misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
OOC: Misiko wants you to look at the tags. So you should look at them.
I’m off!~  Laters all~! 
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
OOC: Announcement
Tomorrow is my birthday! Soo am most likely not going to be on very much tomorrow/tomorrow night. My parents are taking me out to dinner with two of my close friends. And then on the 17th said close friends are kidnapping me for the day and we're going to do....stuff. Nerdy stuff. 
So I won't be on much for the next couple of days. BUT that doesn't mean that I don't think y'all are the best RP buddies ever (cause y'all are) and I will surely miss you even if it's just for a little while. Cause y'all rock. I feel so blessed and lucky to be a tumblr rper. <3
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
"Are you positive it's the king of hell and just not some look alike?" Zac blinked a few times and held up a hand. "Know what, don't answer that. If talking dogs are real then the king of hell is running around London..."
The man sighed thinking about how nice it would be to be back in his flat with Misiko and to have a beer. Oh yes. That is what he was going to do. After he visited his sister he and Misiko were going to sit on the sofa and watch action movies that were not about demons or aliens or birds or...actually, he might just not watch any action movies. He would probably go for a comedy. Yeah. Comedy sounded good. 
Zac dragged himself back to the present. "Well Captain, I don't think there's anything else we can do, but um is there any way to keep ourselves safe from this kind of thing?" 
"You’re welcome," he said quickly, before cocking his head to the side as he thought of the question, “I’m not too sure. I’m going to say mysterious deaths, depending on how mad this thing is, I mean it’s pretty sadistic in nature, and a general rise in crime. Don’t worry, my guys are working on it."
This was not what Torchwood did, this was not how they operated.
We’re alien defense, and we can’t even do that right, for god’s sake.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
"But this River person and the hell guy can beat it right? I mean you did say that your guys are working on it." Zac shifted his weight and ran a hand through his hair. This conversation had taken a very ugly turn.
Jack really wanted to say something now. “Iris is good at what she does - whatever that actually is - and Greg, well, Greg is most certainly not a pervert. Is that everything?" Jack’s smile became forced.
He quite liked having company at The Hub, especially as it was always empty, but. Jack began to fiddle with things, his weapons, his phone, anything, he wasn’t good in heated situations, despite his usually cool manner.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
OOC: Raise your hand....
I had to switch browsers so if you're in an RP with Misiko or Zac and I need to reply to it please like this so that I know who/what to reply to. I'm sorry! Switching browsers totally threw me off! 
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
Zac smiled at Jack. He liked this fellow. Mortal or not, the man knew his stuff. "I think that's it. Oh...the mask. Iris took it off, do you have it? I think she'd like it back." He shrugged, "I'd like to take a look at it at least assuming it's still uh, in one piece."
"It isa rather ridiculous get up.  I’m sure Lestrade didn’t have anything to do with it."  Sally commented.  “I need to come up with some sort of cover story for this with Lestrade." 
She set her mind on that for the moment, letting Zac get everything else out of his system. 
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
Zac's eyes were wide as he rubbed a hand over his face. He didn't say anything for a moment. He nodded."Then I, uh, would "sorry" be appropriate? And umm, she seemed to help. A bit. Then there was that wall thing."
He then seemed to understand what Sally said. "Wait. He has nothing to do with it? What do you mean Lestrade has nothing to do with this!? He got rid of a demon! How could he not have anything to do with this?" He practically shouted gesturing at the screens. "My sister's costume? No, of course not, but the rest of that. Oh I think he had something to do with it."
"Well, um, the thing is, when you exorcise a demon it isn’t dead. It just buggers off somewhere to find a new host. But River - the curly haired woman - I believe has teamed up with the king of hell, and they’re going to try and take it down."
He shrugged sheepishly before offering them a smile. “Is that all you needed to know?"
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
Yay! We all have everything and hugs. But I dare say, I don't think seeing how much self-loathing Dean has will help Greg any. In fact, it might just make it worse. They could start a  "Who hates themselves more" contest and that just wouldn't be good for either of them.
They’re melting into one big puddle of….stuff.
WHAT ARE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOING TO MY FEELINGS?!?? More importantly why are we so terrible to our muses? T_T
Ok I’m done now. Back to writing stories about my characters.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
"No!" Zac said before Sally could answer. "I want to know how the hell my sister learned how to fight like that and who the hell let her tag along! And, and more importantly, what the hell is up with that costume?!"
"Um, no, never dealt with talking animals. Aliens and demons yes, but talking animals no."
Jack felt as though he were intruding in a private conversation, so he kept his mouth shut and watched the pair carefully.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
*Takes a cupcake and bites into it* Cupcakes are always mandatory for any situation.
They’re melting into one big puddle of….stuff.
WHAT ARE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOING TO MY FEELINGS?!?? More importantly why are we so terrible to our muses? T_T
Ok I’m done now. Back to writing stories about my characters.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
Yes! Tea! Wait...who's bringing the tea? I've got the blankets and the cookies.
They’re melting into one big puddle of….stuff.
WHAT ARE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOING TO MY FEELINGS?!?? More importantly why are we so terrible to our muses? T_T
Ok I’m done now. Back to writing stories about my characters.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
When it was finally over Zac grabbed the nearest thing to him and held on for dear life. He couldn't feel his legs. Demons? Immortals? His pacifist sister a fighter that was skilled with knives and used her martial arts training outside of the dojo? Too much. This was too much. A talking dog he could handle. But this? Too much. "M-my sister fought that thing? And Greg-I mean Lestrade?" He looked at Jack waiting for some more logical explanation than what he just saw.
"Um, no, never dealt with talking animals. Aliens and demons yes, but talking animals no."
Jack felt as though he were intruding in a private conversation, so he kept his mouth shut and watched the pair carefully.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
Y'all are about to make me cry over here, and yet I'm the one sending the terrible text messages to Lestrade XD I'm sure your heart is hurting just as much as mine is.
I think this calls for blankets and cookies and lots of hugs.
OOC: My feelings...
They’re melting into one big puddle of….stuff. 
WHAT ARE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOING TO MY FEELINGS?!?? More importantly why are we so terrible to our muses? T_T
Ok I’m done now. Back to writing stories about my characters.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
OOC: My feelings...
They're melting into one big puddle of....stuff. 
WHAT ARE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOING TO MY FEELINGS?!?? More importantly why are we so terrible to our muses? T_T
Ok I'm done now. Back to writing stories about my characters.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
I am really sorry for all the fans of Glee. I know that they're really feeling the loss now and my thoughts and prayers are with the Glee cast, Cory's family and friends and especially Lea.
Even though I'm not a Glee fan I know that show made a huge difference for a lot of people. I know that y'all are really upset about this. *hugs Glee fans and passes out cookies and friendship blankets* Stay strong Gleeks!!!
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No. You do not do this. You do not tweet the cast of ‘Glee’ telling them that you are glad Cory is dead. You do not tweet at Lea telling her that you’re praising her fiancés passing. This is not the ‘Lord’s’ work. This is senseless hate in its truest form. These people make me sick to my stomach. There has to be something seriously wrong if these can’t comprehend that what Cory was speeding was a message of love and acceptance. This is not okay. This should not be tolerated.
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misikoandhuman-blog · 11 years
OOC: Bed Time
It's bed time for this human! I'll be on tomorrow and I'll be sure to reply to everything then.
Y'all are the best RP buddies EVER! ^^ Hope you all have a good day/night.
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