missfloeyfs-blog · 7 years
September is here ...
September is here. End of summer, time to put down the wine glass, find the black trousers and wave goodbye to the lazy mornings.
September to me is almost New years day, I buy a new diary, have a tidy and make ridiculous new years resoultions I can never keep ….
1) Use new diary
2) Be super organised
3) Always set up your classroom the night before
4) No Twinkl/SparkleBox … anything to make my life easier.
5) Do my learning journeys ever night so I never get behind
6) Run a new club
7) change my working walls every week
8) Always have amazing displays
9) No clutter in my classroom!
as well as going to the gym 3 times a week, finding more time for my family/friends/partner, eating healthily, getting 8 hours sleep a night and taking up a new hobby …… POSSIBLE RIGHT?
So this year I have decided enough is enough and my only September resoultion is this… Start a blog and each day, stop and enjoy the AMAZING job that teaching can be and share a little bit of happiness on here.
If anyone wants to jump on the positivity teaching train there is plenty of room…
Miss Flo :)
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