Spy×Family Version: "To know your enemy, you must become the enemy" (Sun Tzu)
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Anya mirroring Demetrius
(in the hopes of becoming as knowledgeable as him)
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Twilight mirroring Donovan
(due to Anya's antics)
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Bonus: Damian mirroring Anya
(out of academic spite)
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sorry maybe one day ill stop being mad about how the anime adapted the confession arc but today is not the day because im stuck thinking about how much of a blunder it was not to include this page
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because like. to me this was the thing that defined my reading of this arc. this was the moment that made me go "oh, this isn't mob unconsciously doing this, this is someone else"
so then when you read through the rest of it you share mob's frustration. why are all these people treating this thing like it's mob? this isn't mob. this is some dangerous entity puppeting his body and hurting people! mob would never do this!
and then
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this is mob.
this is mob as much as the teru who nearly killed someone who refused to fight back just because they didnt share his worldview is teru. this is mob as much as the ritsu who hurt dozens of people weaker than him just because he could is ritsu. this is mob the way the reigen who lied to him for years is reigen.
the part of you that lashes out and hurts people when you're scared or hurt or frustrated isnt some other scary thing that you have to control.
it's just you.
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but people still love you.
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saw a tiktok that said “when the character who spent their whole life wanting to die dies after having found a reason to live” and now I’m having Thoughts and Ideas-
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personally i think there should have been at least one episode where sokka collects aang and zuko and is like, “looks like we’re running low on supplies.  time for a GUYS-ONLY field trip.  three days of hunting and fishing and polishing our swords.  y’know, manly warrior stuff.  (aang, sotto voce: actually sokka i’m a vegetarian as you know–)  you girls have fun sitting around braiding your hair and talking about your crushes” and then the entire episode is just zuko and sokka lying around by a river, plucking blades of grass and staring up at the stars confiding in each other their deepest feelings and most secret insecurities while aang braids flower crowns, and whenever the screen cuts back to katara and toph and suki, they’re fighting and screaming and hacking away at river pirates and evil spirits and legions of assassins and hired mercenaries with swords.  you know, as girls do.
and when the boys finally drag themselves back to camp (they stayed up way too late discussing what true leadership really means and whether or not power always corrupts)  they find suki and toph and katara lounging around with black eyes and fresh bruises and bloodstained weapons and sokka shrieks, “what were you guys DOING while we were gone???”  and karata just shugs innocently and says in her sweetest voice, “oh, you know.  just girly things”
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Congratulations Luz 👏
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Criminal how I haven't drawn Four before despite him being one of my favorite LU Links
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Not Karl..
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Toxic (literal) pink haired crossdressing twink praises the grain god
EVERYONE QUICK describe your oc story in the worst way possible
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Sunny-kun in modern au
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a watched pot never boils so i'm just alternating between looking at and away from this pot so i can edge it
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midna requested from justcannotwrite on insta- not exactly what was asked for but close enough :) (I'd also love more Midna + Linked Universe interactions ^^)
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Top ten anime betrayals Zelda how could you
< Part 15 - Part 17 >
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