miss-millymoose · 8 years
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have a transparent egg on steak for your tumblr as i starve for another night
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
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Guess what my favourite newly discovered thing in GoogleSheets is
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 /fits to data B-J
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hhhhhhehehehe /excited wiggles
…it was more fun on my blacksmith chart though.
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Not having to manually resize my columns manually by eye is great ???
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Going to the alchemist + paying the 5k to pick a color works for the Saggitari. I did it like an hour and a half ago, so can confirm this is what you need to do.
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whatever happened to being able to choose the colors you got
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
You can pick the color you want if you go to the alchemy shop with the potion + pay 5k to pick the color.
You can only pick the color of a species if it’s a common when you create it, otherwise it’s random, unless you visit the shop.
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whatever happened to being able to choose the colors you got
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Playing games atm so no screenie but..
Saggitari Morphing Potion; 1; 80 FurDollars Saggitari Morphing Potion; 1; 145 FurDollars
This isn’t how you maintain profit margins kiddos..
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Saggitari are new, but don’t forget to price your potions above the cost to produce them, so you make a profit from the time spent on crafting! That is, price them above 11,500 give or take, going from plant sellback value only.
Don’t tank MP values fellows :’)
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
FV down
what else am I supposed to be doing while fishing in WoW
I need to multitask FV stop this
sobs into hands
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
At least it’s like 300 FC for the potion and 5k from the alchemy dude to make them a bat eared fox?
Not too bad.
I don’t think we should be upset about furvilla adding more versions of the animals tbh.
im mad that they released a bat eared fox after I already made my bat eared fox oc :/
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
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Minimalist Profile Template -
Free to use, edit, etc. Organized for easy reading! Please do not sell or claim the template as your own!
[Pastebin] - [My CSS Page]
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
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A fat snail villager base I made for Furvilla! It’s pretty unlikely we’ll ever get a snail species, so I filled in the gap. :] Drawn by hand and not based on any specific species, so you can only make it with a Shifty.
It’s free to use and colors up pretty nicely. By default, it has some blank space above the head so that when you size it down to 400 it’s shorter than regular villagers. You can crop that out and make a big snail if you want though. Rules:
1) Credit me! Either my Furvilla account or my this art tumblr work. 2) No selling painties/commissions on the base for real cash… only furvilla dollars and furvilla cash. Sorry! Also, again, be sure to credit me and do not present the base itself as your own work. 3) Optional, but I’d love to see any design you make with it. 4) That’s it, those are the only rules.  
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Uh well, I haven’t been active on FR in a long time, but I do know I saw a recent thread on FV about someone wanting to trade USD for FD and the mod said something like how you can’t trade FV things for ‘irl goods’? They linked the person to the location to buy FD directly with their paypal USD afterwards. Either way I’m not entirely sure it’s allowed to trade site items/goods for irl items/goods. Might want to check with mods beforehand on that one idek
alright so i forgot about the whole “no sharing personal info” so i am going to post this here.
i am thinking about trading Furvilla and Flight Rising goods for RL pokemon cards. i just wanna expand my collection without having to cut into my food budget.
i would be trading things such as:
FV: Furcash, profile formatting services, items (Quetzal Palace if youre wondering), art (no painties)
FR: treasure, skins, apparel, pretty dragons, art (no skin or accent requests) and anything else really
… anyone interested? i would be looking for all kinds of cards. old, new, non holo, holo, reverse, common, uncommon, rare, ultra rare, secret rare, promo… as long as the card is legit and in good condition, chances are i may want to trade.
please, tell me if you are interested.
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Furvilla Psd Thread
Thread here
Finally finished converting all the pngs into psds. It took wayyyyy too long, but thankfully now that I have all the current ones out of the way I just have to update it every now and then whenever they add any new ones.
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Here’s how the psds are laid out for anyone wondering. A flat colored base, two flat colored shading layers, a black lineart layer, and a white low opacity highlight layer. Though most of the psds don’t have named layers because it would’ve taken soooo much longer if I had to name all of them.
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
Trading Steampunk outfit for Mythic Outfit!
Hit me up o:
Looking to trade or sell the Steampunk Outfit for the Mythic outfit.
Aisling #27619
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
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Costumes and the occupations they buff!
I am missing info on the reaper costume and the diver costume, if you know what they do then let me know :v Post will be updated when that happens.
And let me know if you spot any errors!
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
I just want to work on painties
but no
my tablet has to throw a fucking FIT every, and I do mean EVERY OTHER FUCKING MONTH
This is so fucking frustrating. For real? I just had to fix this shit LAST MONTH. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS. Goddamn piece of shit trash.
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
infinite villllaagEERSSSSSS
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miss-millymoose · 8 years
@ nerds hearing mysterious music on your dash
It’s your adblock software not completely blocking some ads that include autoplay content.
First off, Tumblr isn’t going to care, because Yahoo wants to make some money off this sinkhole of a site, and more and more intrusive ads are the way to do it, especially if we’re all trying to block them anyway.
However, running the site WITH adblock disabled, I could see the ads, but not mute them (pausing/muting went away if I scrolled up or down), so I’m going to say they’re being fucks anyway and don’t deserve the advertising money if they’re going to assault me with unwanted autoplay sound that I can’t stop.
Open up your ad blocker, create a custom filter for: *.tubemogul.com* and that should stop it.  Has worked for me so far, but I literally just did this 10 minutes ago so I don’t know if it’s a complete or correct solution.  If anyone’s a bigger nerd about adblock filtering or wants to dig for other sources for the autoplay ads, hit me up.
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