missingus · 6 years
What could have been
Late at night, when I am alone, I still think about what could have been. Would we be engaged by now? Would we both be off at the same college pursuing our dreams together? Would we still have ended up in the positions we are in now or would we still be so madly in love? I was broken when I left you. We both were. But you found someone else who put you back together while I am still very broken. She left you, but you still love her with everything you are. However, more often than I would like to admit, I am still left wondering. What would we be if we had stayed together?
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missingus · 7 years
The past
It will be two years soon. You are still with your person and I’m still alone. I hear others talk about the plans you have for the future with her and it hurts every time. I want so badly for that to be us planning our future, yet I’m so happy you have her. She’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a person. I’ve never met two people who are more meant for each other than you two. Neither of us talk about our past, because that’s exactly what it is: the past. You will always be my first love. Never stop loving her.
-the one who let you go
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missingus · 7 years
I still think of you all the time. I imagine what it would've been like had we fought for each other. We're both with new people now. That doesn't mean a piece of me doesn't still hope for us.
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missingus · 8 years
Thank you.
Thank you for letting me end it. Thank you for not fighting for us. Thank you for choosing to let me go. Thank you for moving on. Thank you for showing me how I shouldn't be treated. Thank you for helping me realize what I really want. Because of you I've found someone so much better. He loves me and treats me how I should be treated. You showed me everything that isn't right for you. You'll always have a place in my heart. Thank you.
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missingus · 8 years
I can't stop loving you. No matter how much I try, I can't stop my heart from missing you. You are the only person I need right now. You were my everything. I tried moving on, but it's not fair to pretend to love someone else when I can't stop loving you. I just want you to come back to me. My heart aches when I see you. It kills me to be around you and not be able to call you mine. They say if you love something let it go, but oh how I wish I would have never let you go.
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missingus · 8 years
Dear You,
You are my first real love. The time we had couldn't have been more perfect. We were young, but our love was real. Every night we spent just talking about the world, I will cherish forever. But that's all the past. I have found someone new. He is nothing like you. He's awkward and nerdy. He loves math and technology. The two of you couldn't be more different. You will always have a place in my heart. I hope you find happiness in your new person. -I will always love you-
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missingus · 8 years
Dear You,
You've found a new person. I can see how much you love and adore her. When you look at her, it's clear that she is your everything. I am so beyond happy that you have someone who can love you like you deserve. You two fit together so well. It may hurt to see you two together, but know that my tears are shed of joy. Joy that stems from the happiness she brings you. Please never settle for anything less than that.
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missingus · 8 years
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missingus · 8 years
I miss you.
I miss you so much. I pretend that I don't and everyone thinks I don't, but I miss you more than anything. I miss our late night conversations. I miss hearing about your dreams and ambitions. I miss arguing about who loves who more. Every time your new person posts a picture, I can't help but look to see if you liked it knowing that you did. She's always on her phone and I know she's texting you. You said you're in love with her and I'm happy that you're so happy. You're happiness is all that matters to me and she's you're happiness. I just hope everything I've been told isn't true and she's not just using you.
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missingus · 8 years
I saw a picture of you tonight. It wasn't of us or anything to do with me. It was from the our time. The time when we were together. You say now that we never "officially" dated and in my head we didn't. But my heart knows that we did. My heart remembers all the times that we had. The times we sat in my car and talked until late at night. All the hugs that I never wanted to end. I regret ending it. I hate admitting it but I need you. You were my happy place.
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missingus · 8 years
Please don't hurt him. I learned what your intentions are. I just hope they aren't true.
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missingus · 8 years
Dear you,
You're the one that he loves now. I know you'll love him like he deserves, because you already do. Please treat him well. Remember every single one of his insecurities, and do all in your power to make him forget them. Assure him that his parents do love him. Tell him that his eyes don't look funny without his glasses on. Make sure he isn't skipping meals again. When he's in your car with you, let him mess with the radio no matter how much it bothers you. He loves showing you his favorite things, especially music. Most importantly, when he's angry, don't add to the anger. Do not tell him to calm down or "chill". All he's known his entire life from his parents is anger, and sometimes it is hard for him to handle his own. Encourage him to follow his dreams, no matter how much it may hurt you to see him leave to follow them, because when he gets back you'll be the first and only thing on his mind. Well besides his little sister. He completely adores her. And if you're just with him because you are bored then stop. He deserves someone who will love him unconditionally. Someone who will be there at 2am when his parents are arguing again and he needs to get away from it. But I know you won't do that. I see how you are with him, and I can tell you love him. It's my fault that we ended, so I shouldn't be jealous of you but I am. Please never stop loving him, because I know he's in love with you. -the one who still loves him
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missingus · 8 years
I still love you. You made my days worth living.
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missingus · 8 years
I shouldn't have ended it.
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missingus · 8 years
I heard an old song you used to sing all the time. In fact I hear it quite often. It reminds me of you and the good times we had until I screwed it all up.
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missingus · 8 years
I thought I was over you. But every time I see you with your new person, I break a little more inside.
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missingus · 8 years
I check to see if you're online all the time. My heart skips a beat every time I think of sending that message that I think of all the time. I miss you and I miss us.
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