missjennybennett · 3 years
“Yeah, I’ve definitely been needing it. I look like a scruffy nerf herder.” He rustled his hair with his fingers and shrugged, smiling softly. “But thank you. And hey! If you have any cards, I have a fire station of guys and girls that will, at some point, need haircuts and trims. Word of mouth is a powerful thing.” He smiled as he watched her face when she spoke. She was so expressive and it definitely brought some sunshine to his day.
When she mentioned Cassie burning down the kitchen, he laughed, shaking his head. “Okay but still don’t set the kitchen on fire. Cause that’s considered arson and it won’t only be me showing up at your door. It’ll be the cops. If you don’t have donuts, they’ll fine you.” He winked.
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                  Jenny considers him for a long moment before she laughed, “Uh huh. A regular Han Solo.” She dug around in her purse for a moment before handing over a few of her business cards. “I’d appreciate it, honestly. I mean don’t do it ‘til ‘ve done your hair, ‘cause I don’t wanna make you a liar, but-- -”                      If she was planning to start trying to work out of the apartment, it’d be a good idea to grow her clientele, right? That way she can actually continue to make rent and stuff instead of just taking a bunch of walk-ins. Jenny laughed again at the donut comment. “I’ll keep that in mind. How do yah bribe the firefighters? Just askin’ in case I make clients outta all’a you.” 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
LOCATION: Central Park WHO: Open
The pencil between her teeth shifted as she erased something in her journal. An idea had struck her in the middle of her walk through the park and she absolutely had to jot it down before she forgot. Ohh – and she just got a new piece from the thrift shop down the street that would work wonderfully with the dress pattern she had in mind. 
Maisy replaced the pencil with her pink eraser, eyes burrowing in concentration. The woman didn’t bother looking were she was going as she drew and next thing she knew her journal was on the ground and she was steadying herself on the person in front of her.       “Oh my goodness, I am - I am so sorry. Are you okay?”
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             Jenny’s just put her resignation in at the salon. One month and she’ll be free to start her own business out of the apartment. Needless to say she’s fully of nervous energy that has her pacing the park, sandwich in one hand, phone in the other. She’s too busy chewing and staring intently at the cracks in the sidewalk as her flats cross over them that she doesn’t even realize someone’s got the same trajectory as her.                She makes a noise and hoists her sandwich fully up in the air to prevent dropping it. “Oh my gawd! ‘m so sorry!” Jenny tucks her phone down the front of her dress and reaches out with her free hand to help steady the other woman before she’s stooping to pick up the journal for her. “I should’a been watchin’ where I was goin’. I’m alright, are you alright?”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
Ben pretends to swat Jenny away when she reaches out to him, but he’s laughing. 
“The message,” he says. “I’d rather tell everyone before word gets out, you know? It’s my story. I have the whole concept and everything – I think you’ll like it. The song isn’t totally finished, but that’s fine. I kinda wanna release the video and the song at the same time.” He pauses for breath. “You know. Like Beyonce.”
For a moment, Ben’s embarrassed. He was rambling. Caught up in his own tornado. But this is Jenny – she lets him go and go and go and she always manages to follow along.
“Anyway, I’ll play you my demo later if you want. But I still wanna hear about your plans. Those are way more important.”
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            “That makes sense.” It is his story and he should be able to tell it any way he likes without someone else doing it for him. That’s what makes this kind of thing so important, she thinks. Especially for someone in the public eye much more than herself. Jenny’s smile is wide and bright and she nods her head pretty enthusiastically.                Like Beyonce. “I think that’s a great idea! I would love to hear it!” And of course, assist in the production of the music video. Jenny loves working with Ben. He’s one of her best friends anyway and she’d do just about anything to help him out. She’s just especially glad that Ben’s able to be more comfortable in his own skin.                That’s her favorite thing. Ben being comfortable and happy.              “Oh it’s nothing yet! I’m just-- - Trying to set up shop at the house so I can do hair and stuff at home!” Bigger cut. She’s the house, after all. “Looking at a couple different chairs.” No real plans yet. She needs to do a class on taxes too so she doesn’t fuck herself over trying to start a new business. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
𝒸𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓊
Claire shivers a little, as if Jenny just talking about her sucky first winter sets a chill to her bones. She doesn’t think she’s made for extreme cold weather – all long limbs and fair skin. The cold seeps into her, and she’s always thought the chilly, coastal winters were bad enough. Perhaps she should’ve thought about it before coming to New York. “Yikes. Me neither, if I’m honest. Maybe we both need to hit up Saks?” She says, lifting a brow, “I’d hate for us both to turn into Popsicles this winter.”
Claire goes back for another sip of champagne as she listens to Jenny recall the activities she participated in in her youth. It’s delightful to hear about, and it makes Claire laugh just a little, bubbly thing. “That’s really adorable.” She says, trying and failing to recall anything similar she might’ve done in her schoolyears in San Francisco. “Were they paper hats or?”
Claire’s on another sip when Jenny says she had a best friend with a ranch. She nearly spills a little of the champagne while putting the flute back on the counter, reaching up to dabble at the drops of it on her lips before swallowing. “That’s incredible. I love that for you.” She says, and her voice is soft but honest and laced with a little reverence. “I’m sure the country life is quite charming, but I can’t relate. I grew up in the city, spent my whole life in cities. The urban jungle is the only one I’m familiar with.” Though she does think it would be quite nice to go somewhere less industrialized. “I’ll have to see it for myself sometime. Maybe go on a roadtrip.” She takes a second to stop, holding her hand out as if to pause Jenny where she’s at. “I’m sorry, but your accent is so sweet.” She says, laughing a little. “What brought you here?”
Claire feels very comfortable in Jenny’s company. Though, she thinks, she often feels comfortable in the company of women, but there’s something very charming about Jenny, and she hopes that they become friends. If Jenny’s her first pal in New York City, then Claire’s not doing too badly for herself. “I could use a lot of fun.” She replies with a breathy laugh that seems more of an exhalation than anything filled with joy. “I trust you’ll show me a good time, Jenny.”
Claire likes Jenny’s enthusiasm, thinks she’s just the kind of friend that Claire needs right now – just the right kind of soft and malleable to be in the hands of someone like Claire Liu. “At present, I don’t think I’ll be wanting to get rid of you, but… we shall see, won’t we?” She asks, arching an eyebrow, and the low hanging lights of the bar catch in the black pools of her eyes. “Thank you, I’ve never done much with it. It’s black, first of all, and thick secondly. But I think you could do something fun. And my makeup, too?” It’s a question, of course, “You’re very well put together, so I think you could do something very nice indeed.”
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             Claire says Saks and Jenny tries not to pale at the suggestion. Jenny simply doesn’t have more than $50 to spend on a jacket, is the thing. She’s fashionable, but it’s only because she’s very good at thrift store shopping or shopping sales. She’s certainly not as trendy as Claire is and that’s fine. Jenny’s pretty sure that’s not her style anyway. It looks very good on Claire, obviously. Jenny’s not blind. Claire’s absolutely beautiful. And she can probably afford expensive coats.                Jenny sips at her champagne instead of responding immediately. “That would be so fun!” Because it would be. Even if Jenny’s not going to spend the money that Claire might, shopping with friends is something Jenny’s never going to turn down. “Definitely don’t want you turnin’ into a popsicle! Even ‘f you’d be a real pretty one.” She shakes her head at the thought. Not going to happen on her watch. They have a little bit before the winter really sets in. Jenny’s made it her mission to make sure that Claire’s prepared. She’s going to get her some gloves. Make sure she’s really all set and ready. Scarf. Hat. Heated pocket warmers. The lot.                It’s with a fond sigh that Jenny nods. “Oh yes. Paper hats. Ugly li’l paper flowers glued on there. Those uh-- - Li’l multi-colored balls of cotton? Those too. Glitter. So much glitter. ‘s amazin’ they let us use that much glitter.” A pause as Jenny considers Derby Day and Oaks, for a moment. “Good times. Mine always won th’ contest, obviously. ‘m an artist after all~” She couldn’t draw but she could do costumes. Hair. Makeup. Costumes. That’s what she was good at.                Claire says that she grew up in a city and Jenny blinks. “I feel like a lotta people here are in th’ same boat. ‘Cept the northerners, y’know?” Nice big houses. Lots of land. Lots of money. “I think growin’ up in th’ city’s got it’s perks too. You didn’t gotta come here an’ learn a whole bunch’a stuff real quick. Back home nobody even locked their damn doors. Now I gotta check mine four times so I don’t come home to my tv missin’ again.” She shakes her head again, laughing this time, clearly amused. It shouldn’t make her blush, being complimented on her accent, but it does. Probably because Claire’s just entirely too beautiful to be saying things like that to Jenny. Especially after mentioning taking a roadtrip, which Jenny thinks would be a very good time.                She can’t help but feel like Claire definitely needs a little loosening up. If only because she seems like the type to work way too hard. Jenny works hard too. But she knows balance is key to a happy life. And if she’s going to be Claire’s friend, she’s going to make sure she’s Claire’s fun friend. “Oh! I want t’ do the hair an’ makeup of th’ most high-end clients. I figured New York was the place t’ do that.”                Jenny offers a dazzling grin, “’m takin’ that t’ heart, Claire. ‘m gonna show you the best time.” Claire’s going to have a great time in New York if Jenny has anything to say about it. She’s already making plans. Ice skating. Lights at the zoo. Museum trips. When it warms up some she’s thinking about a road trip. Lots of food and laughter and good drinks.              “We don’t gotta do a whole lot. ‘s gorgeous.” Claire’s hair is healthy and shiny and beautiful. Jenny thinks she’d have a good time just cutting it. “‘d love t’ put some blonde bits just under, so you can hide ‘em, but also so you can put color in it ‘f you want. Like. Pink. Or purple. Lavender would look so good.” She sighs happily at the thought and holds her glass out for a refill of champagne, if Claire’s willing to give her one. “I can absolutely do your makeup.” She considers Claire’s face intently for a moment, head cocked to the side just a little as a smile crosses her lips. “You’re just real beautiful, ain’t yah? And you got the smarts t’ back it up. I think we’re gonna be real good friends, Claire. Absolutely.”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
Arthur beams at that compliment, appreciates hearing that she has so much faith in him from the get go, especially considering he’s not actually set anyone up before. “I’ll try my hardest to find the right someone for you,” he promises. He hums, nods as he listens to her speak and takes out his phone to jot a few things down in a new note so he can remember for later. “I don’t think you have to know what you want at all,” he assures her. He certainly didn’t know he was looking for a Spencer before he found Spencer. “It can help but it’s not a must. What about… dealbreakers? Any of those?” 
He’s beaming at that too. He’s never really cared what other people think of his relationship - it may not be conventional but it’s his, after all, and not theirs - but it’s still nice to hear on occasion that other people can see how fulfilling it is from the outside. “Thank you,” he says softly. “Think we’re staying around here until the book tour, but he asked me to go on that with ‘im so I’m going,” he explains. He shakes his head at her last question, though. “Haven’t read the whole thing yet but I’m hoping–” he holds up his crossed fingers “–that I get to read it before it officially comes out. Think it would be cool to have, like, the first official copy, y’know? I’d treasure it forever. Are you gonna get a copy?” 
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         Honestly, Jenny trusts him. She feels like Arthur’s absolutely going to put his everything into this, and if the time comes to help support him, Jenny’s absolutely going to. Help him fund his start-up or-- - Whatever he needs from her, a free haircut, or makeup artist work or-- - Anything. If Jenny can give it, she’s going to. “Dealbreakers would be someone not looking for something a little more serious. I don’t think I’m into multiple partners. I just don’t have the time and I’d feel like someone that’s got more than one partner’s not gonna have time for me. Uhm...” She paused, sipping at her iced coffee for a moment.          “I think if she doesn’t have a good job, it’s not gonna work out.” Jenny says this sagely, like she’s sad that she has to say it. Because she works very hard. And if she’s entertaining the thought of dating someone, she wants to make sure they have the same work ethic. If they don’t... Well that just leads to resentment, doesn’t it?            Seeing just how happy Arthur is is enough to make Jenny confident in his ability. He’ll make connections that she’s never thought about. She’s sure of it. “Yeah.” She nodded firmly as if solidifying her dealbreakers. She brightens considerably. “That sounds so good! That’ll be so cool! I’ve never been on a book tour before. You gonna go to the signings and stuff?” She assumes so. It’s sweet, she thinks, that he’s tagging along.         “I’m absolutely getting a copy! I told Spencer I was gonna have him sign it eventually. Maybe when y’all make it back this’a way, y’know? Not gonna be as cool as your first official copy but I still think it’ll be real neat t’ have.”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
𝒸𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓊
“Yep, a lot warmer. I mean, San Francisco can get cold, but… I’m not looking forward to a winter this close to New England.” Claire laughs lightly, “I’ve never been a big fan of snow. I guess I’m going to have to get some winter gear. How long have you been out here?” One thought flows right into the next as the lawyer takes another sip of her crisp champagne, eyeing Jenny over the top of it. Maybe this woman can help her gauge the kind of things she’s going to need to pick up to stay comfortable and stylish this winter.
She picked a helluva time to move to New York.
“I’ve always wanted to go to the Derby!” Claire exclaims. It’s kind of a strange desire, she thinks, for someone who grew up so far away from the Southern United States. “I want to wear a fancy dress and a big hat and white gloves, you know? Look at the horses over my fan and too large sunglasses. It sounds glamorous. But I’m not much of a gambler.” She laughs lightly, “Oh, and I’m quite fond of horses. I did some equestrian training when I was younger. Did you ever do anything like that when you were growing up? Being that close to so many horses – at least, I imagine there are a lot of horses in Kentucky. Is that just a stereotype?” She doesn’t drink much, and she’s on her third glass of champagne. She’s getting to the chatty, giggly part of her buzz. Part of her hopes it’s not too much for the younger woman.
Claire perks up a little at the mention of Bryant Park and ice skating, “Oh! I used to do that every winter in San Francisco. I’m definitely interested in ice skating. There’s something… really graceful and fun about it.” She scrunches up her nose with the force of her smile. “Maybe we could go sometime?” She’s never had a problem being forward – she’s here to make friends after all, right?
“Ooh~ A little dangerous. I like it.” It makes Claire laugh loudly, leaning over the bar as she shakes her head, “Yeah, I guess it is a little dangerous. I’m looking forward to batting for this team. I was on the other side in California. It made me a very interesting and desirable candidate for a couple of the defense firms out here.” Claire leans a little closer to Jenny, as if about to relay a secret. “It got me a good signing bonus.” She leans back then, shrugging her shoulders, “Not sure if I like it or not yet, I’m going to find out, though, aren’t I? And I’m trying to keep a positive outlook. Both name partners at the firm are strong, capable women, and the women outnumber the men in the firm, so that’s something I found appealing. I want to stand out in a field full of extraordinary women.” Her smile is bright as the sun.
Claire’s brows raise when Jenny says she’s a cosmetologist, reaching for the business card that is proffered. She looks it over with a smile, pulling her wallet out of her designer bag to put into one of the card sleeves. “I’ll keep this handy. Maybe a new look in New York for the new me will be good?” She lets her gaze travel over Jenny before she nods, “I wish you the best of luck in pursuing your private business goals. Maybe if you give me an impressive makeover I can invest in you?”
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              “Yeah, my first winter here SUCKED.” Emphasis on the suck. Jenny couldn’t remember ever being that cold. Until she was. “I didn’t even have a proper win’er coat, y’know?” Now Jenny stocks up on fuzzy socks and hot chocolate to hole up as much as possible during the winter. Going out? Not her. Her fashion sense would suffer greatly in the snow, sludge, and salt. Jenny sips at her champagne with a delighted little sigh.                   It’s not very often that she gets to try the real stuff. “In school we used to have a day where we made hats~” They always had actual Derby day off, but making the hat for Oaks and getting ready for the whole state to celebrate Derby Day is always a fun memory to draw on. Briefly Jenny thinks that if they’re still friends come Derby day, maybe she’ll take Claire to Churchill Downs. She’s never been herself, but if she’s actually interested in dressing up and going... Jenny thought that might be very fun indeed.                “My best friend had a ranch! I used t’ ride horses with ‘im when we were growin’ up!” She grew out of it, but... “I loved it! Sometimes I miss all’a th’ open land. As much as I love th’ big city nothin’ really beats wide open fields an’ cows an’ lots’a corn.” Jenny sighs wistfully. “Anyway. ‘s a good change’a pace anyway! New York, I mean. That’s so cool! Of course you got a good offer!” She’s feeling nice and warm and that’s really really good. Claire seems interested in skating at least and Jenny thinks that’s very cool of her.                  She grins, touching Claire’s elbow affectionately, “Yeah! We should go sometime! I’m not the world’s greatest skater, but it’s always so much fun! And you look like you could use a little fun!” Not that she was stuck or anything. The champagne seems to have loosened her a little at least and Jenny’s decided that she likes that. She’d like to see care-free on Claire a little bit more often.                “You’ll find out! And when you do, you’ll tell me all about it! I’m interested now, Claire! You’re not gonna be able to get rid’a me!” No, Jenny needs more friends anyway and Claire seems like the right person for the job. Jenny finishes her champagne and sets the empty flute back down on the counter. “I’d love to do your hair! It’s literally gorgeous. New city, new job, new you, right?” Sometimes change is the best thing that can happen to a person. Jenny fully believed that. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
Alexa continued eating her churro as they watched the gorillas and sighed, watching as the large apes played around with each other, wrestling, eating their food, and being playful. They were so close to being human, it was a little eerie. “I think it would be super cool if you ran it out of your apartment and I’m sure Cassie would understand. It’s your job! Plus you could be open during specific hours so its not out of control, you know? Do you have a client list built up so far? I will gladly be one of your regular clients. I haven’t gotten my hair done in ages.”
She rustled her hair with her fingers and shrugged. “I just always keep it up in a bun for work. I need to do something with it, at least.” She looked over at Jenny. “What do you think would work well with my hair?”
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              Sometimes Jenny wished she was a gorilla. How nice would it be to be free and not have to work to pay rent to live in a shitty little apartment? Sure, she’s doing what she loves, but what’s the cost? Too much. Cost of living just keeps going up. A lot of the time the mountain in front of her seems insurmountable. Like she’s Sisyphus or something. Pushing that rock up the hill. “I think that the apartment is a good place anyway. Like. The scenery is cute. I can cut out a small area for the chair and washing sink and stuff...” It’ll be good. The loft is small, but she thinks they can accommodate a little space for her passion. She’ll be getting more take-home pay too if she’s doing it all herself. All her supplies. They’ll be write-offs for taxes.                “You know, I don’t.” She grins all the same and fixes Alexa with a look that is nothing short of delighted. “I’d love to get my hands up in there, Alexa! Maybe some hide-away highlights, just underneath the top. Pops of color. Pink. Or blue~” Pink would be lovely with Alexa’s skin tone she thinks. “A rose gold, maybe...” Just to spice things up. “Some layers just to give it a little body.” God she loves hair. Jenny’s day dreaming about it now as she finishes her churro.
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missjennybennett · 3 years
Nodding at the other woman spoke, Dotty allowed the grin on her face to spread. “Well, if you come here all the time, I suppose you’re one of the people I have to thank for keeping this little business idea of mine going! Even my dad’s money only goes so far…” She trailed off, a small frown tugging at the corner of her mouth. Then, like a bolt of lightning, Dotty remember saying that was rude. “I’m sorry,” she continued, giving her head a little shake. “You didn’t need to know that. It’s great to meet you, Jenny.”
And, oddly enough, it was. Jenny wasn’t the kind of person that Dotty would have chosen as a friend, but even she couldn’t deny there was an energy there that was like a breathe of fresh air, especially when compared to a certain coworker of hers. Besides, how can anyone that wants the world to be a little more sustainable be bad?
The woman’s money, no matter how hard-earned it was, couldn’t hurt either.
That smile froze as Dotty registered what she could only describe as a pseudo-compliment. “Thank you,” she began slowly, feeling her way around the words. “Some of us are cursed with old name for young souls and some young souls, like yourself, seem to be cursed with older faces. It’s all a roll of the dice, isn’t it!” The smile had warmed considerably by the end of that sentence, that unusual bite doing wonders. She wasn’t old, dammit. She was twenty-one, and just getting started. Besides, Dotty was a perfectly adorable name, one that suited her. Dotty would know, she picked the nickname herself.
“I’m sorry,” she said, head slightly bowed. “That was mean. I just….” The words trailed off as they left Dotty’s mouth. “I didn’t appreciate the comment. Sorry for snapping. We do have Italian sodas. If you’d like, I can get you one and throw in a coffee on the house as an apology?”
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              “Yeah! I mean I’m obviously not the genius behind the idea, but I love what you’re doing, so!” Supporting it was only right. And it’s right on the way to work. And Jenny likes the coffee. Sure it’s a little more expensive, but she’s helping the environment a little and getting four coffees with a compostable drink carrier is a good way to start the day at the salon in her opinion. If there’s anything she’s going to miss when she starts working out of her apartment, it’s stopping in for a quick pick-me-up.                  The comment about her having an older face has Jenny blinking a few times. Sure, what she’d said was probably more back-handed than anything but she really hadn’t meant it. Places like this often evoke a sense of nostalgia. Everywhere back in Kentucky was a legacy place, named after a beloved parent or grandparent who’d put love into the thing. She shouldn’t assume. That much was certain. “I’m twenty eight. How old do I look, though?” Because now she’s curious. Does she look like she’s in her forties? Maybe. That’s fine, she supposed.                “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I had either. Just took me off guard is all. I didn’t mean t’ say that your name was old or anythin’.” She’s not even sure if old people names even really exist. Whatever the case, she shouldn’t have said what she had and now she’s feeling very awkward about everything. She smoothed out the front of her skirt. “A cherry Italian soda’ll be just fine for me. I don’t need th’ coffee. Tryin’a cut back.”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
A lemon drop was a welcomed change from her usual drink, and Jenny’s taste was something Cece certainly trusted. “Perfect! Just don’t think you’re getting out of here without letting me buy you one in return!” Her retort was playful, light, and Jenny was back in no time with their cocktails. “It really has. We need to make a point of getting together more often. I know it’s hard though with work and all. Sometimes I barely have time to sleep.” Reaching for her drink, Cece relinquished a hum of approval as the tartness took over her tastebuds. “Oh my  gosh. Now I see why this is your favorite!” Enthusiastically, she went for another sip as she mulled over Jenny’s questions. “Well, I am speculating that one of the heads is having an affair with his secretary. Sadly, that’s the norm though. Nothing at all exciting with me. Even on the art front.” She pouted slightly. “Maybe I should see about getting into one of those gallery shows. It just makes me really nervous. Like, what if I fail?” A soft sigh fell before she turned her attention to the brunette again. “How about you though? How is work and everything? Tell me you have more exciting things.”
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                  Jenny laughed, waving the offer away with a limp hand. Whatever happened, happened. If Cece wound up paying her back with another drink, great, but Jenny was more focused on catching up with her friend than keeping things even. “We really do!” More often. “Hopefully the both of us wind up not being so busy sometime soon!” Jenny’s got things that she’s working on and she’s pretty sure that Cece’s working on some things too. Maybe they’ll both be out of their suffocating work environment soon. Cece’s approval lit up Jenny’s face and she nodded, “Right?!” Because lemondrops are so very good and she feels like they’re underappreciated as a cocktail.                      Cece’s admission about suspecting an affair had Jenny’s jaw dropping. “Holy shit!” The drama at her own place of work was never that juicy. “That’s the norm?! I’m coming to work for you! That’s so much more exciting than the humdrum at th’ damn hair salon!” Most of it was catty nonsense. Made Jenny very sad. “You should! You should try and get into galleries! Cece! You’re not gonna fail! I’ve seen your art! You’ll only fail ‘f you don’t try!” Jenny sipped her lemon drop very aggressively for a moment.                    “I’m just-- - Fed up with th’ salon, y’know? Started makin’ moves t’ start workin’ outta my apartment with Cassie!” Not the most exciting but it’s still a development. “How cool would that be?” 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
“Oh, shit, her loss then, my bad.” Tommy counters with a bright grin. He eyes Jenny a little differently now, hadn’t expected that, he guesses, but he figures he needs to work harder to shake the heteronormativity so deeply rooted in his thinking. “I hear ya on that.” Though he’s never dated seriously, his lifestyle doesn’t afford it. Still, he knows what she means. “People suck.” He offers, nodding his head as if that just about settles it.
He figures he probably has to get back to work soon. They’ve been playing for a minute, but there’s something about Jenny that’s really drawing him in. Maybe it’s that brightness, and he’s just a nocturnal bug drawn to it. He’s alright with that. Maybe she can shift him into something more; something a little less nihilistic.
“Orange?” He scrunches up his face, “I don’t know about that, but, hey, maybe I’ll let you do somethin’ fun?” He takes her phone from her when it’s offered, taps his name and phone number in before sending himself a text. “Went ahead and texted myself, so we both have each other now.” He nods again, folding his arms across his chest. He’d rather not go back to work, but there’s not much choice. “You like other video games? Like on the PlayStation?”
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             Jenny shook her head with an amused laugh, “No no. It’s fine. I don’t look like lesbian central, I know.” Though who’s to say what a lesbian looks like anyway? Not her, certainly. Just another reason not to judge a person by their cover. People suck. Tommy’s right about that at least. “I guess that’s why it’s important to me that I don’t suck.” The grin she offers is wide and teasing. She does, honestly, try not to suck. Everyone does though. In their own way, right?             “Yeah! Orange!” She laughed again, “It’s ‘cause you got the copper in your beard a little bit. I think it’d bring out your eyes a bit too.” A pause as she looked him over. “I’ll make it fun regardless, though. I’ve been working on being able to do designs in the short hair, y’know what I mean? The uh-- - Like swirls and shit.”                The question is fair. Jenny took a second to think on it. “Not since I moved t’ the Big Apple, y’know? But I’ve been wantin’ to get back into it. What’s good that’s come out? I like shooters, obviously.” Even if she’s not very good with the actual guns. She’s better with controllers, probably. It’s been a while. She’s been so focused on making things work since she’s been here she hasn’t had a chance to try her hand at gaming again for a while. Jenny might be keeping Tommy from work, but it beats calling it an early night, as far as she’s concerned. She takes her phone back and looks the text over before opening up the contact, “Lemme get a pic’a you?”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
“No! I…I was probably lost in my own Winter Wonderland to be honest,” they laughed and pushed their hair out of the face, grateful that Jenny had stopped them both from falling on their asses onto the sidewalk. All either of them needed was bruises, right? Still, Bambi was full of holiday cheer and no regrets, they would have if Jenny had fallen and gotten hurt but crisis adverted!
Nodding, Bambi reached down to pick their bags up with a small smile on their face. “Oh I’m fine, embarrassed but fine. I have lived here all my life and really, I should have learned by now to watch my surroundings even when I think no one’s around.”
“Well, this one has a lot of cute things, smaller trinkets and the like and the stand two down have beautiful handmade jewelry that I snagged some of for the kid’s. I think they’ll love them. What age ranges are you looking for? That might help narrow down where I can tell you to check out. I have to say, there’s one that has homemade candies that I might have just bought some for myself.”
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                “That ain’t hard t’ do out here, huh?” New York was what she’d always pictured as a kid when it came to Christmas time. Snowy. Like all the movies. Sure her little town in Kentucky got some snow, but it wasn’t like it was here. She was lucky enough that she got to see it a few times now, the winters here. Even if they absolutely suck. Cold. Wet. Windy. Snowy. Absolutely gorgeous when there’s snow on the ground for Christmas though. Jenny likes that. Like a snow globe.                    They said they were fine and Jenny offers a sheepish little nod. “Good. I was worried I’d knocked yah off balance or somethin’!” That would suck. If either of them came down on the salt sprinkled street?! In their outfits?! God forbid. Bambi said jewelry and that instantly had Jenny’s attention.                  “My younger sister! She’s twenty four. That’s who I’m shopping for, I mean. I’ll probably get candies anyway, because who doesn’t love a good candy. Doesn’t matter how old you are. Hard to imagine ever outgrowing your sweet tooth, y’know?” Jenny moves to look over the table curiously. What kind of things does Cassie even like these days? “Oh god. I’m the worst sister-- -” She laments, resisting the urge to stomp her foot petulantly. “We haven’t had much time to hang out recently so I-- - I don’t even know what she likes anymore, it feels like.” That’s what they get, she thinks, for trying to work hard enough so that the other doesn’t have to work as hard. A vicious cycle of clashing schedules and not enough time to see each other in any meaningful capacity. Maybe Jenny should get her an experience instead of something material. A spa trip for the two of them or something so they can spend some quality time together. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
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He chuckled and nodded. “Well… it doesn’t pay much but someone’s gotta be. Might as well be me. I’m not shy.” He winked, nodding over at her and blushing slightly. When she mentioned what she did for a living, he nodded, his eyebrows raising in surprise. “Oh yeah? Makes sense. You look very stylish and put together. I should pay you to cut my hair, I’m getting a little shaggy.” When she mentioned the red hair dye, he laughed. “Oh! Oh god no. I’d look like a cherry tomato. And not in a good way. Plus, I don’t wanna upstage the fire engines.”
“Oh shit, don’t go Sweeney Todd on me when you cut my hair… wait, can you do barber stuff too? I wouldn’t mind a shave… as long as you promise not to slit my throat with a straight razor.” He winked. He listened to her talk about money and when she brought up Kentucky, he nodded. “You’re a southern girl, huh? I hear you guys are sweet as pie but will not hesitate to kill an asshole if he looks at you wrong.” He paused. “But yeah, New York is… definitely something you either grow up with or get used too fast. I’m from over in Brooklyn.”
“Oh! Your smoke detector doesn’t actually notify us. It’s a tool to help you know if there is a fire around in case you’re sleeping or just far away from the room that has smoke. You’d still have to call us for us to show up.”
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             “It’s an honest day’s work,” Jenny said but she was laughing as she said it. Being the naked neighbor’s a full time job. If he’s willing to take the mantle, she’ll absolutely let him. Time to keep her windows closed forever. Hang up the towel as it were.                He said she was stylish and put together and Jenny offered a little curtsey. She tried. It benefitted her greatly to be fashionable. No one’s going to trust you to do a good job with their hair or makeup if you’re not hip and with it as far as she was concerned. “Oh I could clean yah up nice. I’m a little outta practice with beards, but hey. You want it, I can do it for yah.” Anything to drum up a little business for herself while she’s trying to make that transition to working from home.                Running the salon out of the apartment is the ultimate goal at this point. “Hey! He gives barbers a bad name, okay? I do good work and nobody ever gets nicked even!” Lies. But she’s no Sweeney Todd. “Too bad about the red. I think you could probably pull it off. Make them engines jealous, y’know?”            Jenny certainly tries to be sweet. You’re not going to get business if you’re not sweet. “See, that’s good to know. Now you’re not gonna show up when Cassie does somethin’ like try an’ make breakfast.” Not that Jenny wasn’t grateful. She was. Of course she was. It was just a very rude awakening. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
‘You know,’ Jason goes — the you in this sentence starter can be just about anyone with the way he’s talking to the air like that. He puts his pincher fingers together and they’re touching, they’re totally touching. ‘I’m about this close to getting white spray dye for my beard and a fluffy red hat to go with so I can explain the financial ramifications of this whole season to my kid without being the bad guy. I don’t mind Santa taking the fall on that.’ 
No, he locks eyes now: this conversation isn’t to himself. Episode one: Jason Reese seeks sincere advice. ‘Or I saw this mom online who paid a guy eighty-five bucks to come to her son’s Christmas party dressed as the Grinch and had the balls to complain when he smushed a cupcake in the ten year old’s face, like she didn’t hire a freelancer to attack her kid. I could hire that guy to ruin Christmas morning. Cheaper than getting a crap load of gifts…or I could become a Grinch freelancer at eighty-five bucks a pop. I don’t know, I don’t know. Does any of this sound like an overreaction to Christmas? I genuinely can’t tell.’
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             Jenny makes a face, though it’s hard to tell if it’s disapproving or approving or simply that she’s cringing in sympathy for the kid that definitely isn’t hers. “I mean if anyone’s gonna do it it might as well be you, right?” She says, leaning over the bar top. “I don’t know. I don’t have kids so I’m definitely not in the same boat as you when it comes t’ Christmas.” She tries, obviously, to go as big as she can for her sister, but it’s hard and she thinks Cassie gets that too.                He asks if it’s an overreaction and Jenny laughs, clearly amused by the thought. “Maybe a little!” She holds up a hand to prevent him from saying more though so she can finish her thought after a good sip from her drink. “I mean the holiday season fuckin’ sucks, man. I get it. Though as far as side gigs go, that’s a pretty sweet one. I can dress you up!” That was sincere, “I did highschool theater costuming and stuff we did a production of th’ Grinch an’ all that.” Granted that was years ago, but she likes to think she’s upped her makeup game. “Look it’s definitely not an overreaction, but it’s definitely not an underreaction y’know? Holidays are stressful. I’ve been booked for weeks ‘cause everybody wants their hair done before the goddamn holidays and this is the first time I’ve had like. A minute to myself. And I’m tryin’a get all of my ducks sorted too and it’s just-- - A lot, y’know? So. It’s alright t’ feel that way. How old’s your kid?” 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
𝒸𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓇𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓊
Claire thinks maybe she approached this woman because of her bright colors. Jenny stands in brilliant contrast to the crowd of muted shades – beige and cream, black and white and grey – and Claire among them. And, once Jenny’s speaking, Claire’s actually quite glad with the choice she’s made. Jenny’s as effervescent and bubbly as the champagne in their glasses. And Lord knows that Claire needs more of that in her life.
“Thank you. I’m quite pleased myself.” Claire says with a light laugh and a small sip of the brute. She can hear the accent on the other woman’s words and knows that Jenny isn’t a New York native, either. That feels somehow comforting. Like maybe they’re two girls who are going to navigate this big, new city together. At least for tonight. “Kentucky, huh? A good ole Southern Belle? I was born and raised in San Francisco.” And it’s worlds apart from California out here. She found that out on her first day, and she’s learned something new every day since then.
“We’ll see about that. I already miss California, if I’m being honest.” But she’s burnt too many bridges, or at least she feels like she has. Here, she has a chance at success with no one knowing her shortcomings. It’s better this way. “Criminal defense. Though, if you’re having some troubles in other legal areas I can offer you off the record advice but not legal counsel, as it’s not my field.” She eyes Jenny, taking her in, thinking this woman will likely never be in need of her services. “What kind of business?”
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                Claire says that she’s pretty pleased herself and that makes Jenny’s smile brighten. Good. She should be proud of her accomplishments. Jenny gets the feeling that she’s worked hard to be where she is.                    Jenny sips her champagne, relishing the very expensive, if somewhat lack luster, taste of it for a moment. “San Francisco?” California, right? She thinks that sounds right. “Definitely warmer’n here, no doubt!” She chuckles around the rim of her glass, eyes raking over Claire curiously for a moment. What, she wonders, would bring a beach babe like Claire, put together and gorgeous, from warm San Fran, to cold and rather unforgiving New York. She doesn’t ask though. Jenny thinks that if they’re going to be friends she’ll hear all about it eventually.                  “I get that. I miss Kentucky sometimes. I mean here’s definitely more interesting than the tiny ass town I grew up in, but they don’t have the derby up here, y’know?” She laughs, a tinkling, happy little thing. Jenny leans forward, resting an elbow on the countertop before resting her chin on the palm of her hand. “Maybe you’re just not seein’ the most fun parts’a New York yet. If you’re lookin’ for someone to show you around, I can do that! I mean. I don’t know everywhere but I can show you my favorite spots!” She glances towards the window. Nice big, fluffy flakes. “There’s skating in Bryant Park right now if you’re into that! Cocoa and coffee right across th’ street.”                   Criminal defense? Her eyebrows raise. “Ooh~ A little dangerous. I like it.” She’s not a criminal herself but she’d be very comfortable, she thinks, having Claire on her side in the court of law. “Do you like it?” Because that’s important. Especially for someone who has a cool job like Claire. She looks like a lawyer. She looks like she could probably stand to have a little fun too. New York? New job? New friends? Jenny likes to think she can give her a little bit of that.                  “I’m a cosmetologist! Not as exciting as a criminal defense lawyer but I have fun.” She likes to think she dresses for her job too. Or at least she exudes the brightness she likes to deliver upon other people. “So I’m looking to start workin’ outta my apartment! I think it’ll give me more freedom than th’ salon would, y’know?” Jenny simpers, “I think I have a few high end clients. So I think I can swing it!” As long as Cassie’s okay with it. “Not t’ plug my business or anything but I feel like you could join the ranks Since we’re tradin’ business cards...” Jenny slides her own across the counter towards her new friend. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
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“Please! I insist! You can get us both another snack if we want it. That way its even.” She smiled as they approached the cart and Alexa ordered them two with the dip. The man handed her the two and Alexa handed him her card. She handed Jenny hers and then took her card back, putting it back in her pocket. As they walked away, she immediately dipped her churro and took a bite, sighing. “Ugh! So good!” She took another bite and smiled. 
“I know what you mean! I miss fairs. I haven’t been to one since I moved to New York and that’s not good considering I’ve lived here since I was 19. We need to do that this summer. I’m sure they have a county fair somewhere upstate. As soon as you leave the city it becomes farmland.” She giggled. “Like night and day.” She took another bite of her churro and walked with Jenny as they soon approached the gorilla habitat. She leaned against the railing as she watched the large animals through the glass encampment. 
When Jenny updated her on the salon chair, she nodded, eating her snack as she listened. “Starting the process of running your own business is definitely daunting. I remember when I was finished working at other flower shops and wanted to start my own. Finding a space, suppliers, budgeting. It was insane. It was super stressful but honestly, its all been worth it. Being my own boss and running my own place is so rewarding. Its a lot of hard work but its incredible and I know you’ll get there. Don’t let your nerves dictate your progress! Also if you need help, you know I’m there for you, right?”
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                    “Okay! As long as you actually let me!” Jenny holds up a threatening finger. As if Alexa could stop her from getting them snacks when it got to be that time. Jenny takes her churro with nothing short of delight in her eyes. Delightful. She dips her own churro and makes a frankly obscene sound as she shoves it into her mouth. Just as good as Alexa had said it’d be. Definitely worth the trip. If she didn’t like the zoo already it’d get her out here. Jenny licks her fingers as she chows down on her churro.                        Jenny shakes her head around a mouthful of churro and salted caramel dipping sauce. “No! We gotta go down south for the real good fairs. Trust me!” Especially since Alexa hasn’t been to one since she was nineteen. “Down south they do it right!” She swallows hard, licking her lips, “I mean we could do both! Compare and contrast, right?” Figure out who throws the best fair.                        She finishes her churro with the smacking of lips as the two of them wander over to the gorilla enclosure. She tosses the empty paper tray into the trashcan before sidling right up to Alexa’s side again to watch the gorilla. Jenny turns, eyes wide and bright, “See, I knew asking you all about it was probably the right call. I’m not into the idea’a doin’ my own goddamn taxes, but... I think it’d be really cool.” It’d be nice to run it out of her apartment. “I also worry a bit about puttin’ Cassie out, y’know? Don’t wanna-- - I mean she lives here too.” She bumps Alexa’s shoulder affectionately. “I know you are. I hope you know I’m here for you too. Even when you’re havin’ dumbass boy trouble. Especially then.”
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missjennybennett · 3 years
where: dotty’s corner café !
who: open to anyone !
She had been trying to get the dishwasher to turn on for several minutes now, and every attempt seemed to conclude with a horrible sucking noise straight out of Dotty’s nightmares. The dishwasher itself was her newest purchase and it had arrived with the promise to save up to 37,000 gallons of water a year if she used it right. Dotty was just glad she didn’t need to keep doing all those dishes by hands. The mugs were adorable, sure but her hands were so dry! And she was running out of lotion, which was the true crime here. 
None of that, though, solved the issue of the dishwasher and its absolutely disgusting noise. The frown that had marred Dotty’s face since she had excused herself through the mint-green swinging doors that proudly proclaimed “employees only” over them remained firmly entrenched on her face. “I really thought this would be easier,” she muttered to herself, bending down. “I swear I read all the instructions and – Oh!”
Standing up so fast that her head nearly collided with the bottom of her new purchase, that frown had morphed into a smile. “It needs water in that compartment!” Smiling to herself, and firmly resolving to never, ever tell Derek or her father about this, she pressed the switch that said “fill” in neat letters, slid the first rack of mugs into the dishwasher as they all chatted merrily to themselves, closed the door with more force than she needed, and started the machine.
That was plenty of work for today, she though, but before she could do much of anything, the bell above the door chimed merrily out front. Dotty sighed, smoothed out a few wrinkles in that absolutely adorable pink apron she had fought to get into this place, and walked back through those doors, her best smile already gleaming on her face. 
“Hi there! Welcome to Dotty’s Corner Café, where we’re working to save the planet one straw and plastic lid at a time!” The words flowed off her tongue. Dotty had had plenty of practice with them by now, but more than that, she wanted to show that she believed them. “I’m Dotty,” she continued with a little giggle and a half-curtsey, “and I’d be happy to get you whatever you’d like! Is this your first time in?”
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             Jenny has been frequenting Dotty’s for a long time, but this is, in fact, the first time she’s actually met Dotty herself. Jenny’s smile only grew at the introduction and she stood a little straighter. “Hi, Dotty!” Jenny shakes her head, “I come here all the time! I’ve just never had the pleasure! I’m Jenny!” She supposes that’s what happens when you don’t really have a schedule. “I love this place!” The whole thing about one plastic lid and one straw at a time has her simpering just a little. She loves a place that has a smaller carbon footprint where they could afford it.                Especially since a lot of the world seems hellbent on making it impossible to actually create sustainable change. At least for people like her. Who were always struggling to make ends meet. They make it so difficult these days to actually afford to do something good.                And that’s why Jenny doesn’t have a singular problem supporting someone who can make the difference she wants to. With her hard earned cash. “I don’t know why I always thought ‘Dotty’ was a grandma!” Probably not the best thing to say to a new friend but Dotty’s always felt much more homey than trendy which is the vibe she got from Dotty just looking at her. In a good way, obviously. Or she’d have walked out. “You guys do Italian sodas right?” She’s looking to branch out a little today. 
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missjennybennett · 3 years
Tommy laughs at her enthusiasm. It’s nice to see, really, even if she does lose her next several shots and the rest of her health because she’s too busy doing a victory dance. Tommy shakes his head – he needs fewer quarters than Jenny does, and it’s true, they get pretty far because of him – a lot further than the intro, but a few dollars in, and Jenny’s not doing too bad herself. Tommy’s kind of impressed with the way she’s picking it up.
“Ay! Good job.” He says, hanging his gun up before giving her an enthusiastic double high-five because her energy is nothing if not hard to mirror. He thinks he could use more of this bubbly, effervescent, kindness in his life. “Really? Huh.. I had a good time, too, Jenny. I’m sorry your night was shitty before, but, hey, fuck that guy.” He waves it off, “His loss, right?” He has no idea, actually, what kind of person left Jenny high and dry at a bowling alley, but he figures they’re not worth her time. “I made you forget ‘em, at least.” He winks, walking the short way over to his cart – which he had kept nearby, in case he had to make a quick getaway – and he starts to clean down that machine. Might as well.
“You know, Jenny, I think I like you – you seem like good people. Would you be interested in exchanging numbers?”
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          The double high-five is pretty great. Jenny does, in fact, feel like she earned it. Even if she’s terrible, actually. She had a good time anyway. Tommy was a good sport about it too. Possibly because she’s footing the bill to keep herself in the game, but even so. Kept her off her date who clearly can’t handle her energy.              She laughs, a tinkling little thing as she scoops up the now empty cup of what used to hold quarters. She tosses it carefully away before nodding, “Yeaaaah. I figure if she’s not going to put up with me when I’m overly chatty and bubbly, she’s not going to be able to handle me at all. Her loss.” Jenny thinks she’s a delight. If she’s too much for her date, she’ll just have to find someone that can handle a little bit more. And that’s okay. “The dating pool feels really thin these days though.”             Tommy’s suggestion has her lighting up even more, her own grin matching Tommy’s. “I think I like you too, Tommy. Maybe next time we hang out I can convince you to put a little orange in your hair, huh?” She’s already digging her phone out for him to put himself in there for her. “Maybe we can make it all the way to the end of one’a these, huh? Or do something else, next time!” A friend date, of sorts. she deserves to hang out with friends, she thinks. 
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