#minishawmd imagine
minishawmd · 5 years
Harvard (Group Imagine)
Requested?: Yep, sorry it took so long
Pairing: Josh, Simon, Vik, JJ and reader (friendship)
Warnings?: of course not
Hi! So I go bored the past week or so and tried my hand at writing again. I actually enjoyed writing this and who knows I may be back sooner than thought.
As always feedback is much appreciated. I love you all!!
I should be getting a letter from them any day now. It was supposed to be here two days ago but nothing. It's made my nerves go through the roof.
Im starting to think that I'm not going to get in. I mean it is pretty hard to get into Harvard when you live in the states. So I can only imagine how hard it is to get in when you live across the pond.
Vik, Simon, Josh and even JJ all helped me study so everything they could to make sure I got a good score on my SAT. Vik helped me study for the ACT a little while back, and I aced that. So shouldn't, hopefully, have anything to worry about.
I hear the clicking and the sound of something being dropped onto the floor by the front door. This can only mean one thing, mails here. I do everything but run to the front door to pick up the mail, hoping and praying that the envelope is there.
As I approach the door I see it laying there. At the bottom of the stack a large envelope, more the likely containing my acceptance letter.
I ignore the rest of the mail and go straight for the envelope, quickly running into the kitchen, where everyone is at.
"Guys, I think this is it." I say sitting down and setting the envelope in front of me
"We'll go on open it." Vik says
"I can't," I say pushing it away from myself "I'm to nervous to open it."
"Give it to me, I'll open it." JJ says pulling it towards him
"No, you'll make her even more nervous and make her think she didn't. Let me have it." Simon says
"If anything I should do it. I think it's for the best." Josh says holding his hand out
All four of the boys are now looking at me, waiting to say which one I want to open it. In all honestly JJ would probably try and make my nerves worse. Simon on the other hand would try and make me feel as though I'm not accepted and then laugh about it. So my option is either Josh or Vik.
"Josh, I want you to because you've been there since day one for me. Helping me study and keep on track and focused."
He nods and smiles, taking the envelope in his hands and slowly opening it. I see his eyes scanning over the page. Then I see it. The emotion in his eyes goes from normal to happy, to excited.
"Well?" The other three boys ask in unison
"Well lads, I'm sorry." Josh starts and I see all their faces drop "But looks like we are gonna have to say goodbye to Y/N for a while because their going to Harvard."
That's all it took to have all the boys up out of their chairs and wrap me up in a big hug.
“Our little Y/N is all grown up now.” Simon says while wiping away fake tears
“Oh shut up. I’ll be back to visit you nerds. This is a goodbye forever.” I say backing away from them “Plus it’s not like I’m leaving now. School doesn’t start for another 6 months.”
“Good then I still have my fornite buddy and someone who will play Minecraft with me.” Vik says
“At least I’ll still have someone to help me keep everything I do in order for 6 months.” JJ says
“I’ll have my best friend for another months.” Simon says wrapping his arm around me neck
“And I’ll still at least have my little sibling for a little while longer before they go out into the real world by themselves.” Josh says
I smile and look around the room at all four of these boys. I really am going to miss this when I’m gone, but hey like I said. I’m not going to be home forever. I’ll be back.
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wroetominter · 6 years
Miles Between Us - Lachlan Imagine - Part Two
Please read part one over on @minishawmd blog! I’m so happy we decided to get together and write again hannah, this really makes me want to write more. I love you.
Title: Miles Between Us
Pairing: Lachlan x Reader
Requested(?): yes sort of
Warnings: none
     We were in the earlier hours of the morning, the sun just starting to warm up the chilly air and beam down on us as we walked up and down the pitch. Today was the day of the third and final Sidemen Charity Match. People were flying in from all over the world to participate and to watch.
     I had just come back from my trip to Mykonos with a few friends so I hadn't been much help in the final process of setting everything up until today.
     "Hey Y/n! Can you come test out this ball quick?" Calfreezy teased me as he pushed it in my direction. I ran up and kicked it, soaring it a good twenty yards into the back of the net. "Now remind me again why you're not playing?" He asked throwing a lazy arm around me.
     "Regulation for official matches says no males and females playing together. Otherwise I'd take that captainship from Chris." He laughed and we walked back to the large group of people.
     After sneaking my way through the group I found Freya hanging around my brother Josh - as expected. "Is everyone here yet?" I asked him.
     "No not yet, the other bus is slightly behind schedule because of the traffic. It's no big deal though we have plenty of time." I nodded and decided to go grab a bite to eat while I waited.
     I saw a bus pulling up as I finished the granola bar I had in my hand and from the bus emerged a group of about five or six boys. I had to do a double take as I saw a very familiar tall blond peak his head out and walk into the building.
     "Lachlan Power as I live and breathe." I said stepping closer to him. His eyes went wide and he dropped his duffle quickly, wrapping me in his arms and swaying us side to side.
     "I've missed you love." He whispered.
     "I've missed you more." I replied.
     The amount of joy I felt seeing him again only heightened the feelings I had before leaving Australia. I didn't want to leave him like that considering all we had been through in only a short few weeks. I felt like there could have been something real between us.
     I vaguely recalled something I had told him before I left 'if the universe wants us to be together it'll make it so'. Now here we were. The gap between us closed and a million opportunities ahead.
    "Frey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I pulled her aside and confided in her about my feelings towards Lachlan. Telling her about our Australia adventures - sparing the horny details for her sake - and explaining how I wanted to try something.
     "Are you worried about Josh? Don't be! If you're happy he's happy. I'm sure he'll act all tough for Lachlan but if you really want this he's not going to stop you."
     "Thank you Freya, you've helped to ease my mind."
     "Anytime girly. Now let's go watch this match!"
          We sat down in the rough area of the subs and chatted with people as they came off and entered the game. It was quite intense, but it looked like another sidemen win to me.
     After the match had ended we were all pumped with a sidemen win, even the Allstars seemed to be good sports about it. I spotted Lachlan through the group of people and I decided to take a risk.
     I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing my lips on his and kissing him as if nobody was there. He responded immediately and kissed me back with equal force.
     "Wooooooo!" I heard others cat calling and screaming in our direction and the fans were in an uproar.
     "Looks like faith wants us together eh?" He said smugly.
     "It would appear so." I smiled and he held me in his arms while others questioned exactly what happened, demanding answers.
     "We sort of developed feelings for each other while I was in Australia. We knew we couldn't make distance like that work so I told him if we were to meet again we could give it a try." All of the girls aw'ed and the boys congratulated Lachlan - even josh.
     "I'm happy for you two. But Lachlan, if you ever hurt her we'll kill you." He motioned to the group of guys around him and they all nodded.
    "Noted." Lachlan said shortly. I laughed and kissed his cheek.
     At the after party people were already piss drunk. It was only the first hour but many didn't waste time in celebrating. I was dancing with the girls when my arm was grabbed and I was spun around. I was met by Lachlan's pretty blue eyes and captivating smile. His hair was gelled up nicely and his fitting white shirt made me go crazy.
     "Do you want to get out of here?" He asked. I felt myself melting into his words and I agreed. We went back to his hotel room and I immediately took off my heels, kicking them to the side.
     "Don't think it too forward of me, but god I want to rip off your dress." He said grabbing my hips and looking down at me, his bottom lip slightly between his teeth.
     "I'm all yours." And with that, the nights fun really began.
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side-angel · 7 years
hello !! do you know any good sidemen writers or imagines ? if so would you mind tagging them? thank you xx
i do in fact know a WHOLE BUNCH of sidemen writers. here’s a list of people that i really love as well as links to (some )of my fav imagine(s) by them!
@sydneyxix  {masterlist} ~ The Pity Party | The Charity Match | The State of You and I
@wroetominter {masterlist} ~ Sunday Morning | LA Girl** | Pluviophile
@inter-somniac {sidemen imagines tag} ~ everything
@minishawmd {masterlist} ~ Not Fair | Promise
@calcumshot {sidemen imagines tag} ~ i couldn’t pick if i tried
@whateverbabeslove {masterlist} ~ Musically | Holiday**
@redmxnn {masterlist} ~ ugh everything
ALSO i have a tag that is a bunch of my recommended reads :)
there’s a lot more amazing writers in the fandom and this is just my list right now. honestly the way i discover new writer is through the sidemen imagines tag but i hope you love these peeps as much as i dooo
~k xx
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wroetostyles · 7 years
Favourite Imagines Written By Other People
Masterlist of some of my favourite imagines on this website :)
Callum Airey || Calfreezy
 Blueminter | I Choose You
Calcumshot | It’s Just A Prank Bro!
Calcumshot | Party Animal, Meet Depression
Calcumshot | Uncovered
Fandom-Imagines | Boyfriend vs Best Friend
Callum McGinley || Callux
Imaginejsugg | Friendly Return
Chris Dixon || ChrisMD
Chrismdthings | I Guess It’s Alright
Chrismdthings | Sweet Creature
Chrismdthings | Both Sides Of The Love Story
Chrismdthings | Me & You
Chrismdthings | A Lifetime Of Laughter
Chrismdthings | The End Of All Things
Side-angel | Ever After
Buttercreammaynard | Summer Paradise
Whateverbabeslove | Deep
Wroetominter | One Last Dance
Harry Lewis (Wroetoshaw)
Nerissa98 | Memories
Simplysdmn | Forever
Jack Maynard
Maynardmandem | Home For The Holidays
Suggxmaynard | Parents Know Best
Joe Sugg (ThatcherJoe)
Buttercream-imagines | Hello
Buttercream-imagines | Dodie Series
Jackmaynard23 | #24hourjoe
Rambling-stranger | Joe Sugg/ThatcherJoe Imagine
Writting-sugg | A Million Reasons Why
Writting-sugg | Two Years
Littlepuddingsugg | Manhattan Dreams
Lachlan Power
Buttercreammaynard | Exposed
Lewis Redman
Redmxnter | The Happiest New Year
Luke Hemmings
Tabbycatattack | Death Don’t Let Us Part
Side-angel | Scares (Simon Minter/Calfreezy/Chris Dixon)
Sydneyxix | The Charity Match (Calfreezy/Simon Minter) 
Calcumshot | You’re Toxic (KSI/TBJZL) 
Simon Minter (Miniminter)
Blueminter | Pout
Minishawmd | Not Fair
Redmxnter | The Jealousy Game Part 1
Redmxnter | The Jealousy Game Part 2
Side-angel | Take A Break
Sydneyxix | The Pity Party
Buttercreammaynard | Game Day
Calcumshot | Requested
Calcumshot | His Insecurities
Calcumshot | I Love You And That’s A Wrap
Calcumshot | Cuddle Partner
Calcumshot | Friends
Calcumshot | Always You
Imaginejsugg | Walking In A...
Imaginejsugg | Staying In Paris
Lovvelyxdreamer | Baby Blue Eyes
Raekenxtalbot | Flash
Whateverbabeslove | Is There A Reason You’re Naked In My Bed
Whitegirlminter | Honeymoon
Wroetominter | Saved
Wroetominter | Barcelona
Wroetominter | Cold
Tobi Lerone (TBJZL)
Sydneyxix | Nobody Else But Me
Will Lenney || WillNE
Redmxnter | I Just Need A Hug 
Redmxnter | Stop Tickling Me
Buttercreammaynard | Family Weekend
Buttercreammaynard | First Impressions
Wroetominter | Oblivion
Wroetominter | Photograph
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minishawmd · 7 years
Gone (Chrismd)
Requested: Yes, thank you <3 Warnings: Just he ready for tears Pairing: Chris and reader.
These kind of imagines are probably my favorite thing to write. I just love the emotion behind them.
Chris POV
I should have never went out with them. I knew that something like this could happen.
It’s my mistake and now I have to live with it. I just hope that she can understand and forgive me since I was drunk.
I know that I have to just have to tell her, but it’s gonna break her heart.
I knew better than to make a bet with Cal, Simon and Will. Especially one that could put my relationship with Y/N on the line.
I’m so fucking stupid.
Okay, she’s coming home in two hours.
I have two hours to think of how I’m going to tell her.
‘Y/N, I cheated on you last night.’
No god that’s to straight forward
Maybe 'So, uh last night when you were out at your friends I went out with the guys, and I ended up kinda cheating on you.’
No that sounds even worse.
Okay, I’m gonna go and buy her all her favorite things.
And hour later I’m finally back at the flat with everything.
I’ve got two bouquets of daisies, dark chocolate with caramel, fuzzy socks, her favorite movie and even some kettle corn.
I’m hoping that me getting together a lot of her favorite things will help, at least a little. I already know that she is gonna know something is up when she walks in and see all of this. I’m just hoping that she doesn’t completely blow up on me. That she will understand I was drunk and that didn’t know what I was doing.
Alright lie, I knew what I was doing. But I let my lower head take over my upper one. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I still did it.
She’s gonna think that I don’t love her, or that she’s not good enough for me.
None of that is true though. I love her more than words can describe. Y/N is my everything. I wouldn’t be who I am today without her. I couldn’t imagine a life without her.
Just as soon as I get everything set up and in place, I hear the front door open and close.
As she turns the corner she almost jumps out of her skin when she sees me.
I smile softly and motion her over.
“What is all this about Chris?” She asks sitting down on the couch beside me
“What a guy can’t spoil his girlfriend every now and then?”
“I mean yeah you can, but why tonight? You normally do it on weekends.”
“Felt like doing something a little different, so you wouldn’t expect it.”
She just shrugs and goes along with it. Pulling her feet up on the couch and leaning into me.
I want to savor these last moments with her, where she’s not completely pissed off at me.
So I grab the bowl of popcorn and press play on the movie.
About halfway though the movie I pause it.
“Chris, why did you pause it? It was just getting to the good part.”
“Because I can’t sit here and act like nothing is wrong.”
“What are you talking about?”
I take in a deep breath, alright he we go.
“Y/N, last night when you were at your parents house, I went of with some of the guys.”
“Chris, please don’t tell me this is going where I think it is.”
“We made a bet to see who could get this girls number first and I won. But that’s not what I want to tell you.”
She nods, as of telling me to continue
“I ended up calling her later on and I cheated on you. Woke up in her bed this morning.”
She sits up and moves slightly away from me.
“I swear to god I was drunk though. That I didn’t know what I was doing. You know I would never intentionally do something like that to you.”
“I know,” she shrugs “which is why I’m gonna forgive you.”
“You forgive me?”
“Like you said you were drunk and you probably weren’t thinking straight.”
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Relieved that she forgave me.
“So how about you go out and get some pizza, and everything to make sundaes. I will stay here and make us a blanket fort and we can stay in there all night and just watch movies.”
“Sounds like a plan love.” I say kissing her cheek.
I then grab my keys and wallet heading out the door.
I still couldn’t believe that she forgave me that quickly. I wanted to question it, but I’m scared she will take it back. So I just left it.
Finally after finding everything that was needed to make sundaes, I quickly run in and pick up a pizza. One that I know she will like.
A Hawaiian one. Pineapple and all. (A/N: fight me on it.)
Upon coming back home I realize that her car is no longer in it’s usual spot. Maybe she just forgot where to park again. Wouldn’t be the first time.
When I enter the flat, it seems oddly quiet.
Maybe she just fell asleep. I mean she did have quite the drive back from her parents today.
When I set my keys down on the table, I notice hers are gone.
That sends me into a panic.
She’s left.
She didn’t forgive me at all.
She just wanted to get me out of the house so she could leave without telling me.
I run into our bedroom room and open the closet.
All of her clothes are gone. Shoes, bags.
When I enter the kitchen, to put away the stuff I bought, I notice a note on the counter.
I love you, so much. I’m guessing you didn’t feel the same way. Otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did. So I left. Took everything that was mine. Don’t try and find me. I don’t want you to. Stay there. Maybe call that girl again. Seems like she can get more attention than me.      Love, Y/N.
I hadn’t even noticed I was crying until a drop fell on the paper in front of me.
Not the first tears on it though. There were dried ones there too.
I hate the picture in my head of Y/N writing this note and crying. Breaks my heart even more.
I’m so stupid for cheating on her. Now I’ve lost the girl I wanted to marry.
Just days before I was going to propose to her.
I’ve lost her forever.
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minishawmd · 7 years
Water Bottle(WillNE
Requested?: Kinda Warnings: None Pairing: Will and Reader Yes I now take requests for Will. As I am in love with him. Also this is a bit shit, I'm trying to get back into writing so allow it. ______________________________ Y/N POV Upload this year went fairly well. The sidemen boys honestly made it a bigger hit than last year. I think having that second floor made all the difference. Everything was going smoothly, no drama or anything. Until the press conference between KSI and Joe Weller. That's where things took a turn. On the way out there was so much commotion. People yelling and talking over each other. It was all a bit mad. Everyone was just trying to get out. Trying to get away from all of the tension that was built up, or maybe even trying to stick around and see what will happen. Nonetheless Will and I were standing around with a bunch of our friends, trying to let some of the people clear out, before we started to make our way out. That was when a water bottle came flying across the room. I'm sure it was meant for Joe, considering that JJ himself threw it. But instead it ended up hitting me. I was going to go over there and give JJ a piece of my mind. Telling him how he shouldn't throw things. As I start over there I feel two arms wrap around my entire frame. I immediately know that it is Will. He holds me against him, knowing that if he lets go things will not be pretty. "Let me go Will." I say trying to push him off He doesn't say a word, he just pulls me in tighter. "Will Lenney. Let.Me.Go." I say through my teeth "No can do." He says, practically dragging me away from the scene Pulling me into a smaller, more quiet room. Anyway from everyone. Sitting me down, he sits in front of me. He still has a hold on my hands, keeping me from getting up. "Y/N, you need to calm down." He says softly "Will, I just got hit by a water bottle, and you expect me to be calm?" I almost yell "Seriously calm down. It's okay." I give him a glare, and let out a loud sigh. "I still want to go off on him for throwing that. Even if it wasn't meant to hit me." "Y/N, you can't just go up there too him. I don't want you getting anymore hurt than you already are." "More hurt than I already am. Will what are you on about?" "That bottle hit your face didn't it?" I nod my head "Yeah, but it didn't really hurt all that bad." "Y/N, you've got a black eye already forming." He says, bringing a hand up and removing the hat that I had on. He then brings his hand to my face, and gently rubs his thumb underneath of my eye. That's when I felt the initial pain. I grimace just a little bit, but not much. "See, it's hurting already. We should go and get you some ice or something. I push his hand away "Will, I'm fine. It's nothing that I can't handle." "I still hate the fact that you got hurt." "If you hate it so much, why don't you let me just go and yell at him." I say standing up "Because you can't just go off yelling at people."
"Will, I can if they did something stupid." I say throwing my arms up "And especially when I get hurt. I want to let JJ know what he did was stupid and what could have.." I'm cut off by a pair of lips. Not just any lips though, the lips of my boyfriend, Will. He defiantly knows how to get my to shut up. He's does this a lot, especially since he found out it stops my rambling. He gently pulls away from the short kiss, softly saying "Better now?" I nod "Better." He smiles "Good. Now can we please go get something to put on your eye. It just looks horrendous." I roll my eyes "Yes, we can go get something to put on my 'horrendous' looking eye." I say putting air quotes around the word horrendous. Will takes my hand in his, leading me towards what I'm guessing is the first aid. He sits me down in another chair while walking over to where they keep ice, grabbing a bag and filling it up. "You know that I would be fine without the ice right?" I ask him as he places the freezing bag underneath of my eye "We are just helping the swelling." He says quietly "Or are you doing this so people don't think you did this?" "I would never." He says, looking directly into my eyes "I could never hurt my princess." "Aside from picking on her." "You know that I'm joking about that stuff." "Are you though?" "Yes Y/N. I'm joking about it. You know that I love you too much for that to be real." I smile "I love you too." He sets down the bag of ice, leaning in and connecting our lips. I never get tired of kissing him, each time feels like the first. I still get the butterflies in my stomach, and that tingling feeling in my lips. The kiss is shortly ending though by Gee running into the room. "Y/N! I heard you got hit by that bottle. I wanted to make sure you were okay." She says awkwardly, knowing what she just walked in on. "I'm fine Gee. I've got this idiot to take care of me." "You might get worse then." She jokes "Hey, I'm not that bad." Will says "Will we both know something could happened that you get both Y/N and yourself hurt." "He promised not to hurt me, or let me get hurt anymore. But we will see." I say, softly laughing "Well good luck with that," She says now turning to walk out the door "I'll see you two at home." Once she leaves Will turns back towards me "You know I would never hurt you on purpose." "I know. We just like to pick on you. Considering that you pick on other people." He rolls his eyes "Let's just go home. Its been a long day." With that he takes my hand in his again, leading me out the door. Now on our way home. Where he will probably put me in a buble so I don't get hurt anymore.
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minishawmd · 7 years
Leaving (WillNE)
Requested?: No Warnings?: None Pairing: Will and Reader Sorry I haven't had any imagine out in a little while. I just have had no motivation to post or write anything. So please go easy on me if this sucks. I'm still not feeling my best. ______________________________________________________________ Y/N POV My relationship with Will was great in the beginning. It seemed like the perfect relationship. We were both so in love. Practically attached at the hip. Hardly ever saw one of us doing something without the other. That was until lately though. Lately it feels like he doesn't want me around. Like he doesn't even care that I exist anymore. I've made a decision, one that I know will not be easy. But I know that I will be for the best. Ive been home all day by myself. This is probably why I have made this decision honestly. I would probably have second thoughts if he was home, but with him being gone it makes this a little bit easier. Over the course of the past few hours I have been slowly packing my things up. The only thing that I'm not touching is the pictures of us two. I don't want those. They remind me too much of when we were happy. When we were perfect. My goal is to have everything packed and myself gone before he gets home. But we will see if that happens. As I'm packing up what's left of my stuff, I come across a picture I had stuffed down in one of my drawers. This particular picture brings a smile to my face. Almost causing me to want to bring it. It's a picture from our first date. One that Will didn't know that I took, so I kept it a secret. I remember this day so perfectly. The both of us were so nervous. We had only met maybe three times prior to this date. Courtesy of Chip and Gee. Will said that he just felt a connection between us so that's why he asked me out. He just didn't know what I was into so he took me to a small café on the outside of London. He actually ended up spilling his drink on me, and he felt so bad about it. He kept mumbling to himself how he ruined the date. It was kinda cute. I couldn't take this picture with me. It would hurt me too much every time I saw it. So I set it aside and begin to pack the clothes instead. All that I have left to pack now, it what is left in the closet. It wasn't until not that I realized how much I really had. Will barely had any room for any of his stuff. I wonder why he didn't say anything. It doesn't matter now though. As I am moving the last bit of clothing out of the closest. I notice something fall to the floor. Not just anything though. A small black box. Which I'm hoping it's not what I'm thinking it is. I bend down and pick it up, afraid to open it. Mainly because I don't want to know. If I know then I may not leave. I may just stay and I just can't do that. When I set the box aside, that's when I hear the front door open and shut, meaning only one thing. Will is home. This is going to be hard to leave now. He's just gonna try and stop me. "Y/N. Babe. I'm home." I hear his voice carry through the apartment, telling me that he is looking for me. I quickly pack the rest of my stuff, not caring if it was neatly folded or not, I just had to get out and quick. I grab my bags and make my way quietly to the front door, hoping not to be seen or heard. But to my dismay I'm caught. "What?" I hear his voice behind me "Where are you going?" "Just a little trip with the girls. I'm already running so behind." I say, lying through my teeth "I'll be back soon though. "With all of your stuff? It looks more like your leaving, to never return." I sigh and slowly turn around to face him. I take in a deep breath, about to say something but I'm stopped. "You are leaving, aren't you?" He says, he eyes getting sad. I nod my head, not saying a word, only looking down at my feet. I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to do this. Especially face to face. I might have been able to do it over the phone, but not with him looking right at me. "Why?" He asks taking a step towards me "Why are you leaving?" "I just cant do it anymore Will." "Can't do what? If it's hate that you are getting I will get them to stop." "It's not the hate Will." "Then what is it? Please tell me, I'm lost." "I can't do us anymore." "What? Why? Will, it's because of how you have been acting around me lately. You've been acting like you don't even want me around you anymore." "Of course I want you around. Y/N, I love you." "Please don't do this, Not now." I mumble "You know, you're only leaving because it's easier to walk away than to stay and fight for us." "No Will, I'm leaving because nothing about us feels right anymore." I say as I turn away from him "I can't even look at you without it physically hurting me." "Then don't look at me. Just listen." He says softly "Don't leave me. I'm sure whatever you are feeling, we can work past it. Just please don't give up on me. Don't give up on us." I shake my head and whisper "I wish you hadn't come home so soon. It would have made this a lot easier." "That would have made it worse, because I wouldn't have had a chance to fight for us." "Don't you understand though Will. I don't want to fight for us anymore. I've tried for the past three months, but you only seem to care now. I can't do this anymore." With that I pick up my suitcase once more and head for the front door. "I'm never going to see you again, am I?" He asks I fight the tears back "Maybe one day, but not anytime soon." With that I take in a deep breath in walk out the door. Leaving behind the life that I once thought was so perfect.
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minishawmd · 7 years
Long Time, No Feel (Chrismd)
Requested: Nope Warnings?: Smut Pairing: Chris and Reader I'm Back! So here is my first imagine that I'm posting since returning. It's absolute shit and I know it. Figured since I wrote it, I would post of anyways. __________________________ Y/N POV Most of the time I am home alone. With Chris working and all. I mean there is never not a time that he is at the office. Well there is, but when he comes home, he just goes to eat his dinner, showers and heads to bed. I don't really get to see much of him. Which is weird, because we live together, in the same house. But tonight, when he comes home, I plan to change the fact that we haven't spent much time together. How you may ask? Well I'll just keep that to myself for now. As of right now though, I am sitting in our living room, waiting for Chris to come in. Wearing that god damn suit that he has to wear for work. Meaning he's got on a tie, and my god does that boy look good in tie. But him looking good in the tie, is not the reason I'm happy he's gonna be wearing it. I hear the front door open, signaling that he is home. Which causes me to get up from my seat and meet him at the entrance, where he's taking his shoes off. "Hi, babe." I start "How was work?" He shrugs "The usual." He then stands up "Sorry I was late. Boss ordered food for all of us at the office. Celebrating Sheryl's last day there." "It's okay." I say shrugging "So you've eaten already?" He nods "Yeah, sorry if you made something." "Nah, the girls and I went out earlier." He nods and looks down at his watch "I hate to do this, but I am honestly so tired. I'm gonna head up to bed." Chris then begins to walk away, but I stop him before he can get to far. "What?" "One kiss before you go?" I ask, looking at him He nods and brings his lips to mine for a short, but sweet kiss. When he goes to pull away, I grab his tie and pull him back in. "Not yet." I whisper, connecting our lips together again He smiles and kisses me back, moving his lips in time with mine. I honestly could not tell you the last time that we shared a kiss like this. But kissing him like this makes me crave his touch even more. I'm guessing that he missed my touch as well, because soon he is wrapping his arms around me and then slowly but gently pushing me against the wall. Trapping me behind it and him. The both of us are soon out of breath, but that doesn't seem to bother Chris nor me. As he grabs my hand and practically pulls me up the stairs and into our room. Not a word is spoken between the two of us, as our clothes and discarded across the room. As Chris gently lays me on our shared bed, he reaches over to the bed side table and pulls out a condom. He gives himself a few tugs, making sure that he is fully hard, before rolling the condom onto himself. He leans up to me, pressing his lips to mine as he pushes into me. I let out a small whimper of pain. Not used to his size anymore. Which he swallows with the kiss. "God, has it really been this long?" He questions, stilling himself inside of me to let me adjust. After a few short seconds I give him the nod of approval, signaling he can move. With that he gently pulls out and pushes back in, setting a good pace. It has been so long, that I almost forgot how good it feels to have him inside of me. Something I hope to never forget. Soon enough Chris and I are getting close to reaching our highs. I'm letting out small whimpers and moans of pleasure. While he is letting small grunts and a few moans slip past his lips. "Chris." I whimper "I know." He mumbles "I'm there too." He then grabs one of my hands in his and laces our fingers together. Placing our hands beside my head. "Together." He mumbles I nod, before I feel myself come undone, Chris following seconds after. The both of us lay side by side, letting our Brest become normal again. "Don't ever let us go that long again." He mumbles after a few minutes "What?" I ask turning to him "I don't care how tired I am, or how busy I am. Don't ever let us go that long without having sex again." I nod and then move to cuddle into him "I can promise you that we will never go that long again." He nods, wrapping his arms around me. "Good." He says, kissing my forehead. "Get some sleep. Because tomorrow starts the weekend, and we have a lot of catching up to do." I roll my eyes and what he is implying. I choose to ignore it though. Just cuddling down into him, closing my eyes. Enjoying the little bit of peace I have, until tomorrow. Knowing that Chris isn't going to let me leave this bed very much.
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minishawmd · 8 years
Part 2??
There is a possibility that I could write a part two for Restraint. Would anyone be up for it?
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minishawmd · 8 years
2pm EST
I'm posting an imagine. After I post it, I'm gonna go hide in the corner for about a year. It's just complete filth. And I'm sorry for innocent eyes and minds.
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minishawmd · 8 years
I'm Done
Alright I think I'm done writing smut for a little bit. The past like 6 imagines have been smut filled. So the next few imagines that I post will probably be fluffy.
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minishawmd · 8 years
Im gonna break a personal record here today. I'm planning to have another imagine out today/tonight. That's 4 imagines in 4 days.
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minishawmd · 8 years
Three imagines in three days?? This is apart of the challenge I gave myself this year. I said I wanted to post more imagines, and that's exactly what I'm doing. But I'm slowly running out of ideas, so I need help. My requests are open. So please send I some. It would help a lot
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minishawmd · 8 years
Would anyone be interested in another imagine tonight? I've almost got a Harry imagine done.
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minishawmd · 8 years
It's 1 am and I'm debating on whether or not to post this imagine I have written or not. Might wait until I wake up later on. But I'm not sure. Let me know.
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minishawmd · 6 years
Miles Between Us (Lachlan) Part One
Requested?: Yes
Warnings?: Smut
Pairing: Lachlan and Reader
I haven’t written about Lachlan in so long, and writing this genuinely had so much fun writing this.
This is also a kinda collab piece with @wroetominter. Absolutely adore working with you Montana.
Being the younger sister of a Youtuber can have its perks. Like when your brother decides to go on a holiday with his girl friend, his friends and their girlfriends, he decide to bring you along just so no one will be outnumbered.
This time their all going to Australia, to see their friend Lachlan. Who I've never met, but from the pictures I've seen of him, he's very attractive. Although I already know how Josh is gonna be.
He's going to go into overprotective, older brother mode. Meaning that I won't be allowed in the same room with any guy without him. It gets really annoying sometimes, but I know he's just looking out for me.
I already knew it was going to be hot, but getting off the plane, I didn't expect it to be this warm. It probably doesn't help that I'm wearing a hoodie, but hey in my defense I freeze every time I get onto a plane.
Now, even though I have seen Lachlan in pictures and in his videos, that doesn't necessarily mean I will be able to pick him out of a crowd.
Although when Vik is the first to go up and 'bro hug' this y'all blonde in the airport, I'm almost positive that it's Lachlan.  The boy matches the description of him that I have in my head.
It was only as he started getting closer to me, I realized how cute he actually is. I'm a complete sucker for blonde hair and blue eyes. Both of which he has, so I'm already hooked.
"Hi, you must be Y/N, Josh's sister." Lachlan says as he steps in front of me.
I nod my head "Yep, thats me, and you must be Lachlan."
"The one and only." He says, as he goes to hug me
Unfortunately Josh steps in before he can.
"Lachlan, one rule. The guys already know this, but my sister." He says, looking at me and then back at Lachlan "My sister is off limits."
Lachlan raises his arms up, backing away from me "Wouldn't dream of it."
A few hours later, rest of the crew came over with myself have already went to bed. Exhausted from the travels, but I on the other hand am wide awake. I blame the fact that I slept the entire plane ride over.
Though being awake while Josh is not, does give me a little time to hang out with Lachlan. Just the two of us.
It's actually kinda fun. I mean sure we are just playing fornite, but it's still fun.
I'm kinda playing dumb a little bit, just because he's being really cute trying to explain it all to me. Telling me what guys are better than others, where to go and where not to go. At one point he even placed his hands on top of mine, directly pointing me into the right direction.
This is was nice. I finally had a moment alone with a guy, and my brother wasn't hovering over me.He was definitely flirting with me and I was most definitely flirting back.
When I finally got my 'first' victory, I jumped up and hugged him immediately. Trying to not over play it to much, but this was genuinely my first ever win on solo. Not telling him that I've won with teams and squads before though. So he thinks it's my first ever, which I'm okay with him thinking.
What really switched the mood was when we both turned our heads at the same time and our lips touched.  
Lachlan then glanced at my eyes, down to my lips and the back to my eyes, before finally leaning in and pressing his against mine. The kiss soon became a little bit heated, and he eventually pulled me over into his lap, with my legs straddling his waist.
He finally stands up, my legs immediately wrapping around his waist and his hands going under my bum, supporting me. Walking over to his bed, he gently lays me down. Our lips never disconnecting as he climbs on top of me.
He gently places his hand on my side, underneath of the shirt that I am wearing, and I can already tell where this is headed. To be honest, I'm not mad or anything. I'm totally up for this.
Pulling away from the kiss, he looks straight into my eyes, asking,
"Do you want this?"
I nod my head
"No, I need verbal consent before this goes any further."
"Lachlan, yes I want this. More than anything."
That's all it took before he was pulling the both of our shirts over our heads and throwing them somewhere on the floor. Connecting our lips again, his right hand, starts to make its way south. Stopping just at the band of my leggings I had on. Teasing me ever so slightly, he runs his finer along it.
It wasn't until I let out a small groan of frustration that he finally slipped his hand past the band. Placing his finger directly on top of my clit, through my panties. Causing a small noise to transfer my mouth into his.
Pulling his lips away from mine again, he mumbles "Now, you'll have to stay quiet. Don't want you brother hearing anything do we?" All while rubbing his fingers in small circles
"I'd really rather not think of my brother right now." I mumble out
"As you wish." He says removing his hand "But we should be quick, I'm supposed to stay away from you."
With those words, the rest of our clothing was thrown off.
'Wait, condom."
He nods and reached over into his bedside drawer pulling one out. Unwrapping it, he rolls it onto himself. Laying himself down on top of me, supported by his arms. He leans down and gives me a small kiss.
I nod my head "Yes."
With that he begins to push himself in, continuing until he is fully inside. Stilling himself, letting me adjust. I must admit he is much larger than any other guy I have been with.
Once I finally give him the okay to move, he begins to slowly move his hips. Slowly pulling out and then pushing back in. Setting a slow rhythm. I'm biting my bottom lip, trying to not let any moans that are to loud slip past them.
"I thought you said we had to be quick?" I struggle to get out.
"Just making sure you're okay first."
"Just, please. I need more."
"You're wish is my command."
With that Lachlan begins to move his hips faster. Getting to a pace, where he is almost completely snapping his hips into mine.
At this point I'm more than positive I'm drawing blood by how hard I'm biting my lip. His head is buried into my neck, letting out small grunts, trying himself not to be to loud.
"God, please tell me you are close." He asks with a small strain to his voice.
I nod my head, unable to form a coherent sentence, that and not being able to trust my own voice.
He then lifts his head up, connecting our lips in a heated kiss. The both of us swallowing each others moans.
Soon enough the both of us are laying side by side, completely out of breath. My eyes begin to feel heavy, from everything that has happened today. The last thing I remember is Lachlan pulling me into his side and kissing my forehead.
The next morning the two of us are awoken by a knock on the door and my brothers voice.
"Lachlan, have you seen my sister? She isn't in her room and she left her phone in there so I cant get ahold of her."
The both of our eyes go wide, when we realize the situation we are in. As I quickly get up and scramble to get my clothes on, Lachlan replies
"No, I haven't but I'm sure shell turn up soon. Couldn't have gone far, she doesn't know this place that well."
"Okay, well let me know if she turns up. Freya and I are going to head into town."
Without waiting for a response I can hear his footsteps walking away. This causes me to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"You're a brother is going to kill me when he finds out."
"You mean if he finds out. We're not telling anyone anything."
"So you don't even want to try anything else?"
"Lachlan, we are from two different sides of the world. A relationship would never work. No matter what kind."
"So you want to forget about anything that happened last night?"
"No, not at all. I never do." I pause "How about this, if somehow the world closes the distance between us, we can give it a try."
"Who knows if that's gonna ever gonna happen."
"If we are meant to be then it will."
"Then a secret relationship while you're here?"
I nod "No labels. I don't want to be attached to you when I leave here."
He nods and brings me into a hug.
I knew that leaving this place in a few weeks would be hard, but I had a feeling that the world would bring us together. Somehow, someway. I just knew it.
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