miserydemandscompany · 9 months
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This thread is incredibly important to read.
It is also extremely difficult to read. I don't know if I need to point this out, but the document itself is obviously full of bigotry so please take care of yourself if you choose to read it. Antisemitic phrases like "cultural marxism" and "global elites" appear before the document even really gets rolling, and are mixed in with transphobia, racism, and more.
If you want a taste of how this document starts in the first main section about "The Family", here is a taste:
"This starts with deleting the terms sexual orientation and gender identity (“SOGI”), diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”), gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists."
It is all bad. ALL of this document is bad, and dangerous, and threatens the lives and the safety of everyone living in this country.
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u don't like kitty and puppy? 🐈 meow? 🐕 bark?
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“Get a rat and put it in a cage and give it two water bottles. One is just water, and one is water laced with either heroin or cocaine. If you do that, the rat will almost always prefer the drugged water and almost always kill itself very quickly, right, within a couple of weeks. So there you go. It’s our theory of addiction. Bruce comes along in the ’70s and said, “Well, hang on a minute. We’re putting the rat in an empty cage. It’s got nothing to do. Let’s try this a little bit differently.” So Bruce built Rat Park, and Rat Park is like heaven for rats. Everything your rat about town could want, it’s got in Rat Park. It’s got lovely food. It’s got sex. It’s got loads of other rats to be friends with. It’s got loads of colored balls. Everything your rat could want. And they’ve got both the water bottles. They’ve got the drugged water and the normal water. But here’s the fascinating thing. In Rat Park, they don’t like the drugged water. They hardly use any of it. None of them ever overdose. None of them ever use in a way that looks like compulsion or addiction. There’s a really interesting human example I’ll tell you about in a minute, but what Bruce says is that shows that both the right-wing and left-wing theories of addiction are wrong. So the right-wing theory is it’s a moral failing, you’re a hedonist, you party too hard. The left-wing theory is it takes you over, your brain is hijacked. Bruce says it’s not your morality, it’s not your brain; it’s your cage. Addiction is largely an adaptation to your environment. […] We’ve created a society where significant numbers of our fellow citizens cannot bear to be present in their lives without being drugged, right? We’ve created a hyperconsumerist, hyperindividualist, isolated world that is, for a lot of people, much more like that first cage than it is like the bonded, connected cages that we need. The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. And our whole society, the engine of our society, is geared towards making us connect with things. If you are not a good consumer capitalist citizen, if you’re spending your time bonding with the people around you and not buying stuff—in fact, we are trained from a very young age to focus our hopes and our dreams and our ambitions on things we can buy and consume. And drug addiction is really a subset of that.”
Johann Hari,
Does Capitalism Drive Drug Addiction?
(via bigfatsun)
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First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out, because I was not a communist...
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We need kink at pride because “kink” isn’t just kink. “Kink” is:
That boy wearing jeans that are too tight
Your neighbors and their “friend” that lives with them
Having a beard and wearing a skirt
Wearing any kind of choker
Literally anything else they decide goes against the “norm”, and it can be literally anything. That is why we need kink at pride.
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Okay but this is what I mean when I say that nobody is going to be liberated until people stop being so possessive over the bodies of trans men and transmasc+ people.
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Just to make this very, very clear. Every act of referring to any form of sexuality as degenerate is nazi rhetoric. Not like “oh crypto fash dogwhistle”, no I mean actual NSDAP politics that were used to put us in concentration camps.
It doesn’t matter if you mean only kinksters or whatever. You are still using their rhetoric and to do so while claiming to advocate for us is at best severely misguided, at worst actively vile.
Do not, under any circumstance, spread the use of ideas to describe sexuality that have been coined to eradicate us.
Do not normalize the way nazis referred to us, just by picking another target. You are still empowering the people who want to put us against the wall.
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if you often find yourself skipping meals because you are too depressed / disordered / etc to make food, buy protein bars. cannot stress enough how helpful this is
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UBI needs to happen. via antiwork
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Wait, do people normally eat every 4-6 hours??
Asking for a friend
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Time to delete Facebook/Meta.
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jot that down
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Hating how the married spouse of one of my siblings is now turning around at the mention of other laws getting overturned (ie same-sex and interracial marriage, contraceptives) and saying it's just "extreme liberal left-wing propaganda" like his wife and her friends isn't in very real danger if these laws got overturned in the wake of Roe v Wade
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To myself, raised in an environment that glorified and romanticized restriction and suffering:
There is no victory in skipping dinner, or lunch, or breakfast, or morning coffee, or dessert.
There is no victory in refusing heaters and air conditioners and fans and heated blankets.
There is no victory in denying yourself sleep, or showers, or movement, or water, or a comfortable bed, or taking the elevator vs. the stairs.
There is no victory in refusing pain meds and heating pads and ice packs and medical help.
There is no victory in punishing yourself needlessly, in telling yourself that this pain you feel is because you are bad to the core and deserve it.
There is no victory in choking back your laughter and your tears, to keep an imagined equilibrium of safety that is really just a dry, cracked, empty, endless emotional desert.
You are here. You are in this body, and this body is yours. You deserve good things. You are alive, and that is messy and loud, and messy and loud are okay.
It’s okay to live abundantly. It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s okay to indulge. This paralysis of self-punishment, self-restriction, self-loathing is not healthy or good for you.
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the pride discourse is absolutely rancid this year, i have seen with my own two eyes so far
we should up to age of consent to 21
16 year olds shouldn’t know what sex is
drag is inherently sexual and inappropriate for children
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