minishawmd · 4 years
Top 3 favorite colors?
Rose Pink
Pastel Blue
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minishawmd · 4 years
I truly hope you're doing well (I think you're awesome)
Thank you for this. I’m doing as good as you can for someone who works in retail during the holidays. I’m hoping to get back into writing here soon
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minishawmd · 5 years
Marry Me (Chrismd Imagine)
Requested?: No
Warnings?: No
Pairing: Chris and Reader
This is short and I also haven't written anything in almost 2 years. Which I'm sorry for, truly. But I hope to get back into it.
This is inspired by the song "Marry Me" By Thomas Rhett. Also because of the fact that I am going to be getting married soon myself.
Chris's POV
I always dreamed of this day. The day Y/N would be getting married. Though I never dreamed that she would be marrying someone else. It breaks my heart to see this day come.
I always thought I would maybe have a chance someday. Maybe if this guy she was with didn't work out. When I got the invitation in the mail I knew that was it. I was never gonna get my chance with her. I couldn't ever tell her how truly feel about her. She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I always wondered if she could ever possibly feel the same way as I do, but I guess not.
So here I am standing in the back of the space, in my black suit and black tie. Almost dressed like I'm going to a funeral. Which I guess in a way I am. Except the only thing that will die is my love for Y/N.
A small little country wedding, her favorite flowers, magnolias, everywhere. I see her granddaddy up at the front talking to her family. She always wanted him to preach the service. I'm sure the wedding is gonna be small for a reason though. She always hated the idea of making her dad pay for a big expensive wedding.
I have a small flask in my hand doing shots of whiskey out of it every so often, trying to numb the pain. Trying my hardest to not cry so I don't have to tell anyone what is wrong with me. I just hope I can make it through without shedding a tear. Though I know once I see her a few are going to slip out without my control. Just seeing how beautiful she will look, and knowing that she isn't mine.
Her dad comes out and heads directly for me. Telling me that she's panicking and needs me to calm her down. Maybe this is it. Maybe I can tell her how I feel, get it all off of my chest.
When I enter the room she's in, seeing her in her dress, looking as beautiful as ever, I can't do it. I can't ruin this day for her. Instead I take a deep breath and go over and calm her down. Reassuring her that her groom isn't going to go anywhere. That this day will go perfectly.
She smiles, kisses me on the cheek and tells me that she loves me. Though when she tells me she doesn't know what she'd do without her best friend in her life, that's when I knew the love we have for each other is vastly different.
When I return to my chair, everyone has arrived and the ceremony begins. So here I sit in my black suit with my black tie. Hiding in the back, doing a strong shot of whiskey. Blocking out of the pain I'm feeling.
She's always wanted to get married. The worst part is that she doesn't want to marry me.
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minishawmd · 5 years
hi! I adore your work, and was wondering if you could write either an imagine or a preference or even a whole party kinds thing(where maybe all the guys are involved) where the reader worked hard their entire life to get into Harvard and they get their acceptance letter and the guys are super supportive of them. Maybe even some tears. Thanks again, xx
Sorry it took so long to get this out babe but I just wrote it out. I hope it’s what you wanted
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minishawmd · 5 years
Harvard (Group Imagine)
Requested?: Yep, sorry it took so long
Pairing: Josh, Simon, Vik, JJ and reader (friendship)
Warnings?: of course not
Hi! So I go bored the past week or so and tried my hand at writing again. I actually enjoyed writing this and who knows I may be back sooner than thought.
As always feedback is much appreciated. I love you all!!
I should be getting a letter from them any day now. It was supposed to be here two days ago but nothing. It's made my nerves go through the roof.
Im starting to think that I'm not going to get in. I mean it is pretty hard to get into Harvard when you live in the states. So I can only imagine how hard it is to get in when you live across the pond.
Vik, Simon, Josh and even JJ all helped me study so everything they could to make sure I got a good score on my SAT. Vik helped me study for the ACT a little while back, and I aced that. So shouldn't, hopefully, have anything to worry about.
I hear the clicking and the sound of something being dropped onto the floor by the front door. This can only mean one thing, mails here. I do everything but run to the front door to pick up the mail, hoping and praying that the envelope is there.
As I approach the door I see it laying there. At the bottom of the stack a large envelope, more the likely containing my acceptance letter.
I ignore the rest of the mail and go straight for the envelope, quickly running into the kitchen, where everyone is at.
"Guys, I think this is it." I say sitting down and setting the envelope in front of me
"We'll go on open it." Vik says
"I can't," I say pushing it away from myself "I'm to nervous to open it."
"Give it to me, I'll open it." JJ says pulling it towards him
"No, you'll make her even more nervous and make her think she didn't. Let me have it." Simon says
"If anything I should do it. I think it's for the best." Josh says holding his hand out
All four of the boys are now looking at me, waiting to say which one I want to open it. In all honestly JJ would probably try and make my nerves worse. Simon on the other hand would try and make me feel as though I'm not accepted and then laugh about it. So my option is either Josh or Vik.
"Josh, I want you to because you've been there since day one for me. Helping me study and keep on track and focused."
He nods and smiles, taking the envelope in his hands and slowly opening it. I see his eyes scanning over the page. Then I see it. The emotion in his eyes goes from normal to happy, to excited.
"Well?" The other three boys ask in unison
"Well lads, I'm sorry." Josh starts and I see all their faces drop "But looks like we are gonna have to say goodbye to Y/N for a while because their going to Harvard."
That's all it took to have all the boys up out of their chairs and wrap me up in a big hug.
“Our little Y/N is all grown up now.” Simon says while wiping away fake tears
“Oh shut up. I’ll be back to visit you nerds. This is a goodbye forever.” I say backing away from them “Plus it’s not like I’m leaving now. School doesn’t start for another 6 months.”
“Good then I still have my fornite buddy and someone who will play Minecraft with me.” Vik says
“At least I’ll still have someone to help me keep everything I do in order for 6 months.” JJ says
“I’ll have my best friend for another months.” Simon says wrapping his arm around me neck
“And I’ll still at least have my little sibling for a little while longer before they go out into the real world by themselves.” Josh says
I smile and look around the room at all four of these boys. I really am going to miss this when I’m gone, but hey like I said. I’m not going to be home forever. I’ll be back.
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minishawmd · 5 years
So Hi...
Sorry I haven’t been active for a while now. I used to love coming in here and writing all kinds of things, but lately I have lost my motivation to write at all. I also haven’t really watched much of the sidemen or any friends for a while now. Also I’m kinda happy with how my life is going without being online all the time. I’ve got a boyfriend now, I’m starting school soon and I’ve been traveling a lot.
I hope you all are doing well, and who knows, maybe one day I will come back. Even if it’s for a short while
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minishawmd · 6 years
This is the first time James ever saw your tumblr name and he looked at it smiled and said “huh minishawmd... I love it”
Awh, Jimmy. I love him. Please tell him that. Also that if I get to come up there next year that I want to spend more time with him and you both
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minishawmd · 6 years
It’s been a while ~🐳
Wow, it really has Hello 👋🏻
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minishawmd · 6 years
MY LOVE IS BACK. This post made my entire day I love you sososo much Han ❤️🥰
Back is an overstatement. I’m still in major writers block. But I love you too Soph 💜💜
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minishawmd · 6 years
Hey I was wondering would you be able to request for Lachlan and the reader who are both together and they Australian youtubers n the boys and him thinks its cute that she knows how to play fortnite with the boys but sometimes they gang up on her cos she good n Lachlan gets little protective of her it’s all cute n fluff and they wearing each other merch too thank you. 💕💕
Hey Love, I’ve just written this 💜 hope you like it
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minishawmd · 6 years
Fortnite (Lachlan Imagine)
Requested: Yes
Warnings?: No
Pairing: Lachlan and Reader
Yes I’m aware that this sucks. It’s the first thing I’ve written in like 2-3 months. But please any comments or anything will help me want to write more. It gives me motivation
I love writing but I have no motivation for it right now, so messages in my inbox make my day. They give my motivation and make me happy.
A girl playing Fornite isn't something you see everyday. Especially within my friend group. To be honest the only reason I got into playing it is because of my boyfriend Lachlan.
The two of us met through Youtube and Twitch both. I used to be strictly a twitch streamer until after we started dating. Shortly after I met all of his friends as well.
You see it all started when he was filming a video about donating to twitch streamers if they killed him. I was beyond surprised when he did because that was genuinely my first time ever playing it. Hey I won't complain though. It helped me find my love
Today he, Elliot, Lannan (lazarbeam) and I are all recording/streaming the game. Now this wouldn't be a normal session with these three without me getting picked on. At this point I'm pretty used to it, but I pretend to let it get to me because Lachlan gets a little protective over me and gets a little ad at the others.
"Oh come Y/N, you could have gotten that kill so easily." Elliot tells me as I'm killed "I thought that's why we play with you, because you can carry us."
"Nah we only play with her because she's Lachlan's girlfriend." Lannan says.
"Oi, guys come on, leave her alone." Lachlan pipes in
"Awh, little Lachy to the rescue." Elliot chimes in
"Can you all just hurry up this game so we can get on to the next. Im getting bored over here." I chime in to shut them all up
After saying that within the next five minutes they are all downed and out. Finally able to start a new game, which I couldn't be happier about.
"Hold on guys, before we start the next one, let me grab something." I say reaching over and grabbing the closest hoodie to me, which just happens to be one of Lachlan's. "It's gotten a bit chilly in my room had to grab something."
"How much do you want to bet that its Lachlan's merch that she out on." Elliot says, but I can also hear the laugh that he is trying to hold back
"I'd bet my entire bank account on it, they both wear each other's merch so much." Says Lannan
“We’re just being supportive of each other, you all wouldn’t understand that.”
“Lachlan, it’s fine. They can pick on me all they want, at least I’m good at this game” I say looking directly at my camera “I mean I pretty much carry them every game.”
“You do not carry us every game.” Elliot says
“Just admit defeat Elliot, you know that Y/N does carry us a lot.” Lachlan’s chimes in
“I will not, I will not give her that satisfaction.” He says
“I’ll admit defeat.” Lannan pipes up
“Elliot?” I ask
“Fine you win.” Elliot says
“And?” I edge on
“And you carry us on Fortnite.” He sighs
I smile and do a little dance in my seat. My entire stream comments on how I have these boys wrapped around my fingers.
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minishawmd · 6 years
Hey, I just wanted to drop by and say that you're a great writer, and it's okay if you don't post for a while. You and your health are more important than our fantasies about random British guys. Stay healthy! xoxoxo
This has been in my inbox for some time now. I kept it there because it gave me something to smile about when I saw it. It also gave me a little motivation every time I looked at it. It made me think about how maybe some of you actually care about me. Even though I never get an interactions from you guys. (I would absolutely love if you all did it though) I think the effects of this has worn off though, because I’ve been looking at it for the past few days, reading it over and over again trying to get a little motivation but nothing is coming through this time. To whoever wrote this in the first place thank you for all the motivation it gave me. I’m very grateful for it. I hope to get something like this again to help with my motivation to write. Because it truly helps me keep going
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minishawmd · 6 years
Miles Between Us - Lachlan Imagine - Part Two
Please read part one over on @minishawmd blog! I’m so happy we decided to get together and write again hannah, this really makes me want to write more. I love you.
Title: Miles Between Us
Pairing: Lachlan x Reader
Requested(?): yes sort of
Warnings: none
Keep reading
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minishawmd · 6 years
I pressed sent on a Lachlan request without finishing it 🤦🏼‍♀️ But can you please do a Lachlan smut when the sidemen and The Pack meet up in Australia and Joshs sister (the reader) tags along with Freya. She is meant to be off limits to all the guys but Lachlan doesn’t listen and one day they are playing Fortnite or something and end up ‘doing it’ Please do this. I love your writing and know you’d do an amazing job 💋💋
Sorry it took forever to get this posted. I had to wait on the second part to be written before I could post it. But I’ve posted it now babes 💜
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minishawmd · 6 years
Miles Between Us (Lachlan) Part One
Requested?: Yes
Warnings?: Smut
Pairing: Lachlan and Reader
I haven’t written about Lachlan in so long, and writing this genuinely had so much fun writing this.
This is also a kinda collab piece with @wroetominter. Absolutely adore working with you Montana.
Being the younger sister of a Youtuber can have its perks. Like when your brother decides to go on a holiday with his girl friend, his friends and their girlfriends, he decide to bring you along just so no one will be outnumbered.
This time their all going to Australia, to see their friend Lachlan. Who I've never met, but from the pictures I've seen of him, he's very attractive. Although I already know how Josh is gonna be.
He's going to go into overprotective, older brother mode. Meaning that I won't be allowed in the same room with any guy without him. It gets really annoying sometimes, but I know he's just looking out for me.
I already knew it was going to be hot, but getting off the plane, I didn't expect it to be this warm. It probably doesn't help that I'm wearing a hoodie, but hey in my defense I freeze every time I get onto a plane.
Now, even though I have seen Lachlan in pictures and in his videos, that doesn't necessarily mean I will be able to pick him out of a crowd.
Although when Vik is the first to go up and 'bro hug' this y'all blonde in the airport, I'm almost positive that it's Lachlan.  The boy matches the description of him that I have in my head.
It was only as he started getting closer to me, I realized how cute he actually is. I'm a complete sucker for blonde hair and blue eyes. Both of which he has, so I'm already hooked.
"Hi, you must be Y/N, Josh's sister." Lachlan says as he steps in front of me.
I nod my head "Yep, thats me, and you must be Lachlan."
"The one and only." He says, as he goes to hug me
Unfortunately Josh steps in before he can.
"Lachlan, one rule. The guys already know this, but my sister." He says, looking at me and then back at Lachlan "My sister is off limits."
Lachlan raises his arms up, backing away from me "Wouldn't dream of it."
A few hours later, rest of the crew came over with myself have already went to bed. Exhausted from the travels, but I on the other hand am wide awake. I blame the fact that I slept the entire plane ride over.
Though being awake while Josh is not, does give me a little time to hang out with Lachlan. Just the two of us.
It's actually kinda fun. I mean sure we are just playing fornite, but it's still fun.
I'm kinda playing dumb a little bit, just because he's being really cute trying to explain it all to me. Telling me what guys are better than others, where to go and where not to go. At one point he even placed his hands on top of mine, directly pointing me into the right direction.
This is was nice. I finally had a moment alone with a guy, and my brother wasn't hovering over me.He was definitely flirting with me and I was most definitely flirting back.
When I finally got my 'first' victory, I jumped up and hugged him immediately. Trying to not over play it to much, but this was genuinely my first ever win on solo. Not telling him that I've won with teams and squads before though. So he thinks it's my first ever, which I'm okay with him thinking.
What really switched the mood was when we both turned our heads at the same time and our lips touched.  
Lachlan then glanced at my eyes, down to my lips and the back to my eyes, before finally leaning in and pressing his against mine. The kiss soon became a little bit heated, and he eventually pulled me over into his lap, with my legs straddling his waist.
He finally stands up, my legs immediately wrapping around his waist and his hands going under my bum, supporting me. Walking over to his bed, he gently lays me down. Our lips never disconnecting as he climbs on top of me.
He gently places his hand on my side, underneath of the shirt that I am wearing, and I can already tell where this is headed. To be honest, I'm not mad or anything. I'm totally up for this.
Pulling away from the kiss, he looks straight into my eyes, asking,
"Do you want this?"
I nod my head
"No, I need verbal consent before this goes any further."
"Lachlan, yes I want this. More than anything."
That's all it took before he was pulling the both of our shirts over our heads and throwing them somewhere on the floor. Connecting our lips again, his right hand, starts to make its way south. Stopping just at the band of my leggings I had on. Teasing me ever so slightly, he runs his finer along it.
It wasn't until I let out a small groan of frustration that he finally slipped his hand past the band. Placing his finger directly on top of my clit, through my panties. Causing a small noise to transfer my mouth into his.
Pulling his lips away from mine again, he mumbles "Now, you'll have to stay quiet. Don't want you brother hearing anything do we?" All while rubbing his fingers in small circles
"I'd really rather not think of my brother right now." I mumble out
"As you wish." He says removing his hand "But we should be quick, I'm supposed to stay away from you."
With those words, the rest of our clothing was thrown off.
'Wait, condom."
He nods and reached over into his bedside drawer pulling one out. Unwrapping it, he rolls it onto himself. Laying himself down on top of me, supported by his arms. He leans down and gives me a small kiss.
I nod my head "Yes."
With that he begins to push himself in, continuing until he is fully inside. Stilling himself, letting me adjust. I must admit he is much larger than any other guy I have been with.
Once I finally give him the okay to move, he begins to slowly move his hips. Slowly pulling out and then pushing back in. Setting a slow rhythm. I'm biting my bottom lip, trying to not let any moans that are to loud slip past them.
"I thought you said we had to be quick?" I struggle to get out.
"Just making sure you're okay first."
"Just, please. I need more."
"You're wish is my command."
With that Lachlan begins to move his hips faster. Getting to a pace, where he is almost completely snapping his hips into mine.
At this point I'm more than positive I'm drawing blood by how hard I'm biting my lip. His head is buried into my neck, letting out small grunts, trying himself not to be to loud.
"God, please tell me you are close." He asks with a small strain to his voice.
I nod my head, unable to form a coherent sentence, that and not being able to trust my own voice.
He then lifts his head up, connecting our lips in a heated kiss. The both of us swallowing each others moans.
Soon enough the both of us are laying side by side, completely out of breath. My eyes begin to feel heavy, from everything that has happened today. The last thing I remember is Lachlan pulling me into his side and kissing my forehead.
The next morning the two of us are awoken by a knock on the door and my brothers voice.
"Lachlan, have you seen my sister? She isn't in her room and she left her phone in there so I cant get ahold of her."
The both of our eyes go wide, when we realize the situation we are in. As I quickly get up and scramble to get my clothes on, Lachlan replies
"No, I haven't but I'm sure shell turn up soon. Couldn't have gone far, she doesn't know this place that well."
"Okay, well let me know if she turns up. Freya and I are going to head into town."
Without waiting for a response I can hear his footsteps walking away. This causes me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"You're a brother is going to kill me when he finds out."
"You mean if he finds out. We're not telling anyone anything."
"So you don't even want to try anything else?"
"Lachlan, we are from two different sides of the world. A relationship would never work. No matter what kind."
"So you want to forget about anything that happened last night?"
"No, not at all. I never do." I pause "How about this, if somehow the world closes the distance between us, we can give it a try."
"Who knows if that's gonna ever gonna happen."
"If we are meant to be then it will."
"Then a secret relationship while you're here?"
I nod "No labels. I don't want to be attached to you when I leave here."
He nods and brings me into a hug.
I knew that leaving this place in a few weeks would be hard, but I had a feeling that the world would bring us together. Somehow, someway. I just knew it.
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minishawmd · 6 years
Saying this here and saying this now
I’m currently having a major problem with writers block. So if you have sent a request in, I’m trying to get to it. I’m just struggling to write anything.
Also I have a lot going on in my life right now. Emotionally and physically. So I don’t always have the time to sit down and write.
So please if you have requested something know that I will eventually get to it.
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minishawmd · 6 years
hey! Could you please do a Simon imagine? Thank you!!
I’ve written one babe :) hope you enjoy it 💜💜
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