minty-malfoy · 3 years
Could you write a part two of phosphenes? That story is just art
aaah thanks!! 😭 probably won't though tbh cause i've lost a lot of inspiration to write for anything hp related :(( still, im really glad you enjoyed it!!! <3
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
hiiiii i hope you had a nice day:) also if you don’t mind me asking, whats your other blog?
thank you sm anon<3 hope you did too! im writing for genshin impact now, though you can msg me for the url if you're interested since i prefer not to announce it publicly here 👉👈
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
hey, i just wanted to check in and ask if you’re still around?
hi! yeah i pretty much log back in every now and then to see whats happening and respond to any messages/asks, though im generally more active in my other blog under a different fandom
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Are you gonna continue come back home?
i have the draft to the next 2 parts but no motivation or inspiration to continue it unfortunately :( kinda lost the vibe with all my hp works if im being honest
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
wifey!!! its me vea!!! aaa i moved blogs so im here now aaa i miss you so much 🥺💗
aaa my precious wife !! <3 i didnt see ur ask up till now for some reason but ahh i miss u too :(( so glad to still see that youre active on here & having fun writing fics (ill binge ur entire list when i have the time!!!) hope ure doing well muah muah <33333
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
are you sure you're straight?
okay listen up. i don't care if you're one of my mutuals or not but this has to stop. i'm fucking sick of being asked again and again if i'm sure i'm straight or not as if it's a bad thing. it's not.
have i waltzed into anyone's inbox and asked them if they're sure they're gay or bi or anything like that? no because if i did people would tear me apart for being homophobic or a stereotypical straight, even my own mutuals.
i don't know who put it into everyone's heads that being straight is a bad thing just because more and more people are coming out these days, but it's fucking not, and you do not get to ask/bully people into questioning their sexuality. there are some lines, and this is very clearly crossing them. do not try to tell me what my sexuality is or might be, that is my business and mine alone.
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
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Fruit Dragons by Alexandra Khitrova.
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Could you do like a pansy parkinson x fem reader angst fic idk like shes dating draco but wants you, please? :)
Pansy Parkinson x Fem!Reader
cw: mentions of sex, unrequited love, pride and prejudice quote & reference, angst
word count: 340
You were there every time he made her laugh, and she touched his arm, she kissed his lips, and then when he stole her away to his bed. You sat idly by. Waiting for your turn.
And then, finally, it was. And she was laughing at your jokes, and touching your arm, kissing your lips, and it was you her took her to your bed.
She would tell you every night it was you she wanted, not him. She would say, I wish I could stay here with you forever. But you knew you would get nothing more than whatever it was the two of you were doing when she was tangled in your sheets.
She had crept into your bed late one night, looking for nothing more than the comfort of your body. After a while, when you were sure she was still awake, hoping she was still awake, you asked her, “Pansy, when can I be yours?”
No answer.
She feigned sleep.
There was a cycle she liked to keep. A pattern you learned. Sometimes she wouldn’t sleep in your bed for weeks; instead, sneak out of the dorm and make her way to his, leaving you with a wet pillow and tissues littering your nightstand.
And just when you thought it was over, the little game of sly looks across the room and the three a.m. sex, she would be there again, and you would be at her beck and call, crawling back to her like it was you who made the mistake of leaving her.
She utterly enraptured you.
And you were utterly in love.
You told her so;
left her pieces of your soul on paper on her nightstand.
You have
Bewitched me
Body and soul
And I love,
I love,
I love you.
That seemed to work for Mr. Darcy. Worked on Elizabeth.
But not her.
And then the cycle would commence once more.
But having someone — her, in your case — less than one wants is better than nothing. Isn’t it?
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Me writing fanfic:
Too, many, commas,,, 
Is this ooc?? 
I used that word already 
Do people even blush this much?? 
*squints* Is that canon?
 *cries while writing death scene* 
Wait what happened last chapter? 
I wrote like a thousan- 354 words!? 
*googles the lifespan of a tropical fish* 
have I spelt his name wrong all this time? 
Would they say that tho? 
Changes plot 539932 times 
Looses inspiration, goes back to tumblr
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
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harry potter series ♡ harry potter and the chamber of secrets. “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
does anyone here play genshin impact by any chance? maybe we can be friends there & co op 👉👈
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
u know i miss u and i love u right
no stop bc i miss & love u more !!! 😡🤬 *gives u 100 kisses*
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering how many followers do you have? U can ignore this if u want, for Algebra I have to take the average of something irl so I'm doing the follower count of my favorite Tumblrs
this is so late but im at 1,4k rn which is so unreal sjsjdjd, i was at 900 when i left for my hiatus if i remember correctly so im honestly quite shocked by how much this account grew since then. thank you everyone !!!
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Hii babe! I don't mean to be rude and this is not meant to be hostile in any way, I was just wondering when we are getting new fics. I've read all of your stuff like 40000 times, and I'm craving something new. Again no pressure, but just curious. Love you lots xxxxx
hii no probs at all & thank you so much!! im glad you enjoyed my writing💗🌷though if im being honest i kinda dont feel as inspired with hp the same way i used to? so im not really sure if i'll ever try writing any new content for it at all. however i do plan on starting a new fic blog for other fandoms (anime & games in particular) so you can expect to see more from me at some point if youre into those stuff :) hope you have a nice day & thank you for the support, love!
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
hey its me again, i think i found the font but can i ask did u pay for it? also i found only the one where u used for sleepover (i think its aloja)
nope! too broke for that ahah💔 all the fonts ive ever used in my headers are free :) tho if you ever need font recommendations feel free to message me, i have a whole list of different font types & maybe that'll help you find a certain style youre looking for?
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
Hey can u tell me the names of the fonts u used in ur 400 sleepover? They're so pretty and I want to use them but I can't find them
Also here take this Flower for u 🌺
hii! unfortunately i dont remember the names of the fonts anymore :( if it helps, i used the app canva to edit it at the time. they have a lot of font selections to choose from so im sure you can find something you'll like!
& tysm for the flower <3 here's some more for u 😚🌷🌻🌹🌼
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minty-malfoy · 3 years
your icon and header are so pretty!!!
also heres a penguin 🐧
tysm!!! in return i offer u this bird 🐦
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