misogynist-lesbian · 5 days
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Be warned, young developer. Where you expect everything to be like your classes, and all the "shoulds" are followed, this is your future.
Or, at least, 2 out of my last three jobs.
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misogynist-lesbian · 8 days
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misogynist-lesbian · 9 days
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I work at an actual company. This actually happened. Everyone else insisted it was necessary. We regularly clone out production databases. Why not just debug it there? No, we have to debug on the production server.
I'm updating my Linkedin.
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misogynist-lesbian · 9 days
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misogynist-lesbian · 11 days
I only have one box (out of maybe 7? [depending on how you count them] currently running) with a CD drive installed.
But the way "you will own nothing" is going, I may have to install some readers and/or burners just so I can archive and access my own data without fear of someone remotely taking it from me.
RB if you think CD drives in computers are not obsolete, but in fact still necessary, despite being artificially phased out
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misogynist-lesbian · 13 days
I always get my greatest inspiration about ten minutes before I need to go to bed.
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misogynist-lesbian · 13 days
I've been a renter all my life. I've gone out of my way to help the people I've rented from. I've replaced giant appliances, I've done major repairs myself, I've brought lawns back from the dead, and I've cleaned out the meth houses of former neighbors.
I've never had a landlord -not- try to screw me when I moved out.
I used to be on the side of "everyone has to make a living" and "there are good and bad actors on both sides". Years of living with a gun to my head have taught me otherwise.
To be a landlord is to say "my money is worth more than your life", because the instant your money stops, they throw you out into the cold to die. They've created an artificial scarcity in order to bleed people dry with no effort or skill required on their part. They are parasites on society, and each one deserves nothing more than two to the back of the head.
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misogynist-lesbian · 13 days
I'm looking for a buyer's agent. And I've decided I don't want to work with a woman for what may potentially be the biggest purchase of my life.
I look down the list and I read their profiles. This is how they've chosen to represent themselves to potential clients.
Every man's profile: I can bring you X years of experience and I know I can get you exactly what you're looking for.
Every woman's profile: Ever since I was a child, this job has always been my dream. This job is my passion, and I'm passionate about my job! I take an education-first approach to the experience. I'm a mom with X kids!
Do you notice the difference here? The man says "You, You, You" and the woman says "Me, Me, Me". The women are so self-absorbed that the only time the client enters her mind, it's so she can talk down to them.
If I'm hiring someone to do a job, I expect them to work for my interests. Women show me right out of the gate that they're not even interested in listening to me. She's there to indulge her little side hobby and sponge attention from a now-captive audience.
A man will take your money and get the job done. A woman sees her job as a chance to perform for attention.
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misogynist-lesbian · 26 days
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We all assume the first.
But, speaking professionally, the second is far more likely.
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misogynist-lesbian · 1 month
Huh. Self esteem through standing up system infrastructure.
It's just so crazy it might work.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go install Nagios on my Raspberry Pi to monitor my LAN servers.
My self esteem may be low, but also, I successfully managed to manually install and run Arch fucking Linux. This is an OS system for the people with inferiority/superiority complexes.
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misogynist-lesbian · 1 month
And if it required an online component, such as server software for a multiplayer game, that should be made public so we can host our own servers for our friends.
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misogynist-lesbian · 2 months
FSA vs. McClelland anyone?
scrying is now illegal unless you have a court order
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misogynist-lesbian · 2 months
Rooting in an overgrown forest limits your growth potential.
I have a brother who boomeranged back to the little town where we grew up. He keeps dropping pointed comments that I should do the same, and I would honestly and literally rather die.
Most people boomerang for one of two reasons: 1) they can't handle living outside of the pre-arranged social circle they grew up in and 2) they need the free childcare from boomer parents who own at least one home.
For me, going back would be the ultimate admission of defeat, a clear and unequivocal sign my life is over.
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misogynist-lesbian · 3 months
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My god my girlies
MY GIRLIES. I am still crying, I am still crying about this. Every day I cry about this.
You bitched so hard about being forced to read 1984 in school when it’s so problematic (tm)
Maybe you should have actually paid attention when you read it
Because all these AI fics
You are LITERALLY MAKING THE GARBAGE NOVELS FROM 1984 that are written by machines
You have literally recreated the worthless soulless machine-made books
Literally. Every once in a while it hits me in a fresh wave of disbelief and anger. You have literally created the dystopian book from the dystopian story about why dystopia is bad, and you are passing it around like it’s this amazing thing. I’m crying, I’m crying.
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misogynist-lesbian · 3 months
Just shoveling flour into their mouth with both hands and the faery comes out with a broom like "Shoo! Shoo! Go back to the human realm already!"
And they just start crying "The human realm is insane! I want to live here where nothing makes sense!"
You know how people sometimes get a cat by just having a random stray cat with no collar and no chip walk in and sit on the couch like "yo fucknuts I live here now", and the people just go "well fuck, guess I gotta go get a litterbox then."
Now consider: Humans doing that to the fae. Not being captured by the fae folk, not taken against their will but stubbornly walking in to their realm and refusing to leave before one of them agrees to take this damn creature. Faeries telling each other "naww come on, you can't make it leave, it already ate your food. Everyone knows you gotta keep them if you've fed them."
And another faery yells back "I did not fucking feed that thing, it climbed into my pantry and was eating flour straight out of the bag!"
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misogynist-lesbian · 3 months
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Just go to YouTube, search "how do I start learning to code", and you'll immediately get a dozen 10-min videos telling you where to start.
But really, just sit down and build something.
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misogynist-lesbian · 3 months
My boss is desperately trying to push for getting everyone back to working in offices. He also has been insisting that everyone needs to fly out somewhere on a regular basis so everyone can "have a chance to meet".
The company is starting to push back on this, because of how ridiculously expensive it is FOR ABSOLUTELY NO BENEFIT. For what it costs to fly out an entire team for a three-day meet-n-greet, they could literally hire me another junior developer.
It's starting to become clear to everyone that for these capitalist simps, it was never about the money. It was always about the control. It was about the ego boost that comes form ordering your subordinates into their cubes and making sure they worked the full eight hours plus the unpaid overtime, even when there wasn't enough work to do.
It's always been about indulging their inner pissant high school teacher. "The bell doesn't dismiss you. *I* dismiss you."
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