miscincorrectqs · 4 years
nomi: do you take constructive criticism?
lito: not without crying
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
lizzie: here is my wall of inspirational women.
josie: is that a picture of you?
lizzie: yes, i am big enough to admit that i am often inspired by myself.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
fiona: gather around, we have a problem.
ian: what? the fire?
fiona: no, the- wait, there’s a fire?
ian: never mind, this sounds more interesting.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
nico after having sex with levi: wow that was great i had you screaming the entire time
levi: yeah sorry about that i'm afraid of the dark
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
connor, talking about himself: tragic someone this sexy has to go through this much
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
guzman: i think at some point, you and i should probably make out with each other.
nadia: yeah, good call.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
henry: *pointing the bug zapper* where is it taking them?
emma: …hell
regina: emma, don’t say that
emma: oh i’m sorry not hell… mexico
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
cyrus, to buffy: i dare you-
andi: buffy's not allowed to accept dares.
cyrus: why not?
buffy, head bowed: i have no regard for my own personal safety.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
leia: when i was a kid, i had to say ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’…
leia: and yesterday, my son ben threatened to call the cops on me because i asked him to finish his pizza.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
evie, skipping stones on a lake : what a beautiful lake.
mal, whispering : take that you fucking lake
68 notes · View notes
miscincorrectqs · 4 years
monsters : we have your daughter
marco: i don’t have a daughter??
monsters : then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off her sandwhich?
marco: oh my god you have STAR
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
kieren: so, how’s the prettiest person in the world doing?
amy, barely sparing kieren a glance:
amy: i don’t know. how are you?
kieren, voice cracking: i’m fine
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
amy: this is absolutely not funny, delete this immediately or my lawyer will be in contact
jake: do it baby i know the law
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
roz: isn't that unethical?
sabrina: no!
roz: ''unethical'' means 'morally wrong'.
sabrina: oh. then yes.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
madison: let’s play 21 questions.
michael: okay. what’s your favorite colour?
madison: square. are you a virgin?
21 notes · View notes
miscincorrectqs · 4 years
rossi: if anyone is feeling anxious, worried or maybe you just want a chat, please, please, do not come crying to me.
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miscincorrectqs · 4 years
heather chandler: heather, tell this jerk where he can stick his grapes
heather duke: in the fridge!!
heather chandler: no, heather
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