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Meet my awesome brother. Yes, we're siblings, don't b*tch out. :P
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My new wallet pictures! The smiles kinda look alike. HAHA.
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45/1000 photos of Min
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4th Entry
1/20/2013 1:33 PM
Not everyone is perfect. We all make mistakes and drive other people crazy some times. We knock down too many things at once, we snap a little too many times and we spit out words that we don't even mean. I try my best to contain this, and if I can not, I see to it that I accept and reflect on my actions and actually admit it. As of now, I don't know what I should do anymore because I don't even know where I'm standing. Am I on the right ground or on the wrong one? Things don't always work-out too well and sometimes pride can shoot higher than the stratosphere. You eventually build it with pure metal that no matter how you try, you can never step it down or destroy it.
I'm tired of all this. I'm tired of dealing with selfish people everyday, tired of having to over think things too much and tired of stretching my patience. The ironic part is, I'm also selfish and people have to stretch their patience towards me. Do I really want their sympathy or do I just want independence to learn everything the hard way? What guidance do I need in order to get all my thoughts straight and not be confused anymore?
I don't even know what I want anymore. All my life I believed I wanted to be someone. A person that my family can be proud of so i decided to take the path they wanted. No one forced me to do that though. I took it at my own accord. Yet as the years grew by, my reason changed. I wanted to live my life and not care about other things. I didn't think about the future and only thought about now. If I was given the chance to go back to childhood and correct all the wrong decisions I've made, I would do just that. But none of us are ever given the power of going back through time. You can't do anything but reflect on it and try to patch them all up. I realized that it's what I really want, but still at the end of the day my mind is still filled with questions and I don't know my true purpose anymore. I know the purpose my family has built for me and I try to fulfill it, but how can I do that when I don't even know my true purpose for myself?
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Ini? Kung indi tungod sa bayi nga ni nakatulog pa ko guro gapun. Galing tungod migahay gin updan gid. T kundi rehus kmi ga purula mata sa ulihi. HAHAHA. #Haggard#Sleepy #Weirdness
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With awesome bro Paul @Robinson's Penshoppe. Ohaa. Tomboy daw at baboy. Lol. No haters please. :P
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What you get if you stay up 'till sunrise on new year. Extremely heavy bags. Pakilo ta? Haha.
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just a quickie..wish you a very good 2013!
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3rd entry: New Year Message
Dear Vincent,
I'm sorry that I've been an awful- if not- the worst girlfriend lately. I always say things that don't make sense and always seem like I'm intentionally hurting your feelings, but trust me when I say I don't mean it. I know I'm a little competitive on a lot of things and unfortunately, that includes our relationship. You know that I try to control that even if I sometimes can't, but I also know that you get hurt or irritated by the things I do. Come 2013 I'll try to be, not just a better girlfriend, but a better person as well. By that I mean I'll try to keep my mouth shut and listen more often.
I'm glad I met you this 2012 and I don't hope or wish that we would still be together till next year or that this relationship should go strong because I know that we will be and that we already are. We've fought big enough fights that seem like this relationship wasn't working out right? Heck I even slapped you across the face because I was so angry at you. Even so, we always end up saying those three words by the end of the day just because we can't stay mad any longer. You could say we love each other that much? So basically, it always works out in the end for us. Like I said, I don't care what happens because I won't EVER let you go. It's you and me against the world baby.
Take note, I was never this cheesy before, but you could say you're an exception. :)
Happy New Year baby. I love you so so much. Mon seul et unique amour, my one and only love.
From Jenn
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Awesome kicks.
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Thanks to Textbook for putting together this gem.
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End-of-year skype with my boyfriend. We look like a bunch of retards. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! :)
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2nd entry: Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013.
While I'm writing this the clock ticks away the last seconds of 2012. As I'm willing away my time I've decided I have a few things to say before I welcome the new year.
I know I haven't been entirely a good person this year what with all the mistakes I've made and all the people I've disappointed. There were too many issues, dramas and questions this year that I hoped for a better tomorrow. But that's just it, tomorrow is already another year. Not just another day or another week, but a whole new year. A long enough time to correct all the mistakes I've made this year.
I would love to say sorry to the people I've wronged. I may or may have not done that intentionally, but either way I still apologize. I know it wasn't right of me to hurt or anger you like that(talking about you Vincent). Also to my mom who I never seem to get along with so well. I can not promise to change, but I can tell you that I will try.
My attitude hasn't been the very best when I lived through this year. I got stubborn, hard-headed and I refused to listen to anyone who told me I was wrong otherwise. I was always right... or at least I thought I was even if it was clear that I was standing on the wrong side of the road. My grades are also another thing when it comes to this year. So far, they haven't been the very best in my opinion. I used to be very conscious of my grades. I don't know what happened to me, always saying, "I'll do this tomorrow" or "Maybe some other time". All of which ended up with doing nothing at all.
Change is inevitable. It's not harmful as long as you know how to will it properly. We are perfectly imperfect and it's just the thing that makes us human.
I hope to welcome 2013 with this change. I hope to improve every single one of my wrongs. I hope.
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My cousin Aurellia and me. She's an adorable little thing ain't she?
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Made by one of my awesome best friends. If I remember correctly, these are the highlights of our friendship during the year 2012.
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My boyfriend and his adorable little puppy, Pillow! Both are cute, but I think the puppy is way more adorable.
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