mirai227 · 2 years
Janelle Monae coming out as non-binary is super, super important to me as a black femme and I sincerely hope that you all boost them just like you boost white trans people who come out. 
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mirai227 · 2 years
A woman is going to be wrongfully executed next month for a crime she did not commit. Her case was used as a political ploy, and a false confession was produced by gross police misconduct.
Her name is Melissa Lucio and she’s going to die this April.
Sign the petition and learn more here->
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mirai227 · 2 years
If I was a girl’s stomach I’d never hurt her
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mirai227 · 2 years
Sick sick sick of possibility of being fucking recorded every waking second by tiktok obsessed quasi celebs. Video titled something like "Caught him thinking he's the main character" but it was just a kid wearing headphones, looking out the bus window. Of course it was posted without his knowledge. Stop recording strangers and everything you see, nobody gives a shit and not everyone is happy to be on tiktok or youtube because of a moron with no braincells and an account. What could be a forgettable awkward moment is now permanently there for the victim of lackabrainis infested idiot to get anxious about forever.
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mirai227 · 2 years
i REALLY need this please explain to me who margaret thatcher is because shes slowly becoming one of those people that people will talk about like ayy 🦀 she dead 🦀 but theres an unspoken rule to never explain who she is
Aha, ah. Where to begin.
So if you google her, you'd find out she was the first female Prime Minister in the UK from 1979 to 1990, which for some reason has translated into her being a GirlBoss(TM) figure in the United States.
This is perhaps fitting because she was the epitome of Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, and an overall fucking vile human being that led to "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" reaching #2 in the UK charts following her death and people throwing street parties like the end of WW2.
Much like Regan's grave is a gender-neutral bathroom, so too is the grave of Maggie "Milk Snatcher" Thatcher--and if you're wondering how she got that name, she was instrumental in ending the "free milk for schoolchildren" program for children over the age of seven, which was rolled out in the 1920s to combat childhood malnutrition in impoverished areas.
She also paved the way for the downfall of industry and manufacturing in the UK, the Poll Tax, started the process for the privatization of the NHS, and basically caused an economic downturn which is still being felt in many of the impoverished areas of the UK today and indirectly enabled the current austerity measures in the UK which have killed millions of disabled and vulnerable people.
This doesn't even touch on things like the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike, Section 28 and the renowned Miners and Newspaper Printers strikes that led to some of the most desperate impoverishment not seen since the second world war and a whole other slew of crimes against moral decency and humanity that resulted in commentary like this on the BBC before she'd even died:
"It'll be the first time the 21 gun salute shoots the coffin."
"For three million, they could give everyone in Scotland and shovel, and we would dig a hole so deep that we could hand her over to Satan personally."
So, yeah.
🦀🦀🦀Happy anniversary of Margaret Thatcher's Death.🦀🦀🦀
May her soul reap what she sowed in life and never know peace.
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mirai227 · 2 years
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I would like to congratulate greta thunberg on being the only funny person on twitter
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mirai227 · 2 years
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this is literally the funniest plot twist in any form of media ever
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mirai227 · 2 years
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Man eating rice, China, 1901-1904
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mirai227 · 2 years
When a fandom becomes popular, people are never really careful about what they post or reblog so, let’s not forget :
- Don’t repost a fanart without any credits and/or without the consent of their creator
- Don’t reblog posts with stolen fanarts / check the blog to see if they’re the creator or if they have the consent of the artists
Let’s keep this fandom respectful with the content creators~
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mirai227 · 2 years
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mirai227 · 2 years
I know it’s 2020 but Merlin AU where Uther notices a bunch of problems that could only be solved by magic ~spontaneously~ getting solved around Arthur, and concludes that this must be a side effect of Arthur only existing due to magical intervention. An intense bigotry-versus-parental-love internal conflict commences, followed by some that’s-pretty-hypocritcal-of-you-isn’t-it-dad screaming external conflict, generally upending everything. Merlin is standing in the corner the entire time holding a serving jug of mead and sweating.
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mirai227 · 2 years
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endless curses…  malediction even
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mirai227 · 2 years
you know what trope pisses me off the most? when the protag is pointing a gun at somebody and they’re like “you won’t do it. you’re too good” and the person holding the gun is like oh shit i am and they slowly lower the gun while the other person laughs. WHAT THE FUCK. if i were there, and somebody told me “you won’t do it” i would immediately shoot them dead without hesitating. who are you to tell me what i wont do. musty bitch
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mirai227 · 2 years
the only thing more embarrassing than cringy poetry is being so afraid of feeling embarrassed that you don't even try to make anything at all
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mirai227 · 2 years
So look. I agree there should be more queer folks involved in the creation of media, particularly mainstream media. (Other groups too but I’m speaking on queer folks right now.) Queer people are underrepresented and shoved to the side and poorly portrayed and that sucks, and there should be more of us involved, particularly when it comes to telling our stories.
Nothing good comes of the idea that ONLY queer folks should tell queer stories or portray queer characters, or that it’s okay to critique and harass straight folks purely for telling queer stories.
1. Segregation is not going to work in our favor. We know how “well make your own, then” plays out when the other group has the resources and institutional power. Especially if there’s no one even making them pay lip service to “separate but equal.” It’s not going to be any better if the segregation is self-imposed.
2. Saying straight folks can’t make queer media gives them a convenient excuse to simply not include any queer characters at all in the majority of stories, and I thought we hated that? I thought that was explicitly a bad thing? We WANT straight creators to be doing their best to write us well so we’ll be represented in a full range of mainstream media. Saying they can’t do it right and shouldn’t try lets them off the hook.
3. It puts closeted queer creators in a bind. Either they stay closeted and be harassed by angry queer folks, they come out and expose themselves to harassment from bigots, or they simply never tell queer stories, their own stories. The world gets worse for some subset of queer folks and fewer authentic queer stories get told. Net loss.
4. It makes the small pool of out queer creators the arbiters of queer narratives, which sucks for people who don’t see themselves well represented. There is no single definitive queer narrative and the smaller the pool of Approved Creators the more we risk instating a false one.
5. It opens the door to further divisions within the community. If a straight person can’t possibly understand a trans person well enough to write about or act them, can a cis gay person? So should a cis gay man ONLY write characters who are cis gay men? Ridiculous. No, all queer people are not alike and do not have the same experiences. So either we need to overcome that to learn about and empathize with other people and stand in solidarity, or we’re all going to splinter off into our own little bubbles which, again, is explicitly bad for both our real-life community and our fiction.
We want people to write about others who aren’t like them. We want people to write about others who aren’t like them. We also want people like us to have the opportunity to tell our stories but making it an exclusive privilege can only backfire.
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mirai227 · 2 years
^^rt I think op is completely missing the point about WHY people say this in the first place.
There’s a particular attitude I often see on the internet that goes something like “If you aren’t part of a particular marginalized group, then you could never understand their experience, so don’t pretend to relate.” And while obviously you’re never going to relate to every aspect of that identity unless you are also of that identity, I feel like this attitude really diminishes opportunities for finding kinship and bonding in similar experiences even if those experiences aren’t exactly the same and/or are the result of different identities.
For example, I’m white and neurodivergent, and I was talking to a Black neurotypical friend about masking, and how I feel like I have to change the entire way I present myself in order to not be considered weird in public. She responded with “Oh, some of that sounds kind of like code-switching— how I have to switch away from using AAVE in white-dominated settings in order to be accepted.” And then we bonded over how frustrating and ridiculous it is that AAVE and stimming are both considered unacceptable in “professional” settings.
Another time, a straight Jewish friend was telling me about a book she had just finished reading, which was written by a Jewish author and had a Jewish main character. She was saying that it was really nice to read a book written by a Jewish author, because even when gentile authors do their research and write a pretty accurate Jewish character, they never quite feel Jewish— you can always tell the author was a gentile. And I said “Oh that sounds kind of like when I read queer characters written by straight authors— you can always tell the author was straight even if they do their research and get things fairly right. So even though I’m happy when any book features queer characters, it’s really especially nice to read queer characters written by queer authors.” And we bonded over this similar experience, and we were both excited that the other understood even if we were coming to this experience from different angles, and then we swapped book recommendations. This conversation is also a great example of when that internet attitude DOES apply— when someone outside of a particular group is trying to understand that group’s entire experience well enough to accurately write the world as seen through their eyes. They’re never quite going to get it right, and that’s ok! It just means it’s important to also have Own Voices authors writing those types of stories also.
Sometimes it seems like people who have been in internet circles exhibiting this attitude for too long are afraid to ever try to relate to the experiences of anyone in any groups other than their own for fear of causing offense, which is honestly pretty counterproductive. Understanding each other and bonding across groups should be the goal! Relating to each other is not a bad thing!
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mirai227 · 2 years
genuinely so fucking tired of people leveraging the "groomer" argument against people who support sex ed because scientific literature over decades shows that comprehensive sex education starting around kindergarten actually prevents children from being sexually abused and groomed because it teaches children the correct words for their body parts and also teaches them concepts of privacy, personal space, bodily autonomy, the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching, and the fact that sex is something that only adults do. children with this knowledge are not only better equipped to identify abuse and predatory behavior and communicate that its happening to a trusted adult, but also prevent it from happening in the first place by recognizing when something is happening that shouldn't.
sex education does not sexualize children, it prevents children from being sexualized. anyone who is against early foundational sex education and claims they are doing it to protect children is a fucking liar.
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