*Meanwhile, back at base*
*a comms session privately played without warning*
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*This chit-chat between 2 people was sudden*
Shepherd: Huh? Are there other people on this planet?!
Collin: I haven’t seen any extra life scans since arriving.
Yonny: I haven’t seen anything resembling a dog either. Other than Oatchi and the dog the red Leafling rides.
Shepherd: Can we reply to the comm?
Collin: Negative… it just comes as static if we try to reply.
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Hello, Olimin. You need to pay your spaceship insurance. You can't avoid this anymore sir!
*Olimin glares at the drone*
Maki: Wait, that should be covered by the company! Is it not?!
Dingo: Alright, we're ready for the battle!
Olimin: Good. You'll have four minutes. Only blue pikmin. Ready? Dingo and Maki: *nods*
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How's dongo and mac?
Dongo: We're fine, just confused, mostly.
Mac: We'll get to the dandori battle in a moment, sorry.
Olimin: No worries! Take your time.
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Here are some pets for Spade
-Dweevil Anon
*Spade chitters happily*
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Keven has Amosis been behavior.
*You feel a chill go through the drone. He refuses to think of him. He causes enough trouble in his own world*
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*waits again*
Olimin: Take all the time you need, just let me know when you're ready to begin.
*Maki and Dingo take a breather, checking each other for any injuries. They're both fine, just a little shook up.*
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Hey Olmin (Olimin)! Long time no seen! *giggle*
Okay, maybe I should cut it out but… seriously, I wonder how they would react if they would knew it…
Olimin: Know what?
Maki: Ah... my head is splitting! Could we get a moment? We kind of had a weird encounter on the way here?
Dingo: That's one way of putting it-
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*just waits for stuff to happen*
Dingo: That sounds good to me, I guess.
Keven: Excellent! I'll see you both later, then!
Maki: See you then, I guess?
*The screen goes dark for a few moments before coming back to life, Maki and Dingo are back in their suits. You're in a Dandori Battlezone, with what seems to be blue pikmin being the pikmin of choice for this battle*
Olimin: Are you ready for Dandori?
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Hark!! A newcomer! Greetings, new friend Keven!
Might I ask what exactly you do as a Director's Assistant? You seem to have quite a bit of control in this place here, given those puppeteer-like strings! And you seem to have knowledge about the game itself...I'm rather curious as to what all you know!
Keven: Greetings! In short, the Director makes sure everything within this world, and all games within it are running smoothly. I am, in a way, an extension of their abilities. I catch errors and correct them. In this case, figuring out what to do with Dingo and Maki.
*Keven looks down at Dingo, nodding* Keven: I like what you said, about giving you the player code. So, how about this. I send you back, and while you do the Dandori battle, I go and grab some extra code from the Director. When you return, I'll give it to you. That way you won't constantly be coming to and from here.
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I dunno? It's just a question I tend to ask.
Keven: Alright... Well, I can't say I hate anyone with a passion, as you put it. I certainly have people I dislike, but to say I so utterly hate one's existence? Well, that's a level of hate I've yet to reach with any one person.
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So keven is there anyone you hate with a passion?
Keven: That's a weird question to ask. What's that for?
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(this ask is for Keven, if it wasn't obvious)
I mean... you could just loa- send, them back out after they do the dandori battle
but I can see that being somewhat annoying and or tedious if something similar to this happens again...
you could send the Player with them too, but... they're right now sleeping and if everyone back at Basecamp remembers then-
wait, do the others back at Basecamp (besides Player cause they're asleep) know whats going on or is... or is everything else frozen right now, or something else?
(sorry if this is a lot)
Keven: Exactly my thoughts! Though I’m not quite sure how your game is reacting to these two’s absence. It varies from game to game. My best bet would be that time is contributing as normal, since your player is still present. To them, these two simply ceased to exist for a bit.
Dingo: Could you not, like, give us whatever lets [Player] freely go places?
Maki: I hope they aren't worried.
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Player had to get some rest as in captains orders!
But what's going to happen to Maki and Dingo?
*Keven pulls up some screens* Keven: I can see that, your player is sleeping right now. I can just load them both back into the Dandori battle.
Dingo: I... what does half of that mean? Keven: Nothing to worry about. Though, if I send just you too, you'll just end up here again after the battle...
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So what is going on keven? If you can say?
Keven: Well, based on the error, I’m assuming you attempted to enter a loading zone without a player. It bugged out, and sent you here. Nothing that can’t be fixed!
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Hai kev- how are you doing dear?
Maki: Hey! You know each other? Keven: Ah, Bunni! It's a pleasure to see you again!
Maki: Your name is Kev? Keven: Well, its Keven. I'm the Director's Assistant.
*Keven's ID added to file*
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*looking around nervously*
*finally seeing the boys*
*Maki and Dingo are dazed, both suspended in the air in yellow string. They noticeably both are lacking their suits, instead in casual clothing*
Dingo: ugh... I'm as lost as you are... I remember opening the entrance to the Dandori battle, then everything went dark.
Maki: what guy?
???: There you two are!
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uh... wut???????????
???: You're all probably quite confused. Let me find the other two who loaded in here, and I'll explain myself.
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