. Hot and beautiful and talented needs no age.
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Fine. I’m Beyoncé. You can be Michelle. Or the other Beyoncé sister.
Friendship drama? Drama with friends? Collective pointing? What’s up, pup? Tell me about it. If I can’t help you, maybe I can write an inspired script.
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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There are some things even your beautiful, shirtless body can’t fix, Cooper.
And her name is Rachel Berry. Like the fruit. The other fruit.
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What? Impossible.
And nah, I like apples better.
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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I know you stopped keeping track years ago, but I am actually twenty-one years old now, and not a teenager.
Twenty-one, shemnty-pun. You’re still a baby. 
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Or, in the words of Maria Carey, “You’ll always be my baby”.
Now, tell me. What’s up? Not the sky, but the other thing.
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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I’m no person to judge you on being shirtless for no reason. If that’s what you want, that’s what you do. Am I right? Anyway, I wasn’t particularly looking. But impressive.
You point to get rid of your frustrations? Does that really work? But whatever healthy solution works for you.
I’m good thanks.Not feeling very angsty at all, actualy. You’re very hyper and passionate, I see.
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You’re the kid with the abs, right? I have to say, I’m pretty miffed to get your approval. It’s like you joined Tumblr with the one sole purpose to make me feel good today. Not like I wasn’t feeling good regardless, because I am ridiculously handsome and have just embarked upon dating a wonderful model woman who is also extremely attractive. My point being: thank you. Get it? Point? Haaaaaa.
And yes, my friend, I do. Don’t you? Oh no, see, you gotta try it. It’s like my new take on meditation; it could solve everything wrong in your life ever. All you gotta do is point. 
Nah, you don’t seem like the type of kid to be all angsty and wound up in your panties. I guess I am of the hyper and passionate variety—but I think it’s swell to be optimistic in a world full of Angsty Annes, don’t you? 
ANYWAY. Obviously you know me because I’m Cooper Anderson and I’m famous (or maybe you’ve seen me as Steve Motorcycle), but who are you, friend? Talk to me. 
You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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You’re all, like, SO TOTALLY DEPRESSING.
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Teenagers are the worst. And also I’m shirtless for no reason, but you can tell by the look on my face that I am both parts condescending and also amused by your teenage antics. Eyes up here, please. Or not. I don’t own you.
You know what I do to vent my frustrations?
I point.
And that’s what we’ll be going over in Shania rehearsals. I hear Rachel Apple got the leading part, Shania Twain. Congratulations to her. I bet she isn’t being an Angsty Anne this morning like the rest of you. 
(Is it a gay thing?) ((I played a gay once.))
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↳ instagram: @minicooperanderson uploaded a photo
Aren’t me and @francesca-renee a superbly smokin’ hot couple? Seriously. I think we’re gonna go down in the books as THE Hottest. With a capitalised H. We should have babies, like, as soon as possible. But parenthood is a trial and tribulationly Sleep Depriving thing, so I’m not sure just when. I mean, I’m not ready to have bags under my eyes. But if we do, it’ll be a great day for everyone. I think it’d only be right to have our shared genetics in the world, because we’re both really hot. 
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There is.
Why is there a small horse grazing on the quad outside my dorm room?
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He’s your present.
And he’s a pony.
Go pet him.
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Blaine, my dear, darling little brother,
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I… um. I guess I didn’t take Blaine for a horse person? Who knew equestrian was still alive and well these days?
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Who isn’t a horse person? But I must correct you: he’s a pony. Not a horse. Common mistake; don’t feel too bad about it.
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Blaine, my dear, darling little brother,
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Oh good god.
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Blaine, my dear, darling little brother,
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Blaine, my dear, darling little brother,
for you I got a pony.
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Look outside. His name is Cliff. But I guess he’s young enough that you can, like, rename him whatever you want to. Whatever. I like Cliff. 
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FRANNIE: Perfect! Can't wait.
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FRANNIE: I like a man with passion. I'd love to get to know you more - after all, any friend of Quinnie is a friend of mine. I'll meet you there - I'll be the pretty blonde one, and you can be the one who picks up the tab. ;)
COOPER: If that's the case, Miss, you'll LOVE me. And of course. Sounds like a good role. I shall meet you there.
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