mioniesvfx · 4 years
Hi Jenni, I didn't know you wrote song drabbles! may I request Jack Dawson (Titanic) + with or without you by U2? that would be amazing! thanks if you write it, take care x
Through the storm, we reach the shore / You give it all but I want more / And I'm waiting for you / With or without you
Fandom: Titanic
Warnings: angst
A/N: Haha, I write lots of different types of fics to keep myself inspired and I love doing different prompt and song drabbles so my requests for them are open most of the time! I hope you like it Clara!! ♥
Word count: 271
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You remembered the moment you first saw him. Looking at you with his friend waving his hand in front of him, and sending grins your way, clearly teasing the poor man about you.
You had gotten to know him later by an accident. You happened to sit at the same dining table, and you were in a deep conversation in no time. 
You had quickly developed feelings for him - even fallen in love. He was charming and fun, and you already dreamed of starting a new life with him once you were in New York.
All those thoughts had shattered in pieces when the unimaginable happened and Titanic sank. You found yourself in the freezing cold water, and you couldn’t see Jack anymore. And you wouldn’t see him ever again.
All those years ago, you had met the love of your life. He had given you it all, but you would have wanted more. You would have wanted to start a new life with him, grow old together and be happy how you both survived.
You had gotten friends and your family around you, telling them stories about being on Titanic. You mentioned Jack once or twice, but avoided the question if they asked where he was now. They fortunately had taken the hint, even though you didn’t say it. You didn’t want pity. You had gotten to know Jack, to fall in love with him, and it was more than you could ask.
But still, every night as you fell asleep, you were waiting for him. You were waiting to join him. 
And you knew he had waited you too.
Tags: @randomfandomimagine​ @captainshazamerica​ @bravelittlesunflower​ @musicallisto @fives-cup-of-coffee @multifandomlover121 @mirroredpaladin
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
anonymously make an assumption about me and i'll confirm/deny it
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
no good for you |fw|
Fred Weasley x Reader
word count: 819
warnings: angst, mentions of drugs, cussing
authors note: just a little Fred fic! felt super angsty today lol
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“I’m sorry I don’t think this is going to work out, Y/N” Fred spoke sharply.
“Why? What did I do this time? Was my dress not to your liking? Or is the shade of my lipstick too dark? You can’t break up with me every single time I do something you don’t agree with!” you yelled angrily, eyes blazing with the rage built up.
You watched and waited for him to carefully choose his next words.
“You’re a fucking psycho. You always have been. I thought I was finally getting through to you. I thought I was saving you from yourself. But you don’t care for anyone but yourself,” Fred seethed out, locking eyes with you.
“Oh that’s rich even for you Fred Weasley! You weren’t trying to help me! You were trying to mold me into your perfect little girlfriend so I’d become your perfect little wife,” you laughed haughtily.
“Well it seems as though that won’t be happening. So don’t worry about becoming my wife,” Fred spat, before turning away from you.
Unable to tame the fire roaring in your belly, you watched as his tall figure disappeared down the dark corridor.
“Did you hear that Y/N and Fred broke up?”
“I hear he cheated!”
“I heard she wouldn’t put out.”
“She’s only popular because he practically made her.”
Of all the things being spread throughout the Hogwarts grapevine, the last one cut the deepest. The worst part is how true it really was. No one but you truly knew how sick of a man Fred Weasley was. No one knew how he forced you to stand for hours and listen to him pick you apart.
Piece by bloody piece.
They don’t know how he forced down every aspect of your personality and rebuilt it with traits he deemed fit. Of course you were crazy. For the last year you had been dating the walking devil.
So it’s no surprise that you chose to heal yourself in the only way you saw fit.
Molly to be precise, but in reality no one cared enough to ask. Muggle drugs were easy to procure and far cheaper than wizarding drugs. Taking that little pill brought a Cheshire smile to your face and made you feel as though we were suspended in the air. Like a puppet being led happily through the castle.
Well that was until it wore off the next morning. Your head felt heavy and your jaw ached from the constant teeth grinding. It took days to muster up a smile again but you reveled in the lows of it just as much as you did the highs. The numbing feeling left you unable to care about the things that happened and the words people said.
Unfortunately rumors of your endless drug habit managed to find their way to the ears of your ruthless ex-boyfriend. Which is why it wouldn’t have surprised you when you cornered you in the courtyard if you were sober. But you weren’t, your head was so far in the clouds you couldn’t even see the ground.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Are you trying to kill yourself? Because you’re bloody well close to doing it!” Fred yelled, as he raced towards you.
The sudden voice catching you off guard, causing you to nearly fall off the stone bench.
“What do you want Fred? I’m busy,” you drawled out, readjusting yourself on the hard seat.
“I want to know why you’re trying to off yourself!” He sneered.
“Oh please! Don’t try and pretend you care now! Besides what I do is none of your damn business,” you shot back, cheeks becoming hot with anger.
“I’ve always cared Y/N! I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t!” he yelled back, face red with rage.
Suddenly a haunting laughter bubbled its way up your throat, so dark it surprised even you.
“You care? As if! If you did you wouldn’t have waited months to speak to me. You wouldn’t have pretended I never existed to you in the first place. You wouldn’t have said the things you did! You left me. You broke me. You made me in your image and then erased me when you no longer liked the picture. Everything I’ve done is a direct result of that. You can’t push someone to the edge and then be surprised when they jump, Fred. That’s not how this works,” you seethed out.
Somewhere in the midst of you ranting, you had found yourself in front of him. Raking your eyes across his face your heart sparked with joy at the dark bags underneath his eyes and the hollowness of his cheeks.
You were happy that he finally looked as bad as you felt and with that you spun on your heel and left. Leaving behind the boy who ripped you apart, feeling far lighter than you had in months.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
sorry i’m bisexual and easily distracted
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
Can u please do draco dating a hufflepuff?
It’s right.. here sorry it took me forever to write. I’ll start being more consistent <3
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
Draco Malfoy Dating a Hufflepuff would include...
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Parings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Hufflepuff reader
Warnings: Swearing, Sexual Mentions
Requested: Yes, No
Well Draco definitely was not known as the Hogwarts nice guy.
Did that stop your ass from falling in love with him?
No definitely not.
In all honesty you were a bit intimidated by him at first.
It all started in first year on the Hogwarts express.
You saw him and his two not so little minions bossing two other students on the train for their seat compartment.
‘‘How rude’‘ you thought.
From that second on you decided something in your head.
You were gonna stay far away from that Platinum blond headed jerk.
Well he definitely had other plans with you.
He had the nerve to want to talk to you meanly about other students to you like you were one of his friends. 
Let’s just say the other first year Hufflepuff's were just as confused as you.
Draco would start dragging you places and talking to you like you guys were just BESTIES
you didn’t mind really.
You got to see that he was actually quite a good person on the inside.
you finally came to a conclusion.
If you were going to be friends with Draco you were going to teach him the Hufflepuff way and teach him not to call every single muggle born he crosses paths with a mud!lood. 
Fast forward into fourth year you’ve managed to get him to loosen up a bit and be nicer to other houses.
And most importantly his enemy Harry potter.
You’ve warned him if he picked on any other student that you would completely stop talking to him.
Well maybe you would give him a few more chances
Which you definitely had to use
you and Draco were definitely the very ‘’cuddly’’  type of friends.
anybody who didn’t know you two would defiantly think you were dating.
You defiantly noticed how much more handsome he had gotten over the years.
So you may have developed a small crush on him.
which turned into a bigger
and bigger one.
Of course Draco felt the same.
And well.. when you hang out with someone so much feelings come to surface.
So well of cource...
You two started dating.
You were a little scared of what his parents might think of you being a Hufflepuff and all.
But Draco reassured you that things would be ok.
That was all tested when you were invited to the Malfoy Manor for Christmas.
You kind of wanted to deny but you couldn’t when you saw the huge grin on your boyfriends face.
So you cautiously accepted.
Lucious Malfoy wasn’t as bad as you thought.
He had a cold demeanor but wasn’t terrible given the fact that he wasn’t really around much on your stay.
Narcissa Malfoy was the sweetest person ever.
One day of your stay Narcissa and Lucious went to go visit a friend.
Leaving you and Draco alone.
In a big ass House manor
Things happened..
Draco is 1000000% the dominant one no question.
Pda is a must in your relationship.
Draco wasn’t a fan at first but you taught him to love it.
there will never be a moment when he’s not seen holding your hand or waist in public.
He also has a HUGE soft spot for you.
He loves calling you things like Love or Darling and you adore it.
He also loves buying you gifts.
Really expensive ones.
You tried to protest but hey he insists.
House rivalry= lowered.
Oh the soft spot this boy has for you.....
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
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Sunsets And Kisses, 
Summary: Your boyfriend Draco has been really down lately which causes you to cheer him up with a walk through the castle grounds. And lots of kisses.
Shy, Summary: Draco comforts a shy reader.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
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Fred Weasley dating a Slytherin would include...
Fred Weasley Dating a Hufflepuff would include...
Fred Weasley dating a Ravenclaw would include...
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
i love you're masterlist how did you make it ? 💕
Thankyou! @chokemepansy helped me create it. She made the designs using pics art, it’s still under construction actually so sorry all of the links aren’t there. All I did really to put it up is import the Masterlist picture and add my links.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
ᴿᵒⁿ ᵂᵉᵃˢˡᵉʸ ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡⁱˢᵗ
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❀ Sadness : Summary: Liv has neem feeling down and sad lately, and no matter how hard her boyfriend Ron tries to cheer her up she won’t budge. What happens when Ron takes a liking into someone who does want to to talk to him? Someone like Lavender.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
How did you make your masterlist so pretty? <3
pinterest, picsart, and too much free time :)
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
Sunsets And Kisses, Draco Malfoy
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Parings: Draco Malfoy x House neutral fem! reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Draco has been really down lately which causes you to cheer him up with a walk through the castle grounds. And lots of kisses.
‘‘There he is’‘ You mumbled to yourself as you spotted your boyfriend of three years emerge from the transfiguration classroom with his friends Theo and Blaise. You stand back against the cold hard wall parallel to them. You notice Draco’s usual sad demeanor as you watch the trio walk towards the great hall following in suite. Seeing your chance you jog to catch up and hop on the back of the tall platinum blond Slytherin’s back. He jumps startled at first but quickly grabs your legs in support as he recognizes you by the soft giggles escaping your mouth. 
   ‘’Not, Zabini nice to see you.’’ You said addressing the two with a grin on your face. ‘’Draco��’ You said giving him a kiss on his cheek before hopping down from his piggy back ride. ‘’Mind if I still him from you?’’ you asked the two but you didn’t wait for a response and grabbed Draco’s hand dragging him with you as you jogged out to the castle grounds. The only thing audible being you and Draco’s laughs as you made your way’s into the courtyard.
   ‘’Merlin’s beard someone's quite hyper today.’’ Draco said in a mix of panting and laughing as the new breeze of fresh air hit your faces. You close the distance between yourselves and wrap your arms around his head him putting his around your waist in response ‘’Sometimes people could use a bit of hyper in their life's you said his in between kisses. ‘’I guess so’’ he mumbled into your lips as he connected his soft lips to be met with yours as you guys shared another passionate kiss.
As you walked off into the sunset. Draco's cold rings traced the inside of your palm as he brought your hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss to them. You look over to give him a soft smile only to find tears brimming inside of his eyes. You stop walking at the soothing pace and stop dead in your tracks about to say something but instead Draco cuts you off. T- Thank you y/n/n- but it was your time to cut him off as you attacked him with yet another passionate kiss for the night before you guys continued to set off towards the sunset.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
im scared to talk to 100% of my mutuals for fear of rejection and also lack of ability to hold a conversation so if we;ve ever talked and i leave ya hangin kno its cause!! im shy!!!!!! n if we havent kNOW THAT I WANT TO IM JUST!!!!!! S H Y !!!!!!!!!!
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
yeah smut is awesome.
but fluff is just 😻🥺💖💕🥰😳
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
reblog this if you’re a fanfic writer & your motivation to write actually increases when readers actually show interest & give you feedback. even just a reblog or a little comment here and there
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
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night at the burrow.
george weasley x reader
summary: y/n likes control and george needs attention. (there’s really no plot just sub!george)
warnings: SMUT, swearing, riding, praise, sub!george, dom!reader, finger sucking, unprotected sex and others
it was the first time they’d both been left alone in a long time since they were staying at the burrow. it was a cold night and george and y/n were cuddled up together in a single bed, with y/n being curled into george.
“goodnight baby” y/n whispered, pressing a soft kiss to george’s arm draped over her.
“mhm” he snuggled closer, letting out an involuntary moan at the sudden contact.
“something the matter georgie?” she turned her head over to look him in the eye before feeling the poke on her bum before he could reply. “oh i see love. you should of said something.”
george turned away obviously embarrassed before he let out a low hiss as y/n moved her ass back into his clothed bulge. “oh fuck y/n” he mumbled as her movements picked up, rocking back and forth and grinding on his cock, speeding up the pace and then stopping completely.
y/n moved them both and straddled george on the bed, carrying on her movements while watching george break underneath her. she took her hands and started slowly to take off her thin top making sure to put on a show for george. slowly grabbing and caressing her breasts and running her hands through her hair, seeing him look up in awe and adoration.
“d..don’t stop” he groaned, feeling his climax reach. almost ashamed at how quick he was to cum with so little touch.
“you’re doing so good baby. come on, let go for me” she whispered by his ear, licking up his neck and leaving harsh marks.
that was enough for george and he released into his pants with a high moan and a string of curse words while he laid there breathless.
“well done baby. you did so good. do you think you have enough in you for one more?”
george’s cock twitched through his pants making y/n chuckle to herself. “i’m taking that a yes then.”
she removed all her clothes and did the same to george, staring at him as he laid their flushed still panting with his red hair messy and sweat glistening on his forehead.
she thought she’d tease him just a little bit, taking her finger and taking a swipe of her wet heat and placing it on george’s lip, waiting for him to open.
he did so, without hesitation, and sucked on her finger while looking up at her with his wide eyes. “good boy.” y/n could stay there for hours just watching him as she let out a content sigh, but the night wasn’t over yet.
she released her finger and with the same one she took her nail and dragged it on the underside of his cock, making him shudder. she wrapped her hand around the shaft and slowly rubbed the tip with her thumb, watching as his head fell back and his breathing started up again.
she moved herself she the tip of his cock could feel the wetness coming from her pussy and he whimpered at the feeling, waiting to let loose.
she slowly sunk down on him, savouring the feeling as she let out a loud moan that she’d been holding in for too long. george thrusted up, trying to create more friction but y/n pushed him back down. “don’t worry baby. just relax.”
she bounced on his cock with her head thrown back, biting down on her lip to keep in the screams, the pleasure overwhelming them both.
“i’m gonna cum georgie. cum together okay?” he nodded his head, cries coming out his mouth as the yearning for release built up and almost came unbearable.
“fuck!..fuck” y/n croacked, feeling her release drip down her beautiful thighs mixed with george’s. “you did so good love. so so good.” she sprinkled him with kisses as they both tried to catch their breath.
“let’s get you cleaned up shall we?” she laughed as they both sat up.
george threw a pillow at her as he picked her up and took her to the shower, giggling like a happy school boy.
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mioniesvfx · 4 years
peeing your pants in front of Ron and harry and they make fun of u so hard and u turn to draco for comfort and he just laughs at u too. even hagrid. Everybody’s laughing at you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“uh, y/n.. you got a little something.”
the ginger boy pointed to the place between your legs, noticing the liquid dripping down your leg. ron tells harry causing him to laugh at you as well.
“you’re so weird, y/n. what made you piss yourself? PROFESSOR SNAPE?”
tears welled up in your eyes, your best friends are laughing at you for your accident. you sprinted out the room, your pee trailing behind you. they continued laughing, encouraging hermione to laugh too.
you ran to draco’s dorm as a sobbing mess. “hey, hey, darling what’s wrong?” he cooed, wrapping his arms around you.
“harry and ron keep laughing at me-“ his grip tightened around your waist. “for peeing my pants.” he let you go, pushing your body away. “YOU PEED YOUR PANTS? you need a diaper or something?”
he bursted into fits of laughter, noticing the small trail you left behind you. “what are you? FIVE? you’re 17 and you still pee your pants?”
he pushes you out of his room, hysterically laughing. groups of students were outside the slytherin common room, giggling and whispering about your pee drenched pants.
“look guys! its the girl who pissed herself in potions.” they covered their mouth, combusting in laughter. hagrid in the crowd with tears in his eyes for laughing so hard.
“you need a diaper!” “piss girl!”
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