minnics-blog · 7 years
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minnics-blog · 7 years
[/clears my throat and holds up a radio blasting Tank's "Please don't go."] @tiuhq
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minnics-blog · 7 years
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minnics-blog · 7 years
if i haven’t responded to you yet via IM don’t worry i’m not ignoring you. i've just been hella distracted and stuck on these tasks somewhat. you all still love me though.
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minnics-blog · 7 years
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            ( @tiuhq )【ᴛᴀsᴋ 001 --- ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴀʏ.】                                                                                                 
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monroehillsinsider.com - yep, you all saw right because that moment is finally here!
I: Minnie it’s always an honor to have you in our presence. First off, how are you doing miss lady?
M: It’s my pleasure. Mother nature fucked me up big time with this slight cold so I can’t say i’m all the way good. But, I woke up to another day so I can’t complain too much y’know?
I: No lies there. The whole team here all hope you feel better. How’s the whole second Jacksons clan doing? What have ya’ll been up to?
M:  [laughs softly] You know I think between the Jacksons and my family we’re both tied. We’re all good though. Working hard, chillin’, doing our thing like the usual.
I: Ya’ll living it up. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Now as you can see, the fans are blowing up on this live right now. We don’t want to hold you too much longer since you’re sick so let’s get started on this first fan question. How was it like growing up with two dads? Did you ever get bullied for it?
M: The babies on here missed me too much to shorten this interview. Gimme all of what ya’ll got and i’mma return the favor [smiles] Growing up with two amazing fathers was definitely something I would’ve never thought I’d experience. Let alone be apart in. They treated us with nothing but love and care, made sure we had clothes on our backs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. I couldn’t ask them for nothing more. As far as bullying, i’ve been through it but not to the extreme. I’m not a fighter but I did have to knock off a few kids heads as a kid myself. 
I: So it’s safe to say that you and your dads have a real tight bond for you to be knocking off heads then and now?
M: Mhm, correct.
I: Now we all know you’re a twin. How did your dads react taking you guys in? Was there any favoritism?
M: They both have treated us equally again with nothing but love and respect. Even though we all know i’m the favorite. [wiggles eyebrows] Growing up I honestly believed we were going to be a handful because of having two kids, girls at that with different personalities yet the same damn face. But, nope. It all went well throughout the years. 
I: How did you feel about having two fathers? Did it affect you negatively or positively?
M: I thought it was pretty dope and I still do. When we used to go out in public I never understood why stupid ass people would give them that stank look. It’s two people that are living life freely and are happily in love with eachother. And if that bothers some of ya’ll assholes out there suck a fat hairy dick.
I: Ya’ll heard baby girl. Don’t come for her bad side now. Before we let you go though is there anything else you would like to tell us about your parents? You also are a designer as well as owner of Velvet kisses. How do they feel about you going the risky yet sexy route of the industry? Were they like “Nah, we can’t let you do that.” or just straight up supportive?
M: Anything that the family is doing as long as it’s not illegal or harmful they support. Since I make lingerie i’m always gonna have them down my ear talm ‘bout make special men lingerie for them [laughs] but like I said they’re very supportive. When I used to have my mental breakdowns they are always by my side to pick me back up and help me continue where I left off. They ain’t raise no quitters. So their support always keeps me motivated.
I: That’s what’s up. Your parents are truly the shit, Minnie. and to end this live what else you wanna say to the people?
M: Keep hope alive and don’t trust no one that says ball is life. [blows a few kisses] love ya’ll!
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minnics-blog · 7 years
to all Rice fam bam, since i'm horrible at messaging and what not send in traits/or a song to make my life a lil’ bit easier via IM.
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